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Out of any world (Yummy x Firestarter)


Jan 5, 2018
Hinata Hyuuga didn't know where she was, she wasn't sure that she was even somewhere that could be called...well...somewhere. When she had first arrived wherever this place was it had been nothing but emptiness in every direction, absolute nothingness for as far as the eye could see.
Before that she had been in the lowest levels of the village library, sorting through various ancient scrolls. Now that the fighting was done and things had gotten quiet Hinata had found something a little calmer to relax a little herself, to take a break from war. And besides, Naruto had made it rather clear he wasn't interested in her the way she wanted, so burying herself in some work away from other people seemed like a good idea. One of the scrolls she had come across though, buried away in the bottom of a deep dark corner, had caught her eye. It was covered in various seals, but every single one of them seemed to have mostly worn away. Despite being careful in picking it up Hinata had ended up opening the scroll, and for a moment she had been blinded by a flash of light. When it had faded away she'd found a floating ball of light hovering before her, but as she reached of it the ball had seemed to fade slightly, before launching forwards and straight into her chest. She felt warm for a moment, the light spreading through her body, causing it to glow entirely for just an instant....then with another flash she was gone, and that was when she found herself here, in this infinite nothingness.

As she had wandered around, tried calling out, she'd felt strange new thoughts entering her mind. She seemed to begin to understand that the ball of light had been an ancient being, almost akin to a god, a being that existed between dimensions, explored other worlds. When it came to her world though it had been attacked and weakened, and unable to escape it had been sealed away. In the centuries that followed it had grown weaker and weaker, and by the time Hinata had freed it then it was on the verge of death, the only option it had was to pass on its power to Hinata before it died, letting her take its place to maintain balance between dimensions.
Of course that wasn't necessarily the strangest part. Hinata hadn't noticed at first, but as she had started to walk around...she'd found an odd feeling between her legs. Her pants and underwear had felt...tighter, and they seemed like they were getting tighter by the second. Eventually Hinata had decided there was nobody else around, so she had reached down, tugging her pants and panties out of the way...then screamed at what she saw. Just above her vagina something was growing....something that looked very much like a flaccid male cock, and it was steadily growing with every passing second, dropping down past her crotch and starting to reach down her legs, the growth only stopping when it reached all the way down to her knees.

Hinata had panicked, though she didn't know how long for. It was impossible to determine any passage of time here, she wasn't even sure if time existed here at all. Eventually though she had calmed down, just pulling up her pants, though now there was definitely a large bulge running down one of the legs.
Eventually she had sat down, beginning to think about how empty this place was, and eventually her thoughts turned to food and water. There was nothing here, how would she eat? Drink? Though as she thought more intently about her favourite had suddenly formed infront of her, seemingly appearing from thin air! After a moment she had reached for it, and found it to be real! It felt smelled tasted real! By concentrating Hinata even managed to summon or create a bottle of water too!
With a little more concentration Hinata had been able to create something approximating her bedroom, though as she crawled onto the bed her thoughts turned to loneliness. There was nobody else here, nobody....and as Hinata closed her eyes all she could think about was how she might never see anyone ever she so wanted some company, despite her new....'condition'
Loneliness... It was an absolute no one could escape. It was something that people couldn't escape easily, yet with the powers that were now invested into Hinata being. There were changes that were still yet to come. The powers that were added to Hinata began to react to her desire, climbing out and reaching for someone to help soften the lonely feeling. It was pulling someone into where Hinata was. A woman from another world named Rias Gremory would be 'plucked' and pulled into the same bed as Hinata.
Hinata was almost asleep when she felt an odd tingling sensation running through her body, it felt kind of like when she had vanished from the library and appeared in this world. For a moment she thought it was just another effect of being in this strange place, but then suddenly there was a flash of light just above her, and then an instant later someone suddenly fell into the bed beside Hinata. "Wh-what the?!" Hinata suddenly sat up and turned around, blinking as she looked at the red haired girl now laying on the bed as well. "Uhhh....h-hello? Who are....who are you? How did..." Hinata's question trailed off, was this her doing? She had felt strange and then an instant later this girl had appeared. She had somehow created the food, drink and bedroom from nothing....but she knew she couldn't create this girl, she was totally unfamiliar after all. And besides, this girl somehow felt....more real than the bedroom they were sitting in. "Um....are you alright miss? You're not hurt or anything are you?"
