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A Princess' Hope (Chaos x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
Princess Amalas of the house of the Silver Tree should be, like most ladies of her station, at home learning the ways of court and galactic politics. Instead she found herself in a dank, dark and generally unsavoury prison cell. The walls, ceiling and floor were cold to the touch, condensation heavy along the smooth surfaces, at least where there wasn't grime. It was cold, but not deadly cold, just uncomfortable, almost worse that, at least freezing to death would end this game.

Amalas was not on the cot, the cells only bit of furniture. She was not curled up, huddled for warmth and whimpering like a mewling kitten. No, she was doing push ups against the cold wet floor. The Elven woman's eyes regarded the door as she worked out, her sharp, slightly narrow face beading with sweat, despite the frigid air. Her blue, almost grey eyes had an odd, indescribable quality to them, just enough to mark her as inhuman... if the pointed ears poking through her long silver braids wasn't enough of a give away. Course in this galaxy, not being human was hardly unusual, even if the empire favoured them.

After another dozen or so repetitions, Amalas stopped, rising to a sitting position. Her outfit a close fitting set of yoga pants and a tight sports top clung tight, the only clothes she had right now. It was hardly fair to be attacked in her own workout room, but she was winded and didn't have the strength to fight off five of them, though she was sure to give three of them broken noses at the very least. She smiled at that thought though winced slightly as she felt the bruise against her toned stomach ache, the only marring on her perfectly smooth abs.

The princess looked to the door again and cleared her throat loudly and obnoxiously with a couple of coughs. "Excuse me!" Her call was accented and rich, giving tell to her privileged upbringing. "Room service, if you'd be so kind. I'm quite peckish right now!" She seemed so polite, of course she would kick any guard that came in, but that's their fault for holding her hostage.
She was a prize in more ways then one, and Kren, a ruthless Feeorin, knew it when he had her captured. He'd demand a large ransom for her, after he had his fun with the little elf, and then perhaps keep her even after the ransom was paid, if it ever was.
The Feeorin crimelord was a little known criminal but had a large enough base on this planet to hold some power and have a following of men. He planned on making her his prised whore, and would get many warm nights with her.

He had already seen her once, after she had been bound, and had a good squeeze on her soft mounds. A luscious bounty for sure, he would let his men rough her up a little before he had his fun.

Her current guard was a Houk, a large beefy race of aliens, known for their brutality and lack of any humor. He clomped his way over in heavy boots, clothed in dirty pants and a loose fitting sleeveless shirt, he glared down at the elf girl who found herself funny. "Oh, you think you're funny do you? Well If you're so hungry then I got something you can choke on!" He said with a growl, glaring down at her, and opened the cell she was in, careful to not let her run past. "Boss said we could warm you up for him. I think I'll do just that. Been a while since I got my pole wet, a feisty little elf seems perfect." He said, closing the cell locked behind him as he moved in on her, reaching out for her pettite throat and ready to slam her hard in the gut if she fought back too much.
Amalass watched as the Houk entered, remaining as she was, sat with her back against the wall. She'd been unconscious when they first brought her in so hadn't got to see who exactly brought her in or under who's orders. On the bright side, they didn't rape her while she was unconscious, but from how her top had been pulled up and the red prints on her soft rear, they had hardly kept their hands to themselves. She was under no illusion that she'd be given any sort of 'royal' treatment while she was here.

As the guard approached, she kept her eyes on him, nose turned up at disgust at his words. "Well if you're so pent up go find yourself a whore. Sure a low life like you knows plenty of unsavoury places to find such women, or boys, I don't judge." Well, she was lying about that last bit, she was judging him to be a distasteful man regardless of what else he did.

In her current position he would get within reach of her legs before he could get at her throat. As such, she swung a quick kick with muscled legs at his leading shin, looking to knock him down. She attempted to scramble to her feet then, coming up into a fighting stance, heart pounding as her will to fight kicked in.
"I'll silence that annoying mouth of yours with my cock little elf, just you wait," the houk said as he started to undo his pants. He glared down at her as he still moved forward.

