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Ben 10: Tentacle (not so) Force(ful) [Potter-Kun and MMRS]

Jun 16, 2017
(Set a few years after Ben 10: Alien Force)

"I am loving that hair," Gwen Tennyson told Julie Yamamoto for the umpteenth time. Julie just laughed, as she had with each of the prior compliments.

"Well, I decided to do an upgrade, or change, or something, when I started college," Julie responded as two women climbed out of the Plumber transport onto the landing strip of the planet Terkun.

"Well, it looks really good on you," Gwen replied. She gave Julie another impulsive hug before adding, "And I'm really glad to see you. I'm just sorry it took a Plumber mission to get us together."

"Well, college does keep one busy," Julie answered, which Gwen could only nod in agreement. Julie was a sophomore in an elite college, with Gwen currently a junior in another elite college on the opposite side of the country. Julie had allowed her hair to grow out so that it was just as long as her fairer friend's, and though both were still slender and athletic, their curves had filled out somewhat since the days they had battled along side Gwen's cousin Ben. Even in loose blouses, slacks and sandals, both young women looked stunning.

"So how's Kevin?" Julia asked, as she took a look around the landing sight. It looked like an airstrip stuck out in the middle of a Polynesian island, with a beach just in sight. But all of Terkun was like that. The planet was covered with nothing but islands, and something about planet's orbit or tilt or something made the entire planet nothing but warm water and tropical islands, with he island the two girls had landed on the biggest one, and also one where the planet's leaders met.

"He moved on after my freshman year," Gwen said with a shrug, but there was some regret there. Keven had been in love with her, but he also wanted a physical relationship and, besides kissing and some very light, above the clothes, petting, Gwen hadn't let Kevin go any further. So after the amicable "we'll still be friends" breakup, Gwen had thrown herself into her studies. "How's Ship?" Gwen asked in return.

"I think he's a little bit miffed that he couldn't come with us," Julie laughed. "But I know he's happy spending time with Ben." Julie gave a little internal sigh at the mention of Ben. Like Gwen, Julie had only had one boyfriend and, like Gwen, her physical interaction had been limited.

"I would have liked to brought him along," Gwen said, "but there's something about Keltun that interferes with Ship's Mechamorph metabolism. Just like something on the planet inhibits my Anodite abilities. But that shouldn't be a problem. The Keltuns are a remarkably peaceful and cooperative."

"What I don't understand is why, if the Keltuns are so cooperative, why we have to come here to negotiate. And why us, anyway?" Julie asked.

"The transporter relay has to be set on a specific island, and unfortunately, it's owned by a private individual whose permission we'll need to get," Gwen observed. "Keltuns are cooperative, but they also liked to discuss things, and have you show them that there's a very good reason for what you want."

"But why us?" Julie asked Gwen.

"From what I understand, the Keltun in question is the local expert on humans, and wants to learn more. And apparently, along with Ben and my Grandpa Max, you and I are two of the more famous humans known. So he asked the Plumbers to send us specifically to explain why we need the relay station on his island. So we'll give our sales pitch, answer a few human trivia questions, and then enjoy the beginning of summer break on the beach!"

"Woohoo!" Julie laughed, before motioning to movement in the water. "I think that's the local government officials now."

A number of forms emerged from the water onto the beach. The Keltuns looked remarkable like an Earth octopus, save that their limbs were of different lengths, and they were covered by soft, otter-like fur. They were tall beings, easily twice the height of the two young Earth women, and used their limbs to walk across the beach and to the women in sort of a shambling motion. Gwen knew from her reading that the Keltuns could use their limbs for a number of different purposes, including walking, grasping, touching and even tasting. In addition, the Keltuns had the ability to morph the ends of their limbs to different shapes and functions.

Despite their odd appearances, the Keltun were polite and friendly and, after some discussions, directed the girls to a video call center in which to contact the Keltun whose permission they would need to build the relay on his island.

Hopefully the call would be quick, and a meeting could be arranged with the Keltun, Grwen thought to herself, as she and Julie stood in front of the camera, waiting for the Keltun they were calling to answer his 'phone.'
The Keltun who wished to speak to Gwen and Julie was named Mal'galor, a somewhat common name on the planet and on which the Keltun resided. He had found human beings to be such fascinating creatures....they seemed to be intelligent and yet did high irrational things. He had wondered what brought about such actions. Thus, he had dedicated his life to the studying of humans and their biology and chemical makeup.

