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[Pathfinder] The Autumnvale Brothel

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~~~ Guard Barracks, 2F, Bunkhouse ~~~

"Robyn." The woman said as she rose to her feet, then tightened the blanket around her upper chest before tucking in a corner as some makeshift attire--not unlike Eris had to make use of earlier. Pretty young, she's the arms and stature of someone used to more physically demanding labour, and likely had a similar muscled appearance to the half-naked man already standing with Nina. A man who also added in his name. "Segar."

Robyn started working to undo the braid of her long auburn hair, messy from having slept with it in, while Segar spoke as he scratched his darker cropped haircut. "I'll tell you what I can remember... we were out... two weeks ago? And-"

"Sarenith, the seventeenth," Robin cuts in, to which Segar gives a nod, and utters, "Right," then continues, "It was... normal, pretty much. Most of the night, nothing going on. We went out a few hours after dusk. We did our usual patron. Down the main street to the brothel, circle the square, to the other end, and repeat. I couldn't tell you what time it was when we saw the elves, but it was well before dawn."

"I was the one who saw them, idiot-boy was distracted." Robin cuts in, for the second time, with her continuing this time. "We were at the south end, by Wynrie's place. I saw something moving in the square, we... rushed... to get over there-"

As Robyn said that, Segar glanced away and shifted his weight, while also clearing his throat some.

"But all we really could see where the backs of about... four of them? They saw us or... I don't know, but they were already taking off in the other direction. We raised the alarm, ran out into the field after them but they just moved too fast. Once they hit the treeline they seemed to vanish like shadows."

Segar nodded in agreement. "We got some torches lit up and poked around, while the Captain checked in with Ophleia. Whyadda know? Elves didn't leave any tracks, no surprise. When we got back we were told another one of the women had been kidnapped. I told Robyn here, and the Captain that I swear it looked like one of them had a big bundle of something, maybe even a person, but-"

"Oh come on, Segar, it was too small to have been a person. They're elves, little pansies. They aren't going to outrun us carrying a body," Robyn counters, making Segar frown. "Well, the Captain thinks I'm right because where did the girl go then?"

"I don't know!" Robyn huffed, then she glanced to Nina. "We done, can I go back to sleep?"

~~~ Guard Barracks, 2F, Captain's Room ~~~

None of the papers had any pictures upon them, though there were various names. Jaron Gray, Beatrix Crewe, Brom, Sazura, usually noted as the disputing parties. Other names indicated who oversaw the issue, likewise names Rea didn't recognize, including both Robyn and Segar, as well as Algar Daywater, all members of the guard. There was a reprimand or two for Segar and Robyn as well, for being less than vigilant in their nightly patrols.

~~~ Brothel, 2F, Maribel's Room ~~~\

"What?" Mirabel asked in a partial gasp, for a moment her eyes widening. "I--you--what-" She fumbled with her words for a short time, clearly a bit confused over what Aiko was speaking of. A moment later she pushed the door shut, however, it was followed by a few more soft clicks, then she pulled it open proper. Although looking uncertain still, the more soothing tone that Aiko had clearly put the woman at ease enough to let Aiko inside the room.

The room wasn't particularly fancy. A large bed full of lush pillows and a thick matress took up the majority of the room. Dividers--which were pushed aside for the moment--revealed dressers and armoires that would otherwise be covered up during business hours. That included a small vanity, next to a full-length mirror, where several things lay scattered about. Makeup, and powders, though a close look at Mirabel's face showed she had almost no makeup upon her whatsoever.

