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A Princess' Hope (Chaos x DuxT)

Amalas did not notice Kadlo as he strolled in and back out again, busy as she was. Her entire attention was focused on Bruce, the sex, the pleasure and her growing climax as she focused on it all. Kadlo would have been hard pressed to stop her from it if he tried.

The princess leaned over Bruze as he pulled her, hands transferring from his shoulders to the back of the seat. Her breasts hung and bounced free in his face, occasionally bumping into him with the continued fucking and how much more intense the elf got. "Right... fuck.... right.... there!" She let out a long cry and her bouncing lost his rhythm, her breath became ragged and her core clamped down upon him. She hit her peak and her juices squirted between them with each of her cries of pleasure.
Bruce was panting heavy as she road him, the tall elf girl pushing him to his limits as her tight pussy squeezed his hot member, he knew he wasn't going to last much longer at this rate. His hands gripped tightly at her waist, and he pushed just a little bit harder when suddenly he fight her tighten, hitting her climax and bringing him along with her. He was shocked to see her squirt out, and he came soon after her, his hot seed filling shooting up into her as she cried out in passion. His hands slowly slid up her back, pulling her close to to him as he kissed her along her neck, wrapping his arms around her. He panted, catching his breath, and smiled a little from the enjoyable experience.
Amalas slumped down as she slowly eases from her orgasm. She remained in his lap, panting, not caring that his cock still rested in her, slowly pumping her very depths full of cum. Before she'd have never been so careless, knowing full well, with her being royalty, that her womb was sort of pretty valuable. She had to be careful not to get pregnant till she could be married off and have a child with her husband. Now she didn't care, she'd been through too much and one of the thugs had already done it, what was the harm here?

She gave soft little moans as Bruce kissed her neck and slowly leaned back, pulling her head away till she could comfortably meet his eyes. "Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed that."
He slowly regained his breath as she slumped down against him, and his arms gently wrapped around her as the last of his cum shot into her. The sex had been pretty great, and he wondered if there was more to come, but for now he just tended to her softly.
He looked to her as she leaned back, blushing as she looked into his eyes. Her thanks made him blush even more, and he had trouble keeping eye contact. "I-it was nothing..." He said quietly. 'I-I'm just honored an elven princess would choose me." He said, looking to her slowly. "Are you feeling better now? Is there anything else I can do for you? Perhaps some more food, or... a massage? Whatever you like princess. I shall try my best to accommodate you while you are here." He said, wanting to make things better for her as best as he could.
Amalas gave a wide little smile at the offer, tilting her head a little playfully, not acting much the part of royalty right now. Reaching out she took one of Bruce's wrists, pulling his hand into view. She took a moment, inspecting them as if they were something to buy.
"Well, they do seem quite serviceable. Very well!" She dropped his hand then and grinned down at him. "You may carry me off to be massaged. Do a good job and I might just reward you."
He looked at her nervously as she took his hand, looking at it. He was puzzled by her cometary on it, Her actions are not one he expected from a princess, but then maybe they were, he did not know many princesses, she was a first for him to have met. And he had just had sex with her as thanks for her rescue. He wondered if more princesses did that, or if this was just a one time thing.
It was probably a one time thing.
She probably wouldn't need him for sex much more anyway, but that was okay, he knew some mechanic girls back home who were always happy to hook up but none of them were as pretty as her, although to be fair she was an elf.
He looked to her as she said he could carry her. That would be awkward as she was much taller then him, but he was certainly strong enough to do it. "A reward huh?" He asked her nervously, and shrugged. "O-okay..." He said, and smiled a little, wondering what kind of reward she would give him.
He looked her over, and then himself as she slowly stood, lifting her up in his arms. "Perhaps, A shower first though? We both couldn't fit in there, it might be a tad tight if we did, unless you don't mind that we're all sticky when I give you a massage?" He asked her as he carried her towards the living quarters.
Amalas, despite her height was surprisingly light as Bruce lifted her. Elves were always built lithe and with a graceful quality to them. As such, they never had much mass to them, even a tall muscled beauty like the Princess could not outweigh Bruce. In a fight she found it annoying and had to compensate. Right here, just let her be carried around and pampered easier.

"Hmm, I just took a shower but... You are quite right sir, wouldn't make a good massage if you're just rubbing our... joining, into my skin. A shower, then a massage." She nodded, to herself it seemed like. All the while she wrapped her arms over his shoulders, hanging on as he carried her away.
He carefully carried her to the shower, allowing her to go first. He hopped in after her and took a quick minute to rinse off, before drying off and taking her to the bedroom.
There was several bed, four spots all bunked, and so he pulled five of the eight mattresses out, and laid them down in the middle on top of each other, so he had room to work, placing pillows down for her as well.
He moved to the side of her as she settled in and gently moved his hands along her back, stroking and caressing the soft skin of the princess, leaning down and placing kisses as he worked.
Ahten happily stepped into the shower, only taking a short time to wash, in comparison to her last shower a few minutes ago. Stepping out she watches and waits for Bruce, her hair frazzled and wild looking, far from the princess look she had a few weeks before. She would follow along to the bed room, still nude as she sprawled out on the beds as he set them out.

