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Mass Effect: Trials in Tainted Space (Firestarter09 & Archet)


Feb 26, 2017
Two 'galactic' community's were formed in the milky way galaxy, the two were called the citadel council races, or something like that, and the United Galactic Confederacy, each of these communities acted as the main government of sorts, both were equally a pile of shit. These two government's had yet to meet, but that would change as a incident occurred. You see at some point a former member species of the citadel council, the Quarians had been exiled, why you may wonder? Well they went and accidentally created a semi artificial intelligence, which was illegal by Councils laws; soon a war broke out as the Quarians fought their creations, the getht, the war would be later called the morning war, and the Quarians lost it and were forced to flee on whatever ships they had. Centuries pass and the Quarians are now forced to live in skin tight environment suits, have weekend immune systems, and were basically in a less proper term, up shit creak with out a paddle... Until a desperate attempt by their Admirals led them to open, a mass relay which was something floating in space, connecting to other systems and the such. It allowed space ships to travel extremely fast in somewhat normal space... So the poor Quarians encountered the UGC, on the other side of said relay contact was made, and it was peaceful, the Quarians were allowed to station there fleet on the second planet (Harvest), of the current system they were in.

Whilst relief was being given to the poor race, the relay had activated again, this a time another fleet appeared, which was being commanded by a race of avian based metal aliens, called Turians they were angry, why you may wonder? Apparently it was illegal to open mass relays, and they attacked the first planet in the system (Shanix) in what would become the first contact war. This was due in part to the fleets commanding officer, coming to the conclusion that UGC had opened the relay.

Though eventually the conflict would end in a uneasy peace, and that's how the two galactic governments met, all because of one race.

Years would pass and many things would happen as each government kept their distance, minorly interacting.

Menta Shepard Steele sighed, as she looked at the page. Her dull silver grayish Kaithrit ears twitching in annoyance. "I was just trying to watch porn!" She exclaims, as she brushed her dull silver grayish bangs. Her amber eye's and slitted pupils locked on the screen. She shifted in her seat a bit causing her assets to jiggle a bit as her meat below grew slowly erect. "C'mon i know can get out of this, get back to my porn. Don't need all this history crap." You couldn't tell while Menta sat down, but she was actually pretty tall. Like six foot five tall. "Wonder what sis is doing the lab." She grumbles to herself.
Meena, the more...Docile of the two, was busy in her personal lab. She was a hard worker, helpful, and very smart. However, while she seems more under wraps than her sister, she hid quite the...Ferocious libido. And that 'mask' she wears of being a bit more above it all doesn't allow her to callously watch porn when she wants. Instead, she has to find other ways, while busy, to keep herself from indulging too heavily.

And so, she managed to weasel a deal from her father's company that her research required an assistant and got herself a temporary Intern. She was quite the smarty, and seemed to suffer from something similar. So, using both of their knowledges, they were progressing somewhat well on a progress to do with the capabilities of common androids. Upgrading their basic systems or the such.

Of course, it wasn't always they worked hard, and today was one of those days. The gray haired, golden eyed kaithrit was sat in a chair. While she was getting stuff done, it was more of the logistics of her progress. But meanwhile, under the desk she was typing away on, her assistant- a cute little human girl around 5'7 with modest assets, was working on some 'under the table' deals. Quite literally as Meena shifts every so often in her chair, a very light film of blush on her face as the intern was doing her job- Helping Meena with her 'lower' problems.

As Meena's fingers and eyes work on the computer, the Intern's mouth was very much busy giving her a very specific massage. As the human girl's mouth wraps around the kaithrit's cock, Meena makes no noticeable differences in her movement. Even as the human mouth takes more and more of it into her throat. Even though the Intern was inexperienced before being hired, Meena managed to convince her and now she was quite good at this. It was to the point she could swear the girl had a fetish for being under a desk of someone in charge of her.

FOr some time Meena continued working with the paper work. The faint smell of the Human girl's arousal meets her nose. "Ooh...That's it...We're almost done." she whispers encouragingly. She speeds up, trying to work more efficiency as her pink haired intern more efficiently takes her cock. For minutes it goes on, her cock being teased and milked as she starts gliding through the paperwork and digital entries. She manages to finish barely moments before one of her hands reaches down and pulls her face against Meena's crotch and cums hard into the girl's mouth.

