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Out of any world (Yummy x Firestarter)

Hinata didn't seem to hear what Akeno was saying, or if she did then she didn't seem to understand. Hinata just grasped Akeno's legs, suddenly lifting them up and pulling them up over her shoulders, allowing Hinata to not only drive her huge cock deeper into Akeno's body but also make it more difficult for the girl to escape her. Hinata moaned loudly as her cock thrust into Akeno's womb over and over, stretching the girls belly. Every attempt by Akeno to send electricity into Hinata only seemed to encourage her, as if Hinata were absorbing the magic and making it into fuel for her own growing powers.
Akeno gasped and moaned, shock flowing through her as her legs were lifted onto Hinata shoulders. Her body began to release more electrical energy trying to get the girl to stop. Akeno cried out in pleasure as Hinata cock was rammed into her pussy, creating an outline on her belly. One could practically see it bulge and throb from the outline. "Ahhh~!" Akeno eye's began to water, as Hinata began to fuck her with such vigor. It was during these thrusts that Hinata was slowly applying some of her new powers on Akeno, whether it was consciousness or not
Hinata grunted and groaned as she thrust more and more into Akeno, driving her cock deep into the girls womb , stretching it out, bulging the girls flat belly, causing her breasts to bounce back and forth wildly. "Ooooh! Oh god!" Hinata's voice almost had an echo to it right now, and her cock began to twitch and bulge, growing even thicker inside of Akeno, signs of an orgasm rapidly approaching, quite likely Hinata's biggest yet. With a few more thrusts she cried out, suddenly slamming herself as deep into Akeno as she could and this time not pulling out. An instant later cum erupted from Hinata's cock, the first spurt alone completely filling Akeno's womb, but the flow didn't stop, if anything it increased, and Hinata's cock was now so thick that every last drop was trapped, unable to escape past Akeno's cervix, leaving her womb and belly no choice but to grow and expand as more and more cum pumped inside.
Akeno cried out in whorish pleasure, her body aching as she was fucked so roughly, her tits almost smacking her in the face. Akeno whimpered and wished to scream, yet found herself unable to. The pleasure was drowing everything, expect the pleasure she felt. Her pussy grew tighter as her eyes watered, it was at this moment Akeno was at her breaking point. With one whorish moan she came, her girl jucies flooding towards Hinata monster cock in torrents, she came again and again. Her tearer eyes widen as she felt Hinata meat bulge and twitch, even grow fucking thicker! It was a sign that she was about to cum. "Please no! God no! Don't you'll stretch!- AAHH~!" Akeno cried in pleasure, but it was too late; Hinata had given her finally thrust burying her cock deep in Akeno pussy - undoubtedly stretching her further - Her pussy soon being filled with every inch of Hinata semen, her stomach stretching and bulging with so much thick creamy fluid, that she looked to be heavily pregnant woman. "Ahh!~" Akeno moaned as she came again, her girls jucies rushing out and mixing with the trapped semen, which would remain trapped due Hinata monster of cock being inside of her. It was at this time some of Hinata powers poured into Akeno, giving Akeno her own taste as well as giving Hinata the ability to fully edit Akeno to her desire.
Hinata continued to moan as she came, spurt after spurt erupting into Akeno's body, thick fertile cum pouring over and over, Akeno's belly becoming so swollen she could have easily been mistaken for someone 9 months pregnant with quintuplets. Finally though the flow of cum stopped, Hinata seeming to settle slightly as she took a few deep breaths, her overflowing power settling as well now that it had consumed its fill of sexual energy from the blue haired girl. As she blinked a few times Hinata's eyes returned to normal, and she suddenly seemed to become aware of what she had just done. "O-oh! Oh god...oh god I'm sorry! I...I don't know what came over me I body just...!" In her panic Hinata suddenly moved away, her cock rather suddenly pulling out of Akeno's body, spraying more of their mixed juices everywhere.
Akeno felt like she was about to pass out, her body aching as she began to twitch slightly. Akeno wondered how she didn't end up exploding, her belly was so huge now! The Queen of Rias Gremory peerage panted, her face growing red as she watched Hinata fall still. Had she some how stopped the girl? Did that girl have her fill? Did she go beyond what she was capable of? All these thoughts rushed in Akeno mind, The Queen began to try subtly use her powers. Yet she found herself unable to, though she did feel the same power that must of coursed through Hinata; subtly flow through her being. "Did she give me access to her powers?" Akeno said to herself, as said girl that fucked her twitched. This caused Akeno to gasp and groaned at the sudden jerk, the Fallen Angel/ Devil hybrid giggled slightly as she listened to Hinata apologise; though she gasped seconds later as Hinata pulled out and cum rushed out. There was no way Akeni wasn't pregnant.
