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Tower of God (EzraLora and I only)

The giant floating head looked over towards Summer for a moment in time before it spoke, "That is correct. For the folly of you humans, and the murder of many of the beloved fairies.... they get to decide who goes on. Those who don't pass..... well....their fate is in the hands of the Spriggans. They are the kings here." With that he was letting go of the magic that had surrounded those that were on the field allowing them to move once again. Rose was getting to her feet and taking a few steps away from the Spriggans, give them their space. There were a few fairies that were still hanging around her at the time, a couple of them were braiding some flowers into her hair.
Summer furrowed her brow as she tensed a little, seeing her sister and the other two coming towards them looking a little disheveled about the whole experience. There was a moment as the Spriggans came forward, all of different colours and all lacking their wings as they glared at most of the humans. "They." The blue skinned one said, pointing at the group that lit the fire. "Shall go no further in the tower, for injuring one of our own and not obeying the rules." His eyes flashed as he glared at them before looking at the others. "The lady with the pink hair's group may continue, they used minor trickery but nothing dangerous. As can." he pointed at two of the other groups before falling quiet, the others muttering their agreements.
Rose shooed the fairies away, at least she attempted to although it didn't seem to go very well. In the end she just gave into them and allowed them to stay hovering around her. Seemed like she had gained her own little companions at that point in time. They were pretty adorable little things, one in particular had taken perch on the top of her head. The queen of that small group of fairies it seemed. Rose did look over towards the Spriggans for a moment in time before she was speaking to the one that had been burned by the fire, "I do hope that those burns get better." She was stopping one of the fairies before it could fly at the group that had decided to start the fire, clearly not very happy with them. "I wouldn't. They will hurt you." she spoke before releasing the fairy from her cupped hands and the tiny creature flew over to the Spriggans, settling on the shoulder of a green one. Rose walked over to her sister and was looking towards the giant head who was laughing and speaking, "It seems that it has been decided. Those that have been deemed to move on, step onto the platform. You shall be moving up to floor five. The group that broke the rules, and hurt one of my precious Spriggans.... you will remain here. You will remain here and work on making this beautiful field bloom once again with flowers."
Summer fiddled with a few of the flowers as she sat in her wheel chair and nodded to Rose, "It looks like you managed to distract a few of them with your hair." She said with a wide grin at how her hair was looking and poked her side. "Thank you, you two we worked well as a team!" She added, but it seemed as though that was a little bit more than she could manage and began to cough heavily from it, covering her mouth as her chest heaved and it felt like her lungs were closing up for a moment as she fought for air.
Rose looked towards her sister for a moment in time before she spoke, "I think I've attracted a few as well. I don't think they are going to leave me anytime soon." With that she was giving a faint chuckle although it wasn't long before her look was turning to that of concern as her sister started to cough. This had her rushing over and kneeling down in front of her, asking her if she was alright. She was also in the process of opening of a bottle of water so she could take a sip of water.
Summer gasped a little and reached out, grabbing the bottle and taking short sips to calm her body before letting out a heavy pant as she leaned forward in the wheelchair, a look of pain clearly visible on her face as her hand moved over her chest and she took a few moments. She spent that time breathing and taking a few extra sips, just to make sure that everything was okay for the future.

Charlie furrowed his brow as he watched this, and couldn't help but ask the question that was on his mind. "What's up with your sister?" He asked, his hands resting in his pockets. He didn't mean to come across as so blunt or straight forward, it was just how it came out. There was no easy way to freaking ask it. "I mean if you want to tell us, we did go through a field of fairies together." He muttered and kicked his foot a little through the dirt.
Rose didn't answer him right away just focused on her sister at that point in time. She eventually got to her feet after she was assured that everything was alright with her sister at that point in time. She did look towards Charlie for a moment before she spoke, "My sister is sick, and gets sicks easily." With that she was just shaking her head a bit before she was brushing herself off a bit.
Summer shook her head, "It's nothing really, i just got over excited Rose." She defended herself, albeit not very well but she defended herself. Sitting up straight she gave her best smile and rested her hands on the arms of the wheel chair and gave a firm nod. "Really it was nothing."