He stumbled, letting out a yelp as she hit his shin, but he only faltered and did not fall. He grunted, and clenched his fists, glaring at the feisty elf girl. "So you want to get hurt first do you?" He grumbled at her. "I'll give you some pain." He said, and brought up a fist aimed right for her head, swinging it fast. It was a feint of course, as soon as she ducked out of it's way his other fist came swinging in to connect with her stomach and knock the wind out of her. She wouldn't be able to fight if she couldn't breath, and he'd have no problem choking her if she still kept fighting.
If that didn't work he'd try to move around her and get an arm around her slim little throat. There was no way he'd let a royal brat disrespect him, she was going to get what was coming to her.
Amalas wasn't too concerned that he didn't fall with the first kick, it served her purpose. He slowed and gave her time to get to her feet, ready to get some frustration out by beating this alien bloody. So when the first strike swung, she darted her head to one side so it'd sail right past her. She however was thinking he would just be a stupid brute and did not account for the feint, getting a solid strike in the gut.

The elven girl grunted, the air expelled from her lungs as she doubled over. She staggered back a few steps, the hit all he'd need to get his meaty fingers locked around her delicate throat. She struggled still, glaring at him as she tried scratching at his fore arms with sharp nails.
His fingers squeezed around her neck tightly, only needing one hand to squeeze the soft flesh of her neck, and cause her to choke and gasp. As he did this he reached down, and undid the slot in his pants so that he could pull his cock out. It was noticeably bigger then most of the males of her species, but certainly not enough to break her. He lifted her off her feet, pushing her hard against the wall, his fingers still tight around her throat. "What? Nothing funny to say now?" He mocked her, and reached up to push her top up over her breasts, roughly squeezing one of them as it fell free. He then reached down to start stripping off her pants, ignoring her nails as they barely tickled his thick skin.
Yanking her pants off he tossed them away, leaving her smooth legs free to the cold air. As she continued to struggle he gave her another punch to the gut, only loosening the grip on her throat long enough for the air to escape. He then started to lower her toward's his cock, ready to start pounding into her tight elven pussy.
If she wasn't being choked, the princess would have several unlady like things to spit at this creep. As she was however, all she could manage was rasps and choked sounds as she struggled for breath, her body lifted easily. She was hardly as frail as a lot of her kind, but she lacked the mass of this beast and with her feet clear of the ground, her leverage was gone too. Didn't stop her trying to kick, just left them aimless and slowly weakening as her lungs started to burn.

Her breasts bounced free of the top as it was pulled past the tight fabric, pink nipples hard from the cold. His large hand was filled nicely by the soft, pliable flesh and the contact made her glare harder. The yoga pants were easily pulled off, showing off her tight ass and her hairless sex, lacking any body hair like most of her species.

The gut punch got her to flinch and grunt out more air, her legs flailing weakly as he started to lower her. Soon the moment came when the head of his cock came to her tight opening, her hips suddenly going very still, as to not cause him to slip into her.
He grinned, and pushed her down onto her cock, one hand gripping her waist, his thumb over the bruise, ready to cause her more pain if she fought too much. The thick head almost felt like stone, and it slowly pushed her lips open, his eyes locking with hers as he lowered her, and as soon as the tip was in he suddenly shoved her as far down as she'd go, starting to thrust into her tight pussy. He gave slow hard thrusts at first, getting used to how tight she was, grunting with each thrust before sliding out even slower, always leaving at least an inch inside her.
He slowly loosened his grip on her throat so that she didn't pass out. He wanted her conscious while he embarrassed her. His hand slid to her shoulder and chest, just above her breasts, keeping her pinned to the wall his other hand gripped her waists, keeping her hips out enough to thrust into her at a good angle. He seemed to be enjoying himself as he made eye contact with her, and reached up his lower hand to tease one of her hard nipples. "How does it feel to have a real cock in you elf bitch? I bet your men back home can't satisfy you like this." he said taunting her, egging her on to say something else rude back.
A rasping cry managed to escape her half crushed throat as the cock slid into her. She wasn't a virgin, but she certainly wasn't experienced and even her biggest toy back home paled in comparison to the guard. Her vision started to blacken, the lack of air combined with the pain of suddenly being stretched so wide. She welcomed it though, she'd rather pass out than suffer this.

