To end the resets. (private for spud and Vail)


Das dingo
Jan 18, 2017
My house.
It was the end of her adventure... again.. She had done this so many times. Frisk was getting really tired of experiencing the same thing over and over and over again.. She refused to hurt anyone! It didn't make her feel good, even if it was new. It wasn't worth it.. She had just completed another pacifist run. The 500th pacifist run that she counted. Other times she would just stay underground until something inside of her forced her to reset. She didn't know what it was, but there was some other force behind the resets. No matter what she tried it would eventually force her to reset..... She had enough of this. She wanted anything new, and she was willing to do something drastic.

Frisk had spent hours. Days. Years! trying to figure out all the secrets and thinking about everyone's happy ending.. It seemed that only one person didn't get a happy ending. Flowey. He never got that happy ending, he always was forced to stay in the underground. Unfeeling, uncaring, and full of regret. She thought of a small plan, Going through the motions and defeating asriel. She learned more about him and always tried to cheer him up.. But he couldn't be happy knowing that he was never going to love his family again. that always made her stomach turn, Getting through his fight she woke up. Right before anyone could say anything to her, she ran. Running past every monster she "saved" She needed to end the cycle. Then endless resets. Or no one would be really saved, they would just think they got saved over and over again without any memory of it. Making it to where Asriel was she walked over to him slowly. He turned and smiled at her, some tears in his eyes. this is usually where he would tell her that he was greatful and that he needed to stay here forever. that he wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. But enough was enough.. She had The rusty knife that was hidden in asgores house. Grabbing it and plunging it into her chest, and falling towards asriel. Knowing he would catch her.

Laying in his arms she smiled up at him and whispered, "H.. happy end.. ending.." the knife puncturing one of her lungs and making it almost impossible to breath or talk. "take... ta-take soul.. ple...ease.." She was ok with this, It would truly be her happy ending. Who knows? Maybe she would live on with asriel. Maybe... It was worth the risk if it stopped the resets.
This was not was Asriel wanted, nor what he expected. He clung to frisk tightly as it he was trying to hold her soul in. Frisk was really an idiot, to give her self up for his happiness after all the horrible things he had done was just stupid. And he would always love her for it. Tear ran down his white fur. As if her determination forced her soul into his chest. Asriel choked out a hard sob as they both where engulfed in a blinding white light. For the first time he felt something. And it hurt, the loss of the one person that never gave up on him. He held her in his arms. "Frisk, please. I don’t deserve a chance at a happy ending. Please reset!!" He screamed out as he held the child's head to his chest. " You can't do this! You cant! Reset Frisk! Reset damnit!!"

It felt like hours had past, he cried though he ran out of tears. "Why…." His eyes burned as he looked at the child in his arms. She seemed so small, and at peace. Apart of him hated having the feeling he had right now. But, it finally hit him. " I feel…like my heart has been broken…I feel…loved." Looking up from Frisk, he noticed all her friends and he parents looking at him. " Mom, Dad?" Standing, he realized that he was no longer the kid prince. Now only standing a foot shorter than his father. Slowly he gained the courage to walk to them. " I-I didn’t mean for this. I'm sorry! " A fear crept over him. What if they think he killed her? What would they do? " Frisk gave me her soul. Maybe…we can fix it?" Asriel felt that no of them would want to accept him, after what he did to them, to her. All eyes on him, one judging.
Sans eyes widened a little as he saw frisks bloody dead corps being held by the goat, he looked a lot like Asgore and Toriel... This must have been their son.. He knew so much about him him, he kind of knew he was flowey. This whole time he hated that little flowery weed... Causing the resets.. Playing with their lives like he was the puppet master and they where nothing but their toys. he closed his eyes and looked down, seeing that Frisk sacraficed herself for this worthless murderer.. he.... He had to just... well, he needed to look away..

Papyrus looked more confused than anything, wondering what had happened, not sure exactly what was going on. "You.. who is this guy sans? and why is Frisk sleeping.. Didn't we just wake her up!?"

Undynes face tensed up and a huge scowl could be seen, she jumped at him and grabbed his turtle neck pulling him really close. Making a fist with her other hand about to punch him square in the face. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!!?! YOU KILLED FRISK!" Undyne looked really hurt, but she never let tears fill her eyes. Even when the worst happened, she needed to be in control. She needed to be strong for others. "I'LL KILL YOU!! SAYING YOU'RE ASGORES SON! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!! DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT HE'S BEEN THROUGH!? TORIEL TOO!!"

