-Twenty-Three Numbers-
Song Listening to at the Start:
Mind Games - Sickick
So, it would seem that with all that is going on, I'm in for a treat. Not the good kinda treat either but the things could turn out fairly bad fairly fast if certain things go down the wrong way. So, Let's take it a few days back, Monday to be specific. Hurricane Florence has been dated to strike land in the North Carolina/South Carolina areas and it just so happens to be damn close to where I am working seeing as I am less than 30 minutes from the beach that it's supposed to hit. No one at work had much in terms of idea of what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. All we are told is that we are working till further notice and I have been told by some of the other workers that when a past hurricane had come through, they kept everyone at work till the last minute before letting them go. Now, this puts many things on us and none of them good. Even if we ourselves don't matter to them, a lot of these people have families and need to get things ready and if they let us go home later, a lot of the stuff is going to be gone. This being food, water and gas or whatever else one might need for something like this.
So, we are working Monday as usual and as it starts getting close to 5 and closing time, we are all gathered and told simply that all the local temporary workers are not to come into work the next day and all the other temps that came with us can either leave that night or work till noon the next day and then leave to go home. Everyone else is to stay until further notice but we are told that we are going to work till Wednesday. While it is better than going all the way through the week, people are still just a wee bit mad but what can ya do.
Tuesday comes and things start to change yet again, this being that we are more than likely going to work a full day and then go back to the hotel and in the morning, head back home. Get into the work day, they change it again, that we are working till 3. Okay, sure. Then it is changed once more that we are heading back to the hotel right then, getting our stuffed packed, put it into the truck and then we are going to head back to the shop and when we are done for the day, we are heading home. So we do this. During the day, we get what is call 'Lightning Standdowns' which is simply this, a guy watches a radar, if lightning is 10 or so miles out, we are to stop what we are doing, get into the truck and drive up front and wait for it to either go away or stay in which case they will send us back to the hotel. This was the real aggravating part. We would get called to the truck, wait 5 minutes, be told it was okay, get back into the field for less than 5 minutes and another strike would happen and we would be told to get back into the truck. This happened three to five times. It was anger educing to say the least.
So finally, they tell us that we just have to push away any and all trash on the site and make sure that all the material is picked up and secured and we can leave. Now, this is good and bad. Good because we can leave, bad because that is A LOT OF SHIT and before that, they tell us that if you drove your vehicle out, you can leave if you so desire. They left and I do not blame a single person for doing so. So, we get through with everything and start heading back around 3. That was all on Tuesday and I have been home and I have to say, whilst I like being home, man is it hard getting back into, well, not doing anything and not having to wake up at the ass crack of moonlight and praying for lunch to come sooner. I mean, I love it I just want to get used to it faster but with the storm coming, I feel like I can't even do that.
We are expected to lose power at some point as it is almost a sure shot thing. Which just like any other case, is going to suck massively. I wanted to go in on a generator with my roommate but he talked to his dad and he talked him out of it. Which was a dumb ass decision as the main problem I had when this has happened in the past was a simple fact. With no power, comes no air conditioning or any sort of movement of the air. In a house, it starts to get hot and muggy REAL fast. I wanted it so that we could hook up some fans so we wouldn't die. But, because this dumbfucker decided that daddy knows best and not thinking for his fucking self, we are up shits creek without a paddle because it is sold out everywhere and we are just sitting around waiting for it to happen. Also, we don't know how high the water gets so there is also the chance of some......water problems. I know that during the last hurricane, I could not leave my town as all the exits were flooded and it took about a week for it to subside. Was not pretty.
But, bright side, during my time at work and with my new found income, I have bought myself new games and game consoles that I never thought I'd actually ever have. Yay me! It really does bring a smile to my fact when I have to think about what I want to play and on what I want to play it on. First world problems I know, but it is a pleasure I think i can enjoy whilst I have it.
So, with that being said, I miss all of my BM friends and hope that all is going well for all those individuals.