"I um...I...s-sorry..." Hinata bowed her head apologetically, though at least Akeno didn't seem mad or upset it seemed. "I...I'm sorry for bringing you here so suddenly too. I...I'm sure I can figure out how to send you back home soon too!" Hinata looked up, a few feelings inside of her having changed. Her body was continuing to adapt to its powers, continuing to figure out what she could do and how she could do it. Of course it was still unstable, and if Hinata did send Akeno and Rias back home she was sure she'd find herself lonely again...but then if that happened who else might she end up accidentally pulling here? "I think...I think another day or so and I should be able to send you back" Of course even if Hinata did send them back, that in itself wouldn't sever the girls link to Hinata's power. Whilst they had nowhere near full access to Hinata's growing godlike power, they would certainly have more than enough. "Um...I...c-can I get the two of you something to eat? Or drink? um...must be hungry and thirsty after...after um..." Hinata glanced between the other two girls, both of them covered in Hinata's thick cum, not to mention plenty more of it leaking from both of their pussy's
Akeno breathed heavily as she looked at Hinata, she blushed at the apologises coming from the poor girl. "No its my fault, Rias and I pushed you too far." Akeno blush continued to grow, she was admitting to her and Rias fault, speaking of which; she made a glance to her king wondering when she would wake. "Though it isn't to say I loved it. Your just a bit to rough." Akeno noticed that her body was seemingly adapting, much like Hinata. "I never introduced myself, how embarrassing." Akeno used a hand to brush her bangs from her purple eyes a smile on her face. "I'm Akeno Himejima , a Fallen Angel/Reincarnated Devil. I'm the queen of Rias Gremory peerage!" Akeno announced to the girl. Akeno frowned as she soon saw the sadness coming from Hinata, deep down Akeno didn't want the girl to be alone. "How about this, we build a doorway to our world, that we can come and go? I mean it should be easy right?" Akeno suggested to the girl before answering the next question. "Maybe some to drink would be nice."
Well Akeno was right about one thing, she and Rias most certainly had pushed her, past the point that Hinata's current mind had been able to handle meaning the instincts of her new powers had taken over. "Sorry...I didn't mean to be I just....I lost control. I remember everything I did, but it's's like I wasn't in control of my body...but at the same time I was" It was hard to explain really, Hinata could have stopped if she had really wanted to, but she simply...hadn't wanted to, the pleasure had been so amazing she just hadn't wanted it to end. "Ah, well it's nice to meet you Akeno. I'm Hinata Hyuuga...I am...or I was...a ninja, though now I'm not entirely sure what I am" She glanced away, at the bedroom she had created. It had been made to resemble her room at home, but maybe that was going to be too painful, maybe she shouldn't have so many reminders. Then again this made her comfortable, and if she had others here it wouldn't be so lonely.
"A doorway? I think....I think maybe that should be possible" Whilst a permanently open doorway would cause problems, it would be possible to link Akeno and Rias' dimension to this otherworldly space of Hinata's, creating a closed doorway, one that any of them could open at will for long enough to come through back and forth.

Hinata smiled as Akeno asked for a drink, then held out her hands and took a deep breath. She concentrated for a moment, before a tray suddenly appeared in her hands, adorned with a full tea set and a steaming pot of tea. "Ah...there we go. This is my favourite tea, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this" She set the tray down, carefully pouring out three cups of tea, just incase Rias was awoken by the scent of it.
Akeno pulled herself up a bit further, hugging the Hyuuga princess before whispering that it was all ok. Akeno and Hinata tits mashed and nipples rubbed, as - the fallen angel/devil Queen of the Rias Gremory peerage - hugged. It was at this time the tray disappeared from Hinata hands and onto the bed, so as it wasn't to spill. "You did nothing wrong, I think Rias and I were what pushed you." Akeno pulled away from Hinata, a smile was on her face as she kissed the girl on the forehead. "Now let's talk while having some tea, I know Rias is going to be out for a while." Akeno said as she went over to grab a cup of tea. "So tell me about this ninja life, or really tell me about your life." Akeno said as she held the cup closer to her lips. It was at this moment that Akeno wondered what she could do with her new found powers, a part of her began thinking about being a bit taller.
