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Wolves Together Knight x Brat

Broken Knight

Apr 6, 2009
It wasn't like he'd intended to end up alone. It just seemed to happen that way. Humans encroaching upon their territory had caused strife and their pack to fracture and splinter. He just didn't want to be apart of that any longer. He'd left the fractured and dying pack for his own. And for a long while, it was good. The tall black wolf had a scar over his left eye from his own encounter with the humans, one that left him marred permanently with a reminder of their atrocities.

The wolf was moving on what little territory he had, along the border of it. His blue eye, his good right eye, scanning for a potential hunt. He stayed within the shadows, trying to find what he could, assuming that he even could at all.
If he could listen carefully, he could hear others in the area. The footsteps were making their way toward the lone wolf, and there seemed to be more than one. This would not be a good thing for him to be alone. If he had somehow wandered into another pack's territory, he would find himself in a world of trouble. Before him appeared a trio of males, all giving him a little grin. "Well well, what have we here?" They all started to circle around the male, looking ready to pummel him and take advantage of him. "you know, we'd be more than willing to beat you to a pulp right now, though that isn't our boss's order. You're going to come with us whether you want to our not. Running around in our territory's a horrible crime on your part." they all started to move in on him. "So, are you going to come willingly or will we have to drag you over there?"
The wolf had been careless. All the years of being out alone and being constantly aware of what he was doing and where, he'd taken one mis-step and ended up in the hands of three young pups. "Is that right?" His voice, coarse from not having used it for years, replies. The tall, heavier black furred wolf looked at his three adversaries. They were all younger, smaller than he was. Three on one certainly didn't seem like fair odds for them if they wanted to take him down. Unleasing a loud growl, he leaps toward the first one nearest to him, fangs and claws bared, a blur of black.
The young male growled softly as he prepared himself for the attack. Even if he was young, he was remarkably fast. "That's right you. You're not going to get away with trespassing." He managed to move out of the way of his assault, calling for the other two to come by. The male went to get a shot at his stomach, while the others decided to focus on his back. One had went to trip him, while one went and sent a vicious fist to the back of his head. "Just give it up now. You're going to die anyway at the hands of our leader.
"Ever spent time with humans?" He asks, smirking. The problem with wolves these days, the kids were all about the attack with no finesse. A simple hop, his center of gravity didn't shift as the sweep passed under him. Leaning his head forward, the blow from behind passed over harmlessly. With his left paw, he palm strikes toward the young one in front of him, taking the blow to the stomach and recoiling. Coughing, still on his feet, he growls. "Took three of you to land one simple blow." The wolf mutters, his blue eyes glaring. "Take me to this leader of yours. He'd better be stronger than the three of you combined..."
(I don't think you're supposed to know it's a female. XD The leader's always a male anyway.)

The three all growled softly at him, all looking ready to fight him off still. "Tch, we've had many run ins with hunters, thinking they're smart enough to try and shoot at us." one said to him. They all talked amongst each other. At least he was going to come along with them. "Then we'll take you, but you better not be running your mouth in front of the boss." they said, starting to head back, though they made sure he was following behind them. They were soon in the area, many other wolves watching as they came in. Many gave the outsider a few glares as e past by. They eventually stopped in the middle of the group. "Boss! We have the trespasser here!" one called. One turned back to face the male. "you better show some respect."
(My bad. Edited it. -Laughs-)