Alphys was a bit confused and shocked, her face going pale about to throw up from the sight of all that blood. She did recognize him though... he.. he looked like a grown up version of the kid in the videos she watched.. he.. was he actually.. Asriel? "u-u-undyne..." she muttered.
It was heart break one after another. No one knew him, he was being blamed for Frisks death. Undyne looked over to the small yellow monster. Seeing this Asriel took this moment to yank away from her, stumbling back. Holding Frisks lifeless body, looking back to his mother and father" I Swear! I didn't do this! If I could reset I would!" He didn't know what to do, he felt like a coward. Toriel slowly walked up to him, their eyes meeting. Asriel was so afraid, he wanted to run."
But, how? Why did this happen?" He didn't know what to tell her. That he was trapped as a flower for God knows how long, killed and tortured so many monsters. "Mom, I don't know..." He lied.

Asriel knew that there was only one other monster in the what knew the full truth, and he had a feel that he was also going to be the last one to ever come to his defense. And the fact that he wasn't even looking at any of them proved his thinking right. " Oh, it doesn't matter. You're here, alive now." Toriel smiled pulling him into a hug. Again, he broke down. He had forgotten what it felt like to be held like this. He could feel Toriel shake, she was also crying. Another pair of furry arms wrapped around him. " My son." Asgore held them both tightly. He hated this, only because he hurt them so badly. "What are we going to do about Frisk?" He sobbed out.
Undyne was taken away from punching this guy in the face.. It seemed that Toriel and Asgore believed he was their son. She had no proof that he wasn't Asriel.. other than the fact that he had been dead for hundreds of years! This seemed ludicrous to her a strange moment of insanity where her friend died and some stranger took her place. "what... is.... what?? you.. Don't honestly believe this guy right!? He's holding frisk! For all we know he's just some guy who looks like your son! and He killed frisk!! I.. I..." Undyne looked very lost and confused about the whole scenario. She usually had a good head on her shoulders, knowing what to do exactly when she had an option to do something. But.. This was too out of her ball park to do anything other than just stand there.

Alphys still wasn't hit fully that Frisk was dead, she just kind of stood there in shock. Not accepting any of this as real. "wh... wha.. F.. Frisk?" her eyes watered up. Undyne noticed this and she knew what she needed to do, quickly grabbed Alphys and started comforting her. "Don't worry.. we'll.. get to the bottom of this.. Understand?" Undyne smiled and nodded.

Papyrus was still very confused and didn't think frisk was actually dead. "Ok! This is a really dumb prank guys! She hasn't turned to dust! How could she be dead??" He smiled like he cracked the code and everyone could stop being sad.

Sans was standing there and just listening to this. when he lied to Toriel sans couldn't help but look up at Asriel, staring him dead in the eyes His smile faded and his pupils gone. He shook his head very slowly like he was disapointed and his pupils came back, sighing and shrugging. "frisk is dead paps... when humans die they don't leave behind dust... just their bodies.."
Hearing Undyne go on about how Asriel couldn't be who he claimed frustrated him. He want to argue with her about how he was who he said. But seeing her rush to Alphys side to comfort her, he thought better not. Again, its not like he didn't try to kill the poor child. That was before, none of them would ever understand why he did what he did, and how all that felt for so long. There was no point. Asriel wanted to just enjoy this moment with his parents. They held him for a moment longer before pulling away, the three of the wiping their faces. Toriel leaned in and kissed his forehead, then looking down at the child he was holding. "Hey, let me.." She reached to take Frisk from him. "NO!" His grip tighten on her.

Asgore sighed, rubbing his face with his paw. this was all to much for him. He knew there was no saving the child, she was gone. Just as the children before her. This time it wasn't by his hand. Could Undyne be right in his son was the to kill their friend? Even if he did, it would be wrong for him to be angry. Asgores hand weren't clean. This was supposed joyous moment for monster kind.

