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It's a small, small (superheroine) world (For BRR & MMRS)

He was still red from this, but he decided that she would continue teasing him about this, so he actually replied. "Tonight you can kiss me as much as you want to make up for it," he finally said, barely able to keep a straight face as he said so. God, this was embarrassing. "So, any more ideas on what to do with this...thing," he asked, gesturing towards the cabinet.
"I'm rather curious about what the cabinet's purpose is," Zatanna mused. "I mean, we know what it does," she added, twirling about, "And the candles and everything else makes me think the cabinet is supposed to do more than bring people from other worlds to your world in miniature form. But why did somebody build a magical cabinet? Surely, not just for the heck of it."
"That's probably true. Maybe a person who really wanted to meet the characters they loved, or someone who just wanted to prove they could," Leo mused, not really knowing, just throwing out ideas. "I think we should figure out the other components as well. That might give us some more insight into the reason."
"I'm out of ideas," Zatanna confessed. "The candles, the powder and the bellows have to do something, though I've got no idea what. And I haven't got any idea who to ask. So, you're from the repository world. Any ideas who we might go asking?"
"Besides a nameless relative who who sent this without a return address, none" he answered. If Zatanna didn't have any ideas, he really was stuck. "My best guess is we either google it, or we try bringing in others from other worlds who might help." That second one was definitely more dangerous, but also more interesting. He suspected she'd want to do the first.
He was surprised by this, already getting up to go to the computer. He stopped, trying to ponder the question. He quietly considered the girls from as many angles as possible. Eventually, he came to a conclusion. "Storm works with a bunch of people with different powers and she's from a different universe than you. She might have a new perspective and new knowledge," he concluded. "If you want to undo the seal, we can bring her in."
"Well, I would say Diana, except I don't know if the Diana you have is the same as my Diana," Zatanna answered. "Um, just how hard is to get action figures anyway?"
"It's pretty easy, though expensive. And it can take some time," he answered. "Oh, there is a comic shop in town that carries some. If you know who you want, I could go and look for them. We might get lucky." It wasn't a place he went to, so he wasn't sure what sort of stock they had, but it was a lead.
"To be honest, I wouldn't have a clue who to look for," Zatanna said with a shrug. "Maybe an internet search engine is the best place to start. I'm assuming that you don't have any world renowned detective slant puzzle solvers in your world?"
"Not to my knowledge," he replied, pulling up the computer. He found a database of commercially available figurines? Though it was by no means a complete list, and begain scrolling through it with Zaranna. He had no idea what she would suggest, but he looked forward to it.
"The problem here is, I don't know if some of these figures are the ones from my world are not." Zatanna scratched her head. "And what if there detecting skills or problem solving skills or whatever are not natural. So if they come here, they'll be miniature and powerless. And I'm betting you don't have any famous magic users or sages in your world we could consult with, do you?" Zatanna asked with a dramatic sigh.
"No one I've ever heard of. Magic isn't known in this world publicly, though it apparently exists," he explained, glancing back at the cabinet. "As a result, there's not really anyone I know of that is a sage or master magician or what not."
"Well, maybe you're idea for bringing that girl...what's her name, Storm?...over to your world is a good idea. At the very least, she might have a perspective I haven't thought of. So if you want, send me back to my world, and I'll remove the ward on this cabinet. But first," Zatanna said, a twinkle in her eye, "I still owe you a kiss. Want to lift me up to your cheek, or do you want to bring it down to my level?"
"We won't need to buy her," he answers, pointing over to the other four figures. She was there next to Emma Frost. When she mentioned the kiss, he went red, still not knowing how to handle this. He guessed the best way would be to listen. He leaned his head down towards her, closing his eyes with his cheek turned towards her.
"I'll keep that in mind," he replied, too dumbstruck by the situation to say much else. He reached down and helped her up, walking her over to the cabinet and placing her inside. "I'll send you back to undo the seal," he told her. "While you're gone, I'll head over to the store and see who I can find. There must be someone that can help," he said. Once she was inside, he closed the door. He gave it a few seconds, opening it up later to remove her figurine and return it to the where the other four stood. Then he got up, stretched, and prepared for his own job.

