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A Princess' Hope (Chaos x DuxT)

So Amalas spent the days doing what she could, eating sleeping and exercise. Push ups and sit ups were the norm, being most of what the woman could do in this tiny little cell. The sight was certainly interesting, seeing as her breasts were left to hang free, making push ups against the cold floor more uncomfortable.

Eventually after several days she came to the door and yelled out in her posh little accent again. "Come on would it kill you to give me something to wear!? Been like this since you kidnapped me!"
The Houk grunted, and looked up at her. "Oh you want something to wear huh?" He said and walked off down the hall.
A few minutes later he and the Zabrak came back, the Houk holding a collar, and the Zabrak carrying a metal bikini that left little to the imagination. "We got your new outfit right here. The boss thinks you'll like mighty pretty in it." The Houk said, and unlocked the cell. He stormed right for her, grabbing her by the shoulder and shoved the collar around her neck before she could escape his grasp.
He then held her down by both shoulders as the Zabrak yanked off her pants, avoiding any kicking she did, and got to work redressing her. He then swiftly tossed her over his should, smacking her hard on the ass with a grin, and nodded to the Houk. "I think it's time we take her up top and show her off to the crowd that's gathered. Boss wants to disgrace her in front of his court, make her give him a nice sloppy blow job." he said with a laugh, and stroked her pussy over the cloth. "mmmm, wish I could have another taste of her before I bring her up there, oh well. I guess I'll find a nice twi'lek later eh?" He said, but the Houk just shrugged and grunted, following him upstairs as he let the Zabrak carry her on his shoulder.
Amalas blinked as the Houk left, a little surprised. She was expecting him to just ignore her or laugh her off, instead he was doing what she asked... this couldn't be good. Her fears were soon confirmed as him and the Zabrak came back, holding what was to be hew new 'outfit'. She bared her teeth and readied to fight but the Houk slammed her against the wall faster than she'd been ready for.

The collar snapped into place and she thrashed, digging fingers around it to try and pry it off, with no luck. Soon she is redressed and she gave a gasp as the cold metal of the bikini presses against her breasts, her nipples going rigid with the contact. She squirmed and thrashed as they carried her off, but that amounted to useless smacks against their back as she was taken away.
The Zabrak carried her up the stairs and through a hall and winding passages until they got to the entertainment hall. Music was playing and people were eating and watching, and the Houk bellowed out as they got out there. "Everyone! Look and see Kren's new plaything! A royal elf!" He said, and the Zabrak plopped her down in front of Kren. The Feeorin sat upon a throne, lounging back in the comfy seat, and he looked down upon the elven princess. "Ho ho... You look wonderful in that bikini." He said, reached out to stroke her chin, grinning. As he did so he waved a little black box in his hand, a small little button on it near his thumb. "Now play nice if you don't want a nasty shock." He said, looking down upon her.

The Houk grinned, and took a seat near his boss, as did the Zabrak on the other side, the Houk on the left, the Zabrak on the right. They both sat and watched as Kren wanted to stroke her face and hair, daring her to resist him otherwise he would give her a nasty shock.
Amalas took in the room as she was carried, though got a better glance when she was dropped down and no longer upside down. There was a lot of people here, which was good and bad. On the one hand the more people, the more likely someone in the crowd was gonna to call in my sighting, collect some money for the tip. On the down side, well, they were all about to witness her humilatiom.

