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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

Jake chuckled. "I meant when he's older babe. Right now is just going to be what holds his attention long enough to get energy out." Owen did want to be like Jake and that made him smile a bit. It was cute but worried him he could get hurt. "I'm cool with karate. I can ask some of the guys where their kids go."

He thought about it. "I'm not sure if I want everyone to see it or not. Especially don't want to risk the kids being noticed. I'd feel safer if it was inside. We could do something cool with my logo though."

His hands went up in the air like he was surrendering. "Mmhmm. Sure. She fussed for a second babe..."

Jake looked confused at her. "Why do I have to pay for it?!" Not that he cared. He told her before she could get one done.

He gave her a look. "No that's a family outing not a date night. I am happy about that, but also think it's nice to have mom and dad time alone." He chuckled. "I'll pick up protection cause I have pretty good swimmers...See Thing 1" He points to Oakley, "And Thing 2." He points to Oliver but smiles proudly. "I make good looking kids." He shrugged and kept eating.

Jake looked at Owen. "Do you want to help get the babies ready for bed tonight or do you want to watch tv?" Owen thought about it. "Help!" Jake figured he'd get one baby done then be over helping but it was something to include him with them. "Then you have to get a bath tonight too. You can play for a bit though." Owen liked playing with his toys now. It made bath time much easier.

"I give babies my toys. They can play." He told them.

Jake didn't have the heart to tell him that they babies were too small for the toys but it was the cute thought.
“Alright. You can do a cool thing with your logo on the back and your lining can have things and people you care about.”

Adri laughed, “I know they’re hungry cries and my boob started to hurt. She was hungry.” She argued.

“Because they’re your favorite, remember?” She laughed. “You don’t have to point Thing One or Two out. I remember what it was like to push them out! That’s why it’s not happening again any time soon.” She laughed.

“We can go on a date.” She agreed. “I’ll call my mom to come watch them with Alex. Or maybe I’ll just have Alex watch them. She’s so good and she knows their schedule. Mom is just going to come in and hold them and not write anything down. I need to keep them on a schedule.” She pouted.

She smiled at Owen, “I am sure they will like that very much.” She told Owen. Oliver woke up and started to fuss a bit. Oakley was still sucking down greedily so he would have to wait. “You can try a bottle if he gets to be too much.”
Jake liked that idea. "That way I'm keeping the people and places that mean a lot to me, close to me." He explained. "It will be cool to sew who your people can find for me." He was excited.

"I'm not saying you don't know the difference but I don't see how you give me a hard time..." He raised an eyebrow. "I think you like holding them as much as I do. I'm not at all denying it. Thats where we are different."

He chuckled and shook his head rolling his eyes but smiling. "Yeah...and you did amazing. No drugs or anything. That's impressive. But we are out numbered so until we have them potty trained at the very least...I'll run to the drug store. They are cute and all but....not that cute."

"You can have your mom come babe. If Alex is here she will write it down. It's fine. Let her have some grandma time." Jake told her.

Jake heard Ollie and got up, picking him up. "It's okay buddy. Let's go see everyone else..." He carried him to the dining room. "You have to wait in line buddy." He put him on his chest and rubbed his back which made him content for a bit.
All Adri could do for that is stick her tongue out. They were her babies. What could she do?

Adri ate and fed Oakley and made sure Owen was eating his veggies and his chicken nuggets. “I’m going to need you to burp her while I feed him.” She told Jake. “She might need a diaper change too.”

She looked down at Oakley and rubbed her back. “Hi pretty girl.” She smiled. “I need you to hurry up so your brother can eat.”

“When do you want to go on a date?” She asked Jake.
Jake looked at Oakley eating and then Adri. "I can do that. Just tell me when and we can trade kids." Then she brought up a diaper change. "You set me up? You purposely give me a full diaper?!" He shook his head.

"I'm not gonna lie, I think she is gonna be our eater. Our little chunky girl." Oliver put his hand in his mouth and Jake chuckled. "You don't have to eat your hand." Jake kissed his head.

