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Adventures on the Lost Continent (Midnight Lass x Blood Red Romeo)

"No, it's fine. It's nothing delicate," Lauren said, hefting the glass encased jewel. "Wonder if they have any of those sandwiches left?"

"They remind me of a little cafe my father and I would go to," Sabrina reflected. "You're right on that, Luna. Our chefs are unparalleled."

The intercom interrupted Luna's response as Doctor Motwani's voice came over the intercom. "Captain James, could you come to sickbay please? Our patient is ready to take visitors."
Orson was almost disappointed to hear that from Dr. Motwani. Sure, it was an opportunity to talk with the guest. That was something he wanted. But this game was fun and offered a ton of opportunities to get to know his crew better. But he couldn’t fight priorities. “On my way,” he said into the intercom.

“Looks like I’ll be headed to the sickbay. I hope you don’t finish everything without me. And make sure Saki leaves some food behind for your hungry captain,” he told the assembled women as the left the big room. It he would walk with them most of the way, but would part once the path required it. He looked forward to meeting this new stranger.
The six ladies walked to a spiral staircase that led straight to the laboratory below to sickbay, and then to sickbay itself.

"No promises," Lauren laughed, as they parted ways. "Especially if Miharu is waiting for us in the mess hall." With that, the woman headed to the mess hall.
With that, Orson was alone. But he knew it wouldn’t last for long. He parted from them, heading instead towards the sickbay that wasn’t too far away. The ship was well laid out, minimizing the distance from most locations in case of emergencies.

He knocked on the door to the sickbay, announcing his presence and to hopefully not surprise them. After waiting a few seconds, he opened the door and stepped inside.
"Captain James," the happy voice of Miharu greeted him. "I have been staying here with the arrival that I and Saki rescue. Until you can hear her story and decide what to do. Was this a correct action?"
“Yes, it was,” he told her, smiling at the young woman. He reached out, gently patting her hair. She was so cute, he could hardly resist the temptation to do so. Plus Saki had been tempting him and denied him during the game in the magic room. This was his way of releasing some of that pent up desire. “If you’d like, Saki and several others went to the mess hall to eat. You can join them if you’d like.”
"I will stay here until you have met the newcomer," Miharu said with a smile. "And once everything is okay, then I will go eat." Miharu gave a polite nod of her head before gesturing for Orson to enter the sickbay.

Inside, Ayisha Motwani was having a conversation with a stranger, dressed in the slacks and blouse that were the semi-uniform of the crewwomen. Except the stranger wasn't quite unknown after all.

"You!" the unknown woman exclaimed.
Orson almost smirked. Part of him had expected this. Part of him was disappointed, part of him was excited, and most of him was happy Miharu was still here.

“Hello,” he said to her. His mind was still thinking about breasts from earlier, so he couldn’t help but think about hers. Could she be even bigger than Cristina? He didn’t know if he’d get a chance to find out, but he could dream.

“I am Captain Orson James of the Midnight Curse, the ship you are currently riding in,” he told her. “I’ve also seen you a few times around town, though I never got a chance to speak with you.”
"I am Principessa Anna Teresa of Faucigny," the other woman said, brushing her hair out of face. "And I owe my thanks to your young woman there and her compatriot for saving me, though to be honest, I'm not sure what happened. One moment, I was on the docks, browsing...I am looking to purchase an airship...and the next, pandemonium had erupted around me."
An Italian Princess. Next thing he knew, he’d recruit the daughter of a Chinese Emperor st the rate his ship was gathering nobility. “Yes. We were preparing to take off when the chaos erupted. We saw a fog or haze of some sorts settle into the docks and it seemed to cause the chaos we both witnessed. We couldn’t explain it, but it seemed like a good time to leave,” he replied. “We didn’t even see you, but it’s brilliant Miharu and her cousin Saki made their rescue attempt on the fly. It was an amazing feat. And I’m glad to see you’re safe as well.”

