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That Hollow Feeling (Cinderella1181 and Mim)

Dean let out the breath he was holding when he heard her, especially once she said everything was fine. "Nothing really. Abadon found out where we would be and I just killed like,. I swear 10 of her demons by my self. I am just tired and I miss you, and I just want to be at home with you. " He said all in a rush. God, I sound like a girl...I have it bad.

He rubbed his hand over his face. "I am going to drive as far as I can tonight, then get a little sleep and then finish up tomorrow. I should be home by super tomorrow night. Tell Sammy to keep an extra eye out for Crowley's goons. I wasn't overly fond of the conversation we had about you." His mind flashed to the pictures she had sent. "Oh yeah... by the way, thanks for the wank bank material."
Jude smiled. "Yeah well, I wanted to make sure you knew that I won't always count to three as fast as I did last night," she returned. "And you have to be a good boy to get more. Understand?" She waited for his assent before continuing. "I miss you too, Dean. Abaddon...she's one of those knights of Hell, right? So will she be able to trace you back here?" She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "No wait, never mind. Don't worry about that. Just...get home to me, alright? I love you."

Once they'd hung up Jude returned to the booth. "Dean said to keep an extra eye out for Crowley's goons," she informed him. "Apparently he's threatened me again. And...apparently Barry is a demon?" She scowled and shook her head. "He's a kid I babysat in high school. I mean, not so much a kid now, obviously, but he wouldn't hurt a flea. I can't see how he's a demon."
Sam looked at her. "Yeah, well the demon hijacking him for sure wants you to believe he's never hurt a flea Barry." He sighed and looked at her. "There is so much that you have to learn. Once we get back to the bunker, I will pull out some books for you to read. They uh...kinda tell our story. Apparently when we die, they will be the Gospels of Winchester." He shook his head. "Though Dean on the cover art is so not true to life. he doesn't have nearly as many abs."
Dean drive from Missiouri to Ohio in one long day. He was halfway home. He had come to realize in the last few hours of driving was home was wherever Jude was. It had been Sam, Bobby, Cas, Ellen and Jo at one time, but now it was defiantly Jude. It was scary to Dean. Especially now. Now that he had the mark. What was this going to do to him? What price was he going to pay. He sighed and pulled into a rest stop. He pulled out his phone and looked at the pictures he sent her. He smiled and yawned, that is what he needed. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"Wait a minute...was there one about a racist truck?" Jude's mouth twisted into a wry smile. "My roommate in college was obsessed with those books, but I've never read them. Don't tell me that was actually about you?"

"Yeah uh...guilty as charged." Sam scratched the back of his neck and smiled uncomfortably.

Jude laughed despite herself. "Oh, I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh at you, but it's just...they sounded so cheesy, especially considering I was dealing with 'real' monsters."

"Hey, the racist truck was real!" Sam defended with an embarrassed smile. "Just because our monsters aren't invisible--"

"And are bugs?" She arched an eyebrow.

"Now, the author apologized for that one."

The rest of the evening was spent pleasantly, stopping at Jude's favorite bakery on the way home and eating it while catching up on Game of Thrones. Jude reflected during a commercial that in another life she might have thought Sam more appealing--he definitely bore more resemblance than Dean did to other men she had dated--but now she just couldn't see a life without Dean. It was funny how life worked out sometimes. The following day was much the same: put in a few hours at the station, off a little early to meet up with Rachel to continue what seemed to be endless sifting through her parents' belongings, then a run with Sam. She took him along a different path which skirted a lake before joining back up with itself after making the full loop. By the time the rumble of the Impala was heard in the driveway Jude was busy at the stove, insisting on giving them both a home-cooked meal. After a glance out the window, Jude smiled.

"Dean's home!" she announced to Sam in the living room.
Dean sat in the impala and looked up at the house. He sighed. How was he going to explain everything? He looked at the mark on his arm, the red welt that it was and shook his head. He tugged his sleeve down and got out of the car, and pulled his bag out of the back. He made his way up to the house, obviously tired, and opened the front door. "Hey, I am home..." He called out.