Owen held up a nugget. "Ollie can it!"

"No buddy, he can only have milk but thank you for trying to share. Thats very nice of you. You can eat your own food." He rubbed his hair back and smiled a little.

When Oakley was done, Jake handed Oliver to Adri and took Oakley. He burped her and would change her as soon as he finished eating.

"Maybe Thursday? Maybe we can do a dinner and show?"
“I did not set you up. I have two crying babies on my hands.” She reminded him.

“I hope they’re both chunky like he was.” She said and rubbed Owen’s head. “Now he’s getting all skinny and losing his baby fat. He’s still got the cheeks though.” She poked Owen’s cheek and he smiled at her. “I love you Bud.”

She switched boobs and took Oliver. It took a while to get him to latch on but when he did he ate greedily.

“Sure what show do you want to see?” She asked him. “Is there a fight or something? We can go see Adele.” She smiled. “Are we staying at a hotel or coming back?”
"I wonder if breast feeding these two will effect how big they get versus Owen who was on formula. He was a chunky boy but he had to have that special formula cause of his condition...maybe that made him chunky.,"

Jake watched Oliver for a moment. "Does he always struggle to latch?" He asked, worried something may he effecting him with latching. Sometimes babies had the piece in there upper lip that needed clipped or a cleft palate.

"No the fights are out of town. I'd rather see Maroon 5 or Michael Cabonero. I didn't think you'd want to stay over night away from them..." He told her. "I figured you'd want to come home as soon you could to them." He smiled a little. "Luke and Amy may take Owen and keep him all night."
He had a good point there. Owens formula was designed so help him gain weight since he was so little. “Yeah but you were a chunky baby. So maybe they are predestined to be chunky.” She smiled.

“Sometimes. But once he’s on, he’s on. The doctor knows.” She smiled at Jake and rubbed Oliver’s back.

“I do want to come home.” She looked at Oliver and help his little hand. “That’s good. He likes it over there. He loves his cousin too. So that’s perfect.” She looked down at Oli again and smiled.

“I guess pick a show and restaurant and everything and I’ll be ready. I don’t know if I can be up all night. And I’m not drinking so if you want to drink and stuff I’ll drive us home.
"I may have been chunky, but look at me now." He grinned proudly and flexed, wiggling his eyebrows. "I better stop. I don't need murdered for knocking you up again." He teased and chuckled.

He nodded. "Just checking. But if the doctor knows I'm sure they will keep an eye on it." Jake fully trusted their doctors. They purposely found the best of the best.

"Yeah he does love playing with his cousin. Luke likes having Owen cause he can keep him occupied and Amy handles the baby. They divide and conquer. Like we do." He smiled.

Jake watched her with Oliver. He noticed how she looked at the babies. And her smile. She seemed happy. Happier than he had ever seen her. Seeing her that happy, made Jake so happy. It had been a long bumpy road but they made it and with their little family, it was all worth it.

"Okay. I can plan it. I'll make sure it's not super late." He smiled at her. "Have I told you lately how much I love you Mrs. Daniels?"
Adri looked up at Jake and smiled at him, “I love you too.” She kept rubbing Oliver’s hand and rocking back and forth gently. He was latched longer than Oakley was, but he fell asleep and stopped eating.

“I’m not a pacifier little dude.” She joked and went to get one to switch out with him. She patted his back until he burped and held him while she finished eating. She’d change him in a bit.

“I am nervous about how pale they are. I might need to let them bake in the sun for a bit.” She smiled. Their hair was getting to be a darker blonde like Adri’s and their eyes were different shades of blue. But their skin wasn’t getting tanner.

She knew they were hers, obviously, but they looked like Jake. All there babies looked like Jake. Strong swimmers and strong genes.
Owen said he was done. Jake had him sit for just a minute while he finished eating. Once he was done, he set Oakley in her little bed to get Owen cleaned up. After being cleaned up, Owen ran off to play. The dogs torn if they should follow him or stay by the table.

