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A Princess' Hope (Chaos x DuxT)

The tentacles seemed to feed off of not only her juices but the pleasure of her orgasm, they seemed to only be fueled on by her release, plunging her deeper into the pleasure.
They never once seemed intent to harm her though, or even eat her. It seemed their sole purpose was to bring pleasure to her body in ways no man ever could.
They were all over her, stroking and pushing and sending her towards even another orgasm that would surely come.

Above her the young mercenary saw his options dwindling fast, and knew he would have to leap down into the pit after her, there was nothing else he could do.
He got on his comms, and called to his pilot, asking for retrieval at a certain point as soon as possible. He the knew he had to fight towards the pit without getting himself killed.
Before long she hit her peak again and again. Her body bucked and rocked, her sensitivity to the point where the skilled tentacles could keep her on a constant state of climaxes. At least till she passed out from the pain or exhaustion, which she was doing her best to hold out from.
The merc made a mad dash for the the pit, firing at any guard that exposed himself and lept into the pit.
He was grabbed at once by the tentacles, but was quickly tossed aside as it only desired to feed on female humanoids.
He grunted as he smacked against a wall, and shook his head to gain his composure. He looked up to see the princess being fucked mercilessly, and stared in shock for a good long moment.
He managed to shake himself out of it though, and focus on the job at hand. He had no idea how to kill this thing, and swung his rifle out of the way as he fished out a stun grenade from his gear pack.
He chucked the grenade, and when it went off the entire creature went limp. Unfortunately though so did the princess.

He darted in and grabbed her before she hit the ground, and with a quick look around he held her close, darting for the exit tunnel he knew would down here.

His pilot was a skilled Duros named Kadlo, who was waiting for him in an old beat up YT-1000. one with hardly any modifications and was probably little more then a basic supplies runner.
the mercenary was able to leap out of the opening to the tunnel at the end, dropping just a few feet onto the freighter, getting inside quickly as he shouted for Kadlo to take off, placing her down on a bed in one of the rooms as he tossed a blanket over her, and went to sit down in the lounge area.
He sat there panting, and removed his helmet, tossing it to the side. "Holy shit... I lived..."
He had dark blue eyes, and short messy hair that was only trimmed around the ears. It was dark brown in color, and looked soft and fun to play with. He sighed, leaning against the bench he sat on, and started pulling off the old armor. "Oh man Kadlo, be glad you're just the pilot." He said, but the Duros was too busy getting out of there and making sure they weren't tracked to respond, mumbling coordinates and mathematics quietly to himself.
Luckily Kren had no space fighters to send after them, otherwise it would have been a short trip.
Amalas had lost track of time, all she knew one minute she was getting raped by this beast. Then everything went white, all sensation left her. She wasn't sure how long it took for the tingling to start, for her vision to blur back into colour, for her ears to stop ringing. But by the time she could make any sense of her surroundings she was in bed, a blanket around her. She could feel the rumble of a starship and she let out a sigh of relief... she was safe.

Slowly she rose, her legs shaky as she got to them. Keeping the blanket around her she started to walk, trying to find the man who saved her.
( she would have been in 7, and he is in 4 where she finds him.)

By the time she had came back around, they were already in hyper space, the stars streaking by like lines, the ship at a steady calm.

She would find him in the crew's lounge, dressed in loose fitting pants meant for sleeping, and a basic v neck shirt that was comfortable to sit around in. He was leaning back watching the screen, a bottle in hand with a green liquid in it.
He was slowly slipping it while watching who knows what, and slowly looked over to her. His eyes widened and he lept to his feet, nearly dropping the bottle. He quickly chugged it before tossing it into a wire mesh can nearby, with several other bottles already there, and hurried over to her.
"Y-your majesty!" He said, and bowed his head for a moment. "I-I'm sorry I didn't have any clothes for you! it's just me and Kadlo on this ship so we only have clothes that fit us." He said, and rubbed his right arm nervously. "I uhh... Do you... are you hungry? Do you need anything? It's going to be a long trip to get you back home, we can pick you up some clothes on the way, it just might... be a few days...." he said, looking away nervously.
The princess stopped as she came to the man, looking him over. Amalas wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, or really what she thought of him now. He was attractive sure but after the past few days... She smiled at him, tugging the blanket around her a little tighter. "Some food would be lovely and... does this ship have a shower?" Looking down she rubbed her bare feet together.