With a relieved sigh as her Intern is drinking and cleaning up, she wraps up and sends the papers down and leans back in her chair, silently enjoying her pink haired slu- Intern cleaning up. Her thoughts silently thank the heavens or whatever out there that her Sister didn't like being in the laboratory or she'd have to give up this selfish pleasure of hers.
Menta huffed and puffed as she was about to lose her shit, she had left her computer in search of something to entertain her. Whether it was looking at her armor, guns or.... Dress. She wanted barf at that last one, she couldn't find anything that would keep her attention else where. So it came down to a few other choices; either she'd find something to fuck, call someone she knew 'as the daughter of one of the most famous person in the galaxy'; knew a lot of people. Like her long distance girlfriend Cass, she had quite the fling with her when she was in school. Mostly due in part that she took a liking to the girl, that and she loved helping with her 'issues'... Though it had been some time since they last talked.

But her finally choice was something she slighlty dreaded; her sister. While she wasn't against fucking her identical twin, or being fucked by her. She did have an issue with were she was at, her lab. Menta hated going in there most of the time, due in part that her twin cookee up some crasy ass shit half the time. She shuddered as the thought of when her sister had temporarily made her body sensitive to... Everything. Or the time she temporarily made her a bim- her thought process came to a halt as a smell hit her nose; the twin more bestial instincts kicking in as she sought down the source of the smell.

She walked and walked; not paying any attention to where she was at, her mind a blank at this point. Soon she would find herself at the stair well to her sister laboratory. It was at this time she regained control over her instincts, letting her realize where the damn smell was coming! "Oh fuck! C'mon sis! Don't tell me your realising pheromones into the house!" She exclaims in annoyance. "Fuck I got no choice now." She began to grumble and growl as she headed down the stair well, soon she find herself at the door and to which she promptly opened without restraint. "ALRIGHT I-!" She paused mid sentence at what she saw. "Oh come on! The fucking intern really!"
Meena jolts up as the door slams open, her pushing forward a bit towards the desk, pushing her cock against Endine's face. "U-uuuhhh...What, Sis?" she asks, looking curiously at her sister as a short burst of surprise was replaced with Meena going right back into contained calmness. The door leading to her lap was on the other side of her room from her desk and it was one of them that covered the front entirely. However, as Endine looked confused and tried to crawl out, Meena stuck a hand under and put it to the pink haired girl's lips as if warning her stay for now.
Menta snarled in annoyance; she knew now that her twin was fucking that damn intern. "Don't lie! I know you've been fucking the intern! I've got a good whiff of it from upstairs!" She hissed in annoyance; her tails swishing and curling violently as her ears flicked and flicked. Her eye's held a predatory glare to them and showed the Menta was meaning business. She began to crack her knuckles as she approached closer to her twin sister; her eyes catching a glance of Meena arm movement. "Bring her out... Sis... or else, I'll blue ball the shit out of you." She threatened her twin knowing that it was one of her weakness's. "And I'm not joking at all, and don't even try convincing me that you weren't having sex with the intern; I smelled your fun.... Also don't try injecting with one of your damn experiment's! I'm not ending up a temp bim-" She paused before she could finish her sentence, as she caught a whiff of the sent again; her face contorting into a lewd one. "Ohhhhh~ That smell~." Her voiced purred as all anger seemed to dissipate as she licked her lips and her eye's dilated. "Ohhh~ Fuck! Need to fuck!" She began to walk closer, her ears standing at the most stiffest they ever been, as her tails curled slowly and her cock began to grow erect. She purred like an animal as she licked at her hand.
Meena just blushes slightly before saying, "R-right..." as she taps a button on her computer, "Remind me to install more potent filters around my lab." she says before scooting back to let the pink haired girl stand up. She stood a good height lower than either of the twins at about 5'6, her pink hair long, but tied back into a single ponytail. Her eyes were a soft purple as she stands up, face red, as she looks at Menta.

