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Learn something about the person below you



The game is simple: ask a question to get to know the person below you

  • No questions that require identifying information
  • You can pass if the question is uncomfortable

Question: how did you get into role-playing?
I was really into comic books as a kid and a friend of mine found TSR's Marvel Superhero Universe RPG. We had already been coming up with our own characters and drawing them on page after page of paper so it was just a natural step. From there we quickly discovered AD&D, Shadowrun, and Rifts and things just went from there. :)

Q: What was your first experience roleplaying online?
When I was a child I played on a site called Neopets. My brother used to roleplay on the forums and I would read his roleplays because I was a nosy younger sister. I liked the fact he was making stories since I've always loved stories and started reading the forum for myself. After reading for a few days i jumped in on a roleplay I liked - teen camp. I was 9 years old at the time so i made a terrible character that literally had my name and was everything I wanted to be when I was 9.

So, she was 16 years old and had black hair and blue eyes and was pale as hell. It's super painful looking back but most of us on Neopets were young anyways and our writing was shit.

Q: What was your dream job when you were a child? Do you have that job now?
I thought it would be cool to be a baker. I never pulled it off, though. I'm studying sociology, instead.

What's the longest you've gone without a full nights sleep?
I want to say it was close to 40 hours. Damn near two full days. Not a good idea, really, because I felt it for what seemed like a week afterwards.

Do you play any musical instruments?
Not fluently, but I do know a fair bit of Spanish in addition to English, and I’m learning Italian.

Gonna carry the last question: Do you speak more than one language?
I am currently learning ASL. I find the language beautiful.

Aside from writing, do you have any other artistic abilities?
No. Everyone else in my family can paint and draw but I completely lack it. I have no patience and I'm shoddy with it to begin with. I wish I could, though.

Q: What was your first kiss like? Do you still talk to the person you kissed?
Uhhh... I’ll get back to you as soon as that happens! I haven’t kissed someone like that. Closest I’ve had so far was a stage kiss in my freshman year of high school (grade 9), in my school’s Drama Club. It was awkward as all hell, considering I was a nerdy little fifteen-year-old performing a stage kiss with a girl who was... I think she was eighteen already. Aaaaanywho. I haven’t seen her since that year, so, yeah. No contact.

Speaking of high school. If you could go back, do it over, would you? What things would you change, if any?
I'd always thought I'd want to but nah, what's in the past is gone. Just memories. Some good, some bad, some indifferent.

I actually attended a class reunion a few years back, some of the girls everyone wanted to be with, you wouldn't want to be with them now, some of the guys people were envious of, they're just regular guys with regular jobs and regular lives.

It was nice to see some people again but would I want to go back and do it over, nah. And even if I did, I probably still wouldn't revise for my exams. :D

Q: What's your hidden talent? We've all got one. Can you balance stuff on your nose? Hold your breath under water? Or play the national anthem on your armpit? We all have one, what's yours?
I had to think a loooong time. I think my hidden talent might be finding patterns and analyzing human behaviour. It helps a ton for character building in a RP, not as much in daily life, frankly :)

Q: Do you like people, or not really?
Yes, I do like people, but I am very self-reliant so I can manage without them and I do feel comfortable in my own company. Maybe that is why people don't warm to me. I'm always the last person anyone sits next to at a meeting or on a bus or train.

My question: if you could change one aspect of your personality, what would it be and why?
To be able to keep the mentality I have at one moment and transfer it over to another moment when I needed it the most. I can get caught up and then when the time comes, I grow soft or too violent.

My Question: How many people do you keep in contact with that you know have talked shit behind your back?
Favorite beverage depends upon time of day: before noon, coffee. After noon, water, after 5pm, martini.

What's your favorite genre of movies you enjoy watching?
I've always enjoyed a good comedy. I love action, sci-fi, drama, but ultimately I enjoy a good laugh above all else.

Q: What is one book you absolutely love but no one seems to have heard of?
'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova. It reeks of gothic romance.

Q: What is your idea of the perfect first date?
Laughing during/after a movie and talking during a car ride. I feel like if those things can happen, it is a success.

Q: What is your favorite game? It can be a Board game or video game.
I always return to one of the games in the Halo series, mostly ODST. The sense of solitude and getting a chance to play a normal spartan is enjoyable, especially if you attempt different tactics on higher levels. Headshots are most satisfying.

What do you do to relax or unwind at the end of the day?
Get down to my boxers and either lay in bed, watching some show/anime/whathave you OR sitting in my chair whilst on my laptop.

What is your favorite animal of all time and why?
Felidae (cat family) ~ they've been in my life since birth. Some even adopted me!

What's your favorite comfort food?

Beef Jerky for the comfort food. It just keeps me preoccupied and I don't have it all that often but it really puts me in a better mood.

What is your Favorite fictional weapon of choice?
(I love beef jerky ~ goodness shrunken down to manageable bites)

Well that depends, would that include weapons in video games or movies if they were included in books? I'm torn between a light saber or lancer (Gears of War).

After a long day, what do you change into after shrugging out of work clothes?
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