Unfortunately he let go of her throat, her body sucking in breath purely on reflex, several moments of heavy breathing mixed with grunts and uncomfortable groans as her tight passage was invaded. She glared at the man as he spoke, keeping defiant and doing her very best not to react to his fucking and molestation. "With how fat you are... Seems you are on the small side for your females to like you." Her voice had a slight rasp, not as silky smooth right now.
He growled at her as she mocked him, deciding he did not like her insult after all. He started to thrust harder into her, and kept her pressed firmly against the wall, his free hand giving one of her nipples a very rough twist. "It's more then your elf pussy can handle, you can barely contain it!" He shouted back at her. His cock continued to push deep into her as he quickened the pace, his large cock stretching her tight walls, threatening to break them.
He fondled her roughly as he thrusted into her over and over again, his hard cock not giving her a break. He could only go for so long before he'd nut though, and his boss wouldn't be too happy if someone got his new toy pregnant.
So he grasped her hips with both hands and pulled her off his cock right before he did, and dropped her to the ground, one hand grabbing the back of her head and shoved her mouth over his cock, one hand ready to squeeze her jaw if she tried to resist.
The twisting nipple gained a sharp gasp from the girl, though she was quick to suppress it. She looked away from him at this point, closing her eyes as she tried to focus on anything, anything else besides the sensation overtaking her. He might have gotten the satisfaction to hearing her actually moan, if he didn't suddenly drop her onto her butt.

She grunted, stunned for a moment at the sudden lack of sensation. This was long enough for him to slam his cock past her lips, giving a groan of displeasure as he the tight wet confines of her mouth is filled by him.
He grunted as his thick fingers grasped her head, moving her lips back and forth along his shaft in a quick motion, his cock pressing hard against her tongue as she offered little resistance to his hard cock. He grunted and moaned, and soon she felt his hot cum splashing into her mouth. It hit the back of her throat, and spilled out between her lips as it kept coming. He slowed down but didn't stop fucking her mouth as more of it shot out, and it was only after much of it had dribbled onto her large soft mounds that he pulled his hard cock out.
He grunted with amusement, and put himself away in his pants. "That'll teach you to be so funny." He said, and turned to leave her cell with her slumped against the wall. He opened in and locked it back up as he left, returning to his post to watch over her and made sure she didn't escape from her locked cell with no way out.
Amalas had started to struggle again, pressing her arms against his legs, pushing but it was too late. Her eyes went wide as she felt the hot seed shoot into her mouth, coating her tongue and making her gag as the back of her throat was assaulted. When he pulled out of her she let go of her grip, instead coughing up and trying to spit out the rest of the load that she'd taken. By the time she was done he was gone already and she was left alone, covered with and in a small puddle of the guards cum.

She just had to stare, infuriated by this disrespect, they dare treat her like this?! With a grimace she pulled her clothes back on, wiping off the cum as best she could, but lacking any sort of way to properly clean up. Before long the elf rises and goes to the door and slams a fist into it. "I'd like to complain to the management about the lack of showering facilities in my room!" She calls, her tone more angry and mocking than before. If they fought a little rape would break her, they had another thing coming...
The guard grunted, but aside from that he ignored her further shouting. The boss wouldn't like it if he roughed her up too much, so he let her get her shouting out as much as she liked. She was left alone like that for several hours, any shouting was left ignored. There was hardly any noise outside until two guards showed up. The Houk opened the door as one of them dropped down a plate of bread and something closely resembling soup in a bowl, but not even a spoon to eat it with. They also placed in two buckets, one empty, the other filled with water and a questionably clean rag. The Houk kept his eye on her in case she tried to run away, and they locked the door back up when they were done.
The two guards made some cracks about her tits, and fucking her between them.
It was silent again as the two guards left and the Houk went back to his chair, leaving her alone in the room by herself once more, with nothing but her thoughts and the stone walls to echo her shouting.
Hearing the two guards, Amalas backed up a few steps, so she had a chance if they came for her again. They didn't and she just glared as they gave her food and something to wash with. She was tempted to spit an insult or two back, but settled for keeping her chin lifted and looking down at them like the scum they were.

With them leaving she turned to what they left. With a sigh, she picked up the plate and began to eat. It was passable, hardly up to her usual standards, but enough to sustain her at least. She didn't like that she had to drink the soup down with the lack of utensils, but it could have been far worse.

