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It's a small, small (superheroine) world (For BRR & MMRS)

"Well," Leo started, looking around the room. "The cabinet that functions as a portal to alternate worlds. Action figures that are conduits for the portal. Candles associated with the Chinese word for compass. Talcum power and a pair of bellows," he listed off, pretty sure he got everything.
"So the cupboard doesn't seem to require any of those elements. Just the action figures and the cupboard itself." Zatanna rubbed her finger underneath her lip in thought. "So what do those other things...Indian in the Cupboard!" Zatanna suddenly shouted. "That was the name of the movie! Could you see if you have that movie, or at least a book, in your world?" Zatanna asked.
"Give me a second," he replied, moving over to the computer. A few key licks later, he found it. "Yep. It was a bit before my time. Explains why I don't it," he said. "Is there something in particular you need with it? I can pull up the movie on here."
He wasn't sure if she was joking, but it couldn't hurt to help her. "Hang on a moment," he replied, leaving to go to the kitchen. He grabbed a bag of microwaveable popcorn and tossed it into device, turning it on. He then went to the living room where he grabbed a throw pillow. After that, it was just waiting until the microwave was done. Once it was, he pulled out the bag and opened it up, only slightly burning himself as he poured the contents into a bowl. The necessary items in hand, he made his way back to the miniature house guest.

"It's not a theatre, but it's...something," he told her. He put down the pillow near her and the bowl of popcorn next to that. He adjusted his computer monitor so she would be able see it fully while resting. "I know it's not much, but I hope it will work."
"Looks like a mega movie screen from my point of view," Zatanna said with a laugh. "And this pillow makes me wish I had on some pyjamas!. I'd go home and switch into some, but I have a suspicion that I'd just get teleported or transformed or whatever into whatever the me action figure was wearing. Which is kind of wild, if you think about it. I have an action figure."

Zatanna shook her head and chuckled as she grabbed a huge popped kernel and started chewing on it.

"You know, this is actually quite complicated magic," Zatanna continued. "I mean, consider the fact that either my essence has been put into this form and animated or, more likely, I've been transported here and reduced in size. Since my magical powers are tied to my essence, depriving me of them takes quite some doing. Whatever has been done here, and has allowed me to continue interacting with your world, is quite impressive. And we know I'm me, because I've prevented the cupboard from bringing anyone else in to your world, but I could only pull that off while I was in my world." Zatanna rubbed her temples with her forefingers. 'This is giving me a headache, and I'm used to dealing with contradictions inherent in the underlying principles of magic. I can only imagine how confusing this is for you."

Zatanna paused, before asking, "So how much do you know about this relative who sent this to you?"
"At least I was lucky enough to summon someone who gets magic, but yes, I am very confused," he admitted. "As to him, next to nothing. I think I met him at a family event when I was really young, but I don't remember anything about it. Aside from that, just his name." He knew this wasn't very helpful, but honesty was all he had. "So the cabinet summons people on its own? Did the candles do nothing?"
"I'm sure they serve some purpose, but it appears the cabinet does the summoning," Zatanna answered, taking another bite of popcorn. "Say, I don't suppose you have a Mountain Dew in the house, do you? And something I could drink it from?"
He got up, heading to the fridge. Leo wasn't a caffeine drinker, so there was no Mountain Dew. However, there was Sprite, his preferred brand of lemon-lime goodness. He grabbed it along with one of those thin coffee straws that his dad used. It was probably the best he could do. He returned to Zatanna, drink in hand. "Sprite with a coffee straw. Only the finest," he tried joking, not sure how it's go over.
"Sorry, not exactly a sewing houehold," he answered. "I'll try to jury rig something tomorrow." There were a few solutions that came to mind, but nothing he could do on the fly. "Is it okay for now?"
"For now. If I need to go to the bathroom, I'll just duck back into my reality," Zatanna said with a laugh. "You should get a Malibu barbie car. We could make this a drive in theatre date then," she added with a giggle.
This caused him to go red at the mention of a date. Was this a date? If so, it was stranger than anything he had ever imagined. "We might want to focus on making you tall," he said hastily, trying to ignore that last phrase of hers.
"Ah yeah," he stuttered, moving towards the keyboard. He hit the play button before leaning back in his chair, putting some distance between himself and Zatanna. This was a new experience for him, so he had no idea what to expect from the movie, but he looked forward to it.
The next couple of hours spent refreshed Zatanna's memory about the movie, but provided no new clues about how the cupboard or any of the other objects Leo had received might work to restore Zatanna's height and power. Or if they even would, for that matter.