Her face was turned back to the boss as he held her chin and she gave a glare. She was about spit out an insult but she stopped as she looked to the little black box. She’d felt a slight hum of power to this collar and now it was explained why. She was sure that the shock would be no where near fatal, but it’s be more than enough to stop her killing this man. She levelled her glare more fully at his eyes and gestures to the room at large. “It won’t be long until my father catches wind that I’m here. Do you think he will be forgiving if you go through with this?” It was about the only threat she could offer right now, doubting she’d be near enough to kill him when he slept.
He laughed at her threat and shook his head, his tentacles waving side to side. He showed her a big toothy grin as he leaned close. "Oh I plan on asking for a nice ransom, collecting it, and never returning you, ever. You're much too nice of a pet. You see, your father can do nothing to me out in the great outer rim. The best he could do is hire a mercenary or a bounty hunter, and we both know how trustworthy those types can be. Your chance of being rescued is slim to none princess." He said, and laughed as he took a hold of her chin, and gently, slowly, pulled her towards his crotch. "I have waited long enough. Undo my pants, and suck my mighty shaft. Pleasure me in front of all these people, and I won't throw you to my pleasure pit monster." He said, motioning to a grate in the middle of the floor where if you listened closely, you could hear something down below.
He had a point, damn it she hated that, the crook wasn’t stupid. Her homeworld didn’t have much of any military presence, the alliance with the Rebellion being made by her marriage was partly for protection. So all the way out here she’d be relying on a mercenary of some flavour picking up on her bounty, which could take some time.

At the mention of a pleasure pit she glances back as he gestured. She went a little pale of the sounds, just what the hell did he have down there? Would it eat her or worse? She shuddered to think and was left with the very sickening fact. Her best chances was to do what he said right now.

She turned back and gave him a hate filled glare. However she slowly moved her hands up and began to unbutton his pants, working to get his cock out for her to do the last thing she wanted to do.
He seemed to relish in her hateful glare, the crowd gasping and oohing and awing and laughing. All eyes were on her, and she was helpless. Just like Kren liked it. He gloated from his seat, looking down upon the elf princess with pure delight, watching her undo his pants, and take his cock into her hands. He could see how much she hated it. How much she loathed the position she was in. It was all just so wonderful.
He knew the elves needed her back, he was sure the deal with the rebellion would never go through if she was not returned. He would become richer, and have a lovely new pet. And elves lived a very long time, some lived forever even, she would never grow old, her body would stay prime for him. His own kind only grew stronger as they aged as well, she would never be able to overpower him. It was the perfect situation.
And right now, she was doing as he desired, what more could he ask for?
Amalas closed her eyes at last, trying to think of a way out of this. When nothing came to mind, she opened her eyes and looked at his cock, a grimace. She just sat there, gripping the shaft in both hands as she kept putting off what she was ordered to do.

At last she moved, pressing her lips against the head. Her eyes returned to glare at him as she ran her wet lips along his shaft, not sliding him inside yet.
He tapped his fingers impatiently, fiddling with the shock controls in his other hand. He seemed annoyed, and ready to shock her as she took her time. "Hurry up elven whore. I do not have all day. Well, I do, but you do not." He said, just as she was starting to lick at his cock. "Do you think I am playing? Do you think I want playful light touches?" He said, and waved the shock controls at her. "Take it in, and start sucking. Or would you rather me pound your little ass? I heard it's very tight. If you want to keep it that way then I suggest you pleasure me and be quick about it."
The elven woman let out a low sound that may have been a growl as he ordered her around. She slides back up to the tip again and this time parts her lips. She takes a breath, before slowly, carefully, sliding him inside. She was tight, her mouth small for this scale and he was immediately pressed against her tongue even if she wasn't aiming for that. She slowly started to suck and bob her head, not working him too deep.
Music played in the background as she started to suck the crime lord's dick, and He rested his hand on her head as she bobbed her head up and down. He watched her work his cock, still not happy with how slow she was going. She would take much breaking in, but that was okay, he had time.
"You should use your tongue more elf." he said, and pushed down on her head slightly, urging her to take more in. "If you don't I may have to use the collar on you." He said, the threat carrying weight. "I want to give a show to the audience, I know you can do better."
Having her mouth full of cock made her verbal responses non-existent. So instead, she refocused her eyes on his and let out a sudden, annoyed breath through her nose. She started to work though, licking slowly as she bobbed, not fighting his hand as she slid lower and lower. Her throat kept getting teased but she did her best to keep him from it.
He gave a resigned sighed, and looked to the crowd with disappointment. It seemed this was the best he could get out of her for now. How disappointing. He wanted so much more out of the elven slut. But at the rate she was going it would take quite a while. Oh well, he might as well enjoy the slow performance while he had some dancers.
He motioned for the girls to hit the floor, and a pair of blue twi'leks, one more teal and the other almost a sky blue hurried to start lest they end up in the pleasure pit, again.
The music changed to something more suggestive and Kren pushed her head down more, helping guide her to bob her head up and down. "More tongue, and keep those lips tight. I want to cum some time today, not next year."
'Well then you should have gotten a whore and not a princess!' Is what Amalas thought, again wanting to snap the response to him. But seeing as she was stuck sucking his cock, all that came out was a grunt of annoyance.
She did as she was told, keeping her lips nice and tight and using her tongue. Deciding to try and get him over with, she thought back to when she was younger and fooling around with one of her bodyguards. Her tongue started running along more sensitive points, or at least what she thought was more sensitive. Her head meanwhile kept moving, but it's speed and depth entirely dictated by his hand.
When he finally came he held her head down for a moment, catching most of it in her mouth, before letting her off just soon enough to catch the last bit in the face. He let her fall back, looking down at her with satisfaction, and waved for a pair of red nikto to take her off and wash off her face. "And then bring her right back!" He said, not wanting to share her anymore.
Over the next few days he continued to taunt and mock her, forcing her to give him blow jobs here and there, and giving her advice on how to do it better, hoping she would improve.