Meena knew what was going to happen next- it was well established between the two of them the sensitivity thing left her sister with a very good nose. At the same time, it mixed with the remnants of the Temporary Bimbofication to make her sister become...Well, hot and bothered would be an understatement. "Menta...Menta!" she says, standing up.

She reached in her desk to pull out a small spraybottle. She motioned for Endine to stay there and moves forward. The moment Menta got close, Meena raises the spray bottle and lets a good burst go into Menta's face. Menta would find herself regaining control over herself...FOr a most part. The scent still would make Menta's crotch burn in need, and the already built lust would stay.
Menta shook her head in annoyance as she was able to regain her sense's. "AGGGHHH!" She hissed as she looked around darting her head back and forth. She began to whimper and whine like a dog as she almost fell to her knees; hands grasping her hard thick Kaithrit cock. She began to pump it with vigor and need. Her face contorting once more into one of pleasure, her pussy ran with girl juices which trailed downwards; onto her thighs coating them in cum. "Y-You did this to me!!!" She moaned squealing as she pumped her kitty cock harder and harder as it began to drizzle pre-cum.
Meena chuckles softly, seeing her sister down on her knees stroking herself off so eagerly. Without saying a word, she motions Endine over before whispering something to her, to which the human girl blushes and nods eagerly. With a smile, Meena approaches and throws Menta's hands to the side and pushes her sister onto her back. With no delay, the pink haired girl was crouched in front of Menta's face, panties off under the skirt she wore under her lab coat. Meanwhile, Meena's arms spread her twin's legs and an identical cock gets pushed against Menta's pussy before slowly inching it in.
Menta moaned and hissed as her sister took advantage of her situation, and it made her angry. Jerking with a forceful strength she wrapped her legs around her twins waist, headbutted Edine crotch with a large amount of force. Ow. Which sent the assistant reeling back in shock and pain, twisting and turning and using her strength and momentum to send herself forward and force her sister to the ground, Menta hissed as she felt her sister cock further in to her pussy; Menta looked down at her sister smirking as she was one top. "Hahah~ even- mmmmmm fuck!" She broke her tough demeanor and her sentence, as her g-spot was hit by her sister cock. Her eye's twitched and tail curled as she regain her composure; she forced her hand forward grabbing a handfull of her sister tit flesh. "Fuck! I hate it when you do this!" She cried out to her sister, giving her twin's tit a good long squeeze and grope. "Alway's trying to fuck me over!" She hissed in anger and ectasy, as she squeaked in surprise as she felt her twin beginning to thrust, even though Menta brought her full weight on top of her. "Oohhhh~ fuck!" Menta more whorish nature began to rear its head, as the Kaithrit ear began to flatten and tails began to go stiff. Her tongue began to hang from the side of her mouth, as shs began to grind and rock her hios against her twins thrust. Her pussy squeezing tightly around the shaft; as her own shaft began to dribble large amounts of pre-cum which trickled down the sides of her shaft.
Meena's eyes go wide as Menta jerks upwards and headbutts Endine in the crotch. She just lets out a soft whine and rolls onto the floor, holding her crotch. "Endine, are you- Aaah!" she suddenly gets thrown back onto her back. She let out a soft hiss as her sister gropes her breast and her cock slides further into her sister. With rather ragged breath, Meena says, "Y-you say that..." before letting out a long mewl as her chest was groped, "Not to fuck you over...Y-you were the o-one who walked in here..." she pants out as her own hips grinds back against Menta's. "H-however, even so, I expect you to a-apologize to my assistant after t-this..." she says as she jerks her hips upwards into Meena's depths.
"Haha~ No. I wont." She moans out to her twin, her pussy squeezing tightly around the shaft with severe ease. "I'll fuck your cock till you can't cum no more." She purred to her twin, letting her own cock bouncing and slapping against her stomach with ease, as each of her two large testicles churned with large amounts of pre-cum, her own breasts nipples became stiff as her hands continued to grope and play with her sisters. Her finger's sinking into the flesh and kneading it with all her love and care. "I'll fuck you like a damn little piglet, UGH! FuCK! Harder! Harder!" She cries out as her twins cock rammed into her g-spot once more. Her tails curled as she threw her head back and cried out for Meena to go even harder. "Fuck! That's right my adorable bitch twin! Fuck me harder.... FUCK! I'm about cum!" She screams out, her cock trembling as thick ropes of seed shoot out coating Meena upper body, though some of Menta cum did hit her upper body as well; quickly the twin slammed herself down on the shaft, her pussy squeezing and tightening around the large meat, as loads of fem-cum unleashed from her cavern and coated the rod that was inside of her.