"It does beg the question," Zatanna said to Leo, as the movie ended, "If your cupboard might reach into the past of your own world as well as reach into other worlds like mine. And what would happen if you put a figure into the cupboard, and there wasn't a person or animal somewhere that really did correspond with that figure."
"Well, aren't you assuming there's a limited number of universes? If there are an infinite number of worlds, wouldn't it be impossible to create something that corresponded to nothing?" he asked. He fully expected to be wrong, but he was still curious.
"First of all, there aren't an infinite number of worlds, because infinity doesn't exist. It's a mathematical concept used to describe something. So when someone says there are an infinite number of something, what they're really talking about is a number that's approaching infinity." Zatanna laughed before adding, "And they say you never use the math you learn in high school for anything."

"And look at you," she said with a giggle. "A few hours ago, you were trying to convince me I really didn't exist in any world, but was just a magical construct with artificial memories. So yes, there are a limited amount of universes, but whether we're talking limited to ten thousand, ten million, ten quadrillion...who knows? And your universe might just be a repository for the images of things that happen in other universes. I don't know, but it would be wild if it were."

Zatanna stretched, then added, "And I think that's enough excitement for one day for me. Why don't you send me back to my universe for the night, and we'll pick this up tomorrow?"
"Hmm..." he said, thinking to himself. That repository idea was quite interesting to think on. He tried to think on her words, and it was true that it was impossible for anything to be truly infinite, he winded if it was functionally infinite. But this was starting to get way over the head of the high school graduate.

"Okay," he told her, putting her in his hand. "Can you undo the seal on your side? I don't plan on calling anyone else over, but I'd rather not leave it in place and avoid some unintended consequences. Unless you're sure there won't be any. I'll trust you on that," he said as he placed her back in the cabinet.
"I don't see any side effects. You could try to reach into your own past," Zatanna added, "And I can't seal that up, not until I get my powers back in your universe. However, I would advise against that. Or at least waiting until we both get a good night's sleep and talk it over. And speaking of which, why don't you go ahead and put me back in the cabinet. But first," Zatanna said with a mischievous look in her eyes, "Why don't you bend over and let me give you a good night kiss on the cheek? My way of thinking you for a wonderful movie date."
"Uhh-umm," he stuttured, the kiss comment throwing him off. He really wanted it, not he was worried she was just joking and he'd look like an idiot if he actually did it. So, red in the face. He put her back in the cabinet. "Have a good night," he told her, closing it and sending her back to her world. After taking some time to catch his breath, his exhaustion finally began to hit him. He opened up the cabinet, removing the figure and placing it with the others. Then he stumbled over to his bed and collapsed, pasising briefly to note down the time.

It was eleven in the morning when he woke up. He dragged himself out of bed, needing to look around to see if what had happened was real. Eventually, he concluded that it wasn't a dream. And so he changed his clothes and ate a quick breakfast. Once he was ready, he went to grab the figurine of Zatanna. However, he wanted to try his own his experiment. So he took both Zatanna and Power Girl into the cabinet. So he closed it, gave it some time, and reopened it.
When the cabinet opened, Zatanna was moving, but Power Girl was still an immobile action figure.

"You know, I'm so tempted to draw on her face," Zatanna laughed. "You know, like when you're hanging out with friends, and one of them passes out."

"And you," she added with mock severity, "Sent me away without letting me give you a good night kiss. Well, I had a good night's sleep. How about you?"
"Sorry," he apologized on reflex, not really thinking how silly it was to apologize for that. "It was good." He quickly tried to turn the subject towards the cabinet and their investigation. "I tried putting both of you in the cabinet at once, just to see what would happen. I was wondering if not being able to bring one person of a group would fizzle the whole process, but apparently not," he explained. "Looks like your seal works perfectly. But did time pass at the same speed for you? It's been eleven hours since you left."
"Eleven hours passed for me too," Zatanna answered. "And I don't think what I wear there has any effect on what I show up in here. I was in yoga pants when you opened the door to your cabinet, but I still showed up here in my stage clothes." A mischievous smile appeared on Zatanna's face as she added, "And I'm still a little vexed at you for not letting me give you a good night kiss!"
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