The wolf doesn't even bother to look at those around him as he walks. Since he'd been on his own, he was built a lot bigger than most of the wolves around. And he wasn't talking about hunters. He'd spent time with humans that weren't trying to kill him, and he'd learned quite a bit about hand to hand combat. Walking in, his singular working eye glaring forward, ready to see this wolf who subdued this entire pack.
There actually appeared to be a crowd gather ahead of them, forming a circle around some sort of commotion. Suddenly part of the group separated as a burly male was tossed out of the crowd, roars and cheers ensuing. The crowd seemed to disperse, though some were around a rather tough-looking female, giving her playful nudges every now and then. Could this have been the one who had taken out the male? Comparing her to the much larger male that was knocked out seemed unreasonable. "Ah! Boss!" one called. The female turned her head slightly as she noticed them also spotting the male with them. She slowly made her way over, her face expressionless. Despite this, she was quite a stunning beauty. Her body was covered in a light gray coat of fur, and her eyes were a beautiful emerald green. she stopped before them, eying the male with them. "Is this the outsider?" she asked. Her voice sounded rather mature for her, almost like a young male. "Yes, we found him wandering around the outskirts of our territory." She moved them aside as she stepped before him, not letting his larger size intimidate her the slightest. "Explain yourself." she muttered., crossing her arms over her chest.
The wolf looks down at her, his tail flicking behind him. This was certainly not what he'd expected. A gorgeous beauty in front of him, standing there and speaking to him. He'd gotten so lost into his own thoughts, caught off guard by her striking image, that he'd almost not heard what she said. Huffing, his rough voice echoes through those around him. "I've nothing to explain myself for." The black furred wolf retorts, his eye locked onto her emerald greens. "A lone wolf has no territory and is bound by no such territory. Nor would I explain myself in front of your little group of cronies, either."
The female in front of him was clearly annoyed at his words. For him to think so highly of himself bugged her a bit. "A lone wolf is no exception. You separate yourself from a pack, and yo are your own pack. You are not welcome to do as you please in our territory." The other three had already gone off with the rest of the group, still looking back to see just what she would do to him. "You will not explain yourself to my loyal pack. You are only going to be explaining yourself to me." she said. "It matters not what your methods are. I demand an explanation. Plain and simple."
The wolf looks at her and smirks. "I'll explain what I so please. The only explanation that I would give to one such as yourself is that I would totally ruin you in mating." He says, obviously trying to annoy her. He was trying to provoke her, to get her to attack him alone and not have all of her little minions jumping all over him. The black wolf felt certain that he could take her, if it was simply her...
Her eyebrow twitched slightly at his comment. It was very true that most of the males had tried to be her mate. That was their main reason for fighting her and trying to topple her from leadership. "A male like you is hardly one to consider as a mate. Perhaps your build is impressive, but that just may be it." she said, looking to do the same with him. She was all ready for a beatdown if she needed to.
The wolf looks at her and smirks. "Fine, then. Take me away some where private that only you know about, and we'll settle this, between the two of us, as leaders of packs." He had stated that he wasn't in a pack, but she'd countered that he was a pack of himself. So, he challenged her, as a pack leader would do in order to usurp control from another leader and assimilate that pack into his... or her own, depending on the outcome of the fight.
She merely grinned at his words, more than ready to hear them. In fact, she was hoping he would challenge her to a fight, hoping he'd be more of a challenge compared to these males in her pack. "then that's what we'll do. Come with me." she said, starting to lead him away from the group. they all seemed intent on watching, but she made it clear that they would wait. She would take this chance to get rid of this trespasser, as the pack was expecting her to do. they soon found themselves in a small open field, next to a long shimmering stream. She stood a small distance from him, her hands at her hips. "Will this do?"
The wolf smiles, his tail flicking behind him as they stand in the sunlight, alone. Looking at her, he grins. "As soon as I'm done beating you, I'm going to take you, make you mind, and fill you with so much of my seed, you'll find yourself a mother." The wolf says, smirking at her, his blue eye shining in the light as he stands there, every muscle in his body tensed, ready for the assault, or to be the first, whatever the move, hers was the first to take.
"Hmph, that won't be the first time I've heard that. That has never happened, nor will it happen. Of course, she wasn't sure what he was capable of. She had sent the three to rough him up a little, but he came by basically untouched. "Then we shall begin." she said, suddenly lunging forward at him, her fists ready for an attack as she came closer. Her speed was very impressive, more so than the youngsters he had fought earlier. By her stance, it was as though she was aware of hand-to-hand combat as well. She went in low, sending a quick hard punch at his chest before sending another to his jaw.
The wolf watches her coming at him with the same soft smile as he'd greeted her the first time with. Her attacks were just as rash and bold as the pup's attacks had been. Straight up the middle and as hard as she could. It was simple to avoid. She thought in one dimension, forward, side to side and back. He moved up. Jumping into the air, he was over her and out of the way of both of her attacks in one simple, almost effortless motion. Standing almost back to back with her, he sends a reverse elbow toward her from behind as she was still in the midst of her own failed attacks and recoil.
She growled softly as her attacks didn't quite connect right away. It was only the beginning, and she wanted to see just how good he was. Before she had connected with all her attacks, he had jumped over her with great agility for his size. He had landed behind her , sending his elbows back behind him to try and hit her. She had ducked down at just the right time, seeing his elbows above her head. She quickly grabbed them, putting her foot on his back as she looked to send him flying over her head. If she enough strength to do it to the male from before, she'd have no trouble with him.
The problem with her grabbing his arm and trying to toss him was not his weight. She was used to dealing with wolves that worked in a pack, that were only as strong as the wolf next to him. He'd been alone for years, all of his strength was his own. So, when she tries to win by sheer brute force, he simply digs his feet into the ground, using his far superior strength and weight to pull himself away from her throw. Two steps and out of immediate punch or kick range, he continues to smile. "You can't win like that, puppy girl. Better try something different, and quick."
She grumbled softly as he got away from her, turning to face him again. She wasn't all too fond of being called puppy girl, but she wasn't one to back down from his verbal challenge. "Even if you are stronger, it means nothing if you can't hit me. You're far too slow in combat, and perhaps in mating as well." she said, grinning as she went at him again. He certainly had reason to boast. He had already been able to maneuver out of some of her strategies. By now she would have had her opponent on the ground beating the tar out of them.
The wolf sighs, shaking his head. "And here, I was so hoping you'd give up and fall to my charms." The wolf says, the smile still upon his face. "I hope you've had time to prepare yourself, puppy girl." He tells her, rushing her suddenly. With his left hand, he threw a hard hook, but it was never intended to strike. All of his weight and power was behind his chest, intending to tackle her, both of his feet on the ground, ready to spring if she tries to evade.
"Tch. What charms. you're nothing but an arrogant bastard." she muttered. "I'm sickened that you think I'd fall for someone like you. She waited and watched as he came at her now, more than ready to avoid his attacks. She easily avoided the hook, but noticed that he had swung short of her either way. She had moved to the side, but the way he had prepared, he would indeed tackle her to the ground. She grunted softly as she hit the ground, with him on top of her. "Tch. Get off me!" she growled, aiming a vicious punch at his face.
He'd really not prepared for the punch, taking it right on the jaw. Laughing, he spits the little bit of blood that pools in his mouth. Grabbing her paws and pressing them to the ground above her head, he looks into her eyes. "I suppose I should apologize for being rude earlier. My name is Alex, and it's my pleasure to meet you." The wolf says, sitting on her hips so she couldn't buck him off.
She growled softly as she went for another punch, but he had grabbed her arms and moved them down on the ground. She eyed the bit of blood that formed in his mouth. Perhaps she had managed to knock out a couple of teeth at most. "Tch, I need none of your apologies! Get off me right now!" she growled, struggling under him. She had no way of pushing him off, and he had limited all her movement. She was basically at his mercy.
Holding her paws down above her head, he leans down to her. Softly, at first, he presses his lips against her own. None of his teeth had been knocked out, of course, but she could taste the little bit of blood that she'd drawn on his lips. Softly, he kisses her, leaned against her body.
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