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A Chorus In The Darkness (1x1 with Jikkah)

Nana peeked out from behind Motochika at the men, never before having any malice or violence pointed toward her, she didn’t completely understand the situation, but remained mostly behind Motochika all the same.
“Shit, look at her face- it’s blue..!” Another pointed out when he saw Nana.
"The hell kinda woman has blue skin?" Another looked disgusted.
"A woman with blue skin is still a woman."
"Agreed. We haven't been with a woman in a while~"
"You will not lay a hand on her." Motochika sneered.
“Motochika..?” Nana tugged gently on his shirt, brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s going on?” Thats right, down in the palace she was surrounded by good people, by guards, by her own kind- up here was everything; the good and the bad, of course she’d never experienced something like this before.
"We just wanna show you a good time, sweetheart~" They moved closer and Motochika launched at them, throwing punches left and right to protect Nana.
"Nana, run away!" He yelled before being overrun.
Nana wouldn’t get the chance to run, immediatly being knocked to the ground and pinned in the dirt. She cried out in pain as she was treated roughly, bag being yanked off her shoulder.
“Looks like they have some money after all, look at this silver box!” The man chuckled as he looked over the small box, making Nana panic.
“Don’t touch that!”
Motochika moved over quickly to try and grab the box away from them, only to be smacked in the face with a blade. It cut over his left eye, immediately destroying the ocular tissue.
Nana saw the blood run down Motochika’s face and her eyes widened. “Motochika!!” She got back to her feet and rushed toward him.
The man let Nana run toward Motochika, trying to pry the silver box open to see what goods were inside, but it wouldn’t open.
"Get away!" Motochika hissed before the men grabbed her and pushed her down to force her yukata open. Motochika thrashed to get free, only to get stabbed in the shoulder.
His blood was the only thing she could focus on, the only thing that mattered, eyes glued to him as she laid on her back on the ground. She didn’t feel the man on top of her, nor the hands on her body, she only stared at Motochika in horror, the man on top of him twisting the blade in his shoulder.
“Motochika... close your eyes...!” She begged. “Please don’t look..!”
Nana felt shame and embarrassment burning in her chest, but it wasn’t from the man on top of her, in seconds her form began to shift and pop, her scales covering her body completely as it expanded and elongated into a massive blue serpent with a wild white mane. The man was no longer on top of her, but on the ground before her, and before he could let out a scream, she snatched him off he ground and bit down hard onto him, crushing him between her sharp teeth.
"Wh-What the fuck?!" The man sitting on Motochika scrambled away quickly, the rest of them following his lead as they made a run for their very lives.
Nana brought her tail down on two more men, crushing them easily, and before the third could take a step further, the moisture in his body left through his mouth, leaving him as nothing more than a whithered husk that toppled to the ground.
Once every bandit was dead, Nana returned to her humanoid form, completely nude now.
Stumbling to Motochika she knelt before him and carefully pulled the sword from his shoulder, tears running down her cheeks. “You can look now..”
Her lower lip trembled and she hung her head. “I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I destroyed it, it was a precious gift and I ruined it.” She wept.
The box had completely left her mind, looking over quickly and spotting the glittering box not too far off, still sealed shut. “It’s safe.. And my dress is too, but Motochika you’re hurt..!” She moved closer and touched his cheek gently, looking over his damaged eye.
He kept his left eye shut, both from pain and to keep what was left of it in the socket, "I'm shoulder hurts like a bitch though..."
Nana didn’t know what to do, she had never been hurt like this before, sure she had cut herself on coral when swimming, but never before had she seen a wound this deep. She moved to where the remains of her yukata was, picking up the strips that were big enough and moving back to Motochika, carefully wrapping his wounds. She just barely had enough to wrap his head and shoulder, glad he wasn’t hurt anymore than he already was.
“We have to go back to your village, you’re hurt.” She said as she quickly retrieved her silver box and put her palace clothes back on.
“But you’re hurt!” She looked frustrated and confused. “Why would they turn you away to suffer?”
Nana took Motochika’s good arm and helped him along back down the path toward the village, crying the entire time out of fear for Motochika’s wounds.
“Somebody! Please help us..!” She called as they made it back into town, Motochika’s shirt soaked in blood.
Everyone looked over and some returned their gaze to what they were doing while a good handful of young men came to help Motochika, whose breathing was growing heavy with effort.
“Please help him!” Nana pleaded to the men, following after them as they took Motochika to a nearby building to sit him down.
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