Jake looked at the babies. "They have a little tan to them. Lighter than you yes. But still a little tan." He shrugged. "I can't help that they take after their handsome dad." Jake smiled. "Want me to lay him down so you can finish eating?" He asked motioning to Oliver.

He started cleaning up the kitchen. "I'm gonna sit awhile before we get all of them ready for bed." Jake texted Amy about Owen for their date night. She was cool with it. "Amy is in. Now should I call mom or do you want to?" Mom meant her mom.
“She was supposed to look like me!” She argued. “And you took her.” She stuck her tongue out at him.

She handed Oliver over to Jake but during the switch he started to fuss and then cry and she took him back. “Okay. Okay.” She said softly and rocked him gently.

“Can you call her?” She asked him and finished eating. She washed her dish with one hand and sat Oliver down in his swing chair. He fussed and started to cry again but she set it to rock him and he calmed down a little. Which gave her the chance to sit down and relax.

Until Owen came running over and scooped him up into her arms and held him. He laughed but it sounded like he had something in his mouth and she looked and he had Oakley’s binky in his mouth.

“Where did you get?” She asked with a smile. “Are you my little baby too?” She asked and held him like she held the twins, head supported and a hand on his back. “Oh my little baby.” She rocked him and kissed his forehead. She took the binky out of his mouth and handed it to Jake to wash.
Jake laughed. "I didn't do anything!" He kept laughing. "First of all, it was because of me, she even is a girl. Your welcome. I can only do so much."

He just looked at Adri when she took Oliver back. "I could have handled it babe..." He sighed.

"Yeah, I'll call her." Jake called Maria who asked about the babies and Owen first, then Adri. He would tease her that she was last on the list. She of course agreed to watch the babies. She was more than happy to.

"She said she'd be happy to watch them." He told her and then sat and watched Owen and Adri. He was adjusting well but still liked his own attention at times. Jake would clean the pacifier with the dishes when he got up to clean the kitchen.

After about an hour of relaxing, he got up and cleaned the kitchen put the dishes in the dishwasher. Jake came in from the kitchen. "Is either of them ready for a bath? Or are they sleeping?"
“Well he’s up, so maybe bathe him first and then we will go from there.” She looked down at Owen. “Do you want to take a bath? Play with your bath toys? Or do you want to take a shower? And play before bedtime?” She asked him. The shower was easier since he had his own little shower head now and he could shower like a big boy.

“Bath!” Owen shot out of her arms and jumped around. “Shower.” He ran into the couch and Adri ruffled his hair. “You gotta pick one.” She smiled. She tickled his chin and looked at Jake. “Shower.”

“Alright go with daddy. He will help you in the shower. I’ll get the sink set up for the twins.” She kissed Jake’s cheek and went to the kitchen to clean the sink and then get it set up with some warm water. She could do one on her own as long as the other stayed asleep.
"Who is gonna make the worst mess?" Jake pointed to Owen who was heading upstairs. "You get the easy ones." He gave her butt a pat before heading upstairs. "I get clean baby snuggles at least."

Jake helped Owen pick out pajamas then get his shower started. He let him play in the shower for a little with his shower crayons. When he was done, he helped Owen get dressed and comb his hair.

"Ready to go see if mommy needs help?" Jake asked him and he nodded. "Yeah I help!" He took off downstairs. "Mommy I help!" He told her running into the kitchen. Jake followed behind and grabbed a chair. "Here you can hand her what she needs. But let her do it." Owen didn't like that at first but liked it when he was allowed to sit on the counter.
Adri had Oliver in the sink, his body was covered with a wash cloth and she was running water down his arms and stomach. She read it was supposed to help when he was older when it came to bath tile. Maybe they could skip the screaming bloody murder phase that Owen loved so much.

“I need their towels. The ones with the hood.” She told Jake. She grabbed the soap and started to wash Oliver with her hands. She smiled when he smiled his small toothless grin.

