"Oh, this is marvelous," Julie murmured, the pair of little indentations on the front of her bikini top indicating the effect of Mal'Galor's massage wasn't completely 'relaxing.' She giggled nervously as her knees momentarily 'gave in,' causing her to stumble. She disentangled herself from her new Terkun friend's tentacles for the umpteeth time that day, though stepping in and out of his limbs seemed to have become second nature to Julie. "We definitely need to move to the beach if we're going to continue the massage, she said with a laugh. And Gwen, you definitely need to ask Mal'Galor to massage your scalp and shoulders too."
Julie paused for a moment, a questioning look on her face, before she turned to Mal'Galor and asked, "Could you give us both a massage at the same time?"
Gwen, who was about to chide her friend for ordering Mal'Galor around, turned to Mal'Galor with the same question. "If you don't mind me asking, do you possess the motor control to conduct tasks of at least a moderate degree of difficulty simultaneously? I mean, if you were to give a scalp massage to both Julie and I at the same time, it would require monitoring feedback from both of us and reacting accordingly. And then adding in shoulder massages at the same time, and dealing with that feedback..." Gwen chuckled. "it actually reminds me of
a cartoon series I once saw, of a steampunk woman and her pet octopus. Not that we would think of you as a pet," Gwen said hurriedly. Gwen's potential
faux pas started Julie laughing, which caused the abashed Gwen to laugh at herself as well.