The Elven woman turned her head up to look at him again. "Oh... what am I doing. My name is.. I suppose you already know that." She bit her lip suddenly flusterd. "Name, yes, what is yours? And thank you, for saving me."
He blushed when the beautiful elven princess smiled at him. Her kind was known for their beauty, by human standards an unattractive one was incredibly rare, and she was beautiful by elven standards. That and she was a real princess standing in front of him, also only covered by a blanket. "I, Food. Yes." he said, nodding. "The shower it's.... Yes, Princess Amalas, yes? of the elven city on... or is it of the entire planet?" He rubbed his arm again nervously. "My name? It's Bruce. And you really shouldn't thank me. It wasn't a selfless act. I mean.. I did almost get myself killed but your parents offered a small percentage of the asked bounty on you as payment. I'll be able to get a better ship for Kadlo to fly. He's always complaining about how much of a junker this ship is, and... I kind of have to agree with him. There's no way this ship will make it in a straight line back to your home world." He sighed. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this. I'll show you to the shower and make you some food while you get clean. I doubt it will be very good compared to what you're used to but it will keep you alive. Eh?" He said, and made his way back near the living quarters. It was a small single person standing shower, but it was a great deal better then the buckets they gave her in the cell.
"Well, I'll leave you to it then. If you want to wear any of my clothes, which i doubt they'll fit, you're welcome to try, they're in the first closet on the left."
Bruce then went off to prepare her a small meal so she'd have something to eat after she got clean.
She smiled as he fussed with her title. "It's Princess of the world of Alfine, technically the star system but the rest is just stations and outposts. Besides, any man who saves me get's to call me Ama." She pondered over is name a moment Bruce, the mercenary, yeah, she liked that. It didn't matter right now that he had done it for money. After she was thrown into the pit, in her opinion anyway, it may well have been smarter for is self preservation to bug out and leave her. But he'd stayed, he pulled her out of that hell, took her to safety and hadn't taken advantage of her vulnerability. Right then, right there, he was the man she liked the most in the whole damn galaxy.

The princess followed him to the shower and eagerly got inside, dropping her towel when he walked away. It was a far cry from her bathroom back home, but damn it, this was just heavenly. She let the hot water run over her, slowly rubbing away the dirt and grime. She took her time and being alone to think her mind turned to a torment and despite herself a dampness grew between her legs that had nothing to do with the water. Cursing herself she turned the water off, wanting to be away from further such thinking.

Stepping out she dried herself and turned to the wardrobe. It didn't take her long to find something. A grey baggy shirt that'd cover a good portion of her and a pair of black briefs that were tight enough to keep on her slender frame. She didn't look like a princess there, more someone's girlfriend. Slowly she sought out Bruce again, her bare feet tapping lightly against the ships floor.
"Ama... Okay." He said with a smile and nodded.

He got to work in the kitchen, digging around for food, there wasn't too much, they would have to stock up at the next space station it seemed. He sighed, pulling down a can of soup, and shrugged. "chicken noodle it is I guess." He said, and warmed it up on the stove. he then grabbed some bread and made her what was basically a ham and cheese sandwich, toasting the bread so it was warm and crunch and the cheese melted a little. He put the soup in a bowl when it was done heating up, and placed them all on a tray with a fork, knife, and spoon, hoping it would be good enough for her. He sat them down at the small four person table, and grabbed her a glass of blue milk to go with it, to help wash down the food.
He himself grabbed himself another clear bottle of green, and sat down waiting for her.
He blushed as she came in, looking very cute in his clothes. He looked away, and nodded to the food he had laid out for her. "It's not much, but it's something." He said, shuffling in his seat as he looked back up at her. She was gorgeous, a princess, and he tried very hard to not have dirty thoughts about her, but was not doing very well about it.
"I hope it's acceptable to you, Ama..."
Ama stopped as she came to the little dining area. This was nothing grand, just a little eating area, some basic food, some basic cutlery but it... After everything she just went through, this was wonderful, she couldn't even begin to describe it. She steps on over to the table, taking a seat before turning to him again, smiling though with a tear running down one cheek. "Thank you, you have no idea how much this means."