Sam got up and took three long strides to him and gathered him up in a hug. Dean melted into him a second grasping his back. This, these two would be what keeps him grounded. What keeps him from going full dark. He pulled away from him and smiled. "Man you act like you ever seen me after I killed like 15 demons before. Beside, she can't be that bad. She be little but she is fierce." He grinned, seeing Jude behind him. He dropped his bag and let go of Sam.

He walked over to Jude and picked her up off the floor and kissed her deep. This was home. It didn't matter physically where they were. The two of them were home for him and he now knew he bore the greatest responsibility of his life. To protect them from the evil that was surely to be on his ass. He held her close and kept kissing her. He finally pulled away and smiled at her. "Hey baby, I am home." He grinned and rested his forehead to hers. "I am hungry, I am tired, I need a shower, pie, dinner and sex. Perhaps not in that order, but those are the goals for this evening. Think you can help me get a few of those off my list?" He finally set her feet on the ground. "I can handle the shower bit by myself, and I can do that now." He grinned.
Sam got to the door first, pulling his brother into a hug. "Yeah well it doesn't keep me from worrying," he admitted. "And I didn't trust Crowley to bring you back in one piece. And Jude's been running me ragged, so..." He exchanged a smile with Jude, who was promptly swept up into Dean's arms. He could get on board with this little family unit. Plus Cas, of course.

"Hey," Jude returned after kissing him back. "You definitely need a shower first," she teased, "and dinner is on the stove. There's still some pie in the fridge but you get one slice or you'll be sorry, so before or after dinner choose wisely." She raised an eyebrow briefly, suggestively, before finding her feet back on the floor. "Everything else will take care of itself, but leave a little to Sam's imagination, will you?" She winked teasingly at Sam over Dean's shoulder before kissing Dean again. "Now go. You smell."

Dinner, as promised, was on the table by the time Dean had finished showering. Jude pushed her food around her plate for a little bit, then looked up at Dean. "So I've been thinking about it," she admitted finally. "I want to hunt down Hollows and wights. All of them. There's only like, 300 of them. You'll need to give me like two weeks or so but I want to come with you out to Kansas. On the understanding that we come back here some day and have that 'apple pie life,' as you call it. It's not a permanent thing, just...permanent for now."
Dean was mid-shovel of food when she said that. "Your serious?" He looked at her. "I mean.. really serious, You want to come here and live with" He motioned to Sam. "I mean I know I am perfection, but him...well, look at him." He grinned. He spoke with a mouth full of food at the end. He chewed and swallowed. "We can always come back here someday. I promise you that."

Dean smiled. "And I always like to have someone small on a hunt, the moose can't get in to little places to you know look at something." He reached over and took her hand. "Any time you you wanna come, you can. We will get you all geared up. You can even use our dungeon." He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
Jude raised an eyebrow. "Assuming you actually have a dungeon," she teased, squeezing his hand. He'd taken her right hand in his left, causing her eyes to fall on their cuffs. Mine was the thought that came to mind. Sam noticed the matching jewelry too--something Dean would have thoroughly mocked--but didn't say anything for now. That was their thing and he was lucky Dean had opened up to him at all about Jude, never mind as much as he had. "And that 'someday' is before I'm old and gray, Dean. I mean it. I just want these resources you say you have in Kansas. And I'll have you know that Sam's the best roomie I've ever had."

"Appreciate that, Jude." Sam smiled and gave Dean a smug look before taking a bite. "So uh, are you coming on hunts with us?"

Jude shrugged, taking her hand back from Dean so she could finish eating. "Haven't decided yet," she admitted. "Mostly I'm just looking for wights and Hollows. I admit partly for vengeance...but also so Peculiars don't have to live in fear anymore. We can live in Loops if we want to, or we can just live our natural lives, without fear of invisible monsters murdering us if we step outside our doors at night. The fact that Andy and his Hollow were out there in the middle of the day was a giant fluke, you know. I'm sure he was just staking out the house or something." She shivered to know that he'd probably been stalking her for years, and that there could be another one outside right now. "But I dunno how much I want to get tangled up with other monsters. I'm fast but I'm not particularly strong."
He smiled a little. "I can see you coming out on anyone you want to. Don't feel like you have to though." He took her hand and smiled. "I have learned to not tell you anything, but know that you are always welcome on any hunt. If you are really in to vampires, we are always hunting those.. So yeah...come on." He grinned at her.

