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Tower of God (EzraLora and I only)

Summer looked over the field and found a small smile on her face. Despite everything it seemed like a nice place, "I think this place overall is not wheelchair friendly." She muttered and reached her hand back to pat Rose's shoulder before laying it down on her lap. "What do you think the next challenge could be?"
Rose looked around for a moment before she was giving a shake of her head at the mention that it wasn't at all wheelchair friendly, but they would make do however they could. "I have no idea. Hopefully something simple." was all Rose could say as she pushed her sister through the field. It was strange that despite it being a field, she was able t push her sister with ease, as if they were on a flat surface with nothing that hindered them. Evidently this strange place was slightly accommodating, in a weird almost creepy way.
Summer placed her hands onto her lap and interlocked her fingers as she stared forward, focussing on very little at the moment. This place was impossible and shouldn't have been made at all, it was just.... too hard to believe that it was real. She moved her head down to brush her hand through her hair before glancing down at the field. "You don't have to be so quiet back there you know."
Rose looked towards her sister for a moment before she spoke, "I'm sorry Summer, I'm just looking around. I'm honestly stunned by this entire place in general. But at the same time I have to wonder.... what is the likelihood that we will make it to the top, to meet this God." Hopefully her sister didn't think it was because she was in a wheelchair that Rose said this, nope Rose said it for a completely different reason. This reminded her a games that she use to play, which told her that the higher they got the more difficult it was going to get. But at the same time.... she was ready for this. "Bad pessimistic Rose. We will make it to the top." she spoke once again, although her tone held a little more cheer to it than anything else. A distance ahead of them they could see a large group of people standing around, and what appeared to be a giant floating holographic head, who was now talking. Despite being a distance aways the voice could be heard clearly. That was the judge and he was welcoming all to level two. The first step was to get into a group of four.
Summer tilted her head a little surprised to see that there were actually some new people there, which in all honesty she hadn't been expecting to see unless they were part of the games mechanics. It was too hard to tell whether they seemed genuine or false. "Positive mental attitude Rose, and all will be good after that." She said and ran a hand through her hair, the same thoughts that Rose were having made their way into Summer's they could easily be set up for defeat at later difficulties if things did get more complicated. Taking her own advice, she decided it was best to worry about that later, and for now focus on the task at hand.
"What do you think that big head there could be trying to ask of us? You don't suppose we'll have to make sure we're.... A-HEAD of the curb!" Immediately face palming herself at the pun she couldn't help but let out a sad little laugh at her own awful joke. It was just there and the temptation to take it had her caught in the moment, but maybe, just maybe it would be enough to lighten the mood for the pair of them.
Rose looked towards her sister for a moment in time before she spoke, "I believe that these are more gamers." The giant floating head was explaining more about the game, and how they all needed to get into teams of four. The point of the game was simple, the teams just had to collect a handful of flowers scattered about the field and return them to the stone slab that everybody was standing on. The first six teams, since there were twelve teams all together, four per team, would move up to round five instantly, while the final six would move onto round three. Rose just looked towards her sister for a moment as they now stood on the stone slab with everybody else. "Okay spill the beans, what aren't you telling us?" somebody else asked the question that she wanted to ask. This had the giant head looking over before it seemed to laugh then speak, "Oh yes... I forgot to mention that the fairies don't particularly like when their flowers are taken. So they will end up attacking you."
Summer glanced around at the others before looking around at them and her sister. "So erm... this si going to be fun." She added and had to come to a stop as someone was already approaching them. He gave a smile and waved over at them. "Hello!" He certainly seemed oddly cheerful for someone who was pulled into the world, and had to use his green thumb to avoid creatures that were stuff of myth.
Though Summer just seemed to sink a little in her wheel chair. "I guess friends or allies will have to be made."
"Hello!" he stated again and held out his hand to rose, and it was clear he had a rather shaggy look about him, from his ginger hair that never seemed to settle on one position and moved at ever opportunity it had. He had a shorter build that most, and a scruff on his face, obviously not having shaved for a few days. "I'm Charlie." He gave a smile and nodded down at Summer as well.