Meena lets out soft mewls and moans as her sister's hips slam downwards onto hers. Her sister was the more...Physically inclined, but Meena wasn't a slouch either, so it was not painful in the least. In fact, Meena kinda enjoyed the roughness of her sister compared to her normal partner's soft ministrations. However, her own inclinations and experiments had left her own breasts, while still around the same size as her sister's, a fair bit softer as her face was red with her sister's fingers sinking into her tit flesh and squeezing them. She was more glad she wasn't experimenting with Lactation, her own hands lowering to grab her sister's ass as she thrusts up into her bucking, aggressive sister. As her intern was writhing on the ground beside them, Meena shoves upwards, watching her sister's breasts bounce from their rough sex. While it turned her on, she didn't take anything her sister said to heart, just enjoying her twin sister's perfect pussy as the moment her sister's cock starts to jerk and cum starts to spray onto her, she tilts it upwards to cause her sister to get a good amount on herself. Meena then sees the opportunity of her orgasm to push up against her, sitting upwards, both hands then gripping tight on Menta's ass and ramming herself hard into her sister's pussy, the tip slamming into her twin's womb and she came hard, her own cock and balls letting out enough cum that if it had been Endine riding her, she'd be hard pressed to not inflate slightly with the volume. However, as it was her sister, she merely filled her to the brim and then some, the white seed drizzling out slightly as she pushes her lips to her sister's as her hands dig into her sister's ass.
Menta cried out in pleasure as her womb was shot full of hot sticky seed; which clung to her walls, she purred like a cat when she felt it mix and slowly leak out of her hungry cunt. Her tails curled and swished as her tongue forced It's way into Meena mouth; just as her cock shot out one more rop of cum, hitting both in their chestial regions. Menta moaned in sultry tones as her sister hands dug deeper into her ass flesh. Her ears flicked as she listened to the pained groans from Endine, showing that she was still in a good amount of pain from the headbutt. Mentas hands had made their way to her twins back to which they traced her curved arch, her nails and fingers glidding across the soft skin effortlessly as Menta mewled into her sister mouth, her tongue dancing around and around in her twins mouth, as she domianted her tongue. Menta moaned as she bounced a bit more and wriggled her hips, all while trying to get more of her cock to thrust in and out of her twin. She pulled away from her twin mouth as she gasped for air, before going back in and forcing her tongue deeper into her mouth, as their large tits pressed against each other; nipples rubbing and mashing against each other, Menta large cock bounced and rubbed against her sister belly as cum leaked from the tip and her large over filled cum balls ready to send out another load of cum.
Meena mewls back softly, enjoying groping her sister's tight ass, even as cum is smothered onto her shirt, just thankful her labcoat wasn't on. The soft rubbing of her back and sides, on top of her sister's soft grinding left her very much enjoying herself, but her tail softly reaches over to nudge Endine's foot. With very subtle signaling from Meena's hands, even as they knead her kitty twin's soft ass, the pink haired girl gives a soft nod before softly getting up and stumbling away. With that settled, she eagerly grabs her Sister's hands and with a fierce growl, makes her sister's hands grab onto her ass as she pushes upwards against Menta. With her body, she rolls Menta over onto her back, now with Meena on top as she starts thrusting her hips once again into Menta's eager pussy as her hands roughly grab onto Menta's tits.
Menta squealed and moaned whorishly, her large tits that were the same size as her twins; jiggled and wobbled with every movement. Menta face contorted into one of whorish pleasure as her ass was thoroughly kneaded by her sister, she barely noticed her twins subtle movement's. The Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele was currently too caught up in the primal sex,as her hands were led to her twins malleable ass, which she gripped and squeezed. Her cock thrusted against their own bellies as cum dripped from her shaft coating their bellies. Menta squealed and let out whorish cries as she was thrusted on to her back; her large buxom tits wobbling from the movement, as her twin began to thrust in and out of her pussy, she was no longer able to grinned and bounce against her twins shaft. The only thing she could do was squeeze and rub her sister ass and moan like a whore, her ears flicked and moved around as she recieved more stimuli; her tails curled beneath her body as she felt her twins tails glide across her legs and thighs. As this all went on both of the twins devices which tbey were away from at the current momment suddenly recived a message, these messages were from Steele Tech it's self; they readed urgent family matters. It seemed something had happened and required their attention. They would soon find out a horrible event had taken place, the sane message was also sent to Endine device.