Sam smiled. "Oh my god, you have turned Dean in to someone with feelings. Next thing you know he is gonna want braid my hair..." He twirled a little but of a curl.

Dean looked at him. "Shut it. I will break you."

"Lets talk about our feeling Dean. I know how much you love it..." Sam replied, He managed to duck as the roll was lobbed at his head.
"Boys no fighting at the table," Jude admonished in a maternal tone. "And no throwing food! Am I your girlfriend or your mother?"

"I think you'll likely be both," Sam joked.

"Well next one to start a fight doesn't get any pie," she threatened, nudging Dean's foot a little. "Besides, it's not like Dean has feelings. It's that he knows I'll get pissy if he tries to tell me what to do, and making me pissy doesn't get him anywhere." She smiled. "I think I'm gonna be mostly focusing on Hollows and wights, but if there's a lull or I hit a dead end I might come out for a hunt. It's still a little difficult to wrap my head around the idea that there are other monsters out there, other than the ones I've always had to deal with."

After dinner was dessert, conversation, a movie, and just a general slow, comfortable feeling of an evening with family. Once Sam had gone to bed Jude had peppered Dean's neck with kisses, eventually moving to straddle his lap as they made out on the couch. Once Dean had carried her into her bedroom--their bedroom now, she supposed--Jude quickly worked at the buttons of his flannel before pulling his shirt off. It didn't take long to notice the burning welt on his arm and she stopped, frowning and taking his arm.

"What's this?" she asked with concern, the mood suddenly diminished.
He looked down at the mark. "It's nothing baby, really nothing. Just, lets get back to what we were doing..." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. He knew this wasn't going to be the end of it, and when she touched it he felt the sting of it shoot down his arm. "Honestly, its just something that I need for right now, and I will get rid of it as soon as I can.."

He ran his hands over her waist, and around to her backside. He squeezed and leaned in kissing her. "Just ignore it okay? I seem to remember a promise of three, and I think after the last couple of days I earned at least one." His green eyes pleaded with her to drop it. Honestly, how was he supposed to explain, this was the Mark of Cain, and he was now a knight of hell, so that way eventually he can kill another knight of hell, who was causing them problems. Oh and that we was working with that little British skeez to be able to finish her. Yeah, that was not the conversation that he wanted to have right now with half a hard on and his girl on him. "Things like that show up all the time, and honestly, it's no big deal."

He reached his hand up to her neck and pulled her down, kissing her deeply. He prayed that was enough to get her mind off his new piece of body adornment.
Jude could taste the lies on his kiss. She pulled away and slid off of him, stepping away with her face darkening in a slow anger. "I would've let it go if you'd just told me it was a new tattoo," she informed him, folding her arms across her chest, "but it sounds an awful lot like there's more to it than that. 'Things like that show up all the time'? What happened, Dean?"

All manner of things flitted through Jude's head. A tattoo that just 'showed up'? What was that supposed to mean? And that he was getting rid of it? The worst case scenario she could think of was that he'd gotten blackout drunk and woken up with a chick and a tattoo and no idea what had happened, and now he was feeling guilty about this reminder of his indiscretion. While that really wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things--Jude had experimented with mutual non-monogamy before--it was still hurtful and she felt a little ill thinking about it. Whenever Dean tried to touch her or kiss her she backed away, not allowing it until he'd explained himself.