Rose looked towards Summer for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Thank gods I was always in track at school." One plus side to this situation. She knew how to run, and properly run as well. Not like some of the runs that they did were on even ground, no they had done plenty of runs through fields for warm ups. With that she was looking over towards the male that approached before she spoke, "Yeah they will." She looked at the male that approached before she was holding out her hands to him to shake it before she spoke, "Nice to meet you, I'm Rose and this is my sister Summer." Now to just get that fourth person. Right now everybody was kind of going about forming their teams, but it wasn't as if the warden seemed to care, he was carefully watching over the groups to ensure that it was four per team. No more, no less. Once a team was complete they were being put in a "box" almost so that they couldn't leave, and they couldn't change teams at all.
There was a rather shyer male standing off to the side, just watching everything. His caramel brown hair fell in his face, and he just seemed to hide behind it. Obviously feeling a little out of place at the time. After a bit he did end up wandering over to where the girls and Charlie were at. "Ummm.... Can.... I join you guys?" he questioned in a more reserved voice. This had Rose looking over before she smiled brightly and chimed, "I don't mind at all."
Summer glanced over at the others that were joining, though she thought it best to not start a large conversation with them. She didn't want to say anything that would upset their new teammates or knock their nerves. She wasn't sure if it was her nerves or that little sense that people that, but this new guy was giving her a strange vibe. "Alright... so we just have to get flowers and put them back here." She stated to the team, mainly to Rose though as the box formed around them. She rolled back and forth in her wheel chair, and as she thought the grass wasn't making it easy to move the thing.
Charlie nodded his head as he eyed around at the other teams. "Yeah it certainly seems so." He looked over to the new guy. "Hello i'm Charlie, nice to meet you. No need to be looking so nervous." He said, as he gave a joking nudge to the new comer before smiling at Rose.
Rose looked towards her sister for a moment in time before she spoke, "Seems like an easy enough task." Run to grab some flowers then run back to where their box was at and drop them off. Grabbing more than one at a time was totally allowed. You had to collect as many as you could within the time limit, that was essentially the challenge. It definitely seemed easy enough, until you factored in that fairies were protecting the flowers.
"I'm Donovan." the shy male spoke after a moment in time before he was giving a small wave of his hand. He did look around at the other teams and noticed that a lot of them seemed more coordinated. Or at least that is what he thought anyways. Their team had a wheelchair bound girl, and his scrawny ass. Maybe Charlie and Rose would be useful, although just from examining them he didn't really see them as the athletic types. But looks could be deceiving that was for sure.
Rose was taking a ponytail from the bag that was at the back of Summer's wheelchair and pulling her long pink hair up into a tight ponytail so that it wasn't in the way, and was taking to pulling off her sweater, to reveal a tank to underneath and throwing the sweater of the handle of her sister's wheelchair for the time being. "You know... It was a good thing I had dressed to jog down to get us food." Rose chuckled after a moment in time.
Charlie smiled a little and nodded to Donovan before looking at the other two, "Well then, fairies... flowers... Hey it's fairies and flowers. Though i feel like once we've picked more than maybe one the fairies will target us.." He muttered as if he was trying to put together some form of plan from the vague amount of information that they had been given. "But we don't know what the fairies can do... do we-" he stopped as he looked over to Summer, whom had just taken out her chest board and was placing four pieces on it. Two knights, one queen and the king.
The pieces were made of a beautiful black crystal and Summer glossed her hands over each one carefully, before surrounding the area in white pawns. "Three of you against the teams and the fairies..." She added, and looked over the area. "If we are to believe the myths than they should just is trick you and, try to prevent from destruction of the flowers." She moved the pieces around and began to explain to them where the fairies were most likely to come out of, she had been looking around the area whilst others had been planning. She explained how t might be easier if they were to just grab handfuls of the smaller flowers closer together and cram them into pockets and anywhere they can hide. As the rules said the flowers had to just be dropped into the box, the condition didn't matter. "If you can try and talk to them and persuade them to go after other teams..." She muttered and looked over at Rose, as she was probably the only one she was really speaking to. Not to be rude to the others.