After some theorizing, he came to conclude that Keltun's actually secreted a type of pheromone that could influence the minds of humans in a number of ways. He had no ill intent, but he wanted to try out some experiments on some humans and he could think of no better subjects than Gwen and Julie.

The Plumbers were by far the most famous humans in the cosmos to most alien life forms. Tales of the adventures and deeds dotted the bars and outposts of space. Videos of them were common and easy to find and despite himself, Mal'galor found himself to be attracted to Gwen and Julie, their beauty mesmerizing and exotic to him.

Once the phone connected, he formed the tip of his tentacles to look like a human hand and waved at the camera.

"Yo! How is it hanging, homies? From my understanding, this a traditional greeting on your planet, is it it?" This hand formed into a smile emoji, as the Keltun's didn't exactly have faces or mouths that were easily noticeable to give off non-verbal social cues. As Gwen and Julie had been told, he was eccentric and liked to study human culture and norms, even if he was slightly behind the times.

"I am Mal'galor. It is an honor to speak with you, Gwen and Julie. I respect the Plumbers in the highest degree and to speak with two of its prettiest and courageous members is truly a great privilege." He introduced himself, his body seeming to lower itself slightly, as if he were attempting to bow before the camera for them.
Julie covered her mouth to hide a giggle, while Gwen maintained a straight face. "That is one type of greeting," Gwen replied, "But any greeting, such as, 'Hello, nice to meet you,' would suffice. Julie and I are happy to meet you as well, Mal'galor..." Julie gave a little wave of her hand at this "...and hope to meet with you personally as soon as it would be convenient for you. I think once you hear our proposal, you'll understand why it's important to put a relay station on your island, and how it won't be any inconvenience to you at all."
Mal'galor nodded his head and turned his tentacle tip into a thumbs up. "I see, I have learned something new today. Yes, though. I would absolutely love to meet you two personally and to hear your reasoning for this relay station, especially if it can be of mutual benefit to us." He tapped one of his tentacles against what could be called his head, as if he were thinking.

"I have time to meet you now, if it is not an inconvenience for you. I can arrange for transport if need be or can you make your way out here on your own?" he asked, his tone curious as his tip turned into a question mark.
"Your governmental leaders have already provided us with the necessary transport, so we can be there in half a standard hour, if that's okay with you," Gwen replied. In the background, Julie was bouncing slightly back and forth. On one hand, meeting Mal'galor would be rather dull, compared to her past adventures. On the other hand, talking to a friendly alien on a beach world was going to be much more exciting than what she had planned for summer vacation.
Mal'galor noticed Julie in the background, he believed that to be a sign of human excitement but he couldn't be sure. Still, if either of them were as excited to meet him as he was to meet them, then he believed it would make for an exciting and enjoyable meeting.

"Very well then. I look forward to meeting the both of you! Are you two coffee or tea drinkers? I've taken the liberity of importing these kinds of Earthling drinks. I will brew either or both for you" He offered, clearly excited to try Earthling drinks with Earthlings.
Julie and Gwen looked at each other and smiled. Mal'galor was obviously trying to be as amicable as possible. Gwen already suspected that Mal'galor had no problems with the relay station being built on his island. He just wanted the opportunity to meet and talk with actual humans. She felt confident that her and Julie could put their species in the best light.

"You kindness is much appreciated, Mal'galor," Gwen responded. "Herbal tea would be fine with both of us, iced or hot, whichever is most convenient for you to prepare. Both Julie and I look forward to meeting you soon. Until then." With that, Gwen ended the transmission.

As Gwen and Julie headed toward the automated, open air transport the Keltuns had provided, she found herself idly wondering if Ben had ever assumed the form of a Keltun.
"Herbal tea it shall be then, I look forward to seeing you both!" With that, the feed cut off and Mal'galor began to prepare for their arrival. His house was more of an elaborate hole in the ground, like most houses of his species that had easy access to the nearby ocean for him. He began work preparing the tea, he had studied how to do and given the temperature, iced tea seemed more suitable.