Rias blinked and looked around surprised by what happend... Why was she in someone else's bed? And say not in her own? Then it hit her like a truck... Her Peerage! What would the do without her!!! Panic began to run through he mind as she tried to get out of the bed, but realized that she was naked and their was a stranger looking at her! Her large luscious boobs jiggled as she turned to look at the other in the bed. Who to say the least was a woman like herself; yet was lacking the sexual department. So it came to a relief to the young heiress as she let out a sigh. At least it wasn't some rapist. The five foot eight devil teenager locked eyes with the bland girl. "No I'm fine." She told the girl. "My what is a little girl like yourself doing here?"
Hinata watched as the girl scrambled to get out of bed, her attention caught in particular by the readheads ample bosom which was bouncing and jiggling all over the place, and for some reason Hinata found herself unable to look away. This woman was....attractive, incredibly attractive...but what was she thinking?! Hinata had never thought such things about another girl before! Even so, as the red head stood by the bed Hinata still couldn't look away from that amazing body....and it was starting to have an effect on her. "O-oh'm...not entirely sure why I'm here either to be honest....I'm not completely sure where here actually is..." Hinata fidgeted slightly, the obvious bulge down one of her pant legs was starting to shift and move of its own accord. Despite already reaching down to her knee it seemed to be starting to grow longer...and it was growing thicker too, the outline of a cock becoming more and more visible down the leg of her pants.
Rias did not notice the erection, and as such paid it no mind. She looked at the less than busty girl with a playful smirk formed at her lips. "Well, since it seems neither of know where we are, we could get to know each other. At least till we find a way back." She tells the girl sweetly. "Hmm, I guess introductions are needed... So I'll introduce myself first." She finally stands up from the bed, giving a good view of her naughty parts as well as her overall figure; which Hinata was lacking in. That wasn't to say Hinata looked prepubescent, quiet the contrary actually as Hinata did have many womanly looks to her. It was just her body lacking the necessary curves to have. Placing hand to her chest Rias gave a rather official greeting. "I'm Rias Gremory, of the house of Gremory and heir to it; I'm also a devil." She in a polite voice, as her green blue eye's locked with Hinatas milky white. "I hope that we can become good friends!" She cheerfully told the girl, still not noticing the erection that was in Hinata pants leg.
The girl was taking all of this rather well, certainly better than Hinata had upon her own first arrival. Well, that was good, a calmer head might be able to help figure out just what the hell was going on around here. Though when Rias stood and fully exposed herself Hinata gasped, her growing cock twitching, pre-cum beginning to leak from the tip that was still pushing further down her pant leg, forcing Hinata's leg straight on the bed, leaving a dark stain coming through the fabric now. "I...I um...I'm...Hinata Hyuuga....a ninja of the Leaf Village. It's...nice to meet you Rias" It was hard to talk, Hinata was feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second, and her cock was starting to grow thicker as well as longer, at this rate the fabric of her pants weren't going to hold and her cock would rip right out of them. " say you're a devil...?" Hinata blinked as Rias looked into her eyes, not quite sure what the girl meant. She wasn't being literal, right? Maybe she just meant she enjoyed pranking people and generally misbehaving. Had to be, right?
"Yes I'm a devil, you heard me right." She cocked her hesd slightly to the left a bit, as she pouted slightly. "Is that an issue miss Hinata-kun?" Rias knew she didn't have to say Hinata-kun, but did it anyway to tease the poor girl. This was mostly because of how Rias just took notice of the bulge in Hinata pant leg, Rias was not a dumb girl and figured the girl, may have been a boy who was misguided on what their gender was... Boy was she wrong. "I'll assume we're not going to have any issue's then, after all I doubt you wouldn't love to have this hot bod close to you." She said the last part seductively. "Something that you seem to be lacking in, but make it up in other ways." She was teasing Hinata over her assets size.