She turned to eat then, taking her time, just enjoying the simple things. It was no grand feast that her father was sure to through, but compared to stale bread and soup she had to drink from the bowl... The Princess looked to him again, smiling still. "So... My father hired you himself?"
"I..." He looked to her as the tear ran down his face, and he seemed worried. "I-it's nothing really... I just wanted to make sure you had something to eat..." He said, rubbing his neck nervously before taking a drink from the bottle again. He watched her eat, glad to see she was enjoying it, and relaxed a little in his chair. He hoped they would make it back safe and sound. He wasn't entirely too sure that Kren would just let them get away. Her kidnapping had been a bid to get more power and influence. He was a low level crime lord, and this mishap would bring him shame among that community. If anything he would probably have to come after them himself to regain his honor. Bruce sighed, that was just what they needed. He couldn't wait to get rid of this ship and get a new one. He wouldn't get the rest of the payment until she was safely delivered though, so the ship had to hold together until then.
He looked up to her as she asked about her father. "Ah, ya. He did. I heard rumors about you being at Kren's before the rescue bounty got out, so Kadlo and I made our way to where you were as quickly as possible. We knew your people would want you back without paying whatever ridiculous ransom Kren asked for, and the sooner we found you the sooner we'd get paid. It also helped that we were one of the closest groups to the planet. To be fair though I'm far from experienced and that may be why I was picked. Your father probably knew we'd work for the smallest amount he could get away with paying. I barely got out of there alive... You almost weren't rescued. I should have acted faster. I'm sorry you got through into that nasty pit, it must have been awful." he said, and swigged the last of the green bottle, tossing it into the mesh can. "But let's forget about that. I'll buy you some clothes when we get to the next space station. Should get there in a day, maybe less. I can probably buy you two or three outfits, maybe four if they're not too expensive. Give you some choices and something clean to wear over the week it will take us to get back to your home world. Well, a week, if nothing goes wrong...." he said and sighed, leaning back in his chair.
Ama grimaced at that, a slight sting hitting her. Her father went for the lowest bidder, or at least someone who he could stiff on the payment. It didn't surprise her but still, she thought he might have gone to the best. She cleared her thoughts with a shake of the head. She had been rescued, that is all that matters right now and it wasn't Bruce's fault that her father had done it. "But you did it. Close or not, you got me out of that hell hole in one piece."

She put down her spoon, having both finished the soup and sandwich. She started to drink the milk, sighing at the simple sensation of an actual drink. "Thank you, I will pay you back for the clothes when we get home if that's alright. I won't be good for much until then."
"Well, ya... I had to get you out of there, I couldn't exactly leave a princess to a fate like that. I'm just sorry I wasn't able to kill Kren. I wonder if your father will put a bounty out on his head. I wonder if he even can..." He said, sitting there wondering just how much he even would, and would it even be worth it. He looked to her as she finished the meal then, watching her carefully.
"I.... You don't have to... Well, I mean, money is always tight..." He sighed, and shook his head. "Okay. I appreciate it." He said with a smile, and then sighed and stood up, stretching a bit as he walked in a small circle twice before sitting back down. "I'm just glad I managed to get you out of there alive. I had to think fast, luckily that stun grenade took out the whole monster, otherwise I may have never been able to free you from it. I don't know, I've never seen such a massive creature." He sighed, and realized he shouldn't keep mentioning it. Painful memories and all that.
"Well Princess Ama, I hope I can still get you home in one piece." He said, and stood up, walking towards the door, before turning back to the couch and moving to sit down on it, stretching his legs when he did. "At least I can keep you somewhat safe here."
"Kren is scum, he'll get what's coming to him soon enough." She wanted him to die of course, but she'd take being safe over that any time. The Princess' memories turned sour however, especially when he brought up that monster. Her arms tightened around herself, shuddering, knowing full well what her nightmares would be for a long time to come. He walked away then, leaving her to stew in her thoughts.

