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The Maiden of Tekkadan (Azecreth x Poppy)

As she was embraced from behind, her violet eyes flew open. She did her best not to yelp in surprise, but she certainly jumped. She turned her head to look to who it was, seeing the tanned hands and knowing immediately who it was. A smile crossed her face as she turned around to face the leader of Tekkadan.

“I was wanting to see you, actually.” Kudelia kept smiling, happy to see him, underneath the pouring water. “Although, I didn’t think it would be in the showers…” Not that the Maiden of Revolution was going to complain. Orga, despite his scars, was nice to look at. Her eyes flicked down to his cock, licking her lips subconsciously.
Orga's grin did not fade as Kudelia remarked on the unusual nature of their meeting. "Well I needed a shower too after last night. So once I finished with some exercise I decided that it was a good time." That was the truth, and though he had not expected to run into her he was not going to complain about it.

Slowly he got to work, hands rubbing her shoulders as the water sluiced down both their forms. No one was around besides them right now so they could enjoy each others company. "So how are you ding today?" He was curious to know, especially after she had said that she wanted to speak with him. Had something happened with her? If so, the sooner he learned the better.
Orga’s hands massaging her shoulders certainly felt nice to the blonde girl. She closed her eyes and focused on simply enjoying what was happening. It took everything Kudelia had inside of her to not simply pass out right there from being so tired and now so relaxed. But as he spoke, she paid attention.

“I’ve actually had a lovely morning. I don’t know if you’ll believe it, but I’ve already helped a few of the men out! They found me on the way to the canteen, and wanted to know what I was going to be doing with them. I suppose rumor spreads quick!” She smiled, looking over her shoulder to him.
Orga chuckled aloud as Kudelia informed him that she had already been busy today with the task she had assigned herself. He could tell she wasn't quite steady on her feet, but strong hands would keep her up should she slip or start to fall. They wouldn't want to have an accident with the most important person on the ship now did they?

"Sounds like it does," he agreed with a nod as his hands methodically worked upon her shoulders. He wasn't a masseuse by any stretch of the word, but he clearly had some experience working out stress. Or he just enjoyed doing this, it was hard to tell since h was not betraying his own feelings at the moment. "Do you still want to do the job after this morning?" Now that she had experienced what it would be like, it couldn't hurt to make sure.
Kudelia enjoyed his hands, beginning to feel totally and utterly relaxed. This day was going much better than she had thought it would. Helping those young men out, to release their pent up frustration felt incredibly rewarding. Yes, teaching them how to read and write felt nice as well. But what she was doing for them now would help them perform significantly better in battle. And what with the threat of Gjallerhorn at their heels, any respite that they could find would be valued.

“Orga….after this morning, I want to do this job more than ever.” She looked over her shoulder to him, showcasing the same grit and determination that she used to convince politicians that human debris were humans, first and foremost. “Those young men were beyond grateful for what I’m doing for them. And for the first time, I feel like I am really contributing to Tekkadan. Atra helps to fill their bellies, but I’m helping them to fill another need.” She smiled, completely honest with the tanned man behind of her. “So please, stop asking that question. My answer will never change.”
"Geez, alright. I get it," Orga replied with a look of chagrin as Kudelia reaffirmed her resolve once and for all. All things considered he didn't see a need to ask again anyways, not unless something went wrong. Which was a situation he and Mikazuki could handle if it arose, though he didn't expect it to. What could possibly happen on this ship that would be over the line?

Soon enough his hands finished with her shoulders, drifting down to hr sides if she allowed him to do so. "In that case, how about a new experience? It's a bit different when there's water around." He had the feeling that she would not refuse, but he felt like asking anyways. She was supposed to be the on with the control here after all.
Kudelia didn’t mind as his hands drifted down. Instead, she leaned back against his body, her decision only acting to confirm what her body wanted. Even if she had just been with three boys at once, who she really wanted now was Orga. And it seemed that she was about to get her wish in the showers.

“ are right about it being a new experience.” Kudelia laughed lightly, closing her eyes and just trying to enjoy what her lover was willing to do in the shower. “Why not? After all, I bet you have some urges to get out….and I really enjoyed last night. And wanted it to happen again as soon as possible.”
Orga chuckled, joining in with Kudelia's amusement as she leaned up against him. He was certainly pleased to hear her willingness, and was ready to give her the sort of attention that she wanted. To be honest he had been thinking about yesterday a lot as well, moreso than any similar encounters he had had before. That just reinforced his desire to enjoy himself a bit.