"Oh um, no no, not a problem. I just wanted to make sure I was getting things right is all...." Hinata laughed nervously, her cheeks flushed slightly from the nickname, nobody had ever called her that before. Hinata watched as Rias' eyes moved, then glanced down to look at the bulge herself, gasping slightly as she finally saw it, her huge erection throbbing inside of her pants, which ended up pulling her leg along with it. "O-oh um...I...well...uh...that is..." When Rias mentioned having a hot bod close to her Hinata gasped, her cock giving a powerful twitch, the fabric of the pants barely holding together now. "I mean I've never....that is I don't really...."
Rias giggled at Hinata reactions, the way she stuttered and tried to remain calm and composed was hilarious. "Well I should probably mention, if we are still stuck here for some time... I'll gladly help you in any way possible, so long as you can help me." She crawled back onto the bed, on her hands and knees allowing her assets to jiggle and bounce as she crawled over to Hinata, soon Rias loomed over Hinata as her soft dainty hand rubbed and poked at Hinata cock. "Mmm, it's thick." She purred to the herm. "You know at first, I thought you were a girl like me... But know I think your one of those femboys, the one's who look like girls and such, but are actually boys. I mean your bodh just screams it." She cooed to Hinata, giggling as she watched the thick shaft throb beneath the fabric. "It is sad though, you dont have a lovely body like mine and have to settle for something second rate." Neither knew this, but Hinata could now alter her body to fit her needs and as such, she could subconsciously make herself sexier.
Hinata bit her lip when Rias crawled back onto the bed, watching the girls ample chest swaying and jiggling. Was...was she being serious? Did Hinata really understand her right when the girl said she'd be glad to help in any way possible? "I....I' happy to help however I can!" Hinata's voice got a little more high pitched as she squeaked the words out, her cock throbbing under Rias delicate fingertips, the heat coming from it more than easy to feel through the fabric of her pants. "H-huh? B-but...but I am a girl..." Hinata did always wear bulky clothes though that tended to hide her chest. "I...I mean....I know my body isn't incredible but...." Hinata's subconscious mind seemed to draw upon her new powers once more, and before Rias' eyes, the chest of Hinata's jacket started to shift as well, slowly starting to push outwards as her breasts were slowly growing.
Now not only were her pants tight and on the verge of collapse, her bra was getting there increasingly so as well. "H-hnngh....wh-what...what's happen...oooh!" Hinata released a moan of pleasure as her breasts continued to grow, the fabric of her pants starting to give as tears began to form in the cloth around her cock.
Rias took notice of how Hinata reacted, it seemed she was wrong about her being a boy. "Fufufu, I'm a bad person. It's just that you look like a girly boy." She cooed, watching in surprise as Hinata jacket was being stretched, the zipper pulling down with each growth. "It seems your body is growning." Her other hand rubbed st Hinata thighs, and even snaked it way down to her ass. "I wonder if my teasing is causing you to grow." A grin grew on her face. "You knw your lacking in the thigh, and butt department." She cooes to Hinata, her eyes glancing dosn as Hinata clothes ripped.
Hinata gasped again as her jacket slowly tugged down, her netted top offering no protection from Rias being able to see her bra, which was now overflowing with breast flesh and clearly being stretched to the limit. "I uh...I..." She grunted, then gasped as finally with a loud ripping noise her pants gave way, her huge cock finally springing free, flicking pre-cum up and across Rias' exposed breasts whilst Rias' hands were on her ass. Almost as if in response to what Rias had said Hinata's thoughts turned towards her ass and thighs, and then a moment later her butt started to fill out whilst Rias was rubbing at it, becoming larger and firmer, lifting Hinata up slightly, causing her to softly moan again, her immense cock throbbing now that it was exposed, so long that it was bouncing against Rias' breasts now.