"Ophleia let you in... ?" she asked, with still a hint of worry, perhaps, paranoia. The moment Aiko stepped inside the door was shut, and locked, the back of the door having several locks upon it, some of which appeared to be rather new. "What... what are you asking over... ? What have you been told?" As she spoke, she motioned toward one of the chairs near a small table in a corner of the room, keeping her back toward the wall, and front toward Aiko.

~~~ Stables ~~~
(Eris, Tavish)

The shack out back of the brothel, which Tavish had noted before when he looked around, had everything he needed for a makeshift sign. It takes some convincing of the stablemaster for Tavish to be allowed to take out one of the bigger animals, however given part that convincing was to tell him what he needed it for, well, the man is a little more receptive to the idea. Even still, it cost Tavish a little time, or a little bit of coin, and the man kept with them to make sure he wasn't running off with the animal.

He was one of the few observers, short of the man at the clinic peering out the window as well, being those who really saw Eris marching across town in the buff toward the stables.

"Wait, is'she gon'na?" the stablemaster slurs his words as he watched Tavish work, both with Eris, and the animal. A dour expression crossing his face, Tavish's words clearly don't speak to him very much, and he started back into the stable. "Ain't notta doin' with this. I seeya run'nin off I'll call the guard fore' someone else does."

Possibily indicating that such an example in the streets might end up with the guard coming out, but for now, it seemed, either Tavish's words died on the wind or there were none around who were interested. Behond Eris, of course, whose shouting didn't summon anyone yet either... but that probably would change shortly.
Tavish had payed the stable master in coin to allow him to bring out the beast, not being very charismatic the half elf and figured that would be easiest. His lack of a silver tongue was also making itself clears as his hawking left quite a bit to be desired. Still he did not give up, though the woman and horse next to him practically drowned out his words.

Every few moments he would sneak a peek at the girl as she worked, and already the bulge in his pants was returning. The herbs that he had given her would make the next few hours much easier as she serviced clients. Though the one side effect had him a little worried, so he sent out a silent prayer to whomever or whatever was listening, that if she did conceive a child, let it be the horses.

lets say 2 GP to "rent" the horse, for an hour, unless that's not enough.
Reabyne only finished her nosing around when she heard Nina leave... Trying to put everything back where she found it, the tall elf "paid" herself for the work by palming the loose gold... Then sighing and putting it back in the nightstand's drawer. But she just can't leave without having some pleasure or payment out of it, so she choose to take one of the knick-knacks that looked like a big ring or maybe an earring hoop...

Then she would be trying to get the insights of Nina on their way back to the brothel. Or at least she would be starting to go that way. "I found almost nothing of interest at the moment, but maybe later it would make sense or become interesting... How about you? Anything more than just the elves are not being the culprits in the disappearances? ... I could understand if they was maybe stealing things or pulling pranks, but they would never leave with people. Kidnapping is such a problem later on too..."

When finally she reached the point where the new show and sign could be seen, Reabyne's mouth - and eyes - would gape at the sight, inching closer and closer. "Whoa..."

(What is the sign saying word for word?)
"Yes, sorry for disturbing you. We just needed to ask questions." Nina remarks.

Nina will then leave the room, and then talk with Rea. Before blushing at the sign.

"Um..... Wow...." She admits clearly intrigued. "I didn't think she'd be um this wild...." She admits.
"Yeah, lucky for me, it is not the horse who would be the new attraction..." Reabyne's face became just as scarlet as her hair, before she shook her head. "... you know, because then I would have to step in ... as in save him! ... Because I am an elf... Not because his studliness!" she stopped herself from babbling more, and made herself turn towards the brothel. "I wanted to find out what happened here, maybe companionship too... So, lets head for the Madam and see if there is something we can do... As in helping! ... With the disappearances!"
"My name is Aiko", the priestess replies with a smile, "a humble servant of the Spirit of Abandon..." she casually settles in the indicated chair and crosses her legs, offering a free wiew up her dress, "I initially came here to make sure the owners of this place don't mistreat you - but it turns out you have a much worse problem here..." her voice saddens. "I know that the girls been missing for several weeks now, I know no one in town does anything to help them. That's not something I can leave alone, and I promise you I will do my utmost to find them... but 'm a stranger here. I need help. All the help I can get... so if there is something you know - something that might be useful, anything - please. For the sake of your friends."
~~~ Brothel, 2F, Maribel's Room ~~~

"Maribel," she responded when offered a name. While her eyes do catch the offered glance, she quickly averts them before she moved to settle into the chair across from Aiko. "Ophelia treats us all well, even if we didn't have other troubles... you should talk to her if you want to talk of that, or the others. I'll not speak badly of Lady Ophleia." A slight smile came to her face, but it faded rather quickly as she went on to speak of less thrilling matters.

