To Hunt the Hunter (NaomiDavidxSzor)

Dral's voice chuckled over the comlink. "Touching speech." He said jokingly, his eye pressed to the scope of his Verpine. He folded his left arm under the stock, resting his palm on his shoulder. He was sitting in a chair he moved over to the table. He rested the crosshairs of the scope on the head of the assassin. "I could vent this fucker's head right now. Two muscles, two seconds of flight time." He said, but held his fire. This was her kill.


Xarl chuckled, watching her. He drew his lightsaber, the hilt having a cross guard like a traditional sword. He ignited the blade, and the red blade jumping to life. "Your sentiments are misguided. We aren't equals. You are just simply prey." He growled.
She rolled her eyes under her helmet, keeping her focus solely on her opponent. She smirked when she saw his lightsaber. New one. She spoke,"Fancy, I liked your old design better, the one with the curved hilt... Oh wait, I destroyed that one by crushing it with the Force!" She had modified Kagura quite some time ago to split into two shorter blades, to be wielded one per hand, but he didn't know that. She would let him make the first move.
She could hear over the comlink Dral slowing his breathing, but held his rifle still. He didn't expect to keep the crosshairs on the assassin in the duel. He was there to serve as a distraction should she need to make her escape. "Units One through Three, report in." The three battle droids chirped in, telling him that they were set. "Shows all yours, ad'ika. Stay alive."


Xarl settled into an aggressive stance, his saber raised above his head, standing in a Form II stance. He was a duelist, enjoying the one on one conflict, the adrenaline that it generated. "So at first, you compliment my skill, then taunt me. You Mandalorians are a joke." He said, taking a step forward.
She smirked, and spoke,"What? I thought all of you Sith punks liked lip service and insults!" She breathed in and out, calming herself. While it was a highly unusual sight to see such a long weapon held in the way a Form V stance, but she made it work. She was readying herself to split her staff into two if needed, but she hoped to not do so unless necessary. Shien and Djem So, both of Form V. She was a Master of both. It was the perfect form for a Mandalorian, since the form demanded aggression.
Xarl sprang forward, his crimson blade moving in a blur as he struck at her. The Sith assassin attacked her center from the right. The blow was hard, and it seemed he was going to batter her down and not allow her go on the attack. She could feel his hatred and anger bleed from him in the Force, all directed at her.


Dral watched through his scope, waiting for her to give him the word to start his part of the show. He had seen Jedi in action before. They seemed to flow on the battlefield. This Sith seemed to rip through the air, tearing through the space between the two combatants. Force users weren't infallible, they could be killed, you just needed to distract them, then overload their awareness.
She blocked his blow with ease, but she was impressed by the sheer strength and speed that went into the blow. Clearly, like her, he had spent his time training since their last fight. She could feel the hatred and anger. She wondered what kind of person he could have been if the Empire hadn't gotten him. But now was not the time to wonder about such mundane things. She breathed in and out again, and split her staff into two. With the staff part in her right hand that was blocking his lightsaber, she swung the staff part in her left hand at his head. A clonk to the head from this weapon would be seriously damaging, even though it wasn't from the sharpened end.
Xarl ignored the pummel, either taking the hit or dodging her blows with it when she swung it. He pressed the attack, using his speed rather than trying to beat her in strength. She was in heavy armor, she could trade blows with him and not feel a thing. He winced as she hit him with the mace, but he took the hit because he needed to block her saber. But the reward for his pain was a opening. He whipped the blade from a lock with hers before thrusting at her chest plate. He knew that he wouldn't actually pierce her armor, but it would throw her off and give him some breathing room.


Dral growled over the comlink, watching the thrust. He almost fired his Verpine, but his discipline override his want to cover his comrade. The red saber was a blur in his sight, but even with that she was able to defend herself against him.
She was relentless, she could not and would not let him win. She had to have her revenge one way or another. She was forced back a couple of steps from him from his thrust. Displeased as she was, she was impressed with his creativity. However, she rushed forwards yet again to close the gap.
He ducked a swipe of her maul, blocking her cut with his saber. He snarled, pushing out an open palm and used a Force push to once again to give him some breathing space. He sweeped his blade up to strike at her right shoulder. He knew what she was doing, trying to keep him on on the back step. How he was going to survive it to keep interrupting her attacks until she got frustrated and distracted.
She was barely pushed back from his push, but it was enough room to give him breathing room. She blocked his lightsaber again, forcing another saber lock. She was concentrating, and used the Force to slowly and methodically begin to crush his hands, same way she had crushed his lightsaber in their last battle.
He deactivated his saber, letting the blade and slipped away from her blow. He moved onto her flank, his armored knuckles hitting her helmet. He was trying to break her concentration, following up with another strike with his armored wrist hitting her in the back of the head. And after that, he danced away, igniting his crimson blade for a strike on her back. Then the back of his buzzed, and he ducked, a red bolt slipped over his head, followed by a second impacting his shoulder. He grunted in pain, and without having his footing after the failed strike, he fell forward.