While Meena normally kept her codex in her lab coat, which she still was wearing, it was currently on her desk. The soft beep of a message was lost between the moans. Endine's own small codex was in her coat, which was hung up in the room. However, that was the last thing on their minds as Endine finds what Meena wanted her to find in her desk. With an almost subconscious knowledge, Endine unlocked it and started back towards the scene of the twins, cum sandwiched between them as Meena's hips continue to pound into Menta's. She wasn't quite as liberal with her moans, but she wasn't exactly quiet either as her breathy pants and lustful grunts rise from her throat. It wasn't long as her cock was letting out a nice coating of pre, readying her twin sister's insides for more cum. It was then that Menta felt something 'click' around her wrists before her wrists were lifted into the air and Menta pulls back, stopping the sandwich of breasts and cock as Menta could see her hands, in cuffs, floating above her. Her perverted 'scientist' sister had Grav Cuffs in her work Desk...! Meena's hips were stopped as she just holds Menta on her cock. With a smile, she kisses Endine's cheek before saying, "Now, sis...I'm going to have to...'insist' you show your apology to my assistant here..." she purrs out as she pushes the grav cuffs around Menta's wrists down to the floor, where no matter what Menta did, she couldn't move them from that spot. "...Without headbutting or bites, I might add." she purrs out.
Menta hissed and struggled in the bond, even if the grav cuff were to keep her from moving and well... Doing anything; it would not work as well as intended. Menta was relatively strong and wasn't easily subdued, though with the added pleasure and her bodu craving more sex; she slowly began to stop and only whimper for sex as she tried to to rub her legs together. "I'm sorry." She whimpers out, as she looked at Endine crotch. The Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele was about to speak up, but found her attention twist and turn as she heard the codex in Meena lab coat ring louder than before. She whimpered slightly as she did her best to focus back to what they were doing, as she did not want to ruin what was already going on. But a part of her wished she could ruin this and get the fuck out of it. She began to wiggle and squirm in her spot as she heard the messanger go off again, her eye's flicking off to where the sound was coming from before going back to Endine crotch, her lips quivering as she said the words truthfully. "I'm sorry, for head butting you." She tells the assistant.
Meena's codex was softly rumbling on her desk as Endine softly lowers herself in front of Menta's face. With a purr Meena says, "Show her you mean it." she teases as she starts thrusting again, the thick cock softly filling Menta once again. "This time, no headbutting or biting." she says with a smile as her hips start to slap against Menta's once again as the pink haired human softly pushes her folds to Menta's mouth.
Menta moaned as she was forced to lick Endine pussy, her tongue going deep into her pussy as it licked and moved against the walls. Her ears began to flatten as she did not enjoy this; her lustful haze was beginning to drop; and as such she began to try and resist Endine movements, trying to get her tongue out of the pink haired humans pussy. The codex rumbled once more as it moved across the desk this time, putting it closer to the edge than before. Menta began to growl as the lustfull haze began to lessen even more. It even got to the point to where she trying to curse out her twin and the assistant. Her tails began to flick violently as her licking became rougher and more agressive, she did her best to look up and give the most intimidating glare that she could. The codex rumbled once more as it was brought closer to the edge.
Meena growls finally as she finally stops thrusting into her sister once again, turning around and catching the Codex. "What the hell is so important to interrupt bonding time between-" she suddenly stops. Endine, who was currently grinding her pussy against Menta's tongue finally speaks up, "Wh-what's wrong, Ma'am...?" only to stop completely at the look Meena gives her. Without saying anything, Endine immediately gets up off of Meena, "W-wait, is that-?!" the pink haired girl says as Menta could now see them looking at the codex together. Before Menta could even ask, Meena quietly says something in a different language and the grav cuffs disable, Meena then putting her codex onto her desk, into a small slot and a small projection occurs a little behind Menta of the message.
