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Good question. If he promised to come later on, I would go. If not, I would stay.

If a loved one (relative, friend, lover, etc) murdered someone, would you help cover it up or turn them in? Why?
Most probably I'd help them cover it up. As for the reason, friends are friends and even if they do something wrong, I feel obligated to help out.

Q: What is your favorite color and why?
My favorite colour is blue, but I don't know why.

What would you do when you wake up as the only person left on this planet? Animals are still there, all other humans are just gone all of a sudden without leaving a trace.
Make a kingdom for myself out of a store(Walmart more than likely). Die eventually with as many not deadly animals as possible.

If you woke up as the opposite gender one day and you knew it would only last till you woke up next, what would you do first and last?
Only a day?! Geesh, you can't get into trouble in 24 hours, Leon. I guess I would flirt outrageously with the opposite sex since I know what they'd like.

LOL First and last, I would I'd make sure clothes were comfy for the transition back. ;)

If you were diagnosed with a terminal illness, what would you do differently?
Jeez. Going for the heavy stuff, eh @Sprite ?

As odd as it sounds, I already have a diagnosis that could very well turn out to be terminal if I don’t handle it properly. Diabetes or related complications kill hundreds, if not thousands, every year. It could very well be my end if I’m not careful.

But enough about that. I’ve already been making changes to my diet and exercise plans to keep it in check.

Passing it on, cuz my brain hurts too much to think of another question at the moment.
@Soran_Jaymes, I wish you the best in handling it! I asked the question for the same reason, being diagnosed with something that could be life threatening. It made me want to grab life by the throat and live everyday like it's my last.

How about something light this time, what's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Doing the dishes or cleaning the carpet. I live in a dusty area so it takes a good 30 mins of hard brushing and shampooing to get the shit done. No money to buy a vacuum cleaner.

Q: What object's smell do you find pleasing or intoxicating? It could be anything like glue, petrol, books or currency notes etc. Basically something that isn't primarily supposed to be sniffed.
Gasoline or faint Smoke from a bonfire. If I could get a bottle of that and wear it, I would.

What is your go-to curseword?
For the Love of Pete! (sorry I work with kids) And anyway it makes them stop and wonder who Pete is. lol

What's your least favorite exercise?
Jogging. I like running but I never liked the midway point of speed walking and running.

What is your favorite shape?
Dog, fully. Though, don't hate cats either. Puppies far more than anything.

What is your zombie killing weapon of choice?
Im a hands in type of gal, and I have bo fear, sooo knife.

If you could be anywhere right now... where would you be?
Anywhere? Mh...Teneriffa. I always wanted to go there.

If you could have one wish fulfilled by a dschinni, which one would it be?
I'm not sure what a dschinni is,, so I don't know if I would want it fulfilling my wishes

What is your favorite kind of pie?
Have you seen the movie Disney's Aladdin or Kazaam, Lassy?

My favorite kind of pie...I'd say apple pie, but I like any kind of pie or cake as long as there is no alcohol in it.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Nope. Once I commit, I commit. I could be a mafia wife lol (unless he's beating me/kids or cheating). Plus children are like, part of oneself. Adultery is fun in RP ;)

Passing it on!
@ revnath....I thought that was djinn or djinni

And my favorite drink is either Bailey's Irish Cream, straight, or anything you can set on fire!

Favorite animated princess?
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