Asriel had been trying not to look at Sans, but he could feel his sins crawling on his back, he had felt this many time. Its not like he wanted to lye, it was just already to much for everyone as it was. He was going to tell them the truth, once everything had settled. Maybe...Asgore nodded. "Sans is right Papyrus. I'm afraid that our dear Friend has passed on." He said in a sad voice. "Frisk gave her soul to me...can I, can I just give it back and she be okay?" Asriel asked looking about the room. "But then, we would lose you again..." Toriel whispered to him. '...I'm not worth keeping...' he wanted to say, he didn't just hung his head looking to the girl in his arms. Brushing her hair from her face.
undyne felt it wasn't her time or spot to speak about matters and issues like this.. So she kept quiet till she could talk to Asgore one on one alone.

Alphys buried her face into Undynes chest crying and unable to talk.

Papyrus looked at asgore and tilted his head with an utterly befuddled look on his face. "F.. Frisk is. Gone?...." he looked away and teared up, before wiping them away and looking stoic and heroic. "Well. If What this man is saying is true. Then Frisk did this for him!" Papyrus smiled and his tears went away "She gave her life so that he may live! And I personally believe this... Asriel? Was it? Yes!! I believe and trust you asriel! I know that Frisk would have!" his optimism never ceased to amaze anyone.. "And. Well. I can help you out! Being frisks best friend and all! I know she would want me to help as much as possible!"

Sans sighed again, papyrus took the news well... that was good. He put his hands in his pockets and just stayed silent, shaking his head a little bit and admiring papyrus for how well he took the news. "yeah paps.. its clearly what she would have.. wanted....." he said wanted in a very suspicious way, looking at asriel like he didn't believe for a second that she did this of her own accord.
This time Asgore reached down, pulling the limp child from his arms. Asriel fighting just a moment before letting her go. There was no saving her. He wished he could talk to Sans, maybe he would know if the resets were linked to her soul. That maybe he could reset. And this time make things right. Although, the looks he was giving him was telling Asriel that the last thing Sans wanted to do was talk. On that note, the last thing he wanted was to be alone with Sans anytime soon. Maybe ever again. Everything was so messed up. There was a time he wondered what it would be like to have his body back. He gave up on that a long time ago, but he never thought it would be like this.

" I will make preparations for a memorial for our friend. She gave our son back, and freed all us from out prison. There is nothing we could ever do to repay this great deed." Asgore spoke out, Toriel gave a sad smile as she wrapped a arm around Asriel. Guilt, overwhelming guilt. That's all he could feel right now. Everything Papyrus said felt like a knife though his chest. "Come my child, lets get you cleaned up. And we all need to figure out to tell the news to everyone. This is a sad of sadness and great joy. " She gave him a light squeeze before taking his hand, pulling him along towards Sans, Undyne, and Alphys. "Sans, are you alright?" She stopped just before passing him, Asriel looking anywhere but him.

Asgore walked to Undyne and Alphys. "I Think you should take her to get some rest Undyne. Its been...a long day." With that he walked past them. "We will all meet tomorrow, to discuss details on matters." Then he left.
Toriel stopped to talk to sans "nah. I'm fine.. just.. sad that she's gone y'know?" he shrugged and gave his usual who cares approach to life. "its uh... yeah.... she was a good kid. she'll be missed.." he didn't look at asriel once. But it was clear, oh so clear that these comments where directed at him. "You three really should get home.. i think everyone needs a good nights rest tonight.. y'know? long... strange.. day.. heh.. i'll try to calm papyrus down. he might not look it, but i can tell hes kind of upset.. and uh, asriel. take care of yourself, get a good nights sleep.." he said in a kind of back handed way not knowing how anyone could sleep soundly after what he did. Sans grabbed papyrus arm and walked away with him, "don't worry paps.. she's in a better place."

Undyne nodded at asgore and walked away with Alphys bringing her back to her lab and taking care of her.
Asriel didn't like the tone in Sans voice. Why did she have to talk to him? he wanted to groan, but he dared not make a sound, he didn't even breath. The only time he moved was when Sans told him to take care, and have a good nights sleep. There was no way he was going to sleep this night. How he wished he was the flower again. so he can just sink down in the dirt and hide from all this. Toriel gave him a kind smile. " We will see you tomorrow."