Rias giggled and blushed as Hinata cock bounced on her tits, her to large scrumptious tittes. "Wow, for a woman you've got a bit ole cock. I wondwr what I would look like with one " she said last quietly." Rias blushed as she noticed how much of a monster cock Hinata sported, though she couldn't help but notice now that Hianta pants were practically nothing; that the herm did not sport any balls. "It seems you've just got a cock and pussy, it's kind of sad to see no testicles." She pouted slightly as she took the meaty shaft between her large bosom. "Your looking so womanly now, I wonder how big you'll get." She giggled slighly as she rested her chin on the tip of Hinata cock, which rested between her boobs and throbbed between her soft mounds.
"I...I um...I...I didn't have this until I got here! S-something about coming to this place made it just...grow out of me" Hinata bit her lip, grunting as one of the straps of her bra started to rip whilst her breasts continued to grow. "O-oh um...well..." Hinata glanced down when Rias mentioned the lack of balls "I guess uh....having those would make my underwear have been even tighter so..." She laughed nervously, then gasped as Rias suddenly wrapped her breasts around the cock. How was this woman so...casual about all of this? How was she so calm about just being pulled here all of a sudden?! "Um...s-so um...where...where are you from....?" Hinata grunted, then yelped as her bra finally gave way, breasts even larger than Rias' own spilling out, whilst Hinata's cock was spurting pre-cum all over Rias' chin, much of it overflowing back down onto the girls bosom.
Rias nodded as she listened to Hinata, understanding her situation. "Yes, I can see your point." She licked her lips slightly as she made a suggestive moan. "I mean why not go the full package, no one is watching us. Even if your panties become tight... I can assume you could shrink those right?" Using her elbows and body, she began to move up and down. Letting her soft breasts rubbed and pleasure the meaty shaft. "I mean, I doubt that you can cum, there's no balls so by that logic you can't produce semen." Everytime she brought her tits up amd down, she would playfully lick at Hinata tip. Her eyes wondered upwards to Hinata chest as she heard the bra snapped. "Ooh, look at that. Your definitely going to be womanly now, Your definitely a Akeno sized tier of breasts now." She playfully teased the herm as she continued to pleasure the cock. "I've got a feeling this realm listen to your command, and if that's such... You could possibly send me back to where I'm from, or even the world you came from." She comments causally.
"I...." Hinata gasped as Rias started to move her body, her breasts sliding up and down Hinata's throbbing shaft, the plentiful pre-cum she was producing acting as a lubricant. With a loud moan Hinata fell over onto her back on the bed, though despite their new enlarged size her breasts were remaining gravity defyingly firm and perky. Whilst the growth of her breasts had stopped her nipples were still growing, slowly pushing further out, 1 inch...2 inches...3 inches...they only seemed to stop growing at 4 inches in length and 2 inches thick. "Hnngh!" Hinata's hips started thrusting on their own up into Rias' breasts, her enlarged ass providing plenty of bounce. "Wh-why are...why are you d-doing this so suddenly...?!" Hinata couldn't figure out why Rias was being like this...was she just some kind of slut?
Hinata was such a fine looking beauty now, hr body looked more msture thsn ever before. Rias couldn't help but moan whorishly, yeah she could feel herself losing control. It was most likely because of the aura released by Hinata; bringing her face and mouth closer as she licked at it like a lollipop. Snaking one of her hsnds downwards to the bssed of thr cock, rubbing at tbe area if what should've been a pair of balls. The area of can be a pair of hesvy cum filled balls. Rias lustfully locked eyes with Hinata once more.
At the base of her cock Hinata's pussy was dripping wet, her cock twitching madly between Rias' breasts. "Oooh! R-Rias....Rias I...I can feel....w-weird...!" She whimpered, her hips beginning to thrust even further involuntarily, her breasts bouncing back and forth along her chest, huge nipples throbbing and aching. "Nnn.....I....oh god...I...I can't...I can't stop it!" Hinata thrust her hips up a few more times, then cried out as she came hard, thick white cum erupting from the tip of her cock, shooting high into the air and falling back down upon the two of them like rain. The cum just kept coming and coming, even the largest and most virile of demons would have been put to shame by the volume pumping from Hinata's cock.
