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To Hunt the Hunter (NaomiDavidxSzor)

"If they come here, oops." she replied. Thing about Nar Shaddaa was that shit happened here all the time. Killed on the streets, things exploding, it happened so frequently that nobody cared any more. People here had become desensitized to the violence on the planet. Only places where violence didn't happen in abundance were the pubs. Almost like it was sacrilege to do violence in a place of drinking and eating. She nodded, studying the layout. She spoke,"I hope to not need the bail out. I've trained more since that day, I will not have anymore people, especially the scum, getting the jump on me again."
He nodded, getting pings of the droids getting into their positions. He acknowledged each notification with a blink. "Droids are in position. Let's start preparing for the party." He said, crouching down to pull out the explosives from the crate. "Want the basement or the third floor?" He asked, looking up at her. He admired the curves of her figure. Outsiders may not know how to tell the difference of who was a male or female, but Mandalorians could tell how the armor rested on their bodies. It was a given that she was fit, but she also had the curves in the right spaces.
She smiled, and spoke,"Third floor." She was hoping to win this battle, and she was sure that she would win. She'd gotten a lot stronger and much smarter since that day. Her technique with all of her weapons had improved, especially her staff, which she was most proud of. Today, she and her hired friend would be victorious and her fallen friend would be able to rest in peace. Justice would have been served.
Dral made his way down to the basement, his pistol in his hand raised in case of surprises. He didn't really expect any, this building was abandoned after all. But the bedroll on the first floor suggested squatters had been in the building recently. He kept the head lamps off, relying solely on his night vision to pierce the gloomy darkness. He approached the first support. He placed the charges onto it with practice ease, moving away from the pillar after a few moments and headed to the next one. He repeated the process several times over a span of an hour before heading back up to the first floor.

He called over the comlink to her, walking up the steps to the first floor. "Basement is primed. I am going to set an obvious trap on the door." He explained, starting to rig the door. "Probably also mark it so the homeless will stay out. One could only hope."
She was taking careful care of the third floor, putting explosives where they needed to be. There were a lot of bed rolls and home like items on this floor. What was it about this building that was so popular, aside from the obvious fact that it was abandoned? Probably a good place to hide from the rare law enforcement and other bounty hunters. Thank god this place was empty. She didn't want to pop somebody that didn't deserve it for the sole purpose that they were spotted. After a decent period of time, felt like an hour to her, maybe longer. She heard the com call, and she replied,"Third floor is primed. Like I said earlier, if homeless are in the way when the place blows, oops."
Dral made a tick sound over the comlink, but didn't say anything else. Although Mandalorians were on the same side, spoke the same language and everything, they never think the same. Dral may be a covert and Black operations specialist, but he was trained as a sniper first. His grandmother taught him how to shoot, how to hunt, and how patience was needed in his trade. She also taught him that collateral damages and casualties were undesirable. He was careful and cautious, even when he made the transition into his covert and black operations.

He pulled a long black knife from his shin, using it to carve the homeless symbol to stay out. He frequently used homeless people as information sources and knew their code. "We need to get to your ship, collect fuel and the rest of your kit." He said, standing up. "I won't head into the ship with you, rather shadow you from rooftops."
She was more of the person to go in guns blazing, element of surprise sort of person, but when need be, she was a patient person. She should be treating this patiently, but this bastard needed to get put down now. She nodded, and spoke through,"Thanks for being my shadow. Be hard for you to not be my shadow in any case, you're taller than me." She made sure the charges were secure using both the Force and her hands, she was leaving nothing to chance today. She was eager to get to her ship to gear up.
He chuckled, looking around and checking for shadows that's shouldn't be there. He pulled the customized Verpine from his shoulder, holding it in a low ready position, standing there looking menacing. "Well, if all goes according to plan, no matter how tall I am, you won't see a shadow, and neither will the saber jockey." He said, rolled his neck, it popping several times. A few of them were audible over the comlink. "I would gladly slot the bastard if you didn't want your skira."
She was walking stealthily out of the building after making her way down from the third floor. She was very much so enjoying the banter with him. Her thoughts of him 'leaked', and in his mind, even though the thought was her own, he would see her running one of her slender fingers along his jaw line. Slender fingers like hers belonged with a paint brush, a piano, or some other musical instrument, and not on a gun or a weapon. She did think him very handsome. She was making her way to her ship, and she spoke,"I plan on making him suffer before I execute him." The way her tone was, one could almost picture her carrying out her vengeance."
Thoughts that weren't his own crept into his mind, instantly putting him on alert, until he realized the thoughts weren't threatening, more sensual. He chuckled, tilting his head towards her when she walked out. "If you want me at the best of my game, you'll stop sending me thoughts of you naked, cyar'ika." His tone was playful, obviously enjoying the thought of her naked. "Only one head can function at once." He held up a finger.