"Was it a girl?" It had taken her a while but she finally worked up the courage to ask. "Is that what it's about?"
He looked at her. "What? No there is no girl. I mean.. I guess in a round about way there is a girl, but she's a demon and I am trying to kill her. " He sighed and rubbed his face. He knew he wasn't going to win this so he looked at her. "This is the Mark of Cain. Yes that Cain of Cain and Abel fame. He is a knight of hell. And in order for me to be able to wield the first blade and kill Abaddon, who is another Knight of Hell, I must bare the mark." He motioned to his arm. "So, if you happen to think that I spent some kind of wild and crazy trip away sleeping with all kinds of girls your wrong. I literally killed like 30 demons, I am now, trying to fight off some kind of weird feeling in me, I want to make love to you and sleep for at least two days. That's all, there is honestly no other woman. I am not that stupid. You'd kill me."

He sighed and rested back on his elbows, looking at her. "Welcome to the crappiest part of my life. The what do I have to take on to be able to kill some kind of Demon part."
Jude pressed her lips into a thin line as Dean confessed to everything. A year ago she would have dismissed it as the biggest crock of shit she'd ever heard, but now? Now things were making a little more sense. His desperate call on the road, his third and fourth helpings at was the Mark of Cain. The Father of Murder...even her father had taught that one as an allegory rather than literal, historical truth. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, feeling bad that she'd come down so hard on him...but not too bad. He could've been truthful from the beginning.

"We're a team now, Dean," she said after a few long moments of quiet thought. "That means that we share everything, even the crappy parts. I'd rather you just tell me instead of having to pull teeth to get you to fess up." Slowly Jude approached him again, straddling his lap and draping her arms over his shoulders. "So this Mark...whatever it is, I'm here to help you bear it, alright? But I can't help if you're not open and truthful with me." She pressed a slow, deep, lingering kiss to his lips. "I'd only have killed you if there was another woman and I wasn't invited, y'know. So stop assuming I'm gonna freak out at everything and let me into your life. That's the only way this is going to work."

She was freaking out, to tell the truth, but not as much as she thought she might have. It would definitely be something to discuss with Sam in private at some point. Did he know? Did they know what sort of side-effects there were from this Mark, if any? If there were, how could they work together to make things easier for Dean? Mostly she was just concerned about his wellbeing and how this "Mark of Cain" effected that.
He sat up into her arms and little and wrapped them around her pulling her close. "I am not sure what is going to be happening with this Mark. But I will try and open up. You gotta give me a learning curve though babe. Like, The only person I have had to talk to is Sam, and he and I have never been great about talking about our feelings. " He leaned up and kissed her. "We've not had many chick flick moments, well maybe the first time he died and came back. Not the second time in the cage. He came back with out a soul."

He grinned at her. "I think right now. I just need you to be here, when I need you to even just hold me while I sleep. I don't think there is anything that I really need you to do per say."

"Wait...I take that back." His hand dropped down to cup her firm backside. "I defiantly need you to hump me into oblivion with your fine self. That I for sure need. And I hope I can stay awake for it all." He winked at her.
Jude blinked, then shook her head. She was going to have to read those Supernatural books Julie had been so into, she supposed, to understand everything Dean referenced so casually, like Sam coming back to life--a second time, apparently--without a soul.

"Well, so long as he's got his soul back..." She shrugged, and smiled when Dean told her he just needed her to hold him...and to fuck him into oblivion. She laughed and tossed her hair back as she grinded against him and cupped the back of his neck. "Well, you do need a lot of training," she replied slowly. "I'll train you so well that in a couple weeks you'll get a boner as soon as I start counting." Jude grinned. She'd had one boyfriend who she had trained strictly enough that that was exactly what happened--she was sure he still probably couldn't hear the number one without getting a half chub--and by the time she got to three he was always ready to burst. Once she had tried, just to see if it would work, going to four; he'd cum on command without her laying a finger on him.

As promised they made love and Jude let Dean sleep as long as he wanted. She left enough waffle mix for him and Sam, but the following morning she had to go to work...and to put in her two weeks notice. It was with sadness that she packed up her most personal belongings and drew up a casual contract renting the house out to Rachel. She would take her bed and a few smaller, sentimental pieces, but for the most part the furniture would stay with the house and Jude would bring her other possessions with her to Kansas. Two weeks passed and with the estate finally settled, dawn saw a tearful goodbye with Rachel. The Rev's old truck was loaded with boxes covered by a tarp and had been hitched to tow Jude's car behind it across the country.

