"Well, I can see why you'd want to be friendly with Saki," Bianca observed, as the Japanese woman laughed at Lauren tracing her face with a finger. "She's happy to be here. And in answer to your earlier question, Captain, as long as you treat her with decency, I wouldn't have problem with your relationship with her or anyone else on board." Bianca watched Saki for a few seconds before adding, "And I have to give you kudos for having selected some of the women you have for the crew.
Vu and
Qui are absolutely in love with their kitchen and their attached quarters."
"And Luisa told me the quarters that she's sharing with
Maria are the best she's ever had," Luna added. "Not that your crew quarters aren't comfortable, but they're not suites at the Waldorf either. But her and Maria are absolutely thrilled to be on board. So what's your question, Bianca?"
Bianca paused in thought, before asking, "Can I just pass my turn to someone else?"
The proposal was loudly, if teasingly, rebuffed by the other women.
"Okay, okay," Bianca said, as she gave the question some thought. Finally, she asked, "So, Captain, just how many of our crew have you kissed and touched, like you did with Saki?"