He jesting stopped when her tone changed and she headed to the ship. He smiled sinisterly, and when he spoke, his voice was closer to a snarl than it was earlier. "Oya." He said over the comlink. "Give me the location of your ship, I will find my way there. Make sure he follows you."
She turned pink under her helmet, realizing that her thoughts had leaked again. Only really happened when she had strong feelings about somebody. She spoke tightly,"I'm sorry, my thoughts 'leak' from time to time. That was completely unintentional." She relaxed as she got closer to her ship, and she sent him the coordinates to her ship. She couldn't wait to gear up and get ready to rumble. She wished she had her own pair of crush gauntlets, but even with illegality, they gave all of her brothers crush gauntlets and the daughters didn't get any.
He shot a line of fiber cord up to the top of a near by building, attaching it to his belt and it started to pull him up. "Even still, it was quite interesting." He said, running across the roof, keeping low. This thrill was why he still did hunting. A long time ago, he heard man was the most dangerous game. A Sith probably ranked high on that list. "You keeping the saber?" He asked absent mindingly, thinking the same line as games. He didn't often collect trophies, only reserving those slots for worthy game.
She made a face when he asked if she was keeping the saber. She spoke,"Maybe, maybe not. Might scavenge parts from it though. I'm not really sure." She wasn't too far from her ship now, they weren't too far from the space port where it was docked. She wanted to make her own lightsaber one day, even though she wasn't a Jedi.
His response was a chuckled, he didn't sound out of breath yet, stalking her from the roof tops. He broke into Mandalorian, almost as if it was habit for him to change into their native language when hunting. "I forgot you're a Force user." He said, stopping to pick her up on his sensors. "Link your feed to my HUD, I will do the same for you." He started to set up his link with a series of blinks. Everyone always assumed Mandalorians only saw through the T-shaped visor. Although that was an option, they also had an heads-up-display, showing the environment around them, even behind them. A trained Mandalorian could witha a series of blinks see behind him, through walls and in different spectrums of light. "What does this mystery man look like?"


This was taking too long, he needed to kill her and report back. His failure to kill her would be noticed by now. And Lord Varder didn't take kindly to failure. He typically didn't lurk around his quarry's home, knowing that they would be trapped. But bounty hunters were predictable, she would be back before heading out to find her own prey. That's when he will get her, when she is comfortable that she wasn't the prey, but the predator. Xarl lurked in the shadows, spotting his mark. There was only one way into the hanger, which means that he would be able to follow her when she left.
She was quietly laughing, and she spoke,"The Force has saved my skin as many times as it has gotten me into trouble. None the less, I am happy to use anything that I have at my disposal." she replied, linking up her feed to his HUD. She spoke,"I've never seen his face, he always has a mask on. What little I've seen of him is marked with Sith tattoos. Designs like the ones he wore meant a lot of time in the chair to get them done. Tall man, around your height, wears black every time I come across him." She was glad that she was now at the hangar, she could gear up. After some more walking, she was at her ship, and she got in, getting all the weapons and supplies that she needed, her staff included. She also got the fuel that Dral wanted, so they were very set now. She left her ship and the Hangar, knowing she was being watched. She was ready to beat the man and kill him.
Dral slowed down, kneeling down against a low wall, Verpine shouldered as he peaked over the edge. He overcame the slight feeling of vertigo, looking down at the crowded streets. "Lovely, another tall psychopath." He said over the comlink, flipping through the fields of vision his helmet offered. "Don't have a positive ID. He could be below me." He stopped flipping through the vision fields, instead focusing in on the individuals walking about, marking people of interest.


Xarl watched the entrance of the hanger, seeing his target move into the hanger. He waited for her to return from the hanger, sipping on his tea.
When she would come back into Dral's line of sight again, her armor looked different. Same color scheme and all, but it looked heavier. Like a heavier duty armor. Not that she was sacrificing speed for defense or anything, but it was obvious that she was very ready for a fight. If the weaponry didn't give it away, her armor would. She was glad her medpak was secure on her back. She wanted to be sure that whatever happened, she could sew herself and Dral back up if need be. She knew her mark was around, she could feel it in the Force, but he was doing a damn good job of cloaking himself, and she didn't like that. She spoke,"I feel it in the Force that he is near, within a few city blocks or so. What I do not like is that he is doing a damn good job of cloaking himself. Not many can get away from my sight, mundane and Force sight alike."
Dral followed her, watching his HUD and her view. He kept on peeking down to ground level as they walked. "I heard somewhere that it could be done if you focus on blinding a single person." He chuckled, seeing someone who didn't look like a local, nor looked like a bounty hunter. "You just need an outside perspective, ad'ika." He marked the person of interest, and raised the rifle, acquiring him in the scope. "He's focused entirely on you. He doesn't even notice me." He said right before mimicking a gunshot sound before lowering his rifle and continued to shadow her and her stalker.