"Take care of her, Winchester," Rachel growled, sounding a little less threatening than she'd have liked with her nose stuffy from crying. "If anything happens to her, I'll--"

"Hunt us down and cut our balls off, we know," Sam interrupted with a smile. He and Rachel had had a casual, on-again off-again thing going for the past month or so, but though he would miss her it had never been anything serious. They hugged and kissed and then Rachel threw her arms around Jude once more. "Take care of yourself out there Judy," she murmured, kissing her cheek.

"I will. I promise. It's not forever." Jude squeezed her, then let go and slid into the truck. "Now let me go before I change my mind." She sniffled and wiped away tears she had tried very hard not to allow to leak down her cheeks. She was proud of herself when she was able to hold back the storm until they got to the highway. It was two days to Kansas if they pushed hard, and the farther Keene got in the rearview mirror the more Jude's heart sank. She didn't plan on it being forever, but she was uncertain whether she would ever see her home again.


"Wow, actually meant a bunker..." Jude had killed the ignition and looked around the garage full of classic cars and motorcycles.

"I mean, what else were you expecting?" Sam helped her out of the truck and grabbed the suitcase she'd kept in the cab for their overnight stop in Indiana, closing the door behind her.

Jude shrugged. "I dunno...I guess not an actual, literal bunker."
Dean draped his arm over her. "Yeah, and wait until you see the library in the joint. You are going to love it." He leaned down and kissed her. "Babe, seriously, like it's amazing. And it's HUGE, and we have a dungeon." He grinned at her. "I love this.. come on in and look at everything."

He took her hand and lead her in to the bunker. As soon as it sensed that the boys were home everything kicked on. He grinned at her. "It goes in to shut down mode if no one is home in a day or two. It's pretty amazing. Wait til you see the bathroom. It's hot water and water pressure for days!" Dean was like a little kid at Christmas trying to show off the bunker. "What do you think?" He held his arms out wide in the main foyer part of the bunker. "Welcome home baby!"
Jude smiled, though somewhat insincerely. Dean was so proud of the bunker that she didn't want to disparage it in any way, and it was a nice bunker. If she'd been of a different disposition she would have been perfectly happy to stay in a place like this...but through her Peculiarity she had developed to be much like her plants. She needed sunlight and rain on the window panes--and actual windows--and preferred something closer to her cozy stone house back home than this underground mansion. She couldn't even sense the deep roots of the plants outside through the floorboards the way she could with many other ground-floor buildings. It was...disconcerting.

"It's great, Dean," she said tentatively. "It's...well, it's enormous!" She didn't want to immediately tell him that she planned on, at the very least, building a house on top of the hill that housed the bunker and tapping into its electricity and water lines. She'd let him have this for now. "Hey, by the way where is the bathroom? I've been holding it since we crossed the state line."

"Oh um, down the hall to the left, third door on the right," Sam pointed her in the right direction then turned to Dean. "Dude...are you sure this is gonna work out?" He'd been able to tell that Jude wasn't super thrilled about the bunker, and that was a concern.

Once Jude had found the bathroom she freshened up, skeptical about staying here but glad for now just to be out of the car. When she opened the door, however, she found herself faced with a fierce-looking man in a trenchcoat and had nearly walked into the very sharp blade he was pointing at her.

"Who are you?" he demanded gruffly.

"Who am I? Who the hell are you?" Jude held up her hands in surrender, keeping her eye on the blade, but still sounded alarmed. "And how did you get in here?"

"I live here. How did you get in?" The angel was thoroughly unimpressed with this stranger. "And more importantly, what are you?"

"What--? I'm human! And I live here too now, I guess!" Jude's tone went from alarmed to indignant at being called a 'what.'

"No you aren't," he argued. "Not fully."

"Well what are you, then?" she demanded, folding her arms across her chest and pursing her lips.