He intended to have his meeting with the two on the surface of the island near his home on the beach. He had had tables set up for them as well as umbrella's. As the tea was being finished up, he headed to the surface as he began to pace about on his tentacles, eagerly and somewhat nervously awaiting the arrival of the two earthling girls.
As the open air transport settled down on the small island, Julie sighed at the loveliness of it all. The island looked like one of those idyllic tropical scenes you saw on post cards or tropical liquor and beer commercials. The sand was white and pristine, there were tall trees that resembled Earth's palm and coconut trees, and there was a picturesque stream running down to the beach through lush, green foliage. There were bright flowers scattered here and there, with butterfly-like insects flittering around them.

At the peak of the island was a craggy outcropping, that presented a sort of harsh contrast to its surroundings, as if its presence would make the viewer appreciate their surroundings that much more.

And it'll be a great place to hide the relay station, Julie thought.

On the beach their host awaited. Julie didn't know if Terkuns paced nervously, but if they did, Mal'galor certainly was.

Gwen emerged from the transport first, with Julie trailing behind. The pair headed straight toward Mal'galor, with Gwen extending her hand. "Mal'galor! A pleasure to meet you."
As Gwen and Julie landed, Mal'galor composed himself and shuffled along towards the duo, flashing a smile emoji with one of his tentacles as he approached the two.

"Gwen, Julie! It's nice to meet you both in person. It's true what they say about video calls, they really don't compare to real life! You two are stunning." He complimented the two, a thumbs up symbol popping into existence as he looked down at Gwen's hand, confused for just a moment before he remembered.

"Ah, yes! This is called a handshake, yes." He formed the end of one of this tentacles into a hand and gently grasped Gwen's own, shaking it. She would feel a pleasurable sensation from the contact, very subtle but still present, despite the texture of his "hand" which was a combo of wet and furry. Another tentacle formed a hand and offered itself to Julie. "I believe it would be rude if I didn't shake both of your hands!" He let out something that could said to be a chuckle.

After greetings were exchanged, he escorted the two towards a nearby table. "I hope you enjoyed the ride over? The planet is truly beautiful and stunning this time of year." He pulled the chairs out for the two, the iced tea standing ready for them in cups as he "sat" across from them, his tentacles drumming the table on his side slightly.

"It was my first time making this tea, I hope I didn't mess it up?" It appeared he was nervous about having ruined the Earth delicacy known as tea.
"It's delicious," Julie replied, when Gwen didn't answer. The other girl looked as if she were slightly dzed, before answering, "Yes, quite good."

Julie couldn't speak for Gwen, but there was something...well, there was something about Mal'Gakor, though she couldn't say what.

"You certainly do know some of our ways," Julie added, as she took another sip of her tea. "And you certainly have the emojis down," she added with a laugh. "But why don't you tell us about some of yours. For example, if we were humanoids you had never met and didn't know anything about, how would you greet us?"
"I see, I am happy I managed to do it right then! Would either of you like cream or sugar?" He asked, one of his tentacles forming a smile as another slithered across the table, picking up a pitcher of cream and some sugar. As he did this, his tentacle and fur brushed up just barely against the fingers of Gwen and Julie, his pheromones unconsciously filling the air and area around them.

When Julie mentioned the the emoji's, his body seemed to turn flush for a moment, a sign of embarrassment it seemed. It formed the laughing while crying emoji as she laughed. "You just did what is known as the laughing at loud, right?" He chuckled himself as he pondered Julie's question for a moment.

"Well, normally, we would run a tentacle of ours along a newcomers body, it allows us to take in a person's to speak. That was the term used in the old times but now, we know we are just able to get a good read out of a person's intentions based on their body chemistry which we can figure out through contact." One of his tentacled slithered up into Julie's eyesight.

"I could show you, if you'd like? I understand it can feel like it's invading your privacy so that's why I like asking beforehand."
Julie and Gwen exchanged a look, both of them looking uncomfortable.

"That would be---" Julie began, not sure how to explain herself.

"We appreciate the offer, Mal'galor," Gwen continued, "But our customs limit the amount of contact we have with someone, depending on how long and how well we know someone. So, since we just met, a handshake of some type would be acceptable. If we knew each other longer, we might greet each other with a hug, and so forth."