She washed his hair nice and easy and then rinsed him off. When she got the hooded towel she picked him up out of the water and slid him into it. Now Jake could take him for clean baby snuggles.

But cold air and baby boys were not a good mix. The second Jake picked him up he peed mostly in the towel which meant her got Oak’s towel and Adri needed a new one.

“Ewww.” Owen said and ran for the living room. He was done with that.

Adri laughed a little. “Hey I got peed on this morning. I don’t want to hear it.”
Jake grabbed the towels from the laundry room. He handed one to Adri before taking Oliver. When he peed, Jake made a face at Adri then Owen running to the living room. "Dude really!? You act like you never did this." He shook his head and grabbed a new towel to dry Oliver off.

He quickly put a new diaper on him. "You couldn't wait two minutes could you?" He kissed his head and him to his chest before grabbing the good smelling baby lotion. Jake put it on Oliver which he seemed to like cause he smiled. "I love this baby smell!" He wrapped him up and held him close as Oak got her bath. "I bet you my baby girl won't pee all over you. But I still wouldn't take chances and get a diaper on quick." He told Adri.

Ollie started to fuss so he got him his pacifier and seemed fine snuggling at his dad. Owen watched Bluey on TV with Max. Max was laying on the floor and Owen was crawling on him. Jake watched the two, it was nice Max still was Owen's little buddy. Overall, Jake thought Owen handled having two new babies in the house pretty well.

"You're definitely good to move into the house babe? I'm ready. I want to be in our final home." Jake told her, looking at her. "And if we transition these two while they are little, that may be helpful."
“Of course she won’t. She’s perfect. Just like her mama.” She smiled and did the same thing to Oak that she did to Oli. Used a cup to trickle water down her face and body to get her used to it. She watched everything with her big blue eyes. Since she didn’t mind, Adri kept drinking water down her head and face. Before she got annoyed, she got her hair washed and then her body.

Adri let her drip over the sink for a minute and then set her in the towel. She laid her back and put a diaper on her quickly so she didn’t get peed on. Adri let the water out of the sink and then took Oak to get lotioned up and in her onesie.

“That’s a sweet baby.” Adri told her and kissed her cheek. “I could eat you up.”

“I am ready to move. More than ready to move.” She told Jake. “We can do it while he’s in school tomorrow.” She said to Jake. “Moving the babies will be easy. Moving his toys might take some work.” She joked.
Oliver snuggled a bit with Jake on his chest. The bath made him tired and struggled to keep his eyes open, especially with Jake rubbing his back. He could hear him sucking on the pacifier, then he'd stop a minute before starting up again. It was a perfect sign he was falling asleep.

"We need a Uhaul for just his toys." Jake teased. "Do you know what is being kept and going with us versus what is getting donated? I can help you go through things if you need me to. Or is there anything else we need?'"

"I should text your mom and let her know she's gonna be watching them in the new house. She may as well stay over if she wants to." He told her. "We have plenty of room."
“Most of the stuff that is out is going with us. Everything else is being donated. He has a bunch of toys at the new house too, so it all works out. At least we know he plays with the toys that are out.”

Adri got up to get Oak a pacifier since Owen sucked on her other one. “Yeah, she can if she wants to.” She said softly. “Maybe we can take Owen on a date. Go to the zoo or aquarium. Get some cotton candy.” She smiled. She knew he would like that. And her mother would enjoy more time with the babies.

She tried to Oakley to go to sleep by rocking her but she wasn’t falling for it. If she wasn’t sitting up and facing out she’d get fussy. So Adri held her out so she could watch Owen play or the cartoon.
"Good. He has plenty of toys. He doesn't need all of this stuff. It's hard to save anything for the babies cause who knows what they will like and if they like Bluey, we need two. Or one slightly different." Owen had no idea they were talking about his toys and getting rid of anything. He was leaning back against Max who was laying on the floor on his side. When Owen moved, Max lifted his head to make sure he was okay.