Asgore took Frisk to the throne room, while Asriel and Toriel when inside the castle. Toriel leading him to his old room. She looked at his blood soaked clothes, and frowned. " Perhaps you should get cleaned up. I will see what I can find for you to change into." She started to leave the room. "Wait! You're leaving!?" He said in almost a panic " Well yes, I will only be gone a moment. Plus I think you're...big enough to bathe yourself." With that she left the room, shutting the door behind her. Asriel stood there for a moment before falling to his knees, covering his face with his paws. "Shit! Shit, shit shit!" He groaned out. " Sans in going to kill me....shit." Standing back up he removed his shirt with a sigh. Tossing it over the foot of the bed before making his way to the bathroom. "Whats the point. He is just going to tell them anyways." Looking at his blood stained hands he laughed to himself " Some 'Happy ending'."
Asriel could feel something on his shoulder.. it felt like a touch, but strange and very gentle. "don't cry asriel... This is only the beginning of your adventure" it... it was frisk!! He could recognize that voice! Frisk was talking to him, she wasn't completely gone! she was able to talk to him. He could feel a strange hug around him. "I'll be here. Every step of the way. To help you when you need it. You're never alone Asriel" The voice was comforting and he could feel the hug getting tighter.
Asriel jumped at the strange touch. Relaxing when he heard her gentle voice " Frisk...." He smiled hanging his head, then sadness. Fighting back tears as she comforted him. " You shouldn't have done that. Everyone would have been happier with you. I was forgotten, and I should have stayed that way." Feeling her hugging him he couldn't hold back anymore. Softly he cried. " I, lied to mom. Sans knows it. He thinks I killed you." Shaking his head "I know when I was flowey, that it wasn't who I really was. But I remember all the horrible, awful things I did. Please Frisk, can you reset just one last time? This soul, being able to feel again. Its ripping me apart!" Leaning over he placed his paws on each side of the sink, gripping it tightly. "I don't deserve this...or maybe I do. All this guilt and pain." Asriel sighed.
Frisk started to feel bad.. but. It probably needed to happen, she knew she couldn't leave the underground like how she was before. Maybe he would understand? He knew about the resets. But he never mentioned being forced to reset.. "Asriel. I can't enjoy the happy ending.. I never really get there. I get to see everyone else and how happy they are. Then I just.... reset. I can't enjoy it and I never get a chance to experience it.. did.. doesn't matter. All I know is.. This might be the only way I can go through the ending where everyone is happy. Through you!" She smiled, maybe giving him a purpose. something to work for would lighten up his mood. If he knew that he would be doing her a favor, maybe he wouldn't feel so guilty. "so. I know its big.. Its a really big thing to ask.. But.. Will, you do this f-for me? please Asriel" She hugged tighter. "I'll never be far. You can always talk to me.. And I'll always help you. Don't worry about sans. He will never attack anyone.. no matter what I did. He never attacked me. Not even once. Since you're Toriels kid, he wouldn't dream of hurting his friend."
Asriel took in a deep breath pushing himself up. Turning he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry, I'm acting selfish and ungrateful. It's just a lot to take in. All these emotions I have felt in so long feel like it hitting me all at once. I know it will get better. I'll try to be more happy, for you." He said brushing her hair from her face." You're right. Not going to lie, Sans scares me. He knows so much. I cant promise we will ever be friends." He frowned, noticing her blood still on his hands. " I should really wash up before mother comes back. Um, but before you go, can everyone see you or just me?"
"I don't know if sans will like you either..... but... I can try my best to help you become friends with him. If he sees you're not at all like flowey. then I'm sure he will forgive you, with time" She smiled up at him and giggled a little. "Just you silly.. My soul is inside of you. So I guess I'm connected to you forever" Taking a step back. "and uh.. I'll give you your privacy. Let you wash yourself in peace." She floated down towards the floor, going through it and basically going away. She didn't really wanna see Asriel naked.. Not what her intention was by doing this.
"Thanks Frisk." He smile, then a soft knock on the door. " Asriel? Who are you talking to? Is everything alright?" He looked to the door, cracking it open a little. " Everything's alright. Just uhh, talking to myself." She nodded. " I brought some of your fathers clothes, they might be a little big, but should be fine until we are able to get you some." He smiled. " I'm going to finish up and turn in. Its been, an interesting day." With that she smiled and left him to wash up. No matter how much he washed Frisks blood still stuck, staining his white fur. It was better, it would only be noticed if you looked for it.