Next came the bucket and rag, something she spent several minutes just staring at in disgust. She was tempted to keep ignoring it, but the feel of dried cum on her clothes and breasts quickly got to her. So, she stripped, setting her clothes down and starting to clean herself. She took her time, trying to take as much enjoyment from getting the foul seed off her as possible while she awaited her release.
Many more hours past before there was sound of anyone but the guard outside her cell, watching her from the shadows.
Then finally He came in. Kren. The Feeorin. He had full yellow skin, and his tendrils were long. His face smooth with no nose, although some of his kind did have one. He was dressed loose and expensive clothing greens and blues in color, with fresh boots on his feet. He wore no jewelry, and his approach was silent save for the same two guards from before who stood behind him.
He stood three full feet back from the cell, and smiled down at her gloating. "Ah, my young fresh prize. The busty little elf princess with a great ass. I can't wait to fuck you." He said with a grin, gloating down at her. The two guards laughed, both niktos, and the pale one to the left, was clearly checking out her tits, and motioning for the other, a green wide faced one just rolled his eyes, he was far more interested in her ass.
Kren paid no attention to them, and instead simply looked down at the princess. "So princess, how is your hotel room? I trust the food to meet your every culinary need?" He said with a laugh, mocking her.
Amalas rose as she saw Kren, watching warily, her feet parted slightly, ready to move. She kept her arms crossed and her face was a neutral mask, a faint scowl as she regarded the leader, the man who had her locked up and talked to like she was a common whore. She ignored the two guards, turning her head up slightly, chin raised, regarding all three from down her nose. She was a royal and refused to cower to these scum.

"The stay has been... an experience. But I'm quite ready to leave now." Her tone was fully back to the silky rich tone she was used to, her throat having recovered from the choking and cum. "I assume you've received word on your ransom demands by now. My father is going to be far less forgiving if you continue to... How do you low lives say it? Ah yes, damage the 'goods'."
He laughed heartedly as he looked at her, trying to look dignified before her captors, inquiring upon the ransom on her. "Oh you assume so do you? Well pretty little lady, guess what? I haven't even told him yet. Oh no. No I have not. I'm going to have a little fun with you before I send word to him. Put those nice little lips of yours to good work." He said laughing as he looked down at her, staring into the beautiful gorge of her cleavage. "You're quite the looker even by elf standards. I wonder, the man you were engaged to? How does he compare by elven standards? Hmmm?" He laughed, and nudged the one on the right. "I bet he has a small dick too. Must be why elven women are so wonderfully tight!"
They all had a good laugh except for the Houk in the background, and didn't care how she reacted. "Tell you what though, I'm a nice boss. I'm going to let my two boys here find a few friends, and they're going to break you in for me. A nice long gangbang. So you play nice with them and learn your place, so that I can show you off to my guests." He laughed again, and slapped the two men on the back before walking off and motioning them to follow. "Go get that Zabarak, and hey, how about the gamorian? I bet his fat dick will stretch her out." He said with a laugh, but whispered that they probably shouldn't let it ruin her, just a blow job.
The men disappeared into the darkness of the underground jail, and once again she was alone to await the inevitable.
Amalas froze at that, the pit of her stomach dropping at the news. If he wasn’t lying to her, then that meant her father didn’t even know where she was yet. If they had put the ransom demands up then there could have been a chance at rescue, but not now, not any time soon in fact. What’s worse, it looked like her rape was the primary concern of this mob boss, not money, not some political agenda, they just wanted her.

She almost didn’t hear the rest of the taunting, instead looking pale as she considered her prospects, eyes to one side. Her eyes darted to the men as they left, laughing at her expense, about what they’d do to her. She grit her teeth then, like hell was she going to lay down and play ‘nice’ for them.

She stalked back over to the bed and sat, eyes on the door as she awaited her tormentors, ready to come at them swinging when they made a move.
It was only an hour, maybe two, when the group came back. The Green Nikto was carrying a holo recorder, so that Kren could watch it later. He set it up while the white Nikto was pointing out parts of her anatomy to the large fat hulking gamorrean and an athletic looking zabrak. He did his best to explain to the gamorrean he was only allowed to fuck her in the mouth, and that he called first dibs on her tits. They also were apparently not allowed to nut inside her, the boss didn't want to get her pregnant, not yet at least.
He turned to her then, and grinned. "Well it's the big moment, I'm excited. Are you excited? I have to say you have some really great tits there. Really nice. Top notch. I've seen a lot of tits in my day but yours, they're really nice."
The green nikto walked back over and pushed him, shaking his head. "I'm excited to eat her ass but I'm not going to go on and on about it." He said rolling his eyes, and turned to stare her down. "Think she'll put up a big fight? We could put the collar on her now and save us some trouble."
"I bet if we let the gamorrean nut in her mouth first she'll have a lot less fight in her."
"Ya and you want his nut all over her tits before you get your chance?"
"Ya, good point. We'll just have him hold her down for us."
The motioned for the Houk to unlock the cell door for them, and walked in behind the gamorrean, letting him take the brunt of her assault if she tried to fight back. He was slow and stupid but he could take a hit.
The Elven princess glared at the men as they came to her cell, taking each of them in. This wasn't good, she hadn't been able to fight off one guard, let alone four of them, including a Gamorrean. While she wasn't scared of the brutish pig man, she knew that he would be tough to put down. She didn't actively respond to their taunts, instead muttering in her native tongue as she sized them all up.