He had sent out a message for the ransom, but indeed, some of his crowd had whispered about the prisoner, and a few mercenaries decided to hang out in the sector and see what the reward for her return would be.
it was not enough to most, but one mercenary did take the job when he received the call, her parents having been told he was the closest and most trust worthy to get the job done, even if he was a bit inexperienced. He really needed the money, so he had to take the risk.
He took a small amount of pay ahead of time, for supplies to get the job done, and an incentive to risk his life, and was promised the rest upon her safe return.
Amalas, as much as she didn't want to, had been following his advice. She ultimately decided that the less time she spent in that crowd, giving him what he wanted, the better. So, she worked better, worked faster, did her best to get him off. She was happy at least this had so far only been blowjobs, she was not looking forward to the prospect of being fucked by this man.
Kren was ready to receive his morning blow job from the princess when a guard announced a mercenary was here to see him. Kren found this a frustrating interruption to his day, but nodded to the guard to allow the man an audience.

The mercenary was just below average height, roughly five foot nine at most, and not the most intimidating looking. He wore battle scarred and probably second hand armor, that protected his chest fully, and partially his thighs and shins, as well as his shoulders. He wore a helmet with a painted mask to cover his face as well, one that looked newer then the armor.
Strapped to his back was a brand new looking firelance rifle.

He turned to Kren, and gave a small nodded, before adressing the Feeorin.

"I have come to negotiate the release of the princess. The Elven people are wise beyond their infinite years, and are no fools as you think they may be. They know better then to simply send you the money and hope for the release of their precious daughter. I am here to ensure that the princess will be released once the bounty is payed, otherwise none shall be."

The Feeorin seemed quite angry that his plan had not gone as he had hoped. He would have to make an example of this foolish mercenary. "Is that so? And you think that I would give up my new pet? Ha. There are other ways to make money." He said, and motioned for some of the Nikto guards to attack.
The young mercenary was swifter though, whipping the rifle out from his back and shot three of them down before they could even aim their blasters towards him.

Kren howeled with anger, but then an evil idea came across his mind. "Fine! You want her? Go get her!" He said, and grabbed the princess by the collar, and slammed a button on the throne that opened the gate to the pit. He hurled her down into it with his mighty strength, laughing as she feel into what she soon saw was a mass of tentacles.
Amalas as always, was brought to Kren's side, giving the boss a tired glare. She was done with this and had no desire to keep this charade up, but what choice did she have? However, before she could get started an interruption came. A Mercenary and not one of Kren's? Her heart raced, maybe her ticket home was finally here!