Hinata was surprised by the hug, but thankful for it all the same, and more than happy to return it. Though as their breasts squashed together she shivered and barely managed to bite back a soft moan. As much as she wanted the hug to continue, she was also just a little thankful that it was done with as Akeno pulled away, though she blushed as she was kissed on the forehead. It was so strange to be doing something like that after what had just happened. "Ah! Yes, tea" She nodded, picking up her own cup and taking a sip. "Oh, well it was....a strange life. There was a lot of fighting, more than I would have liked really. It was to defend people but....still, it meant hurting people more than I ever really wanted to. In a way I'm kind of relieved to be away from it, sometimes I think I didn't know what I was really getting myself into..." She sighed softly, staring down at her bare lap, then taking another sip of her tea. "What about you? What is life like back home for the two of you?"
Akeno nodded as she listened to Hinata tell her tale, she sipped from the teacup. "I see, a life full of fighting and possibly going to war. It's not so much different from the world, Rias and I come from... Speaking of which, do we still plan to make that doorway? Or are you planning on keeping us here forever?" Akeno asked with a teasing grin, she took another sip of the tea; this time she would thoroughly enjoy the flavor brought by it. "Mmm, this is a great tea." Akeno makes an off handle comment to Hinata. "So, what do you want to know about me and Rias world?" Akeno asked Hinata, wondering if the girl was truly interested in their world.
"Yes....a war seems unavoidable now back home..." Hinata sighed and shook her head slowly, then looked up. "Hm? Oh! R-right! I...well I'm not entirely sure how but....let's see...." She thought for a moment, sipping on her tea and closing her eyes to concentrate. She wasn't really sure what to think about, it was more like she was trying to direct her instincts. She knew it was something she was capable of, she just wasn't sure of the specifics when it came to how. The knowledge was almost in reach, so close she could nearly grasp it...nearly.
"Hm? Oh, well...what is your world actually like? What do you and Rias do in your day to day lives? What are other people like?"
"That's not good, shouldn't you go back and help? I mean with everything you've said, and talked about. I'm sure you could find some use to help." She told the girl, Akeno raised an eyebrow at Hinata question. "Oh.... Well our world is advanced, there are just normal humans, then the supernatural like us... Me and Rias live rather mundane lives, taking out few stray devils here and there, but we're mostly at school, a formerly all girl school, turned co-ed." Akeno told Hinata, wondering what she would do with the information, then it hit her! Hinata was trying to create a doorway between their worlds!
"Well....I should go and help the same time it could mean going back and watching my friends die, or having to kill to stop others being killed. Though maybe when I master this new power there'll be more I can do, some way I can stop it without bloodshed" Hinata looked at her own hands for a few moments, sighing softly before looking back to Akeno. "Your school used to be for all girls? Wow, I can't even begin to imagine what that'd be like. There's nothing like that where I'm from" She tilted her head slightly. In the back of her mind Hinata's power was beginning to create the doorway subconsciously, one of the walls of the room beginning to shift slightly, a literal door beginning to form where one hadn't been before. Within moments it seemed to have completed, an for a moment it glowed almost blindingly so, before settling down, now appearing as a completely normal door, though on it was a picture of Rias and Akeno's school.
"Ah" Hinata looked over to it "I think...I just did that" She grinned softly, unable to help feeling slightly proud of herself. As long as the door was shut then it was simply a stable link between the two worlds, but the mere act of opening the door would create the portal. Of course on the other side only Akeno and Rias would be able to see the door, much less open it, but it would grant all of them the freedom to come and go as they pleased. Of course it sounded like Akeno and Rias would be quite busy back home, so it wasn't like they would be able to spend all of their time here with her.
Akeno nodded as she listened to Hinata, she understood that the girl didn't want to fight, or spill anyone's blood; such a idea was naive, even with all the power now at Hinata finger tips. Someone out their would still be a big problem and cause many issues, Akeno wondered if Hinata had any understanding of the concept. The Queen of the Gremory peerage giggled at what Hinata said next, it was quite funny that such a thing would happen. "Well, I guess your world is different from ours, or maybe our world just has different standard's for how people govern themselves." She gave her piece of her mind as she continued to talk. "It's good to know that we have a door back home now, I can't thank you enough, me and Rias will visit when we can. We do have very busy lives back home."
