Hungry Like The Wolf (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

The next night was a bit awkward, and the next night was worse. They had made almost no progress, due to Ulric's growing nerves.
It wasn't that he was nervous, more that he was on edge. Everything set him off or aggravated him. To keep from exploding on Sylas he ignored him.
Sylas had no idea what was happening, so he eventually began thinking that the one night stand was well, just that.
As dusk fell, Ulric pulled the horses to the side of the road and hopped out of the wagon, "Stay here. Guard the cart until I get back." He ordered.
Ulric moved into the forest and vanished from sight, leaving Sylas and the wagon alone as the sun started to set.
Sylas waited for what seemed like forever, before he finally left into the woods to find Ulric.
It was pitch dark by the time he went looking, the moon barely providing any real light. Where did he go?
"I told ye..." A giant mass moved from the the foliage, revealed to be a large bipedal timber wolf with random braids in his fur, "t' stay with th' wagon." That was Ulric's voice coming from the beast, deeper and rougher in this form.
He roared and pushed Sylas down, trapping him under his massive form, "I should kill ye right here."
"Not a word is t' be spoken ov what ye seen. Got it? Ye'll do whatev'r I say when I say it." He snarled.
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