"Looked like you were choking to me." Charlie muttered under his breath, but flinched at the filthy look he was given by Summer after saying that and instantly shut up. "I mean... not my business sorry for prying erm, good luck in the future games." He said and gave a thumbs up.
"I don't believe you but alright, I'll just nod and say okay for the time being." Rose spoke after a moment in time before she was stretching a bit, before looking over at Donovan who was standing with them silently, the male just looking around a bit. This traveling to the fifth level seemed to be taking forever, and it was kind of bothersome to say the least. "I wonder what this next challenge will be." she mumbled after a moment in time. More of a rhetorical statement since there is no way that one could know what was going to happen next.
Summer tilted her head a moment before giving a shrug. Then there was a flash of light. They appeared in a large house, a mansion some would say located around the place were everyone wearing rich clothing, suits, bow ties. Even the people who were involved in this game had their clothes changed to suit the atmosphere of early twentieth century. Out of the blew Summer furrowed her brow as she saw what appeared to be a large sparrow wearing a rather nice monocle. "Ah wonderful you are all here, truly amazing, a fantastic time of the evening. Welcome to the party." He said spreading his glorious wing over the people frozen in place of the scene.
Rose was looking around after the flash of light and noted all of the people around them that were wearing rather fancy clothes. And it seemed like they were wearing those fancy clothing as well. This had a small look of disgust forming on the features of Rose as she plucked at the dress that she was wearing. How she loathed dresses with a passion. Her eyes flickered towards the sparrow for a moment in time before she questioned, "What's the catch?"
The sparrow folded his wing into his body. "There is no catch you girl, there are but the rules of the challenge, and if you stopped being rude i would continue with what i was saying. Em." He cleared his throat before ruffling his feathers. "Where was i... err i said that, welcome to the party. Ah yes. One of you is a killer in this event, i will not say who they are or what they look like but they will set the party a stray. It is up to the detective with the aid of the others to figure out whom the killer is. The detective gets two guesses, then game over. You are all viable to be victims, and will remain dead when it has happened. A sad sad truth of the world. If the killer wins, the detective does not proceed and half of you continue. If the detective wins all but the killer will ascend to the next floor. But keep in mind... there is only one OFFICIAL killer." He said eyeing each of them up, "Not one person who can kill. And miss smart mouth since you spoke out of turn, you are now marked as the detective in this story. Enjoy." With a faint pop he vanished and the music came back and people began to talk and meld into the crowds.
Rose just crossed her arms over her chest just watching the giant sparrow for a moment in time. She was rolling her eyes for a brief moment before listening to what the giant sparrow was saying. Oh so it was a giant game of Clue which most definitely sounded fun, and it seemed like she was being named the detective of the game. Fine by her, she was usually good at solving mystery things. This had her just looking around for a brief moment in time before she was looking over towards her sister for a moment in time. Okay so there was a killer, yet so far there hadn't been a crime committed. Yet anyways. "Hey Summer.... it seems that I have a follower." she spoke after a moment in time which had her gesturing to a fairy that was standing on her shoulder, just holding onto a strand of Rose's hair to keep itself balanced.
Summer was in her own little world for a moment as the sparrow spoke, and looked over her shoulder at the others there, having to lean back in her chair to get a decent angle. Though upon her sister talking to her she quickly looked around and clapped her hands together as a smile formed on her face as a fairy was standing on her shoulder. "Aww that's so cute Rose, hehe you and little detective." She added and gave a firm nod. "Seems your hair came in useful for once." She teased and gave her sister a little poke, all in a playful manner though.
Rose just chuckled for a moment in time before she spoke, "I suppose it did come to be useful for once. Although I have to wonder how long this fairy is going to hang around now." With that she was gazing around the room and just studying everybody before looking at the tiny fairy as it fluttered up in front of her. All that could be heard from the tiny thing was tingling... at least until the fairy got sick of not being understood. This is about when the creature was flinging fairy dust at Summer and Rose, using a little fairy magic so that they could understand her. Although only the pair of them.
"Can you understand me now?" the fairy questioned, and Rose was just giving a blink and small nod of her head. Woah that was so strange but cool.
The other people had begun to head away from the crowd and mingle in the party or dance, awkwardly in a setting that they were not comfortable with. The music was nice and calming in this environment and there was food and drink. Summer blinked a little as she was attacked with this powdery substance and shook her head a little. "Err yes i can, we can." She said and ran a hand through her hair, but was surprised to find it in a pony tail now.
The fairy was giving a small giggle before she spoke, "Good. I will help you solve this mystery. The sparrow never said that outsiders couldn't help." With that she was fluttering back over to Rose, and taking to sitting on her shoulder once again.
Summer blinked a little and nodded, "No it sounded like he was encouraging it in all honesty, though we only have one guess still." She said and leaned back in her wheel chair as she drummed her fingers along the arm of it. She was wearing a dress too but it made her look older than she was. "This is not very flattering."
"Technically we have two guesses." Rose pointed out after a moment in time before she was looking at the tiny fairy, which had taken to fluttering around. This had her giving a faint chuckle before she was gazing around. Well how were they suppose to figure out a murder when one had yet to occur. "Lets go explore." was all she could say after a brief moment in time, a grin on her lips.
Summer cocked her head a little before taking in a deep breath, "I wouldn't want to risk it as the sparrow said only you could do the guessing Rose, i mean i'm all for breaking the rules but there's only so far we can actually do." She added and looked over the whole amount of people within the area around them. "And it's going to be like finding a needle in a hay stack."
"I still have two guesses, and while I have to do the guessing. He never said that I couldn't get help." Rose pointed out after a moment in time. So Summer could make a suggestion, and they could discuss it over, but it had to be Rose to announce that she knew who the killer was. Or thought she knew who the killer was anyways.
"True." She said with a nod and leaned back a little, "But the killer can also get help..." She muttered and placed her hand on her chin as she looked over the crowd and everyone around them. "I guess the one thing that could help right now, is if we began to mingle and get to know our potential suspects... which at the moment is everyone bar one. Me." She gave a smile and let out a heavy sigh. "This is going to be interesting."
Rose looked at her sister for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "That is a very valid point. I mean we have our own second pair of eyes. Not like people can see our little friend if she doesn't want to be seen." And no rules were technically being broken, since so rules had really been laid down.
Rose walked around and was mingling with people as well, talking to them, and getting to know them. As she was doing this, her little fairy friend was zipping around invisibly as well to see what she could find out.
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