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Post your desktop thread!

RE: Post your desktop!


Just to clarify, I have "Fences" which allows me to hide all of the icons on my screen. :3

But! Alas!
The wonderful work from TakodaVega!
Bask in the epicness~
RE: Post your desktop!

Juicy Fresh said:

Psht. Because Toy Story is so fuckin' awesome - that's why.

PS. Bwaha, look at all of my no-life games.
I'm such a loser. :)

Naw. The Sims are the shit. They're like my all time favorite games.
RE: Post your desktop!

Currently using this as my wallpaper
Delicious Desktops

Not sure if there's already a thread for this, or if this is the right forum, really, but..

So, my new monitor recently arrived, though with a radically different resolution. Basically, I went from 5:4 to 16:9. I'd been rolling with a DE:HR desktop for moonths without changing it, and, hell, Bioshock Infinite isn't far off, so I decided to make a Bioshock one. Went and spammed Rainmeter and all.

I murdered Rocketdock, though.

It's too big!

I actually had NO idea what to do with rainmeter, and the shorter height made everything all squished together.

Here's what I used to have.

My hips are moving on their own!

Not sure which is better, really. Had to url those bitches so they wouldn't stretch your as-I mean screen. I by no means know shit about Rainmeter, and I'm kinda too tired to consider trying the whole .wmv file as a moving desktop, buuut...

Could be worse.

Anyways, post your desktops. Hardu moddu, no cleaning up.
RE: Delicious Desktops


My background changes every minute or so. This is what it is right now.
RE: Delicious Desktops


Behold! My not very exciting desktop. With french nonsense and whatnot on it. Ayep.
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