"By the way," Gwen added, "How did you like the tea? Or did you try it during preparation?"
Mal'galor seemed to nod, his tentacle turning into a thumbs up.

"Of course, I understand. Like I said, it why I like asking! Some of the more traditional of my people will just run up to you and do it, so you do need to be careful sometimes. I can however, give you both a traditional handshake from our people."

With that, a tentacle wrapped around the wrist of each girl moving up and down in the motion of a handshake before they withdrew. When asked about the tea, his tentacle formed a smile.

"I rather enjoyed it when I tried it. It has a very unique flavor to be sure and I can see why you would enjoy it." Mal'galor's tentacle slipped around a larger cup for himself as he drank some of the tea, letting out a blissful sigh.
A definite little...something...ran through Gwen's and Julie's bodies as the soft touch of Mal'Galor's slick fur ran across the skin of their wrists and palms. Both girls immediately dismissed it, attributing the sensation to the literal alienness of the situation.

"Yes, well, I suppose we should talk about the relay station," Gwen announced after she took a deep sip from her glass of tea. "We can hide it up in the outcropping of your island," she said, pointing at the rocky peak, "So that you'll never have to see it. It's self-maintenancing, and it's a support system, so you'll never actually see it working, or have anyone even accidentally interrupting your privacy."

"And it'll be a big help to the Plumbers," Julie quickly added. She looked around the beach they were on and added, "And like Gwen said, it wouldn't interrupt your privacy at all. You could just sit here and enjoy all this beauty in peace."
Mal'galor looked up at the outcropping and seemed to nod.

"Yes, that would be a good place for it. Nice and out of the way." He took a sip of his tea as Gwen and Julie continued to talk out the relay station. He seemed to be in contemplation before his tentacle formed a question.

"I understand mostly, but as I said on the phone I hoped it would be of mutual benefit to both of us. I'd like to know in what way it would benefit the Plumbers and how you think it would benefit me." His voice was slightly more serious but it still had that excited and charming tone too.
"Well, mostly the Plumbers use ships to get from one place to the next," Julie began. "And since the Plumbers don't know where trouble will spring up, having a transport system usually wouldn't work."

"But," Gwen added, just as she finished her glass of ice tea, "There are a few hot spots...areas of significant danger and activity," she quickly explained, "That not only require special watching, but often require Plumber attention if something does arise. And usually it requires a Plumber to act immediately. Normally, the easiest thing would be just to post a Plumber in the area, but that's not always practicable."

"Or it might require that the Plumber working there can get help at a moment's notice, if she needs it," Julie added, also finishing up her glass of tea. "This is good," Julie said, holding up her empty tea glass.
"I see. So such a station would allow the Plumbers to act more efficiently and you say Plumbers might even be stationed nearby?" Mal'galor stroked his head with one of his tentacles as he contemplated.

When Julie mentioned the tea being good, the smile emoji showed up again. As he reached over and received the cups from then, again his tentacle brushing gently against their arms.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I need time to contemplate the matter. You all are free to use the beach and swim if you'd like? I can brew more tea!" This time an exclamation point formed, clearly hoping they would say yes.
Again, the casual brushing of Mal'Galor's slick fur against their bare arms sent tiny, imperceptible shivers of pleasure through Gwen's and Julie's bodies, and again, their conscious minds didn't make a connection of the brushing to the little tiny jolts their unconscious minds were experiencing.

"I...I might have misspoke," Gwen said, not knowing why she was feeling a little bit flustered. She quickly was able to put her 'professional' persona back up front again. "Terkun is such a peaceful planet, and in such a peaceful region of space, there really wouldn't be a need for a Plumber to be stationed here."

"Although," Julie interrupted, "With the relay station here, I bet the Plumbers would be happy to give a Terkun Plumber training. If you don't mind me asking, Mal'Galor, I know you can adapt your ten---, um, your limbs," Julie quickly corrected, not knowing how the Terkun would take having his limbs being called tentacles, "But are you a fast swimmer? And how strong are you? I mean, if you don't mind answering," Julie quickly added.
"Oh, a Terkun Plumber! I'd be first in line to sign up!" Mal'galor's tentacle turned into a large smile emoji now as Julie mentioned Plumber training. That would indeed make for a great way to interact with and study humans and other species more.