"It sounds good to me," he agreed with a nod as his hands brushed along her sides. With the water cascading down around them he held her close, letting his cock brush against her skin as he began to get erect. It would not be too long before his shaft was rubbing up against her body, brushing against her folds as he made sure that she was in the proper mood. The fact that they were out in public just made it better as he enjoyed himself.
“Someone’s getting excited so easily…” Kudelia smiled, looking down to his erect cock that was rubbing against her folds. She still had her back to him, so his cock was currently nestled between her lower lips, only the fat tip visible to her eyes past her breasts. The blonde woman could swear that he was even harder than yesterday. She had to admit to herself that there was something erotic about doing it in the showers….what if someone walked in on them?

She stepped away from him, going over to the metal wall in the shower, right underneath the shower head. Kudelia spread her legs, reaching back to spread her ass cheeks. She bent her torso forward, nipples pressed against the chilly metal despite the warmth of the shower. The diplomat was putting her tiny puckered hole and pussy on display for him, wanting Orga to choose for himself.

“So….why not have some fun here?” Kudelia flushed, happy for the steam that was filling the area. At least that would conceal them some.
There was very little shame on Orga's face as Kudelia noted how excited he seemed to be getting, the man shrugging to himself even as she stepped away. “Consider it a compliment,” he replied as he enjoyed the view, hr beneath the showerhead with her body on display for him to see. He was more than willing to have some fun here, since otherwise he would have done something to move them from this location to another one.

The growing heat in the shower was nice as Orga stepped forward, his hands coming to rest upon her rear as thumbs worked into slick flesh with slow circles. “Don't mind if I do,” he confirmed with a nod before deciding where he wanted to enjoy himself this time. She definitely succeeded in making this enticing for him, much to his own approval.

He would let her stew for a few moments in wait for it, before he let his shaft rub against her pussy, it already a bit wet from the shower that she had been taking before he arrived. “Here we go,” he added as his hands shifted from her rear to her side, keeping a firm hold as he slid his cock inside her without hesitation, taking it at a slow pace to let her adjust before he began speeding up. It was not as restrained as last time, but he had the feeling that she could handle it. He definitely found it just as good, the heat of the shower merging well with the heat of her body to almost immediately sweep him up in a rising pleasure. And knowing Kudelia she was probably enjoying this just as much as he was
Kudelia turned her face forward to look away from Orga, feeling as if she wanted to burst with anticipation. Orga didn’t know it yet, but every one of her holes had been taken this very day. So if he wanted to slide right in with little effort, there wouldn’t have been much resistance. The blonde haired woman was just happy that she had washed the cum out of all of her orifices upon arriving into the shower, nice and fresh for the man she longed for.

“Ohhhhh….” She sighed in satisfaction as his cock slipped over her slick folds before penetrating her to the core of her cunt. Kudelia took a moment to adjust to the member inside of her, much larger than any other she had the pleasure of servicing. She closed her eyes and rested the side of her face against the wall. The beautiful woman lost herself in the feelings that the tanned man was giving to her, soft moans quickling echoing in the mostly empty area.

“Orga, it feels soooo good…” Kudelia wasn’t having to fake her enjoyment one bit, truly enjoying this happening to her as he quickened his pace. One of her hands fell down to her clit, toying with it gently as he took her.
A low groan escaped as Orga hilted himself inside Kudelia with ease in only a few thrusts. She had already said herself that she had been busy today, so he assumed that she would be warmed up for what they were doing. As such he didn't think there was a problem with going a bit rougher right of the bat rather than taking it slow. It was a decision that she seemed to appreciate too as she leaned against the wall of the shower and toyed with herself at the same time.

"You too," he grunted, making no move to stop her caring for herself even as his rhythmic thrusting pushed her up against the wall with each stroke into her core. In some way there was an understanding that he had to take each opportunity while it lasted, so he did not consider the future consequences. The others would probably be more jealous than anything else anyways.