An idea hit her, one that she may never have considered before now. Her head turned, eyes locked onto Bruce, looking him over. She didn't want to wait weeks to be back home, not with these thoughts, she needed an outlet and well... he had saved her. Slowly she rose to her feet and walked over to him. She turned to face him and without another word, straddled his legs, reached forward and kissed him, need and numb lust in her as she joined lips.
Bruce sat thoughtfully on the couch, wondering how long would it take them to get her home. They would definitely need to stop for some repairs, he just hoped they at least made it to the first space port okay. He sighed, he couldn't imagine what hell she had gone through, he should do something to comfort her, but all he could think of was keeping this old bucket of bolts running. He wasn't sure what to say or do to help her, and he looked over to her, seeing her rise, looking right at him.
"Ama?" He said, and watched her move straight to him. He shifted nervously, but was in for a shock when she sat down on his lap. His eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth to question her when suddenly she took his face and kissed him. He went full wide eyed for a good moment, but quickly fell into the kiss, embracing the back of her head gently as he kissed her back, matching her actions and never pushing past them. He had never expected a reward like this, being kissed for a rescue, this was a bit much, especially from such a royal princess, but who was he to argue with royalty?
The Princess continued to kiss, tongue darting into his open mouth as their lips locked. With each hand gripping his shoulders she took him, forcefully, feeling the need to well and truly be in control. She wasn't going to let men like Kren break her, she was royalty and she would take what she wanted! Right now, she wanted to exercise that as fully as she could and Bruce was the lucky target of her affections.

After several long, long moments of kissing, she broke away, giving a sharp intake of air. She looked down at Bruce, a fire in her eyes. "I need this..." She panted and took her arms from his shoulders. Instead they moved to the hem of her shirt and in a smooth motion her pale body was revealed to him, breasts bared. She was naked save for the pair of briefs.
Bruce knew she was grateful to him for saving her, but he hadn't thought she would have ever crawled into his lap and started making out with him. It was beyond shocking to him, and he almost felt like he should tell her not to. But he wasn't complaining. If a beautiful elven princess wanted to make out with him, he was definitely not going to complain and he would certainly not argue with her.
His tongue swirled back against hers, her soft lips and agile tongue making him wanting to melt. He melted into the moment with her, losing track of time, and when she finally broke the kiss he looked up to her in a daze.
It was weird in a way, she was almost half a foot taller then him, and sitting in his lap. It was a strange angle, but if he looked straight ahead he had a nice view of her...
He had barely heard her say she needed this, but his brain acknowledged the meaning of the words. She needed contact with a human being who would protect her and not abuse her. Someone she felt safe with, after all that had happened with her.
His eyes widened and he mostly snapped out of it as her nicely sized breasts fell free right in front of his eyes. They were beautiful large globes and he wanted to reach out and squeeze them. But he did not. He looked up to her, adoration in his eyes, he wanted to be one with her, and he was starting to think she fully planned on fucking him.
His clothes would offer her very little resistance, they were loose and comfy, and would slide off in a flash.
"If this is what you want, I will give all you ask for." He said, looking up to the princess with much desire.
Amalas eagerly pulled his shirt away, leaving his chest bare for her hands to feel him. She didn't respond to him at first just letting her hands rest against him, feeling the heat beneath her finger tips and the more intimate contact she had been denied for so long. Then at last she spoke again, eyes trailing back up to his. "I want it. I am not going to let Kren's little games ruin me, I am my own woman and not a toy."

Her hands started to move then, working on his pants and trying to free his length from it's confines. She wanted to feel and hold it, on her terms and not on the terms of some scum. "So Bruce, show me a good time." Her tone one as if giving an order, while dripping with lustful need.
He blushed as she pulled his shirt off, and he didn't fight her. He simply watched her as she stroked her fingers against his smooth muscle, enjoying the touch of her fingers, the sheer intimacy of it.
It seemed she had gone through more then just that tentacle monster, he hadn't realized Kren and his men had had their way with her against her will, but now it seemed so obvious. She desperately needed to be in control again, especially in regards to sex, and he was her ticket. He really didn't mind and he was glad to help her with it. She was beautiful, and he was more then happy to bring her pleasure.
His hands slid up her sides and along her back, holding her close as he looked to her lovingly, lustfully even.
He blushed as she reached down and went for his member, it was already pretty hard from her sitting on his lap like this, and it sprung out quickly into her hands.
He nodded slowly, his hands sliding to her breasts, gently squeezing them as his thumbs gently teased her nipples, he squeezed them again, before gently sliding his hands to her back and leaning her close to kiss her again as her hands took hold of his shaft.
Amalas held there, body still as she gripped his cock. Her hand slowly slid along it, feeling it, getting used to it. His kiss caught her off guard, but not in a bad way. She leaned into him, eyes closing as she let herself melt into the kiss, the same need as before driving her. It helped quiet the part of her that was screaming for her to run and hide. She would not be cowed down by that experience, she was her own woman.