Menta turns to face the projection growling as she spit out whatever sexual fluid was in her mouth. Her eye's widen in shock and fear as she saw it. Her ears dropping ans flatting against her head. Her tails going limp and useless as her breath became baited and drawn out, her eyes began to well up as she began to sniffle; her strength and will began to falter as she looked about ready to drop to the ground. What had the message said to get a reaction out of the harden merc. The message read "Dear Menta and Meena Shepard Steele, it is with deep sorrow that we are to inform you of your fathers untimely death. Victor Steele has passed away; the cause will not be listed. His funeral will be held on Tavros station, this message also contains a travel voucher that will get yourselves and other person you decide to bring with you; to Tavros station. That is of course if you decide to attented this funeral." Menta dared to not read anymore as she began to weep and cry.
Meena, while incredibly sad, was stark quiet compared to her sister. Endine cautiously held onto Meena, still a bit skittish about Menta after being headbutted in the crotch. The cat girl was no longer in the mood for 'sisterly bonding' like before, her tail hanging down as her ears followed suit. She didn't cry, she wasn't the type to do that. But she was unresponsive to her sister or her intern for a short while before she finally moved and wrapped her arms around her sister without a word. Her eyes closed as she softly pets her sister's head and holds her sister to her chest. Endine just mournfully looks over the two of them, tentatively getting up to switch off the Codex and moving to get all of the clothing together to get them cleaned. She'd let the two of them get it all out since she didn't know their father that well as she silently starts getting the spare clothing from one of the cabinets for the two sisters. Thankfully they were twins, so all their clothes would fit regardless.
Menta cried into her sister chest, her tears pouring from her eye's. Her tails and ears did not flick or move, her breathing was ragged and her heartbeat had increased. "He's gone.... He's gone." She repeated, heart broken that her loveable father was dead. The person she looked up to and loved with all her heart was dead, and their was nothing she could do about it. Minutes would pass until she would remove herself from her twins chest and stand up, heading over amd putting on the spade clothes. "Meena... I'm going to go get ready. It's best if..." She began to sniffle and cry as she couldn't finish her sentence before falling to her knees and crying, the tough merc was tough and wasn't likely to cry, but this was her father and... That man was special to her. And hearing that he had died did not help. It only served to break her loving heart and weaken whatever resolve she had.
Meena shifts slightly as Menta cried into her chest. She softly pet her sister's head, even as she didn't- or rather, couldn't, say anything. Tears still streamed lightly, but she was a silent crier. When her sister finally lifted away from her chest, she just lightly smiled- somewhat to comfort her sister, somewhat because her sister's face had been buried in her own cum. She quietly walked up with her sister and said, "You...May wanna wash up first..." with a teasing smile as she wipes away a bit of the mess on her face. "...Endine? Go ahead and wrap everything up for today...We'll toss the clothing into the laundry before we go." she says with a soft nod at the Pink Haired girl who just nods. "Yes, ma'am." she says as she walks over to the desk and starts typing away while Meena helps her into the 'decontamination' area that also worked like a shower- since she wasn't doing anything with Chemicals or Gene-mods, that was mostly what it was used for nowadays anyway- to Shower away from the main house or for...Dirtier Cleaning between her and Endine. Not that her sister had to know that, so she didn't say anything
Menta sighed and sniffled as she stepped into the showers, her hands turning on the knobs and letting the liquid free from the pipes, letting splash onto her face and giving her a refreshing feeling. The Kaithrit daughter of Victor Steele washed her face quietly and gently. Her mind had become incredibly fragile and sensitive upon hearing her fathers death. It struck many cords and heart strings in her body and rebounded about in her. "Sis? Is everything going to be better?" She asked her twin, who was currently in the shower with her. "I mean, what's going to happen next?" She seemed worried and hurt, her voice cracking a bit as she seemed on the verge of breaking down right then and there.
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