He had to look up directions and was grateful the store wasn't too far away. It was a more than manageable distance. And even if it wasn't, he at least had the internet. But for now he'd go for the quicker option. Waiting would just kill him at this point. When he got to the place lined with comic book memorabilia, he was amazed by the sheer amount that was packed into the place. Whoever laid it out was pretty good with their spacing. Still, Leo wouldn't let himself get distracted by the brightly colored products on display and made a beeline for the figurines. The selection was sparse, not having near the number he was hoping for. However, there was one that jumped out to him as a possibility: Sue Storm. She was intelligent and had traveled between worlds in her comics. She seemed like the best chance he had. So he picked up the box and prepared to leave.

As he was heading out, a small corner area caught his attention. "Unofficial" the sign read. Leo approached it out of curiosity, and he learned what they meant. There were figures here clearly not made by any regular developer. They were unique, some not even being popular characters. The quality was wildly variant amongst them, some looking as good as the real ones and others like a strong breeze would snap their inaccurate features. Of these, one of the well made ones was far and away the best. There girls together on one stand, recognizable despite being older, in different outfits, and even in a different art style. It was The Powerpuff Girls. He had no idea how the cabinet would react to this. No real world people to draw on and completely different from the source material. It would be an interesting test of what the cabinet could actually do.

Forty minutes later, he was back in his room, the two new figures being placed alongside the others. Deciding it be best to inform his partner of the decision before he potentially blew up the space-time continuum, he only took Zatanna's figure. He placed her in the cabinet and closed it, quickly opening it up to see how she was doing.
"This is just too weird," Zatanna said, as she stretched about. "It didn't take me long to get the seal undone, and I had actually changed into jeans and a T-shirt to do some vacuuming. What, I've got to clean the apartment once in a while, you know. And you have to watch how often you use the magic on mundane stuff. Ever see the Magician's Apprentice from the original Fantasia? 'Nuff said."

"And I got to thinking about the webpage you were showing about...well, me. And the alternative mes," Zatanna continued.
Leo was intruiged. Whatever she had been thinking about. It had to be interesting. "Did you realize something?" he asked.
"No, not really," Zatanna said with a shrug. "I was just doing one of those thought experiments, like the theoretical physicists do with the cat that is and isn't dead. I mean, I deal with magic all the time, and it's still mind blowing. I was just wondering what would happen if you put five duplicate Zatanna dolls in the cabinet, closed the door and opened it again. Or if you put five different type of Zatanna dolls in the cabinet. Does that mean there are five different worlds with five different Zatannas? Or what would happen if one of the dolls didn't correspond with an alternate world. What would happen? It's just kind of mind blowing, you know?" she concluded.
"I was actually considering getting some multiples, but I decided against it. That might be going too far, especially since we don't understand this thing yet," Leo told her as he helped her out of the cabinet and put her with the figurines. "And I agree, it's pretty insane to think about. The possibility of meeting an alternate version of yourself..." he trailed off, thinking about an alternate-universe Leo. He couldn't help but imagine an evil version of him, identical save for a goatee. But he'd stay on topic for now. "These are the new ones I picked up," he explained, gesturing to the Invisible Woman and the Powerpuff Girls. "She is Sue Storm, and in her reality she actually traveled to alternate dimensions. She might be able to help. Those three are to help us test what the cabinet is capable of." He turned to her, hoping for some guidance. "So what should we do now?"
"Hey, I know her," Zatanna said, pointing at Sue Storm. "I mean, not her, her, but someone who looks exactly like her. Some actress who looks just like her. Terrible movies, and a couple of television shows that bombed. She's one of those actresses who's more famous for being pretty than actually acting. Know what I mean?" Zatanna shook her head in frustration. "And I'll remember it as soon as I step out of her universe and into mine." Zatanna looked at the other three superheroes and shook her head. "I don't know them at all. So I guess an Invisible Woman turns invisible, but what exactly does a PowerPuff Girl do? Are they some type of metahuman?"
"Here's hoping we get the character, not the actress," he replied to her before focusing on the Powerpuff Girls. "Kind of. They were characters from a cartoon where they were created from a science experiment gone wrong. They had your standard super powers: super strength, the ability to fly, and so on. But these aren't what they looked like at all," he explained. "This is a figurine of the three of them done in a completely different art style and ages up considerably. I wanted to see what the cabinet would do with a single figurine that's three characters together and if characters in considerably different versions from their original would still work."
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