Xarl followed the Mandalorian when she left the hanger. He noticed that she was wearing heavier armor, and she carried her Mandalorian iron dual blade. 'Must be going after a big game.' He thought to himself as he followed her through the crowd. He was faintly aware of the people around him looking at him, but he was focused solely on hiding himself from his mark.
She made a sour face, and she spoke,"It's a Dark Side technique, I know how to use it, but I don't like doing it. It makes my body feel funny when I do it." She could feel his excitement through the Force, she knew he had found somebody. She wanted to stroke her staff, it made her feel good to hold it. She had given it a nick name. The Kagura. Her blade and staff Master had trained her in sword and staff fighting, and her name was Kagura. She spoke,"How physically close to me is he?" She was leading him to where she was supposed to, her excitement was high.
He looked back over the edge, his line of sight moving over the crowd. "About ten meters. Keeping your pace." He said after a few moments of silence. He could tell the assassin was anxious, continually having to slow down his pace so he wouldn't get too close to her. "He's fighting the urge to fight you now, it seems." He said, right before she heard panting, followed by a thud over the comlink. He had just jumped from one building to the next. "Sorry about that. Contact reacquired."
She kept her pace, but ten meters was a little too close for her liking. She heard the noise on the com, but she felt relief when he told her what caused the noise. She spoke,"I'm getting close to the building." She was trying to calm her excitement, not wanting to tip off the assassin that she was leading him into a trap.
Dral could see his target building, as well as the strobes set up by his sniper droids. His helmet's analysis processor gave him the best route to his perch. "Once you get inside, make it for the roof. My droids will have you covered should you need it, but I will not be able to cover you." He took a deep breath. "Got some running to do." He said, watching her as she approached the building.


Xarl watched her, seeing her approach a seemingly abandoned building. It made sense in a way, she was a bounty hunter. Her prey may have tried to hide there. He waited until she moved into the building, then waited a few minutes more before entering himself. He dropped his shroud, allowing her to sense him, along with allowing him to sense who might be in the building.
She nodded, replying,"Got it." She was glad that he had her back. She made her way into the building, making her way to the rooftop. She was smirking, she could sense her target properly once more. She was glad that she was ready this time, ready to rumble and rumble with help.
When she entered the building, he broke into a run. He didn't know how much time he would have before the assassin made it to the roof, so he had to be quick. Even in his late thirties, he was in excellent shape, jumping from one building to the next with ease. This is what he was good at, quickly displacing for a better angle on a target. Within minutes, he was repelling up the building that he would make his perch. The fiber cord launcher pulled him up quickly and quietly. The building he was on was inhabited.

The corner room of the building wasn't though. It also had an escape in case of a fire. He stood on the metal scaffolding and detached the fiber cord from his wrist, letting it hang and opened a window and stepped into the room. He set up breaching charges on the window, followed by clearing a table for his rifle. He saw her on the rooftop across from him. "Taking off my helm. One second." He took off his helmet, setting it to the side. He put an ear piece in. "Testing." He laid his rifle's bipod on the table, looking through the scope. He preferred doing his the old fashioned way. He waiting in the dark room for her to give him the word, his breathing stilled, his body relaxed.


The assassin stepped out onto the roof, already aware that she wasn't hunting anyone. She was waiting for him. "Well, well, well." He growled, his orange eyes peering from under his hood. "You weren't hunting anyone, just came here to accept your fate." He snickered. "Too lonely that you want to meet your pathetic friend again."
She was finally on the rooftop. It would end here today, only one of them would walk away, and it had to be her that survived. She knew he was close, and it was soothing to her. She spoke,"I hear you loud and clear." She turned around, the assassin having her full attention. She spoke,"I didn't expect to start this last conversation by saying this... But it has to be said. You're one ornery son of a bitch. Harder than all my other marks to track down and kill. I hate you, I really do, but I do respect your skill." She took her staff off of her back, and pointed it at him in an offensive manner, asking for him to challenge her.
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