“But Principessa, why were you looking to purchase an airship?” Depending on her answer, they may be able to assist her. It’d be difficult to just leave her on her own after rescuing/kidnapping her.
"You may have heard of my Uncle, Duca Maximilian il temerario, the airship pilot and adventurer. Since I am the youngest child of my family, Captain, not much was expected of me, save perhaps to be married off. As a child," Anna explained, "My Uncle doted on me, and I listened to every word of his adventures. As I became a teenager, I learned to ride, to fight and to fly at his instruction. So as an adult, I decided to follow his footsteps. I came to the island because it is the best place to get an airship. I have some ambitions to explore the Lost Continent. Not the interior, but rather mapping out the contours of the Continent, and establishing a better knowledge of some of the tribes that live in the exterior."
Duca Maximilian’s niece? He knew of the man. Anyone who knew about explorers did. He wasn’t just in the presence of nobility, but the relative of a celebrity. He suddenly found himself much more nervous, but he did his best to maintain himself.

“Well, we are actually an expedition heading to the lost continent. We plan on spending a brief amount of time at the exterior, then moving to the interior through Graveyard Pass,” he explained for her. They may have found another addition to the crew.
"I take it then that you will not be returning to the island, Captain?" Anna asked. "Will you be making any interim stops on your journey to the Lost Continent?"
“We will. We’re heading to a military base to make a trade and perform some work for them in exchange for supplies,” he explained to her, slightly disappointed. “We could leave you there. I’d rather not return to the island before we finish our expedition. That said,” he started, looking for a proper way to ask this. He didn’t want to let the gorgeous niece of a hero of his just leave, “you’re welcome to accompany us on our journey to the continent. A ship can always use an extra pair of hands.”

And breasts his perverted mind added.
"I appreciate your offer, Captain," Anna said with a polite nod. "However, my ambitions were for my own airship, and my own expedition. I do appreciate being your guest, but I will make arrangements for my return to the island at your first stop."

Ayisha Motwani had been quietly listening to the conversation before she decided to interrupt. "Perhaps, if you have no objections Captain, we could have this conversation in the mess hall. I'm sure Mahiru would appreciate us going there."

"Yes!" Miharu said happily!

"Anata wa atatakai monodesu ka?" Anna asked Miharu, who happily answered "Hai!" before the two launched into a full blown conversation in Japanese.
Orson wished he could object, but he had no grounds to. After all, they had just met. And an unwilling crew mate was worse than an incompetent one. He’d have to give on this beautiful woman.

“I understand. I’m no stranger to ambition. Though the offer remains, if case you change your mind,” he told her. “Also, please allow for me to pay for your transport. We did abduct you in a sense. I’d feel bad if you lost money as well as time.” He then stood, allowing the women to continue their conversation as he took the lead in taking them to the mess hall. Was there anything he could do to convince her? Probably not.
"Not to worry, Captain," Anna said with a laugh. "It's not as if I'm having to pinch centesimi! But I nonetheless thank you for your gallant offer, particularly since your onna-bugeisha didn't abduct me, they rescued me." Miharu blushed but gave Anna a small bow.

"So, if you're mess hall is as impressive as your doctors and guards, it must be impressive indeed. Doctor Motwani informed me that you had an all woman crew?" Anna asked.
“Well, all women accept me. I can assure you of that,” he joked as they left the sickbay. “It started out as unintentional. I just had connections that led me to several incredibly talented women. But then we recruited someone who, for cultural reasons, would not serve with men, myself being the exception,” he explained. “From there, it became a requirement. Though it honestly didn’t really hurt us. So few ships are willing to hire women that there was an abundance of them.”

“As to the mess hall, I must say our chefs probably surpass our guards and doctors. No offense to those gathered. They’re also better than our helmsman,” he told her, opening the door to the mess. Hopefully the meal would be sufficiently impressive.
"Maybe I'll need to poach a few before you drop me off," Anna said in a tone where one couldn't be sure if she was joking or not.

As the group entered the mess hall, there was still a platter of the "Fancy Ham Sandwiches", as a few of the crewwomen were calling them. There was also an urn of a thick, reddish bisque with chunks of seafood in it, as well as a platter of mille-feuilles made from the island's local berries.

All the ladies from the cargo room (except for Saki) had been joined by Lady Jane Salvin and Safa, and were gathered around one table talking about the glowing emerald in its glass container.

Saki had one of the big sandwiches halfway consumed. Miharu grabbed one and joined her cousin, the two exchanging news between bites of their sandwiches.

Almost in unison, Jane, Cristina, Lauren and Safa rose to their feet and happily cried out, "Principessa!"

Anna smiled broadly and hurried over to the women. She exchanged something in Safa's native language, before turning her attention to the others.

"Lauren, I knew if there was adventure afoot, you'd be in the mix," Anna said with a grin. "And Lady Salvin, there certainly must be a story for you to follow. But Contesa! I can't imagine what you are doing here. Unless there's a scientific breakthrough or undiscovered element to be found?"