Amalas gave a short little breath, taking a moment as they entered the cell. Damn it, she had to at least throw a punch. So when the Gamorrean got close, she swiftly grabbed the brutes arm and tugged down, trying to slam him down, maybe hit his head on something. Sure, it'd at best knock one of them out, but she wasn't taking this lying down Goddess damn it!
The gamorrean looked confused as she pulled down on his arm, he reached out as he started to fall, his chubby fingers grabbing her top and pulling down hard on it as he fell. It started to rip, but did not go all the way, and he pulled her down with her. He reached out and managed to grab her arms, pulling her down with her back to her chest as the white nikto walked over.
"Not bad." He said with a grin, and reached down to rip her top open the rest of the way. "Won't need this anymore." He said and laughed, and slipped his cock out of his already partly undone pants. "Just stay there while I fuck her tits." He told the gamorrean who grunted in response and didn't bother getting up. The white nikto grabbed a handful of each tit, squeezing the soft mound as he gently straddled her abs, sitting wide legged ontop of her on the gamorrean. His hand played around with her breasts, squeezing and pushing them, and he teased her nipples as his dick hardened with excitement.
Amalass gave a startled cry as the chubby alien pulled her down, finding herself quickly held in place. She grunted and started kicking, legs swinging back rather ineffective against the Gamorrean's bulky legs. "Let, me, go!" Her tone more and more heated as she struggled with him.

Her eyes snapped to the Nikto as he ripped her shirt clean off, her large breasts on display for him. She glared and tried to pull away as he got into position, but couldn't move more than a few inches. "When I get out of here, I will make sure you all suffer for this." She snarled, trying for threatening. Course hard to be threatening when someone was playing with your breasts like a pair of beanbags.
The man squeezed his fingers tight around her breasts before pushing on them, pushing them down and together before he started sliding his dick between the soft mounds, back and forth, moaning a little as he did. "oh ya... that's what I'm talking about." the white nikto said with delight as he teased her hard pink nipples. His dick was and he pushed it back and forth between her soft tits, getting a good speed going as he sat ontop of her.

They all ignored her threats, and the Zabrak calmly walked over to her, swiftly managing to grab her by the ankles and lift her legs, pushing them together as he lifted them straight up. "Not bad. Good dexterity." He commented, as the green nikto started hosting her pants up and left them around her knees so she'd have trouble moving her legs.
His middle finger found her rear hole, and in it went, back and forth a few times before he pulled it out, wet it with his mouth, and pushed it back in, testing her as he glanced over at her face. "I bet even her ass tastes good." He commented.
"Oh ya, I hear elves are more sensitive then humans, I wonder if that's true?" The zabrak commented as he moved to hold her legs in one arm, and reached down to tease her folds, just the outside for now.
"Who cares? We're the one looking to get our jollies off, not her." The green one said with a shrug. "I want to taste her ass, but not when she's on top of the gamorrean."
From his position atop her, the Nikto would get the full attention of her glare. Any fear that the Elven woman may have struck, was certainly diminished by his playing with her breasts, and the cock sliding between them, tip poking free and bumping into her chin with each full thrust. Her cheeks quickly reddened at the humiliation, only partly in anger, eyes inevitably looking down to see the sight of him thrusting.

Her swinging legs were quickly stopped as the Zabrak raised them up. She squirmed in his grip, but no matter how strong or fast she was, the Elf couldn't beat superior leverage... plus, you know, the two other men holding her. She gave a started yelp as he fingered her ass, unused to such attention. "Hey! Stop that!" Her eyes met his and she gave a little uncomfortable groan as he pushed his wetted finger into her now, finding her very, very tight down there.

She bit her lip as he teased her folds, the answer was indeed yes, yes elves were far more sensitive than humans. But she wasn't going to give them THAT satisfaction! At least... while she could help it.
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