Dral didn't want to give the location of his last sniper droid or himself up just yet. He steadied his rifle and crosshairs over the Sith assassin. "The last droid and I haven't fired yet. That strike was sneaky."
She pulled her staff halves back since his blade disengaged. She didn't turn fast enough and he hit her helmet. Not that it's do much, he hit one of the parts that was solid Mandalorian iron. Him being armored or not, the pain would be there. She knew what he was trying to do, distract her, like again when he hit the back of her helmet with his wrist. Nice try, but ineffective. The Force was helping her concentrate, it was sharpening her senses. She whirled around, hearing his blade reengage. Then she heard the shots... One missed her enemy, but the second got his shoulder. She saw him stumble, falter. Her eyes lit up. She rushed forwards, driving her staff halves forwards. She could not waste this opportunity.
He once again deactivated his blade to catch himself hearing her footing rush forward to take advantage of his tumble. He was going to catch the blade regardless, but he pushed himself away to roll away. He gasped in pain as the saber cut into his side, but he reignited his saber and swiped her legs, trying to push her away from him. That's when a third bolt stuck him in the arm, followed by his leg being obliterated. There wasn't a blaster shot, and there was a clatter of metal against concrete. He screamed in pain of his leg being ruined from the knee down.


"Have your fun. Ask me if you want me to take the other." He said over the comlink. He started to reload his Verpine. He looked at the bloody ruin of the assassin's leg. "Love this rifle." He put the crosshairs over the other knee.
She was enjoying his pain, his suffering... His fear. This man was afraid of death, and yet, he caused so much of it. She was ready to meet her maker when it was time to do so. She jumped upwards, dodging the swipe of his saber. Just like she would jump when she would play jump rope. She smirked, and spoke,"No, I'm good." She turned her staff back to normal, and wrested away his lightsaber using the Force. She softly spoke,"I will kill you with your own weapon... Just like you killed my friend with his weapon." When her voice was soft like that, it was when she was at her angriest.
Xarl snarled, staring up at her, hate and rage filled his eyes. If looks to kill, his would cause her to explode. He reached out with an open hand, as if he was crushing a rock in his palm. He didn't seemed to remember his leg ending in ruin, and a second shot ripped through his hand. The shot was precise, as she would feel the pressure of the round passing her legs. Xarl looked at the ruin of his hand, staring at the mangled stump in disbelief.


"Kill him already." He said, reloading the Verpine. "He is just a dog, it's a mercy." He said, recalling his droids.
She whistled, she felt the round from the Verpine pass between her legs... And now Xarl's hand was gone. But first, slow torture... She was slowly pressing his lightsaber through his remaining joints. His screams were delicious. She spoke,"Doesn't feel too good does it? This is how my friend felt as he died... I could feel his agony through the Force. I could feel it as if I was experiencing his own agony." Eventually, she finished her torture. He barely looked human now, so deformed was he from her torture. She finally executed him, stabbing him in the heart. She then disengaged the blade, and hooked it to her belt. She spoke,"It's done."
Dral fired the rifle again, the solid shot striking the head of the former Sith assassin. "Just in case." He said, sitting up from his rifle. He pulled the comlink bead from his ear and put it in his belt pouch, followed by putting his helmet back on. "So, what's the plan? Food and drinks back at the Hutt's bar?" He asked, picking his rifle up and folding the bipod back under the rifle's barrel. "Or do we split ways? Either way, doesn't matter to me. Could go for a drink, though."
She nodded, and replied,"Let's get drinks. I could use some vodka and food." She was glad her beloved friend was now avenged. He could march in peace now. Now more anger in her heart now. She was going to cleanse the evil out of the lightsaber. She knew there was a very special and secret art to doing it, but she didn't know it. She started her way down to the street.
Dral nodded, asking. "Meet you there?" He left credits for the damaged window on the table he used for his perch. Normally, he wouldn't care and just leave it as is. But he was now a rich man with the payment she had given him. He stepped out of the door and out to the fire escape. He repealed down off of his fiber cord, pulling it back down and collected it. After he had it all, he started to make his way back to the streets.
She spoke,"Yeah, meet you there!" It took awhile, but she finally made her way down to the streets, and from there, back to the pub that the Hutt ran. She needed from and drink, draink more than anything else.
Dral made his way down to the streets as well, taking his time through the streets. As always, the towering Mandalorian in dark blue drew looks, but he ignored them, walking through the crowds with his rifle in a low ready position. He made it to the Hutt's establishment after her, and he eased himself into the chair next to her, leaning the Verpine against the bar. "She you don't want a booth?" He waved over the bartender. "Bottle of tihaar and two glasses." He held up two fingers which sparkled due to his crushgaunts.
She finally made it back to the pub, and smiled under her helmet once Dral sat next to her. She removed her helmet, and spoke,"I'm happy sitting here. I just want my food and booze."
He chuckled, the sound came from the speakers like a metallic growl. Mandalorian helmets were much better made to allow that kind of feedback, so it seemed like he just preferred the sound of it. He lifted the helmet from his head, setting it on the counter next to his rifle. His stone grey eyes looks over to her before he rolled his neck, making several audible pops. "Fair enough." The bar tender appeared with their bottle and a pair of glasses. Dral opened the bottle, pouring the clear liquid into the glasses. "It's on me. The Hutt lets me have an open tab."
She made a face when he rolled his neck, and she spoke,"I do hope you know that neck popping is not good for you." She was smiling, glad that tab was on him. She started to relax, and she took her glass and drained it. She felt better, enjoying its burn.
He shrugged, picking up his glass and drained it as well. He made a face, growling slightly. "Good for me or not. Feels fantastic." He smiled at her, pouring another glass for both of them. He took a handful of the candy nuts in the bowl near them and popped them into his mouth. He chewed the nuts, looking at her and swallowed before speaking. "So, justice served. What is your plan now?" He asked, downing the second shot of tihaar.
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