The Elven beauty gave a soft moan as his hands started to move, closing her eyes as he worked and kissed her. "Mmm, I could get used to this..." Her voice dreamy and tired.
Bruce slowly worked his fingers up her sides and back, moving to her shoulders where he spent a lot of time, caressing them and working the muscles soft. A soldier girl had taught him a few tricks and some others had taught him some more, but he hardly had any real experience giving massages, so he worked slow and careful as he went.
He looked to her as she spoke, and nodded slowly. "Ya, me too..." He said softly, and leaned in to kiss her neck before continuing on back down towards her butt. Her skin was the softest he had ever touched, not surprising for her being an elven princess, of course.
He sighed, knowing he was so hung up on her status, yet she was comfortable around him, and certainly did not act like a princess. "So what do you think will happen when you return home? I suppose they will put you under stronger protection?"
Ahten closed her eyes as he worked, the simple pleasant motions being heavenly to her. She did not pull away as he worked her soft rear, gasping softly instead as he got to more sensitive zones.
The question of home brought a frown to her features and she sighed. "Before I travelled with two royal guard, but they'd allow me privacy. Now... maybe half a dozen and probably will never be more than arms length away from one of them. Won't be kidnapped but...." She sighed again. "Least till the marriage, then my husbands job.."
He continued to caress her, hesitating when she gasped softly, but pressed on the please her, stroking and caressing her. "That sounds less then fun, I could never live like that, people watching my every move, just to keep me safe." He said and sighed as well. "Marriage?" He said, and stopped for a moment. "Oh..." He said, and slowly began to massage her again, blushing brightly and feeling quite nervous now. "You're to be wed? I uh... Is he... Uhmm, you won't talk about what we did earlier right?" He said blushing. "As wonderful as it was, I think they might be mad at me...." He said, his movements slow now and he had stopped kissing her, nervous at the idea that she was already betrothed to another man. So much for that dream, even if he had already known it wouldn't happen.
Ahten rolled her eyes slightly as Bruce got nervous, she didn't want that. She raised her rear against his hands trying to encourage him to keep going. "I'll tell him and my father that you swooped in and heroically saved me. Everything else after that is just for us."
She sighed again. "It's not like I've really spent more than five minutes with the man, just a political marriage."
Bruce blushed, looking down as she pushed her butt against his hands, and hurried his hands to respond to her needs, squeezing and caressing her soft bottom, smiling a little. "A-alright." He said, and nodded with a smile. His hands caressed her waist, stroking and massaging her as she continued on. "Oh, okay..." He said, and thought about that, arranged marriages had to suck. "Well that's just awful. I hate being told what to do, that's why I became a merc. So I could take on the jobs that I want to do. It's a bit dangerous but I have my freedom more times then not." He moved his hands back up to her shoulders, leaning over her slightly, and slowly worked down her back, kissing along her spine. "I hope this massage is helping you feel better." He said softly with a smile. "You're so soft... I've never been with a girl with as nice of skin. Palace life must be comfortable." He said, and started to slowly caress her bottom.
"Your own freedom, must be nice..." Amalas looked wistful, imagining a life where she wasn't being pushed around by her family, where she wasn't constantly looked over, where she could go where she wanted and be with whomever she pleased. She sighed, letting herself enjoy the fantasy while Bruce continued to work her.

As he got back to kissing she let out a little shudder, feeling the nice sensation across her sensitive skin. "Palace life and a strict work out routine. Palace life on it's own doesn't keep you in so good shape.."
"It is to a point. Sometimes work is hard to come by and you can't eat that well for a while. But I'll take it any day over a steady boring job being told what to do." He said, working his fingers down along her sides, sliding in a little and stroking and caressing some more. "Oh yes... You're in quite good shape..." He said, and gently rolled her over onto her back to massage her abs. "Wow... your abs are really nice," he said, slowly runnings his fingers over the tight muscle, caressing them as he worked his fingers over them. He leaned down and started to kiss them gently, his fingers moving to work her sides and gently stroke her skin.
Amalas gave another moan as he ran his hands over her like that, shuddering softly as he pressed along her sides and abs. Slowly she shifted, rolling onto her back. Here he'd get a much better view of her muscled form, and her breasts as she looked up at him, smiling softly. "We aren't going to be getting home soon, right? Think I wouldn't mind a bit longer like this."
She reaches up with her arms, drawing Bruce into an embrace, putting a little bit of strength to it just to make sure he didn't pull away. With her head close to his she reaches up, whispering in his ear. "I'll make it worth your time to go the long way round..." Her naked body beneath shifting to add to the promise.
"No... Not really...." He said, and then smiled. "It'll be a good week at least." He said, and slowly massaged her muscles. It was nice getting to touch an elven princess, and caress her soft body, his fingers aching to massage those nice breasts.
He gasped in surprise as she pulled him down, looking scared for a moment. He looked at her confused, not knowing the meaning of her words. "the long way... around?" He asked her softly, not sure what she meant to him by that. His hands slowly went back, his face still close to hers, and in his finally, he finally said fuck it, and reached softly for her breasts, squeezing the soft mounds as his lips found hers, kissing softly, gently at first, avoiding using tongue as he gaged her reaction first.
"Yes, the long way.." She paused her explanation as he kissed her. Her lips parted, allowing him to press home, inviting as he got a little more forceful with the Princess. After a long moment she broke the contact with their lips, groaning as he squeezed her breasts. "Any detour on the way? Take it."
His tongue found it's way in, lightly teasing her own first, before swirling against it, his hands gently caressing her breasts.
He looked to her as she broke the kiss and nodded, his hands gripping her breasts more, teasing the hard nipples and caressing the soft flesh of her mounds. He kissed her again momentarily, before slowly sliding his hands down her sides, gently kissing the skin along the way until he got down to her slit, pressing his mouth gently against it as his tongue pushed it, licking and sucking as he caressed her hips with his fingers, his tongue sliding in deep and flicking up and down as he kept a light sucking motion against her pussy. Soon enough he moved his mouth over her clit, and gave it full attention, wanting to bring her to new heights as his hands continued to stroke her body. He focused most of his attention on the little ball, licking and sucking as he worked to give her an orgasm.
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