When Julie corrected herself, Mal'galor just chuckled. "Call them whatever you are most comfortable with, Julie. Limbs or tentacles are fine with me. As for how fast and strong I am; like all Terkun's I am a very good swimmer and some of us can swim close to one miles per hour fairly consistently. As for strength, I can most likely lift to up to a ton if I try hard enough." Mal'galor's tentacle turned into a arm and seemed to flex itself as he chuckled, hoping that impressed them in someway.
"So I think we have a deal then," Gwen answered, and Julie nodded emphatically. Gwen frowned momentarily, before adding, "I should warn you, though, that if you're successful at your training as a Plumber, you may not get to stay on Terkun as much as you'd want. And while this is a beautiful world," the redhead added, "And Julie and I definitely didn't mind traveling here, some places you could get sent to aren't nice places at all."

"So it's something to think over," Julie added, before kicking off her shoes. "For now, I want to get my feet wet and sandy," she giggled, heading to where the surf met the sand. Turning back to Mal'galor, she asked, "So how much control do you have when you lift a heavy weight? Is it like grunting and barely getting it off the ground?"
"It's a chance to explore and learn! I'm a scientist at heart so a chance to learn is always exciting, even if I might be in danger." Mal'galor pounded a tentacle against his body to prove his bravery in a manner.

As Julie got up, he followed her to the surf, sliding along side her as his tentacles got wet in the water, letting up a gently sigh. "Grunting I'd say, it depending on how many of my limbs I can get around it and the leverage and various different things. I'm sure picking you up with be like lifting a feather." A smile emoji appeared as another turned to a muscle and flexed again.

"Also, if you two have human swimwear, feel free to change in my borrow if that would make you more comfortable." He added, his pheromones now coming out slightly stronger now that he was slightly in the water.
"Gwen, you have to come feel this water," Julie said, rolling up her slacks so she could wade ankle deep into the surf. "It feels...nice. Very nice." In truth, the water did feel warm, and the slightly alien makeup of the water did give it a little tingle, at least far as human anatomy was concerned. But part of Julie's reaction was the increase of the pheromones that Mal'Galor was exuding.

Gwen took off her shoes, rolled up her pant legs and waded out into the surf as well. And was 'hit' by the effects of both the warm, alien water and Turken pheromones.

"Yes, it does feel...nice. Very nice," Gwen murmured. She shook her head, clearing her mind of the daze. "Mal'Galor, we do appreciate the emojis, but don't go to all that trouble for us. Julie and I should probably get to know how you express your emotions naturally as well. And I think we will take you up on your offer to swim later. For now, maybe you could tell us about your home," she said, gesturing toward the island around them.
"We've been told our beaches are some of the best in the system, the chemical makeup of the water has a natural calming effect on most sapient lifeforms." Mal'galor explained to the two, not realizing himself that that part of their reaction actually came from the increase in his pheromone output.

When Gwen mentioned expressing himself naturally though, he formed a frown emoji. "I would, but that would likely result in an invasion of your private space you wouldn't enjoy. You see, we Turken tend to express ourselves to one another through touch. When our limbs intertwine we are able to share our emotions and experiences on a mental level that transcends any form of verbal or facial communication. I believe we could experience something similar but as I said, I do not wish to invade your personal space."

Mal'Galor seemed to look around the island and let out a calm sigh. "Well, this island actually played a very important role in the development of our species in the myths of old. It was said that when a species other than our own ruled this planet, we were hunted and chased until what remained of us ended up on this island. It was then that, in their hubrice, the rulers of this world through some unknown means flooded the planet. We managed to survive her on this island, it is told." He seemed to be contemplating, a wave of sadness seemed to overcome him before he looked back at the girl, trying to chuckle.

"Sorry, that got rather somber."
"Don't apologize," Gwen replied, a smile on her face. "Hearing that story makes me glad that the Plumbers are putting their station here. It's sort of like history repeating itself."

Julie nodded in agreement, then rolled the short sleeve on her right arm up to her shoulder. "So could you show me how we would say thank you and your welcome? I mean, just using my right arm?" Julie wiggled the fingers on her right hand and giggled. "Sorry, I just have the right and left. Um, do you Terkun have a way of telling other Terkun about which limb you mean? Or is that a question that doesn't apply?"
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