Wet slaps filled the room as their bodies met, aided by the shower. He wrapped an arm around to grab at one of her breasts, calloused fingers pinching and massaging heated skin between them as he soon sped up to a fairly fast pace. "You like it like this," he asked as he leaned forward a bit for a more suitable angle. "Being out in public? Or have you not decided yet?" He was curious to see what she had to say as they went on.
Everything about her current situation was stimulating to the blonde woman. The strong, muscular man sliding his cock in and out of her slit, the heat of the showers, the risk of someone discovering them. It all equaled up to make her cunt wetter and softer than ever before. It was apparent that she was adoring every inch that she was being given.

Kudelia moaned and groaned as he quickly thrust into her, secretly happy that he wasn’t handling her with kid gloves. After all, she wasn’t made of glass, destined to shatter so easily. She was a resilient woman, ready to rise and face any challenge. And her new role in Tekkadan was something that she was beginning to swell with pride over being to do.

As one of his hands reached around to toy with her breasts, she gasped in delight. While playing with one’s nipples was fine enough, it felt fantastic to have a partner pleasure them instead. She arched her back, unable to keep looking over her shoulder to see Orga’s handsome face contorted in pleasure. Kudelia almost jumped when he whispered into her ear, too focused on the pleasure to be mindful of Orga’s words.

“This is….really thrilling!” Kudelia confessed, her voice overflowing with enthusiasm. “If I would have known….this was so much fun….” She was having to pant, every thrust he made making her breathless. “...I would have done this the day I got here!”
Orga always found himself surprised a bit by how eagerly Kudelia responded to what he was doing with her. He knew that he should not be, since she had voiced her confident and final approval of what was going on, but he was still working out where the lines were, if there were any at all. But she continueally surprised him with just how much she was willing to indulge in this sort of activity. Not that he was complaining, to be fair.

Fortunately he had a bit more breath to go around than she did at the moment, though he kept up a firm pace. Her movement offered up her breasts to him, allowing for a more firm hold as pointed buds were subjected to what attention he could bring to bear at that moment. His cock pounded away inside her wet sex, gliding easily from everything adding together while he himself drew closer to his climax at the same time.

He couldn't help it if he snorted a bit at her claim. "What, and have to worry about our former bosses deciding they wanted a piece of you too? It's probably better that you waited a bit. Even if we don't have fresh air to go with it." Not that that particularly mattered either as he did his best to eke out a bit more speed, to push himself towards the high he knew was waiting for him and to do the same for her in turn. And hopefully anyone watching ejjoyed the show,. He was not looking at the moment, so there was no way to know if they didn't draw attention to themselves.
Kudelia closed her eyes and simply enjoyed everything happening to her. This was all so stimulating, and she could feel herself getting close to cumming again soon. There was something about Orga’s thick cock that made her want nothing more than to take it all day long. As his pace quickened, her lower folds seemed to be sucking him in, wanting nothing more than to be filled up with his spunk.

“…” Kudelia panted, doing her best to hold on for as long as possible. She knew that Orga was capable of providing quite the explosive orgasm for her, but she still wanted to do her best to delay it. In order to feel all of the pleasure he was giving her.

What they didn’t know was that Mikazuki had shown up for a shower. He had walked onto the scene quietly, watching Orga and Kudelia in the throes of passion. The smaller man observed with his typical intense stare, able to figure out why Orga seemed to be in such a good mood as of late. But he didn’t want to be a bother and interrupt their session, instead turning around and going to wait outside of the shower area for them to finish.

Kudelia glanced over, and noticed his retreating form. In that moment, she realized that someone had watched her being impaled by the tanned leader, unable to decipher just who. It was enough to bring her to her release, her cunt tightening up deliciously about Orga’s cock. She was so turned on that she actually squirted, her juices quickly rinsed away thanks to the warm water. She collapsed against the wall, a smile on her pretty face.
Orga was unaware that they were being watched, but even if he had known he likely would not have stopped Mikazuki from watching. His friend could do what he wanted, and he knew that the younger boy would not impose if he felt that this was what Orga wanted.

Though he didn't know, he could certainly feel it as she caught sight and it almost immediately pushed her over the edge. The delay had let it be that much better but now he was almost immediately pushed over the edge of his own oblivion in turn to join her.

"F-Fuck, cumming," he groaned as he accelerated for a last few thrusts. It fought against her body and the applied pressure as he plunged deep inside her with each stroke. The rush of her cum swept over his shaft, more potent than it had been before in their previous encounters. It just made the slick heat better for him at the same time, to aid in his push as his body Rose to the breaking point.