"The day after our date? Or the day off?" He asked about taking Owen out. "Maybe we could do that where he picks the piece of paper and we have two options written down. Zoo or aquarium. Cotton candy or ice cream. New shirt or new stuffy."

Jake enjoyed figuring out the twins already. Oliver liked to sleep. Oakley liked watching everything. She took everything in. Oliver loved to eat and snuggle. Oliver was the first to scream bloody murder if he lost his pacifier. Oakley liked being held. They both seemed to know when the other was close and cuddled.

"Mine is already out. Yours acts like she's afraid to miss anything. He is fighting it...but missed his big brother." Jake pointed to Owen fighting sleep but loving his Max snuggles. "He is tired but very very happy and wants kisses." Jake circled his fingers around his face before leaning over for kisses from Adri.
“Probably that Saturday. If our date is on Thursday. We can either do it Friday or Saturday, but I think there’s a birthday party at the school Friday.” She shrugged her shoulder though.

“Yeah we can do that. Let him pick what he wants to do. Pick two places for lunch, an activity and dessert.” She agreed.

“If you set Oli down you can put his big brother to bed. I’ll try to get her to sleep.” She said and moved her around so she had Oakley’s head on her shoulder and could pay her back. “She only falls asleep when she’s eating but I feel like she just ate.” She said and looked at the clock.
"I'll check too with mom to make sure she's good staying longer. I have a feeling your dad may stop in too. He's going to want baby cuddles too." He smiled at her. "Owen loves the birthday parties babe."

Owen was held as much as the twins. Jake knew and realized they like to hold and cuddle their babies. Nothing wrong with it but they get used to it as well. Jake felt like Adri was slightly judging him. " be honest though, he may want you. I gave him his bath..." Jake got up and laid Oli down. He placed a blanket over him.

"Owen, why don't we go get ready for bed. Ready for a story?" Jake asked him. Owen looked at Jake, "No..." He turned to look back at the TV.

"Do you want to to sit with me for a bit? Then we can go up." Jake asked and Owen thought about it. "Yeah!" He got up and ran to Jake who picked him up and gave him some kisses. Owen giggled as Jake sat down with him. Owen snuggled up to Jake but he didn't like he couldn't reach Max. "Mass!" Owen still couldn't pronounce his 'X's' Max moved over closer. Owen laid across Jake so he could touch Max's head. Jake looked at Adri, "Sorry baby, Max is still his favorite..."
“If he wants me, you’re still going to have to put the sleeping baby down and try and get her to sleep. It’s easier for you to set him down. Oil is the first one out. He’s golden. She’s going to fight and watch. Owen is the next easiest.“ she explained.

He was supposed to be easy at least. “It’s past your bedtime O.“ Adri said gently. If he stayed up too late he’d be a monster in the morning.

She got up and paced with Oakley to try and get her to sleep that way. She put the pacifier in her mouth and rubbed her back. “Come on go to sleep.“ She said softly and yawned herself. If she wasn’t sleep before O, Adri would break down and feed her to sleep.
Jake rubbed Owen's back who turned and looked at Adri but kept his hand on Max. It seemed he wanted to be with everyone else. "If you sit up here, you gotta close your eyes and try to go to sleep buddy." Owen looked at Jake and gave Max a pet and closed his eyes. He laid on his stomach across Jake, with one hand on Max and the other holding Jake's arm.

Jake looked at Adri as Owen started to fall asleep. "Someone has the touch...I can try her when I take him up..." He watched her a minute. "Pat her butt. Owen liked that." He suggested to her. Jake rubbed Owen's back as he slept. Jake stole a pic of Owen and Max sleeping. It was cute.

"I'll take Owen to bed." He said softly. "If she's not out, I can take her so you can rest baby." Jake got up holding Owen in his arms. He stopped so Adri could give Owen a kiss good night before he went upstairs and tucked him into bed. Jake regretted not having Owen go potty but he had a pull up so he should be good. Jake kissed his head and Max laid by the bed. "Night boys."

Jake came back down and looked at Adri to see if he needed to take over.
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