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Cats are quite possibly the only mammal who can't taste sweetness. Cats, including lions, tigers and the one quietly scratching at your curtains, lack the amino acids that would make the DNA for the gene allowing them to detect sweet tastes. The deficiency, if that's indeed what it is, might be related to the fact that cats are primarily carnivores, who are descended from a long line of meat-eaters. They have no need to detect the sweetness that is found in carbohydrates or plant-based sources of food. "They're lucky," biochemist Joe Brand says. "Cats really have bad teeth as it is." So maybe that explains why tigers hate cinnamon.

- Taken from Chewy
You produce about 40,000 litres of spit in your lifetime. Or to put it another way, enough spit to fill around five hundred bathtubs.
Some sea cucumbers fight with their guts (literally)
When threatened, they'll shoot out their internal organs, which are poisonous to predators. They'll sometimes get rid of their entire digestive systems—but the organs grow back.
The "John Wick" movie, was actually called John Wick because Keanu Reeves could never remember the actual name of the movie when excitedly talking about it to anyone who would listen, including press, during filming, before the marketing push for it even began. By the time post production on the film started, Reeves had done so much free publicity for the movie, the marketing team figured it would actually be cheaper to change the movie name from the original, "Scorn" to the one Keanu had already been talking up a storm about.
Female giraffes, when giving birth, remain standing. The first experience that the newborn baby giraffe has is a 6 foot fall to the ground.
Potatoes originated in South America.
Saliva repairs your teeth. Acids from food attack your teeth and start breaking down your enamel. Spit to the rescue! Your saliva works to recoat your teeth with its ph-neutral self and replaces the minerals stolen by the acids. (Here's a tip: chewing sugar-free gum activates your salivary glands and increases the percentage of bicarbonate in your saliva, thus raising your saliva's ability to remove foods particles and acids, surround your teeth, and rebuild your enamel.

EDIT: My previous fun fact was already in this thread.
The longest place name in the world, at 85 letters, is "Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu," New Zealand.
Locals just call it Taumata Hill.
The fat Buddha most commonly depicted in statues and what most consider to be Buddha is actually wrong. The Buddha was not fat, and instead, the statues of a fat Buddha most commonly depict a Chinese folk hero, Budai. The two have been mixed up over time due to passing generations. Buddha was actually quite skinny and was remembered to have eaten barely anything on his path to enlightenment.
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