"I don't know anything. Captain Daywater is trying to help, last I heard he thinks he may have found where they were being kept. Ophelia tries her best. She's gotten locks for all our windows and doors, new ones, twice over. She's been staying up every night since the first girl vanished, I... I don't think I can help you." Maribel frowned at that, and glanced down toward her feet as she clasped her hands together on the table.

"Unless... " Her eyes turned back up. "Most of the time, they were taken without any noise. The last time though, we all heard a scream, and some shouting. It came from the third floor. I don't know which room, Variel or Roslyn might. All Ophelia told me is that Aveline was taken, but she hadn't been taken from her room. That's... I'm not sure what else help I can be... would.... you like a drink?"

Maribel rose to her feet, walking backwards toward a small cabinent with a few bottles and glasses upon the top. She kept her front to Aiko almost the entire time, sans one moment to turn, and pick up one of the bottles to pour the drink. Her dress, a simple gown, came down low enough that the other woman might notice that some of her upper back -- which could be seen -- had a fair heaping of makeup and powder upon it.

~~~ Outdoors ~~~

Eris' shouting had attracted the attention of Reabyne, and Nina, but that wasn't all, it had also attracted attention from one of the buildings nearby. A two-story building with a sign that read, "Gray Inn." First, movement in the windows, then, a quite tall man stepped outside, peered around, and his gaze stopped dead when he caught site of what was happening just down the road.

He muttered something to himself, then proceeded toward both Eris and Tavish as Nina and Reabyne stepped away. A wide-rimmed hat topped the tall man's head, and he wore a somewhat bulky cloak which was clasped closed at the front. First, over to the sign he went, long, curled black hair spilling down around his face as he peered over to read it, then he glanced to Eris, then to Tavish. "Since when to whores fuck animals?" he mutters, then huffs, and steps over, brown eyes glancing between Eris and Tavish.

"So how can we ride her if the horse is? Do you expect us to just take her in the street?" he said as he crossed his arms. "And product? That bitch from the brothel gets pissed at me for saying that but then she'll advertise like that? So come on, when do the rest of us get a turn?" he questioned Tavish, all but ignoring Eris now. After he finished, whether Tavish started to speak or not, he then muttered under his breath. "Looks like you're getting what you deserve for walking all the way out here after all, that woman be damned."

~~~ Autumnvale Brothel ~~~

Compared to earlier, the downstairs is quiet now, and only the sound of Reabyne and Nina entering, coupled with the bell over the door, can be heard. There was not a soul to be seen until the door behind the counter opened, and the woman who had been outside ealier -- Ophleia -- stepped out. She raised an eyebrow at the pair who entered, then walked around the counter to move over to the pair to greet them as she spoke.

"So, come to have some sense in ya, I see. Got tired of Algar?" Then, she paused, and look at Nina. "Ain't gonna jump on me again, are ya? I'll let ya have one, but the second one'll cost. Now, how can I help ya two? My girls ain't really in an entertaining mood, sans one, but she's occupied with others."
The newcomer ignoring her didn't seem to deter Eris in the slightest as she continued to moan obscenely and cry out with each of the stallion's thrusts, rapidly nearing a climax of her own. She tried to answer the man's questions, but each word was interrupted by other, louder noises, so much so that eventually she just gave up and enjoyed the horse, leaving Tavish to explain as she realized the steed was nearing its climax as well.

