Hungry Like The Wolf (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Ulric paid for his and Sylas' way onto the ship and they boarded before making theor way below deck to the cabins. He dropped their bags beside their bed and sat down.
"Of course." He said and leaned against the railing, "So the food won't be glamorous but it'll keep us fed for the next couple days."
The journey was long, and Sylas spent his mornings gently tormenting Ulric, grinding against him as they woke, pressing his well rounded ass against his hips.
Ulric would be very sexually frustrated, sometimes choking Sylas out to get back at him before refusing to touch him for the rest of the day.
"You can't keep teasing me like this, morsel...I can't ruin you here, people will find out~" He purred softly, groping him slowly from behind as they laid in bed.
He bit into his shoulder and pressed his rock solid cock between his thighs, growling lowly as if he had actually penetrated.
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