"I am an angel of the Lord." He stared her down when she raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

"Dean!" they both called simultaneously.
Dean heard the deep voice with the sound of Jude's voice. He looked at Sam. "Well, damn, Cas is home." He said headed down the hall. As soon as he rounded the corner, her saw the both tow to toe. He grinned. "Hey Cas. "

"Hello Dean." He said, his face softening a little when he saw him. He went back to scowling. "Who is this?"

Dean ran his hand to the back of his head, scratching a little at the nape of his neck. "Um...this is Jude. My uh...well....She's my girlfriend." He said. He knew that was going to not go over well with Cas. He walked over to Jude and pulled her in to his side. He leaned down and kissed her. "She is a part of this family now, so, same deal you protect her like you would Sam or I."

Castiel narrowed his eyes at Dean. "You know she is not all human?"

Dean nodded. "Yeah. I do. And it is fine. I love her."

Cas looked up at him, he blinked slowly and nodded. "The I will protect her. I am glad you are home."

Dean moved away from her, pulling Cas into a hug, holding him tightly. "I am glad I am home too. I missed you man." He stepped away and rubbed at his arm. The mark was, well, almost tingling. He ran her hand over it, artfully hidden under his flannel, it's been a crazy few weeks."
Jude was taken aback by the exchange. The so-called 'angel' lowered his weapon and embraced Dean. "So that's it?" she asked, thoroughly confused and disgruntled. "I get a knife in my face and it's 'this is Jude she's not human glad to be home'? Which, I am human, by the way! It's called being a genetic anomaly, thanks."

"Jude, this is Castiel," Sam said, motioning to the man in the trench coat. "He's...well, he's an angel."

Jude raised her eyebrows. "This is the Cas you've been telling me about?" she asked Dean. "And...he's an angel. What, no wings or halo? I thought angels would be a little more...y'know...celestial..."

"My true form has three faces, is approximately the size of the Chrysler building," he informed her flatly, "would permanently burn your eyes from your skull. I do have sixteen wings, but halo."

She nodded, a little stunned. She hadn't believed in angels, even as a kid, despite her father claiming that they were watching over their family. It was...strange to discover that it was all true. "Interesting." After some thought she focused back on him. "And I am fully human, you know. I'm just...I'm like the X-Men."

Cas frowned. "I don't understand what that means."

She chewed her lip for a moment, thinking. Then with sudden inspiration she checked the bottom of her shoe and picked out a grain that had gotten caught as she'd tramped through a weed patch near a gas station in Missouri, stretching her legs. It looked to be from wheat or some other sort of long grass. "Simple seed, right?" She held it flat in her palm and asked it politely to grow. Within seconds there was a fully formed stalk of wheat in her hand. "Some magic bullshit, I dunno how it works," she shrugged, "but the best any of us can figure is it's a genetic mutation. It's called being Peculiar."

"The Syndrigasti," Cas said with a nod, using the Old Peculiar name for them. "I've heard of you and your...troubles, in the 1930s. Your people caused quite a stir."

Jude didn't appreciate the level of suspicion in his tone. "Yeah, well I'm not one of those Peculiars, just so you know. I'm just a preacher's kid from the middle of nowhere." She shrugged. "So you live here too?"
Castiel nodded. "I do." He said simply, he was unsure about her and would talk to Dean in private about her. He didn't like that she had just, came into their lives, into their safe place, not fully knowing what she was bringing on her tail. "Although a lot of the time I am out either looking for my father, or Metatron, this is where I come home to. Dean and Sam."

Dean looked at him, and then at Jude. "You two will get along great in time I am sure."

He grinned at her party trick. "You could start a little road side stand if you wanted to, and build a garden over the bunker. Fresh stuff, and it'd get you out side, and Cas could finally get his beehives he has been whinning about."

"Bees are incredibly noble." Cas replied.

"Yeah, whatever you say man." Dean smiled.
"Your father? Being...God?" Jude quirked an eyebrow. Maybe the Rev had been more right than she'd realized.