Leaving the rest room he put on the clothes Toriel left for him. A t'shirt and a pair of sweat pants. It was a restless night, every noise made him jump. Also the fear if he feel asleep that he would wake up as Flowey again. In the morning they all met in the throne room, Frisks body laying had been moved during the night. Asriel was nervous, there was going to be so much to talk about. Maybe he should tell the truth and tell them he was Flowey. But all that would do was open another can of worms that he didn't deal with. One issue at a time. His father took his seat, Toriel on his left, Asriel on his right. He wore his family purple robes, similar to his mother. Soon everyone would be coming. He had to do his best, for Frisk.
Every time Asriel shivered and tossed or turned in his sleep Frisk would sit next to him and pet his ear. Gently trying to get him to at least have some sleep.. It worked for the most part and he was able to sleep. When he fell asleep that was.

Undyne and Alphys were the first to arrive, being the leaders of each branch of the royal family they needed too. Undyne was in her classic armor with her helmet off under her arm, Alphys looked like a mess and stood there with her hands clasped together. The rest of the guard came in and stood lining the walls and standing on guard. They looked rather sad and held onto their weapons rather tight.
Waiting in the throne room every monster started to show up, they all came in a very respectable way looking down and in silence for the fallen human that had let them out. No one left yet out of respect for the human, no one dare leave before. They all felt a great sadness over the loss of this life.
Papyrus showed up in the front of the line and he came with a smile on his face. even if his eyes told a different story, he was trying to be as respectful for his friend as he could be.
Sans Showed up later.. a bit later, he looked a little out of it. His eyes not focusing and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.. Which wasn't out of character for sans, but they looked way worse for ware than they did yesterday. He brushed his shirt and if you looked hard enough you could see the bags under his eyes where way bigger than normal. His smile faded and his eyes staring directly into Asriels after he found him up infront. He just stared with his hands in his pockets. Judging.
Frisk appeared next to asriel and looked up at him, taking his hand and smiling. "its ok. You'll be ok."
Although feelings we now new to Asriel, he had to be strong. Yesterday was yesterday, today he needed to act as prince. Asriel, the son of Toriel and Asgore. Nodding to Undyne and Alphys as the walked in. Thanking them in a kind manner. Doing the same with the others as the walked in taking their places in the room. The only time he was rattled was the Sans walked in. He could see how me looked through him. Just as he was about to cower and hand his head he felt Frisk take his hand. Taking a deep breath he straighten himself peering down at Sans. Nodding to him before looking away. As much as the stout skeleton glared at him Asriel would not look to him again until there was a reason.

Asgore stood clearing his throat. "Thank you all for all coming here today. There has been, many events that had taken effect over the past few days. Right now, I would like to take amount to announce that there has been a tragic loss. Frisk, the human child. She gave her life so we could have our son, Asriel back." He said looking to his right to hos son who smiled to his father. Asgore turned back to his people before speaking again. " Along with this she has also freed us from out prison. Meaning we are now able to leave the underground. But, the humans, they may fear our return. So we must proceed with caution. We can't have us all leave just yet." He sighed, he didn't ever think that in his lifetime that why would ever be free like this. He never even bothered with a plan. " Perhaps its best we stay on the mountain, Father." Asriel spoke up. " I know and understand what the consequences are like when showing ourselves without warning." Asgore looked to him and nodded sadly. "Yes, we do. That's why we need to be more careful. Any input would be grateful."
The crowed stayed silent and no one was going to speak up.. It seemed that they where mourning the loss of the child, and out of respect they didn't dare say anything. They kind of wanted to stay in the underground for a bit.. But then sans looked around, he slightly stumbled around. "HERE'S AN IDEA!!!!!" Sans shouted from the front of the crowed. Everyone turned to look at him, the only one who broke the silence. He slowly walked out in front of the crowed and turned to them, everyone knew sans pretty well.. he got around and they all looked rather confused. He was never that loud and never acted this in charge. With some careful looking, Asriel could see he was stumbling and slurring a little bit.. was.. he drunk? "WELLL... OBVIOUSLY THE CHILD GAVE HER LIFE FOR OUR NEW PRINCE!! We're all happy he's back. Of course.." Sans turned to Asriel and gave a bow to Asriel in an obviously diseased and demising way. "But. If The kid gave her life for this new addition to the royal family... MAYBE! just MAYBE!! he should go out there....... alone!...... Talk to all the nice humans for us.. Since he will be our king soon! He should probably show some initiative and prove to us how he will lead!!!" He smirked a bit and burped into his hand shaking his head a little bit. "I mean.. The only person who could have done all of this is gone, right!? and she gave her life for this....... Prince! So Clearly she trusted him to bring harmony between humans and monsters!!! Am I right!? Or am I right!!?" he smirked. The other monsters all looked at each other and they looked like they where considering it a little bit. It.. did make sense what sans was saying, even if he was clearly not himself at the moment. Papyrus quickly ran over to Sans and grabbed him by his jacket dragging him back into the crowed. Not pleased with him at all, fuming to be exact. Sans gave a huge smirk towards Asriel and chuckled, knowing full well that the humans killed him once.. not that he thought they would kill him again. But this would definitely hurt him a bit to have to confront that again.. Even to consider it, it might make him feel horrible.

