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Oh goodness. It was something Yu-Gi-Oh! related back on neopets. So long ago. I don't recall the exact first one, but I can still remember a few vague details of an early one. Good times. Old times.

Where is the weirdest place you've ever written or contemplated a role play reply?
Four days. I got my appendix removed and wasn't allowed to eat anything until I could shit again. But they said that I shouldn't eat anything the day before the operation which I did so I was supposed to shit on an empty stomach while only drinking water and tea after waking up.

What was the strangest thing that you have ever seen and wouldn't have believed haven't you seen it yourself?
About age 15, when I joined NationStates and then signed up for the forum of a region that my nation was in.

What’s your favorite song? Post the YouTube link for extra Internet points.
That nothing I accomplish in my life will be remembered after I die.

What's the longest RP reply you've ever written? Why was it so long?
Probably at least thre or four paragraphs. I got inspired and wanted to match the length of my rp partners reply.

What is your secret guilty pleasure that you enjoy the most?
My secret guilty pleasure is....well it’s embarrassing but i love my ass being squeezed by my partner whilst I do chores

What’s the worst reason you’ve had to give for stopping an Rp?
I think my reasoning was justified- the person I was playing with wanted to rip clothes off super quick- but I still felt the worst about it.

Do you prefer to give or receive in oral sex?
I'd say give, that way I can please my partner and stay horny to focus more on them.

Do you prefer having chocoloate (or whipped cream) licked off of your naked body or licking it off of your partners naked body?
Left side, because I'm a rightie and want that hand free for typing. But I generally prefer propped-up-on-pillows with my laptop on my stomach or pelvis.

What's the dumbest image you have on your phone RIGHT NOW?
Had sex in public. (I live a boring life haha)

If there was one thing you could change about your life, what would it be?
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