At last he came, joining her with his hands continuing to have a firm grip on her body as he kept her pressed against the wall. His cock throbbed, each pulse sending more of his cream spilling inside her as he spent himself in her body. "Ohhh, that's good," he groaned as he leaned against her from behind. "Looks like you're more deviant than I thought.~"
Her cunt was seized up so tight thanks to her own release that he would find it challenging to thrust as deep as he pleased. It was obvious that her body needed this with Orga, adoring everything that was happening between the two. Her body shook and shivered, still reeling from the afterglow of her orgasm and being fortunate enough to experience mini orgasams as well. Each little one was like a burst of electricity coursing through her veins, causing the Maiden of Revolution to cry out loudly in ecstasy.

The warmth of his seed spreading inside of her was not lost on Kudelia, and even if she just came, she wanted more of Orga. The tanned man was certainly becoming addictive to her. And from what she could tell, his cock was still just as hard as ever. She hoped that he was up for another round, knowing that she herself was ready for more already. “Orga...please…” She panted, trying her best to even out her ragged breathing. “Keep going….fuck me again…”

Hearing such a lewd phrase come from the aristocratic girl’s mouth was shockingly arousing. She had heard such phrases while traveling the slums on Mars with Fumitan, having watched many women sell their bodies just to get by. Of course, her maid was diligent enough to try to steer her away from such seedy happenings. But there was no denying what was overheard in the dark alleyways that she traversed in order to better understand the people that she wanted to help so much.

The weight of her lover against her made her heart soar with joy, smiling crookedly as he suggested that she was deviant. “I know that some hearing women talk in such filthy ways.” Her cunt was convulsing deliciously around his member, to encourage him to keep going. “I am not the most knowledgeable about what to say….but I can give it my best.”
Orga couldn't help but chuckle aloud as she apologized, as if this was something she needed to be ashamed of. It wasn't as though it was to be expected of her given her upbringing, and it certainly was not a requirement of her job. Oh, he supposed there were some aboard who might like that sort of thing, but she was the one making the choice to go deeper all for the sake of the crew. Hopefully she didn't get too offended at that reaction, though it was a bit late to take it back now.

With how tight she was wrapped around his cock, it was no wonder that he was almost immediately ready for anther round with her. After the repression of being on the ship for so long and subjected to such enticing situations, it clearly wanted to make up for lost time. And if that was the case then he might as well enjoy himself a bit.

"Alright, if that's what you want then I think we could arrange that Princess" he reassured her with a grin. His next move was action, pulling out momentarily so that he could flip her in place, leaving her back to the wall now and lifting her legs up with strong arms to wrap around his waist in a new position that would keep them close throughout this session. It was a bit more taxing on the muscles, sure, but both of them could manage it with the energy pulsing through their veins.

If she was disappointed then she would find herself soon not, as he slid inside her once again, sure to deprive her of that warmth as little as possible. Their bodies jostled together as he began to move, pushing her against the wall as a brace to let him slide that much deeper and at a different angle. "Kudelia..." he groaned aloud, his gaze fixed upon her as each move of his hips drove his shaft inside her anew. "Guess you should practice a bit then, eh?"
Kudelia couldn’t help but smile a bit as she was addressed as a Princess. He wasn’t wrong, after all. But a part of her loathed the rank, feeling as if it drove a wedge between herself and the common people that she wanted to help so much. She didn’t have much time to dwell on the term as Organ manipulated her body to be in the new position. It was certainly nice to be able to look at his intense gaze, but how she longed for him to slip his cock back inside of her. There was nothing quite like being shoved to the brim with his tanned cock, wanting it so badly.

She wrapped her legs about his waist, one hand trailing down his well defined abs before going to join the other. They wrapped around his neck, the blonde woman hoping that she was helping to keep some weight off her lover thanks to his she positioned her legs. Her wet slit ground against the underside of Orga’s shaft, and she wanted so much more. Her lover wouldn’t force her to wait for long, slipping his cock back inside of her needy pussy. He managed to reach new and deeper depths like this, Kudelia gasping in pleasure.

