- Joined
- Oct 26, 2016
- Location
- Canada

In another life not so long ago, something like this would have been scandelous! Two people turning a counter top in a public business in to a make-out location? Unheard of! Especially now that they were old enough to be considered adults... especially adults who were supposed to be mature enough to be in a married partnership. Even though they were likely the first people in a long time to so much as enter this roller rink, Alicia couldn't help but feel a little bit rebellious and fun. Yet, even with the little thrill the way that they kissed each other still carried a gentle lovingness.
"Don't say that, I don't want to ever stop," Alicia said back to him, keeping her lips so close to his that they grazed together as they spoke. Her body wriggled to try to urge Bryce as close to her as humanly possible. Though in that moment her words were true, Alicia genuinely was excited for the roller skating at the same time! It was a shame that she couldn't just have both options all at the same time... To make her point Alicia leaned in to kiss her husband again, lips parted just enough to let her tongue gently dance with her husband's as well. Anticipation was a lot of the fun, though, and if having her hands all over her husband felt like something she needed now it would only be so much better after she'd had to hold off for a while (and have some other kinds of fun with Bryce in the meantime)!

Neither of them seemed to want to address the elephant in the room but there was no ignoring it, really. With Jeremiah dead chaos was wound to ensue over the next coming while and god forbid anyone connect the dots... Nah, they couldn't. The lives of everyone that Anna had ever cared about were at stake if the wrong person were to connect the dots and in her current state she was too impotent to to be able to do anything about it - there was no room for failure. (If only success and secrecy could be willed in to existence.)
"As much as I can be," Anna returned after Nick asked if she was ready to head out. At the same time she leaned over and picked her boots up before taking a seat so that she could get them on... still not quite a two-handed task though she did her damnedest to make it be. She had been willing to admit defeat when trying to change her shirt and let Nick give her some help so that she didn't have to bring her bad arm up over the level of her shoulder, but tying a shoelace? It wasn't the shoulder movement that got her, that wasn't too bad - if was the fact that her fine motor skills seemed to be fucked and her hand developed a subtle tremor when she tried to grasp the thing... She let go as soon as quick as she could and tried to play it off like she'd just changed her mind about even trying - Molly knew, said it didn't necessarily mean anything about her long-term prognosis, but Nick was already being a tad (in her opinion) over-protective and Anna could only imagine how much more intense that could get.
The plan was to get down to Molly and Josh's before the militia went out for the morning run to clear any of the undead from the outskirts of the ranch. Tensions were only getting worse at the ranch and everyone seemed to want to get away from it for one reason or another, and it was time to get on the same page. Once Anna was finished dressing herself she pulled the door open with her good hand in a quick motion and stepped out, taking several strides before turning around to make sure that Nick wouldn't risk being left too far behind. If he happened to be close enough she would turn back around, otherwise her gait would slow until he was at her side and then she would return to walking forward. "You're heading out with the rest of 'em after, yeah?" She asked as they made their way towards the central part of the ranch and their destination.