Rose just listened to her sister before she spoke, "I'm sure that we could persuade the fairies to go after the other teams. They do also like shiny things, and colorful things." With that she was giving a slight grin before going around to pull something out of her sweater pocket. A small pouch that was full of the aquarium rocks. Why she had those? It had been something random that she had found at their house, and she had grabbed them to give them to a friend who had a fish. But obviously she hadn't quite gotten that far with it. But hey, it would hopefully come in handy at that point in time. She was looking towards the two guys, at that point in time more so Donovan who definitely seemed quite nervous still. Probably trying to figure out how he was going to be useful to the team. "Umm.... W....What can I do? I'm not really good at persuading.... or anything activity wise." Donovan mumbled after a moment in time. Rose spoke, "If anything you can distract. I'm totally fine with running around and playing pick up."
"Or if Rose is able to.... You and Charlie will be the ones running around gathering the flowers, with immunity from the fairies thanks to Rose." She lifted her head to glance at the other teams before brushing some of her hair back and coughed a little into her hand. "Just please, watch out for the other teams. We don't know if they could be planning anything bad for us in return." She muttered and shifted one of the pieces on the board around and glanced down at it. "Anyways, good luck everyone!"
Rose was looking around towards the other teams for a moment in time before she spoke, "Lets get going. You guys gather flowers, I'll keep the fairies distracted." Honestly her hair would probably be a distraction for them as well, but hey it would make finding her a shit ton easier. With that she was watching other teams as they were stepping out of the square and taking off to go and find flowers. Some had left the moment that teams were formed, not even really waiting to hear what else had to be said. "Oh I forgot to mention.... there are four special flowers in that field. A beautiful purple and white, I would advise against collecting them. Their guardian isn't as friendly as fairies, but extra points if you can get them. Advise.... if you collect them.... be sure that you know how to run." the giant head spoke, although only those that were still in their squares would even hear the message, which were very few teams. This had Rose looking over for a moment before she spoke, "Oh a challenge. Accepted."
To say there was a lack of flowers in the field wouldn't be even close to the truth. The place was an entire meadow laid out for them. The only problem was crossing the crash land to the 'danger zone.' It wouldn't be long before Rose and the others could see that there were fairies zipping out, wielding whatever could pass for a weapon or mock instrument and they lightly knocked hit, bit, scraped or even hexed people who were getting too close to their precious flowers. Resting between two large trees was a flower, purple in colour and about the size of a bed side lamp. Resting in the petals was a night sky blue, white haired spriggan, lightly chewing on what seemed to be a liquorice root.
Well trying to find flowers wasn't going to be difficult at all. But the fairies were definitely going to be troublesome...using whatever they could get a hold of as a weapon. They definitely weren't to be underestimated that was for sure. Rose just looked around for a brief moment in time before she was spotting the other strange flower. This was definitely the one that the giant floating head had been talking about. Her eyes studied the creature that was hanging around the flower, just studying it for a brief moment in time. "There is one of those rare flowers that the giant head was talking about." she mumbled which had Donovan looking over for a moment in time. Already he had managed to collect a few flowers, ones that were nearby after fairies got distracted by Rose's brightly colored hair.
There was a moment before the lazy looking blue skinned spriggan glanced over to the pair, his tail swishing from side to side as he remained on the flower. Clearly showing no intent to get off of it or move away. "People always come and get annoying.." He mumbled and shook his head for a moment before resting back on flower petals.
"It speaks...." Rose mumbled amazed, before looking at a few fairies that were busy braiding her hair, not like it really bothered her much. She did look over towards where Donovan and Charlie were at before she was jogging over to them, distracting a couple of fairies with the pretty shiny things. "I'm not sure if they are more distracted by the shiny things or the hair. But collect flowers and return them to Summer." Rose told the guys, and Donovan was giving a nod. Although just as Rose had expected another group had come over to try and take their flowers away from them, wanting to add to their own collection. This had Rose giving a small frown before she was watching one head towards where the spriggan was at. "I don't suggest it." she called out. No she really didn't want to try and collect those flowers. While they were pretty, she didn't want to touch them at all.