His intense gaze forced her to look away, unsure if she could start to say filthy things while he was looking at her. In Orga, she saw everything that she always wanted. Someone to help, but also a person that was strong enough to stand on their own two feet and fight for their ideals. But she took a deep breath, willing to give it a go. “Orga, please….I want you to-to…” Kudelia shook her head, cheeks turning a dark pink shade due to embarrassment. “Please...fuck my pussy and fill me up with your cum!!” She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, unable to look at him directly. “I want to take so much cock and help grow our family!!” Kudelia cracked one violet orb open, looking directly to him now to see how he took her attempt at dirty talking. She had actually put her own actual feelings into it as well.

She had seen how happy everyone with the Turbines seemed. All the girls were one happy family, with Naze at the center. Many of the women had children with the suave man, and seemed to be content with their lot in life. That sort of life was the thing that Kudelia wanted, if she was able to achieve her goals. Having children with her beloved, and just existing.
Kudelia's help was appreciated as she took off some of the strain on himself with her legs around Orga's waist and her hands around his neck. It was about what he had expected from her and he did not In turn it brought her the sort of pleasure that he assumed she wanted, even earning a vocal gasp as his shaft slipped inside her with her body held close. He certainly appreciated being able to look at her like this, and to see the look on her face.

The bright pink on her cheeks was heartwarmingly cute as she stammered out her first effort at the kind of talk she said she wanted to replicate. Kudelia never ceased to amaze, whether it be her dedication in something like this or just the sheer energy to which she devoted herself to the task. Though she undoubtedly enjoyed it as well, as indicted by the slick heat that wrapped around his shaft and the wet slaps that filled the room with the collision of their hips. Water and lewd juices mixed together to make it easy for him, and he took full advantage of that as he pressed her up against the wall and claimed her as his own.

Hearing her comment about family left him a bit puzzled, not that it deterred him from his powerful motions as they moved together. He knew that tone of voice, said with the same sort of determination by which she proclaimed the independence of Mars, or any other of her high minded goals. Didshe consider them to be one and the same? That was a feeling Orga was not used to. There had been amorous affairs in the past, burning hot romances, but he could not say that he knew of anyone else who felt the way that she did towards him. The situation with the Turbines was unusual for him as well, though of course anyone would mind being Naze, well, most of the time anyway.

His head tilted slightly, kissing her on the lips as best he could with their bodies jostling against each other. heated breath escaped as he let it endure for a few moments before pulling back, flashing her that inspiring and selfsure grin that he wore when charging into battle. "If that's what you want Princess," he replied with mirth in his tone. "We'll just have to make sure that you're too tired to get off the ship when we make it to Earth." He seemed intent on making that a reality as well, shifting his legs to better brace himself as he sped up with his grunts joining hers as the water of the shower fell around them.
When Orga sealed his lips to hers, it felt as if he were praising her for doing a good job with her dirty talk. As erotic as the blonde woman was trying to be, she meant every word that she said. As her tanned lover was driving her closer to another orgasm, it was easy to imagine herself like that. Heavily pregnant, certainly Orga’s child with how often they had sex, and still doing her best to please every man on the ship that needed release. Her fair skin was splattered with cum, and in her imagination, she was beaming with joy. This was the sort of life she wanted to live behind closed doors, able to give into all of her carnal lusts.

“Oh stars, yes…” Kudelia gasped as he quickened his pace, tits bouncing thanks to his efforts. She was wetter than ever, adoring everything that Orga was helping her to feel. She only helped that she was making him feel just as good as she was. If they wouldn’t have been in the shower, Orga would be able to tell just how wet she was by being with him.

“Faster, faster, please…” The blonde woman begged for him to fuck her so hard that she would find it hard to stand on her own two feet. “Fill...fill me up with your seed!” Kudelia chose words that proved that she was a higher class lady. A simple whore from Chryse would moan in a manner that seemed manufactured, begging for the tanned man to cum in their slutty pussy. The blonde woman certainly had room for improvement, but with experience, she would be the best at the task.

She found herself cumming hard, crying out and hugging Orga tightly. Her pussy clamped up so tightly on his cock, that it felt like their first time together all over again. Kudelia’s mind felt like it was haywiring thanks to the pleasure she was feeling, a smile on her face as her breasts pressed against his chest, the water feeling good on her sore body. But she wouldn’t feel complete release until his hot cum flooded her.
If only Orga were privy to the images in Kudelia's head, he surely would have been in for quite a shock with what he might find. He held to the thought that her plans for the future were a lot simpler, or at least in a different direction than what she had in mind. Perhaps politics, business, or at the very least a life on a small estate somewhere out of the public eye. It seemed to suit the kind of person she was much better than anything particularly lewd.