Frisk just stood in shock, never had she seen sans act anything like that......... He.. was usually so quiet and didn't get involved with anything close to a fight.

Undyne was somewhat pissed that Sans did that.. but at the same time, she stood her guard and thought about what he said. He didn't seem to be as dumb as she once thought. But something was clearly up with him..
If anyone were to speak out the three of then would have sworn it would have been Undyne. So when Sans spoke out, all of them looked at each other confused. Toriel shook her head, disappointed in Sans actions. She trusted him, out of anyone she would have thought he would have acted in a better sober manner, and to suggest her now returned son go out there, after what happened the first and last time?! " How dare you?!" Toriel's voice echoed though the room. " Sans, you come here, in this state?! Knowing what's on the line for us all?! Out of anyone I would have thought better of you! Papyrus! Take him away from here! He is no longer welcome!" Asriel and Asgore looked to the former queen in shock. Asgore has seen her act this way before, Asriel on the other hand, this was a first. " Mom! No!" He spoke out, know that Frisk wouldn't want this to happen." We are all under a lot of stress! Sans lost a dear friend, he is hurting, just like you and dad!" Asriel stepped out before the small group of people. "If anyone should be mad at anyone it me! And he knows it!" Pointing to Sans." I'm the one who did the most wrong here! I was Flowery! I lost my soul and...." He looked around. His mother and father looked at him in disbelief. " Mom, Dad...I'm sorry...I really don't know how...But when I died. I became that thing. I didn't have a soul, I-I was so angry!" He reached out to Toriel "Mom?!" She stepped away from him. Asriel's heart broke. Turning to Sans he pointed. " I know he knows! He knows more then what he leads on! Please! Understand!" He went too far... He looked to Frisk, then the rest of the monster.

"Please, if you want to blame anyone its me! But trust me when I say Frisk wanted this! And if you want me to be the first to go out there than I will." Asgore stood " ENOUGH! Papyrus, take Sans out of here! Asriel, I don't know what sick joke you're trying to pull. But stay silent! This it not your place to speak! Now if anyone who is in the right mind wants to speak, do so now."

Asriel took a step back, Toriel watched him wide eyed and in disbelief. " Mom, I'm so, so sorry..." He said before standing back at Asgore's right side.
Sans was a bit hurt by Toriel yelling at him like that, but he held it together.. He knew there would be consequences for his actions and he was willing to deal with them like an adult. Papyrus was utterly shocked and blinked rapidly by everything going on. "S.. So sorry my king!" he smiled with a bead of sweat going down his forehead. Papyrus was shocked when Asriel said he was flowey.. Papyrus was one of the only monsters in the underground who knew who flowey was. Him, Toriel and alphys.. No one else really knew who flowey was, he layed low for so many resets.. He was a ghost, but everyone felt like they had heard that name before.. It wasn't possible for them not to know the name! he had caused so much trouble in the other timelines that it actually got ingrained in their memory. But no one knew who he was... other than the name. No one dare say anything.. They all looked away and this show of power had made everyone uncomfortable.. It was odd. This whole scenario was very very odd..

Frisk was still in shock from the whole thing really not knowing how to react. She looked up at Asriel and held his hand a little tighter.. "just.. .maybe keep your mouth shut for the rest of this.. and.... maybe? don't tell people your flowey.. at least yet.. uhm.. yeah." She smiled giving her advice, but that was all she could do.