Charlie nodded before turning and began to just take handfuls of the flowers and bits of grass into his pockets, doing his best to be subtle but not looking entirely subtle about it what so ever. He slipped them into his pockets and began to head back. Watching as the other group headed over towards the spriggan. He watched as the guy approached the flower, and just as he got there it was like you had been forced to blink and the guy was on the ground trembling. As if something had either scared him or drained him of energy. Spriggan just let out a chuckle as he looked over at them before shaking his head and rolling over to his chest to look over at the others. "Well then..."
"I feel like I did warn them that that was a bad idea...." Rose mumbled after a moment in time before she was watching as Donovan was returning to the pair of them, he had taken to going over to Summer and dropping off a number of flowers. Once in the small square where Summer was at, they were completely safe from the fairies...although who knew about the spriggan. "I'm not sure what the heck that creature is but it is adorable." Rose commented after a moment in time before she was just watching the fairies as they fluttered around. Who would have figured that it wouldn't be long before a number of the fairies would start panicking, especially when one could smell smoke. One of the groups had decided that they were just going to start burning the entire field to ensure that they won the challenge, since they already had a number of flowers in their box. One had to wonder if this was considered cheating or not.
Spriggan continued to rest on the flowers before he lifted his head up and sniffed the air, the scent of smoke was overpowering to the creature as he moved off the flower, looking between the humans, torn between protecting it and the others. With a grunt of anger her made his decision and moved from the flower towards where he could smell the smoke, unlike others he was lacking wings. He moved through the fields until he came across the fire and with a wave of his hand and the ground began to rumble as dirt started to spread over it. "Humans burning the field, taking what is ours.." He kept on muttering to himself.
"You fucking idiots!" somebody else was yelling at the people that had decided that they wanted to start the fields on fire, while that group was just laughing. In the process they had managed to get a few of the rare flowers. Evidently they weren't affected by fire at all....the flowers themselves weren't. But the spriggans were. Well one of them was dead and the other was on the ground withering in pain. "Grab flowers. I'm going to go and help that poor other Spriggan." Rose told the guys before she was running over to her sister and grabbing a water bottle. Nope she hadn't taken to picking the flower, it wasn't worth it at that point in time. After that she was running over to the injured Spriggan and pouring some of the water into the dirt, and turning it into mud. The mud was put on the burns, to help cool them down. The giant head could be seen starting to form and all of the humans, unless they were within the cubes would find themselves frozen. Possibly quite the dangerous thing at that point in time. "Since this has occurred. I want all of my dear Spriggans to come forth. Out of the humans on the field..... you decide who moves on to the next round. And who doesn't." the giant head boomed.
The spriggan looked over at the others before narrowing his eyes, whilst not having wings he began to levitate over the air and rose higher into the sky so he could face the other people laughing and snapped his fingers, forcing that blink to happen so a few at least were frozen on the ground with looks of fear on their faces or looked in pain. "Idiots." He snarled before seeing Rose tending to one of his kind. "OUt get out!" He yelled and went to grab his fellow speices friend and move away from her, taking his time to return to the big head.
Rose was surprised by what seemed to happen, her breath almost caught in her throat. The Spriggan that she had been tending to seemed to be in less pain was actually mumbling a thanks before being spirites away by the other Spriggan. The fairies that had taken to hiding in her hair were popping out and fluttering off. The giant head was terrifying that was for sure, and it definitely sent a shiver down her spine.
Summer looked over at everything that had happened, as she remained in her chair, holding a large bunch of flowers that hadn't been put in the box yet, but she was pretty much next to the box at the moment. "E-excuse me sir... what.... ehm... what is going to happen now? The fairies pick who goes through?" She asked and adjusted the bundle of flowers she was holding.
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