To Hunt the Hunter (NaomiDavidxSzor)

She rolled her eyes, and she downed the second glass quickly. She spoke,"Kill the rest of the assassins I find. I've been tracking 12 known ones, six including the one you and I finished today are now dead, which leaves six others to get rid of. These buggers have broken too many families and killed too many Force Sensitives. People who quite literally have the power to oppose the Emperor and his Dark Side freaks. Gives the living Force Sensitives more time to go into hiding before the Emperor trains more of his Dark Side freaks."
Dral grunted with disgust. "Pretty sure the asshole thinks we're all morons." He grumbled. "Get rid of one mystical order and let's put another one in its place." He waved over the tender and ordered a black ale. He turned back to her, leaning on the counter. "But it sounds fun. Doing it on your own?"
"I don't care if I do it on my own or not. I'll welcome help as long as the help knows how to properly fight against those who wield the Force and lightsabers and lightwhips. Those are a bitch to fight, the whips." she replied, sounding sour, remembering how one kill had almost gone wrong because she didn't know lightwhips still existed.
He nodded, digging into a pouch to pull out a pipe along with some Alderaanian tobacco. "Tell you what, cyar'ika." He looked down at his pipe, loading the bowl with the sweet smelling tobacco. "You're payment you gave me for hunting down the saber jockey is is a little heavy for two solid shots." He dug out some matches, striking it to lite the tobacco. "I will stick around if you will have me." He put the pipe to his mouth and drew in the smoke.
She gave him an endearing smile, and she spoke,"Yeah, I'll have you." This would be one hell of a journey, and now she wasn't alone to anymore. She had a partner again, and she wasn't going to waste her good fortunes.
He smiled at her, pipe hanging from between his teeth, filling their glasses with the tihaar once again. "Kandosii!" He chuckled, taking up his glass from its place on the counter, raising it up in celebration of their deal. After their glasses clink together, he pulled the pipe from his mouth with one hand and took it to his mouth to drain it if it's clear liquid. "Who's ship do we take? Yours or mine?" He asked after swallowing the fire water. "Yours might be flagged."
She made a face at his pipe. She personally found it a very disgusting habit. Her Mother made Father quit when they married, the deal being sealed on a fist fight, which her Mother won. She merrily replied,"Cheers!" She clinked her glass with his, and she spoke,"Authorities can go after my ship all they want, it has cloaking capabilities. Got that after a mission a few years ago." That was a fun job, a job that required wits more than muscle, and she was never one to back down from a challenge. She had gotten a host a stygium crystals as a reward, and used some of them for the cloaking device on the ship she was using right now. She kept the others hidden.
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