She broke the kiss and pulled her hand away. Slipping off him she rose to her feet and wit a determined look in her eye, slid free of the underwear. She now stood fully naked before him, her hairless sex exposed and after another moment to restradle him, back over his cock. The princess brought him into a kiss again and after some fumbling, slid herself down onto his shaft...
The kiss did not linger for as long as his body desired, but he enjoyed every moment of it that it lasted. He looked to her slowly as she broke the kiss, almost letting out a sound of disappointment as she let go of his cock. He looked to her as she stepped away from him, his cock hard and throbbing, wanting for her, his eyes locked with hers as she slipped down to nothing.
She was beautiful, flawless, a true princess before him, and he watched her as came back into his lap, straddling him and hovering over his cock.
He kissed her willingly, hungrily, his lips moving almost feverishly against her's, moaning as she slid down onto his cock. His hands gripped her back, sliding slowly down and onto her her hips, wanting to start pushing her, but did not, he held back, letting her lead as his tongue invaded her lips, finding hers and swirling with it. Passion mixing, emotion and excitement building as he hotly anticipated what was about to begin.
Amalas slowly, ever so slowly started to move. Her pussy, naturally tight from her small elven frame, took him, gripping him redaly and tightly despite the abuse it'd recently taken. She let out a soft gasp, pulling her head back with a soft little sound, breathless, wordless but still there. She held like that for a moment, just feeling that initial moment of penetration... then she started to lower further.

"Fuck..." She breathed aloud before mashing lips to his again, pulling him into a hungry kiss. Her hips started to rock, slowly taking him, inching more and more into her as she went, body shuddering as he went deeper into the elf.
His body shivered as he pierced her slit, his cock hot and throbbing and wanting of her, he had to hold himself down to not start bucking into her. He took a deep breath as she pulled back, looking up at her as she breathed, and grit his teeth as she slid back down. He grinned as she cussed, amused to hear it from an elven princess, and quickly kissed her back, tongues swirling as she started to rock on his cock.
He moaned into her mouth, her pussy was far tighter then he had ever had, and his hips shivered as she took him in. His hips started to slowly grind back against her as she came down on him, something he could no long control, and he tightly gripped her waist as she moved on him.
If she minded him starting to move and grip her, she made no sign of it. Her hips continued to rise and fall, rocking to steadily take him, though he had partial control if he desired with how he held her hips. For her part, her hands went to his shoulders, part gripping, part pressing him to the seat.
She pulled her lips away again then, letting out a long moan as she tilted her head back. "Yess... just like that...fuck me." She groaned out breathlessly, eyes closed as she let herself enjoy this sensation again.
Kadlo slowly strolled into the lounge, staring at a tablet as information scrolled down the street, unaware of what was in front of him for the time being. "Hey Bruce... I've been going over the data and..." he slowly glanced up from his tablet, and stared for a second or two. "Oh, I see you're busy... I'll come back later..." And turned to walk away before either of the two noticed him.

He obliged her, grinding his hips against her, rocking and bouncing her in his lap so that she went up and down on his cock as much as possible. He endlessly kissed her back as she kissed him, and took a deep breath as she pulled away. "Unnnh.... o-of course princess....." he moaned, panting as he continued to fuck her. Her pussy was incredibly tight, despite all the rough sex she had probably gone through, and he didn't know how long he would last. He was hoping he could hold out as long as possible for her, but he had never had such good sex. "Anything you desire..." He panted, his hands caressing her sides as she bounced in his lap, pulling her forward so that she almost smothered his face with her breasts.
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