"Is long story, Highness," Cristina responded. embracing the other woman. "But more important, what are you doing here?"

"Ah, well, I was rescued by these two daring and courageous young women," Anna answered, gesturing toward Saki and Miharu, and saying something to them in Japanese. Both girls giggled and blushed, but bowed to Anna in response.

"Forgive my rudeness, highness," Cristina responded. "May I present my esteemed colleagues Dr. Sabrina Dubois, Miss Bianca Costas and Miss Lucille van Dijk. The rest of my travelling companions you already know, it seems."

As the assembled ladies made their mutual introductions and settled into a conversation, Dr. Motwani, who had been left standing next to Orson, commented, "It seems she knows quite a few people on board already."
“It seems she does,” he said with a mixture of excitement and worry. On the one hand, having people she already knew on board the ship might be enough to make her want to join up as well. On the other hand, if they liked her more than him, she might very well end up poaching some of his crew. He had started to grow attached to all of them. The idea of them just straight up leaving before they even got to the lost continent did sting quite a bit. Still, not much could be done to prevent that, and the women all seemed happy to catch up with one another. That was something that was objectively good.

“I’m going to join the cousins,” he told her, an implicit offer for her to join him being extended. He didn’t feel like trying to join the big group that felt like friends catching up and introducing each other. Very much felt like that “girl talk” he had heard mentioned. He wouldn’t force himself into their conversation. Miharu and Saki always were friendly towards him, so he expected that they wouldn’t mind. So he grabbed himself a sandwich and headed over to the two bottomless food pits and asked if he could join them.
Both girls nodded around their consumption of the sandwiches, then resumed their consumption of sandwiches.

"You weren't expecting conversation with our warrioresses when food was available, were you?" Ayisha Motwani chuckled as she sat down beside Orson, placing a bowl of bisque before herself.
“Not really,” he replied. “But even so, I enjoy their company. And I felt like I’d be disturbing everyone else if I tried to join them. So I’ll spend lunch with our good doctor and our resident heroes,” he continued before taking a bite of his sandwich.

“So, what’s our noble guest’s condition? Anything serious happen to her on the way up?” he asked Dr. Motwani.
Ayisha was temporarily interrupted by a peal of laughter from the other group, followed by "It's a what?"

Ayisha shook her head. "Mainly just shaken up. Perhaps Saki or Miharu could shake off being snatched up from above and being flipped into an airship hovering a couple of hundred feet above, but I can't think of anyone else who could." The Japanese cousins looked up and grinned from around their sandwiches at the mention of their name, but otherwise continued demolishing their meals.

"How is the emerald charging going?" Ayisha asked. "I know Dr. Wilson gave Miss Basta a break, watching Brynhild. And on a side note, I appreciate this automatic intercom system. The time it could save in a hospital...well, it is a phenomenal innovation. I only mention it because it allows you and Dr. Wilson and myself, just to name three examples, to move to other places in the ship and still be able to respond to a situation in their primary duty place."
“it is incredible. It’s allowed for so much more freedom than I’m used to,” he replied. “And I’m pretty sure our two daredevils are the only ones who could be unfazed by it. I mean, I only watched it and it seemed like it shook me up more than them,” he joked.

“But now that you’ve had a chance to really use the medical facilities, is there anything you think we’re lacking? We can always try to pick something up at the base if needed,” asked quizzically.

“The emerald is charging well. We’ve been playing a game that requires everyone to honestly answer questions. It’s been an enlightening experience and a good chance to get to know each other. It seems as the it’s charging slower, but that could just be my imagination. Still, we should be done soon after our meal break.”
"Thanks to the de la Vega twins, or more specifically, their guardian, Mr. Tarloff, I have pretty much anything I could want in my sickbay. Well, anything that would fit," Aysha added. "I wouldn't mind having that impossible cargo room for a sickbay, but I suppose everyone wants that room for their own reason. And for reasons that I can't fathom but I'm assured are valid, I'm told that only the room that's been...would you say expanded?...the cargo room that's been expanded is the only one that could be expanded due to its location."

If Ayisha had anything to add, she was interrupted by Lauren holding up the glass enclosed gem and shouting, "It's fully charged!"

Lauren's shout brought Vu, Qui and Maria running out of the galley, wondering what had happened.
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