Sans was dragged away by his hoodie and he crossed his arms, still watching Asriel as he was pulled. he was a bit surprised that he admited he was flowey.. even if no one really knew who that was. "You're such an idiot sans!! Why did you do that!? You're lucky he didn't order you to be locked up!! That's his son!! and you......... do. you think that stuff about him being flowey was.. true?" Papyrus seemed to switch between anger and then genuine curiosity. Looking back as he dragged sans along the floor by his collar, they started to walk back to Snowdin. "i dunno.. i'm just a dumb lazy skeleton.." sans seemed grumpy and he was crossing his arms, still very drunk
sgore cleared his throat, taking his seat once again. Pinching between his eyes he sighed deeply. " I know we are under a lot of stress and I know this is a lot for us all to take in. But if we all could remain calm, thing would go smoother. " Taking a deep breath through his nose he looked up. Clapping his hand together. "Now! Can we continue?" He said. Asriel watched as Sans was dragged out. " I'm sorry father. Let me speak with Sans. I have a feeling its needed." Asriel didn't wait for Asgore to say anything before leaving. Walking through the crowd.

Walking out he stopped, hearing Papyrus ask if he thought what he said was true. Sighing she walked to them. " We both that's not true Sans. Papyrus, you should return back to the throne room. It more your place than mine. I will walk Sans out." He said placing his hands behind his back. Seeming more confident than the day before. He looked to Sans, smiling kindly to him." I think we may need to have a chat. I feel there are somethings he might what to get off his chest." Asriel was being to bold for his own good. But he trusted Frisk, and she seemed so sure that Sans wouldn't bring him any harm.
Papyrus sighed and looked towars Asriel smiling. "very well.. I will see you in the throne room Prince Asriel.. I.. will see you afterwards!" He smiled and walked back to the throne room, everyone looking at him as he walked in. Taking his seat and looking forward, just trying to ignore everyone who's staring at him...

"What you do you want...." Sans stands up and doesn't look Asriel in the eyes. "I got nothin to say to you.. in fact.. i just wanna go home and sleep. so if you don't mind i'll go do that." he turned and started walking. Not giving Asriel the time of day and not wanting to talk to him.
Asgore watched as Papyrus walk back in with out his son or Sans. He sighed " Welcome back, so can we all not talk without nonsense?" Toriel wanted to follow her child, but right now her people needed her, and she had to trust Asriel, just as she trust Sans. He did get Frisk as far as she did. And he would have been foolish to harm her son. Asgore spoke again. " I think as of right now, as the dust clears we all should keep that the barriers opening should be kept secret. No one speaks of this. Lets get though the loss of Frisk. I know she made many friends here." He slumped back in his seat. Toriel nodded. " Yes, I don't think anyone should leave until we get pass our loss. Undyne, can you have guards at the gates till we figure out our next move?"

Asriel wasn't going to let Sans go that easily."You're just as good a lying as I am." he laughed as he followed him shaking his head. " You know you are the only one I can talk to about all this. And I know that if we don't clear the air now it will just boil over. Like just happened..." He leaned down to him and smiled. " So, what can I do to make things right with you. I know Frisk wants this to end well for everyone. So stop being stubborn and talk to me."
Papyrus looked around and coughed into his hand, not saying a word. Just kind of... sitting there, even though everyone is staring at him. He nodded.

Undyne's eyes widened and she looked at asgore. "k-king?" She looked back at the crowed, sure she had her disagreements.. But she didn't want to just undermine king Asgore in front of everyone, so she nodded. She would talk to him in private about her concerns "Yes. Right away king. I'll set that up the second this is finished." She stood guard again looking over at frisks corps and sighing.

Sans stood up and brushed himself off, swaying a bit from side to side. He was having a little bit of a hard time standing up. "I'm not talking to you..." He turned to Asriel. Clearly angry and upset. "You're trash! If you want a buddy to talk to about all the crap you've gone through then keep looking.. i'm not interested... If you want to make things right.... Kill yourself. Stop the resets. Make it so nothing ever repeats ever again.. that would really make things right wouldn't it?? You furry bag of shit" Sans was slurring over his words and stumbling over himself. He took a couple steps backwards "I got better things to do... like I said.. sleeping is more useful then talking with you"
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