"Yes," he said flatly. Little was left up to interpretation: he didn't like her, and Jude knew that though she didn't know why. He didn't know anything about her. Dean mentioned growing vegetables over the bunker, either ignorant of the angel's blatant dislike or ignoring it. At the mention of beehives she perked up.

"They are noble though," she argued, siding with Cas not just to get him to like her, but because she genuinely believed it. "I've always wanted beehives. The woods behind my house were just too shady for it, and those trees were so old I wasn't going to just, y'know, ask them to leave. That would've been super rude. But you've got plenty of land here, and I could grow some trees where I needed them but not where they'd be inconvenient, give the bees some nice dappled sunlight. Which, by the way Dean I was thinking...Maybe I could build a house, like an actual house, on top of the bunker and tap into its grid and water lines?" Jude looked uncertain, not wanting to hurt his feelings over the bunker he was very clearly proud of. "I...I need sunlight. Windows. I don't do well in p...places like this." She had been about to call it a prison, because that was how it felt to her.

"This is an excellent idea," Cas put in. "I believe there's also a...I think you call it a Loop, about five miles east, should you ever feel compelled to use it. It lets out in 1489, but I'm sure someone like you is resourceful enough to get along fine."

"Cas!" Sam scowled. Dean would have to be blind or willfully ignorant not to see that Cas had a problem with Jude. "Let's just let Jude get settled then we'll start making plans and stuff, alright?"
Dean sighed, he was going to have to have a conversation with her about this further, but right now, he just wanted to get her settled in. He took her to his room, and realized how messy it was when he walked in, he threw things in the hamper and in the closet. He smiled at her. "It's very.. well, bachalor pad right now, but, you can add anything you want to to it, and stuff. I don't mind."

He sat on the bed and pulled her hand, and pulled her on his lap. "I am glad you are here babe. I really am." He said quietly. "I know this isn;t ideal for you, but, having you close with me, is..really all I ever wanted. Now, I am going to make a food and beer run, while you settle in. And when I come back, I will give you the very grandest of tours. Got it baby?"

Cas watched Dean and Jude disappear into his room. He sighed. Sam's hand was on his shoulder.

"You know you don't have to push her away because if I know Dean, he is going to keep you both very happy." He said. "Jude adores him though Cas. She's not the bad guy in all of this."

"She is, much like you are an abomination. But we could cure you, she will always be one." He said flatly. "And her appreciation of bees in no way wins me over."
"She's not human, Dean." While Sam helped Jude settle in, Castiel had volunteered to go on a food run with Dean so that they could talk. Alone. "I've encountered the Syndrigasti before. Not all of them can be trusted." He looked sideways at Dean, trying to parse out what emotion was on his face currently. Facial expressions were still something the angel was getting the hang of. "Even if she is peaceful, the monsters who feed on her kind are not. Her people bring nothing but death and destruction in their wake; she'll bring nothing but danger to the bunker."

After a few moments of silent thought, he finally asked what had been on his mind and tried not to sound frustrated. "Why is she here, anyway? You've had...girlfriends before, but you've never brought them home." Cas knew that 'girlfriend' wasn't the right word for the one-night stands or occasional fuck buddies Dean had, but he didn't know what else to call them. Humans generally valued the sexual promiscuity of a woman as a bad thing, so he didn't want to make Dean mad at him by implying that Jude was the same type of promiscuous woman he had slept with but never brought home before...but that was what it seemed like to him.
Dean looked out the front of Baby's window and then glanced at Cas. "She was the first girl I ever...well...had sex with." He grumbled a little. "Cas look, it's hard to explain, she is the one who got away. All of those other girlfriends I had, they all were held up to her for measurement." He took one hand off the wheel and ran it through his hair. "She's just...I can't explain it. My soulmate in a way."

Cas looked out the window and sighed. "Oh," was all he said. He was quiet for a long moment. He finally finished it. "I see."

Dean frowned. "Cas, look, you know I feel a certain way about you, but you know that is hard for me. You know that..." He reached out, grabbing at his angels trench coat. "You know how much I care for you, and I care about her too."

"I do know." Cas replied, but there was heartbreak in his voice.
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