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It all Started when a Gem Met a Human (MysteriousD & DaddysLittleSkank)

"I am only one person, Peridot," Steven said with a bit of a chuckle. "It's good to know and talk to all sorts of people. It's how you learn more," he explained to her with a smile.

"Well, almost. I wanna take my sweet time after all," Amethyst whispered in Maddy's ear before kissing her neck once more. However, she would finish the last bite of her burger soon afterwards.
"I know what you mean, Peridot. I am just pointing out that you need to expand your horizons. Consider this like you would approach science experiments," Steven advised Peridot.

"I'm always ready," Amethyst told Maddy with her flirtacious smile and was awaiting to see what could come next.
"What do you wanna do now then?" Steven asked Peridot, wondering if he should just leave her to think about everything he has told her.

"Well, that's nothing new. But you're irresistable too," Amethyst flrited back with Maddysin as she went over and began fingering Maddysin once she was completely nude.
“Maddysin gave me a dvd set of a show she said I might like. We could watch that.” Peridot suggested.

Maddysin let out a moan as she felt Amethyst’s fingers. “Goddamn! You’re good at this!”
"Oh, what's it called?" Steven asked, going over to check it out.

"I'm amazing at this," Amethyst said with a smirk before she continued to shapeshift her body, changing her tongue to stretch out longer and sensually lick Maddysin wherever she pleased.
“It’s called Primeval, she said it was about and quote ‘dinosaurs and shit’.” Peridot said going to get the box set from a box of books, tv shows, and movies that Maddysin had lent them.

“Oh God!” Maddysin moaned before grabbing and massaging Amethyst’s breasts.
"Oh wow! Let's go and see," Steven nted, looking at the box set and becoming fascinated

Amethyst moaned out loud at feeling Maddy squeezing her breasts and she responded by squeeze Maddy's own breasts. "Time for the main event. What would you like?" she said with a sultry smile.
Peridot put the DVD in and sat down next to Steven.

“Whatever you want to give me,” Maddysin replied, “but first.” She kissed Amethyst’s neck and began to trail down her body.
"What do you know about dinosaurs before this?" Steven asked her.

Amethyst moaned a little louder in pleasure, but she paused a bit, giving herself a nice-sized shaft for Maddy to ride on.
“A lot actually.” Peridot said. “Maddysin seems to like them, a lot of her books are about them.”

Maddysin stopped at Amethyst’s breasts, sucking on one while squeezing the other.
"Yeah, they're pretty interesting!" Steven commented bacl as he was putting up the DVDs to watch.

"Ready for a ride?" Amethyst asked her with a rougish smile, presenting the purple penis.
“She said her favorite is a pachyrhinosaur then she described it as a gay triceratops.” Peridot commented.

Maddysin smirked and kissed down Amethyst even further until she reached her cock. She then kissed her way up to the tip.
"Ohhh kay," Steven said, having a sweatdrop before starting up the DVD for them to watch. It as definitely interesting and he wondered what Peridot thought on evolution and so on.

"Oooh that's nice,
Amethyst responded as she stretched her hands to begin fingering Maddy some more.
Peridot contently watched the TV.

Maddysin moaned, “Oh my god!” After a few moans she lowered her mouth onto Amethyst’s cock.
Steven was watching the whole thing though he would also get some snacks to enjoy watching the thing. It was definitely pretty nice to say the least.

Amethyst moaned out oftly when she felt Maddysin's soft lips on taking in her cock. "Man... you really are good," she moaned out.
“These effects suck, but the story is pretty good!” Peridot said.

“As are you.” Maddysin replied with a smirk. She quickly began bobbing her head up and down.
"Well, it is a bit old yes, but it's still good. What do you think about dinosaurs when compared with humans?" Steven asked her.

Amethyst kept moaning in pleasure before she stretched her lips to begin kissing Maddy's soaked pussy, all to tease her.
“They’re definitely more interesting.” Peridot said before clarifying. “There’s just so many different kinds.”

Maddysin moaned onto Amethyst’s cock making it feel even better.
"Yeah, there are all sorts," Steven agreed with a smile as he was thinking on dinosaurs. "Though there are all sorts of animals that are cool," he adds as he was having fun talking with her.

Amethyst smiled and she then stretched her tongue to lick and tease Maddy some more, creating a contest on who can tease who the most.
“I didn’t know anything on earth could get that big.” Peridot said.

Maddysin further lowered her herself on Amethyst’s cock so that she was now deep throating it.
"Well, there are the Blue Whales and so on. Plus, while they were big, they weren't very smart," Steven responded, what he learned in regards to the dinos.

Amethyst groaned out louder , but had her tongue go deeper within Maddy while stretcing a hand to squeeze her breast, exploiting her powers to try and win
Peridot shrugged. “They were smart enough to survive.”

Maddysin could feel her orgasm approaching fast and therefore tried harder to win.
"Well, only because of the advantage back then," Steven noted to Peridot.

Of course, Amethyst had the advantage through her changing body, she could strech her tognue and finger inside of Maddy to make her cum.
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