She watched the exchanged, carefully looking the man over. He seemed capable and was indeed hired by her father, but could he really manage this, Kren would surely... Before she could finish the thought the guards attacked and before she could really react to that, they were skilfully shot down. Her heart surged again, this was it, Kren wouldn't risk himself over her, she was...

A sudden tug at her collar and a shove and she was falling. She let out a startled cry, her eyes going wide as she saw what she was falling towards. That... that couldn't be what it looked like! The princess began scrambling in mid air, trying to catch something, anything to stop herself falling into the mass of limbs waiting for her.
"Nooo!" The mercenary shouted, but was set on upon by more niktos and a few gamorreans. He fired off a few more shots before having to duck for cover, while Kren and his main two goonies decided to duck out of the way while the low levels handled things. The crowd cried and scream and fled the scene as blaster fire erupted all over.

However down in the pit tentacles had caught the elven princess, the metal bikini falling off quickly leaving her naked and unprotected as tentacles slid over her body. They stroked and massaged her and found her most sensitive spots all over her body. They wrapped around her breasts and teased her nipples, rocking her in their grasps as she found one teasing her lips, looking for entrance already.
Amalas thrashed and struggled in the grip of the beast, squirming as best she could. Try as she might, the sheer numbers kept her from accomplishing much. She grit her teeth as the one pressed to her lips, confident she could at least keep that one out. Meanwhile the princess tried to close her legs as best she could, wishing to deny them any hole she had.
She was forced to moan all the while, her body still sensitive. The nipples were getting to her, already hard from the cold metal bikini. Now she shuddered and hoped her rescuer could make it down soon and kill this thing.
The tentacles held her well, preventing any hope of escape from their clutches, their goal quite clear. Several different tentacles poked and tested her ass, each one considering entry while she struggled and fought.
The one near her mouth pushed and prodded, trying to force it's way into her mouth, wanting to slid against her tongue. The moment she unclenched her teeth to breath, or gasped in shock, it would push in without hesitation.
She soon felt one teasing her clit, stroking the most sensitive little spot. It teased and stroked expertly, and while it did that another tentacle pushed into her pussy, sliding back and forth quickly at just the right length to pleasure her.
and as all the other tentacles stroked at her thighs and her belly and anywhere else she might be sensitive, a new tentacle finally pushed into her ass, it was barely thick, and would not stretch her, but she would certainly feel it pushing in and out of her.
She could not hold back to the tide, not for very long anyway. It was the one that rubbed her clit that got her, getting a sharp cry from the sensitive elf. With that the beast dived in and she gave a dismayed sound as her mouth was filled again. Her pussy, unprotected fell next and her ass was not far behind.
She sagged in their grip then, whimpering as she felt hopeless against this swarm, cries and muffled moans slowly echoed through the pit. Her body giving way to torment while her mind kept thinking to rescue.
Above the man still fought, lasers firing as a nikto fell here and there, and one maybe two gamorrean. But the Kren had more guards then he had expected, and he knew would be left with only one option. He was worried he would have to go that route, but he had little choice left it seemed.

The tentacled pushed in and out of her expertly, as if they had done this to a hundred or thousand of females before her. She was gently moved about here and there, the tentacles pushing deep into her pussy, filling her ass and pressing against the back of her throat. They filled her and fucked her, more tentacles binding her and teasing her. Stroking her body, pushing her towards climax closer and closer.
With a sharp cry she was pushed to her first climax. The combined effort of all the tentacles overwhelmed her body and she had only one way to go. Her body shook, trembling as she orgasmed, her stuffed pussy squirting juices into the pit she was held in. Her body trembled and convulsed in the grip of the tentacles and she whimpered weakly as the pleasure was only extended, forced to endure it more and more.
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