Rias' giggled as she felt Hinata dick throb, she figured this was her first time; dipping a hand into her cleavage and running her fingers across her bosom. She would get a good amount of the creamy stuff, bringing it to her lips and licking it off said fingers. Rias' gasped as a flurry of tastes hit her, sweet, fruity. Those were some of things that came to mind, she had forgotten about the cum that had landed on the rest of her body. Yet it seemed that Rias' did not care at the moment, as she sound found herself straddling Hinata hips. Pressing down on the monster shaft, and bending it till she could feel it at her slit.
Hinata lay panting as her orgasm finally subsided, both girls now covered in cum, along with the bed and much of the room around them. "O-oh god...." She didn't notice at first as Rias had risen up, it wasn't until she felt something pressing down on her still hard cock that Hinata opened her eyes and looked up, gasping as she saw Rias bringing the tip towards her pussy. "Wh-wha? R-Rias! What're you....wh-why are you...?" Hinata cut off and gasped as she felt the now even more sensitive tip of her cock rubbing against something hot and wet, the monster shaft twitching eagerly in response, Hinata's nipples seeming to grow a little further in anticipation.
Rias moaned as she felt the tip throb at her entrance, bitining her lip as she slowly lowered herself onto the meaty thick shaft, letting it penetrate her parting her lips and pushing deep into her loins. "Mmm, so big." She whimpered as the shear size of it was amazing. "Fuck." She gritted her teeth as she lowered ever further, more of the cock entering and tapping against her hymen. "Your going to enjoy this, but first... Your going to have to take my virginity." She moaned as she slammed herself down, hissing and crying slightly as her hymen was torn. Blood began leaking from her pussy and dripped onto Hinata cock. "Fuck that hurts." She cries slightly at the pain. "Ah~ fuck." The pain was starting to be drowned out by a tidel wave of pleasure. Rias looked at Hinata with a weak smile.
Hinata couldn't help feeling a little guilty at the pain Rias had felt from her virginity being taken, even though it was entirely of Rias' own doing, it was just the kind of person Hinata was. Even so, she couldn't deny Rias had been right about one thing, Hinata certainly was enjoying this. The pleasure was so intense, and her cock felt even more sensitive than before after cumming only a few moments ago. She moaned loudly, her cock throbbing and twitching inside of Rias, until the sinking girl met some further resistance. With less than half of Hinata's cock inside the tip was already pressing up against Rias' cervix, attempting to gain direct access to the busty red headed devil's womb. "U-uuugh..." Hinata was instinctively trying to thrust her hips up in order to get more of her cock inside. "R-Rias...o-oh's so good...P-please...please I want more"
Rias squealed happily, as she was fucked, the way the cock felt in her was heavenly; and the way it tapped at her womb felt delightful! She loved every moment of riding Hinata cock. Her pussy clenched tightly around the meaty shaft, slowly she began to bounce up and down; faster and faster she would slowly increase her speed. Rias could feel herself losing control of her mind, words began to slip from her mouth as her breasts bounced up and down. “FUCK! YES! HARDER! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT WITH ME! I’M YOURS!” She cried out happily, her hair was growing disheveled as her eye’s began to cross and her tongue starting hang from the side of her mouth. “HNGH! FUCK! AKENO IS MISSING OUT!” She cried out, not knowing that Hinata could possibly summon her, and would summon her by accident.
Hinata moaned loudly as Rias' body only seemed to get tighter around her cock, her hands going to the red heads hips and starting to pull her down even further, grunting as her cock finally pushed through and directly up into Rias' womb, stretching her belly with the outline of the gigantic cock inside of her, hips starting to thrust back up against the riding girl. "O-oh god! Oh god it feels too good! It's too good!!" Hinata, normally so shy, so proper, was lost in a sea of pleasure that she never could've imagined, her enlarged breasts jiggling and bouncing. She didn't know who this Akeno person was that Rias was talking about, but somewhere in the back of her mind Hinata did wonder, and her new power began to react to that wonderment, beginning to reach out across dimensions once more, this time guided by Rias' own thoughts and lust as well as Hinata's own.
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