Her encouragement was hardly needed, though he did the best he could to fulfill it while working within his own limits. He wasn't a machine after all, though he was moving with as much force as he could muster. Her inexperience at that kind of talking wasn't something he minded too much, since it could come with experience and time if that was really what she wanted to achieve, and it did provide a bit more spice than there would have been previously as the tip of his cock prodded deep inside her vagina.

His grin shifted into one a bit more strained as he felt her tightening around his shaft almost immediately. It was painful to move, especially with how sensitive he was already from the last time. Nonetheless he did his best, powering through for a bit longer with sheer exertion of will until he couldn't hold back any longer. They collided against the wall again as he came, releasing another load of his cum inside her to mingle with the first. Muscles burned with a pleasant heat, one that kept him close for as long as he could manage. "There you go," he said with a light kiss on her cheek. "We'll just have to work on that more in the future. Is that a problem?"
When he came inside of her, Kudelia adored the warmth that radiated inside of her. Getting a hot load of cum inside of her made all of her tension melt away. It was as if she could forget about the weight of the world being on her shoulders when spreading her legs for one of the brave members of Tekkadan. The pair slid down the wall and to the tiled floor, Kudelia kissing him multiple times to show her affection as they pressed against the wall and the floor.

“I could use some work, that’s for certain.” She giggled, loving the feelings of adoration bubbling up inside of her. The shower was pelting them with water, and she reached out to slick his hair back, a smile still on her face the entire time.

“You look nice like this...with your hair out of your face.” The blonde woman nodded, her own long hair clinging to their bodies and splaying out on the tiled floor of the shower, drifting with the water that made its way down the drain.

“This is...nice.” She nodded, wanting him to know that she was still completely on board with what she was doing.
Each pulse raced down his shaft, terminating at the tip with a miniature explosion that slowly began to flag and diminish with each successive burst inside her tightly clinging pussy. It moved at a slower pace to the rapid pounding of his heart, with beat along from the exertion that he had just subjected himself to. He was used to exercise of course, so at least it was not as bad as it could have been considering the circumstances. At that point he was willing to tap out however, and let the both of them slide down the wall and to the floor.

"At least we're in the shower already. Makes this a lot easier," he noted as his muscles sighed their thanks when they hit the ground. Neither of the duo would have to worry about being sweaty, hot, or sticky since they were in the water that served to wash away the unpleasant parts of what they had just finished doing together.

A sigh escaped as she brushed his hair out of the way, Orga doing his best to remain hilted inside her in the meanwhile. They would have to move soon, but he wanted to enjoy the moment while it lasted if he could. "Yeah,, it is," he agreed with a small nod, wishing he could do the same thing for her hair. Alas he did not need to, but that was no large problem. His firm arms held her close, gently drifting along with the water as if to rub it into her skin without pause. "I guess we should move soon, before the water starts getting cold."

Needless to say Orga didn't really know what to do from this point. It was uncharted territory for him, though that was probably not a surprise to Kudelia. Still, he was doing his best
“You’re right there.” Kudelia was still breathing heavily, chest heaving. She certainly was happy that this session had been in the shower, giving her the chance to get nice and clean. And seeing Orga’s muscles gleaming thanks to the water wasn’t a bad sight at all. The blonde woman was still keenly aware that his cock was inside of her, acting like a plug for all of the cum inside of her.

She heard his comment regarding the water, and knew that it was for the best. Afterall, unless they stopped to refuel, the chances of them finding fresh water while flying through space was slim to none. It would be prudent to be mindful of the limited resources that they had access to.

“Mmmm. You’re right there.” Kudelia very unwillingly pulled herself away from Orga, staying on the ground for a moment to look to him. She smiled up to him, very happy with what had happened between the pair of them as his cum leaked out of her. She picked herself up off the ground, taking a moment or two to rinse herself off before shutting the water off. Her towels were to the side, having grabbed a spare basic uniform from the supply closet to dress into. It was the standard fatigues and white shirt that she enjoyed wearing among the others.
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