"It sounds like our worlds really are very different, maybe I can come and visit your world sometime, though I'm not entirely sure I can leave this place, not yet at least anyway" She smiled lightly, finishing off her tea and looking over to Rias. "Ah, you're awake. I um...sorry...I think I um...overdid things a little bit didn't I?" She laughed nervously, glancing away as clothes began to appear on her once again, though rather than her previous outfit it was a rather plain and unassuming dress, one adjusted for her now larger breasts and far better suited for her new cock than the pants she'd been wearing before. "But you're both welcome to come back here any time you want, that's the very least I can do after bringing you here against your will like that, even if it was an accident"
Akeno giggled as she saw Rias awake from her slumber, it was quite funny to see her 'King' so dishelved and shocked. "Thank you, I'll make sure that we visit when needed, and maybe you can come visit us so we can have some fun together." Akeno winked at the girl. "Oh, don't worry, I'll visit as much as I can, and I'll make sure to drag Rias along to." Akeno said with a peppy voice, as Rias groaned as she tried to figure out the current situation l, she rubbed the temple of her head as she tried to not bang her head against a wall.

"I'm going to regret this aren't I?" She asked herself.
"Well when I think I can I'll be sure to come and visit, it'll be interesting to see your world and how different it is from mine" Hinata smiled softly, looking over to Rias, a cup of tea appearing infront of the red headed girl. "Would you like some tea before you go? It'll help you feel a little better, this tea always helped me whenever I felt exhausted and needed something to keep me going" Hinata was starting to get the hang of this, creating food and drink at least. "Sorry again about all of this, pulling you from your home so suddenly. This is all just as confusing for me really, I'm still not sure where I am, how I got here or how I can do all these things. It's like the knowledge is in my head but I can't get to it, like something in my brain is saying I'm not ready to know just yet"
Rias sighed and groaned as sbe rubbed her temples, she cautiously took the tea and remained silent for a majority of the time. "Well, this is... Odd." She said to herself internally, as Akeno took her time to talk to Hinata and just have a bit of fun with the girl. After a few minutes and a cup of tea Rias was getting inpatient. "Ehem! I think it might be a good time for us to go back home." Rias seemed to be rather annoyned with the long wait as her Queen quickly turned to look back at her.

"Awww! But Rias, It's the weekend, I don't think it be much of an issue if we hanged out here a little longer." Rias narrowed her eyes at her peerage queen. "Please!" Akeno flutered her eyes and pouted like a child.

Rias sighed in defeat as she knew that winning this wasn't going to happen. "Fine."
Hinata blinked and looked up as Rias said it was time to go home, though it seemed Akeno wasn't quite ready just yet. "Ah, well please don't feel like you have to stay on my account. I'm sure you both had things you need to be doing, I did seem to rather suddenly pluck you from your lives after all...and...from your clothes..." Hinata blushed as she remembered both women appearing naked. Did that mean that back in their world there were just 2 piles of clothing sitting on the floor somewhere? Or had the clothes simply been lost from existence? "Of course you're both welcome to stay too. Can I get you anything to eat at all? You must be hungry after uh....everything..."
"Well, Actually Rias here was going to bed when you took her, she likes to sleep in the nude; and I had just gotten out of the shower." Akeno explained to Hinata, hoping that might help the girl calm down slightly. "Oh of course! I'd love to have something to eat!" Exclaimed Akeno with a cheery grin, as Rias looked at her with a scowl.
"Oh, well I'm glad to hear I didn't cause too many problems. I was worried I'd pulled you from spending time with your friends or something and that they'd be worried about you suddenly vanishing" Hinata let out a soft sigh of relief, relaxing a little. "Ah, ok let's see...." Hinata thought for a moment, before just as she had done with the tea she managed to conjure up a plate of food for each of them. "Ah, I really am starting to get the hang of this now. Please, help yourselves. If you'd like more just say and I'll make sure to get it for you"
"Oh you don't have to do that, that is way to nice... I mean sure we're guests and all, but you really don't have to do this for us." Rias said, looking at her friend, queen in her peerage. Akeno just chuckled slightly, not ssying anything as she took a small finger sandwhich off her plate eating it quietly. "So, Hinata, why do I have the feeling that we're going to some how have sex again... Also why do I get a bad feeling, seriously I feel like something bad is going to happen."
"Oh but it's the least I can do, it's not just that you're guests but you never wanted to come here in the first place, I absolutely have to make that up to you" Hinata nodded firmly, it seemed she still had some guilt over bringing the pair here against their wills, but she wasn't feeling too down about it anymore at least, instead now simply wanting to make up for it. When Akeno asked her next question though she squeaked in surprise, her cheeks flushing and her cock twitching slightly between her legs. "O-oh my...I...wh-why do you say that? I...I mean I wouldn't try and push you into doing that again I....that is I..." Hinata was rather flustered. "A bad feeling? Ah...well....I suppose maybe it's the war coming up on my world....maybe whatever bad feelings are happening in my world are....sort of leaking through to this one because of me? What about in your world? Is anything bad happening there? Now that there's the gateway between here and there maybe feelings from your world are coming through too"
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