Sorry, short post, wanted to get this up while I had a moment
"Madam Ophelia, is it? Well, I came to see if I can help somehow, but with all these new faces around, I do not think I would need to make too much of a fuss. Also hoped to find some rest and companionship in this noted place... Even if the girls are not in a state to entertain, maybe you have a room free... Maybe one of the ones that people disappeared from? Also, I am inclined to try out some new things with a little help..." Reabyne spoke calmly, and acted like it was everyday she came to visit a brothel, but she was nervous, not having any real experience with anything concerning herself and being sexual.

But the sight of the horse working on the wench, and all the comely females around got her body and mind warming up to some first - and maybe second and third times...
Tavish continues his hawking until the man came up to him, he lets the man finish before speaking. "The horse is merely a demonstration sir, to say that she can handle anything" he says with confidence. He grins at the other man "What better way to advertise then to demonstrate her ability, plus its far more impressive this way, when people can see just how much she can handle" he says. "And since your the first one to come up to us it looks like your next to ride" he finishes, looking at the horse which seems to be laboring especially hard, it wouldn't be long now.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I thought it was a threat, and assumed you were a civilian, instead of an able combatant. So... You know... my first thoughts were protect the civilian." Nina replies slightly or perhaps quite flustered.
~~~ Outside ~~~
(Tavish, Eris)

The wide-brimmed hat man scoffed at Tavish's notion that Eris could handle anything. With arms crossed, he tapped his foot, peering down at Eris. "Well, what's her name? I came here for this brothel and only got told they were closed. I'm getting something before I leave," he said aloud, then added under his breath, "If the horse hasn't stretched her beyond any enjoyment."

When Tavish handed over the name, if he did, the man would turn to Eris and say. "Well, come on, Eris, hurry up as it is my turn now. I've got a room at the inn we'll be going to cause I'm not doing this in the street like a mongrel. Disgusting." If not, he would say the same line, just calling her 'whore' instead.

By now, some other eyes had come upon the goings-on. A few people peered out from the windows of the Gray Inn, and one older woman in particular looked absolutely shocked. Thus far, nobody had called the guards for the display of public indecency, but... it might not be something that was far off.

~~~ Autumnvale Brothel ~~~
(Nina, Reabyne)

"It is," Ophleia answered with a nod as she crossed her arms, and then she shook her head again to Reabyne. "Nope, I don't. Had two, and they've been taken. Ain't gonna let ya have the rooms of the missing girls as I expect them to be returning and they'll need somewhere to sleep. Gray Inn should have a few rooms for ya, just avoid the lady in the armor... "

Ophleia trailed off, and glanced to Nina. "Else I'll not be the only able combatant ya will run into today. An I ain't gonna be there to protect ya from her if she's got a few drinks in her and finds herself getting grabbed by a lady who gets flushed so easy."

With that, she turned her attention back to Rea. "Ya can return later, once the others are done, or ya can try to go convince Variel if ya want a warm body in bed. Hassle her though, and I throw ya out. What new things ya wanna try? Honestly, if anyone can help ya try new things, it'll be Variel. She's on the third floor."
"I have no interest in going to a mere Inn, Madam... About the girls returning... well, has any of them returned up to now? Why would they come back now, or tomorrow? I do not intend to stay longer than necessery... and if they are so inclined, I would be happy to share... their stories too. But for now, I think I will visit Variel, that commotion outside looks too ... advanced for me." With a cool deamenor and lifting of her eyebrow, Reabyne tried to confer more regality than she ever had. With a tight smile and slight bow to the older woman, - at least older than Nina -, and with a nod to the other girl, the red haired elf started towards the stairs.

Climbing to the third floor left her slightly more flushed than she would have liked - and maybe not in the way she intended either. But she wanted to find this woman, so she looked at the floor, the doors, trying to discern where Variel could be. Maybe she would have to start knocking and asking too. "Variel?"

"Why, that would be most lovely, my dear", Aiko smiles as she stands up and approaches Maribel from behind, raising her hand to touch the girl's back, "My, my, what is it? I understand the desire to always look your best, of course, it's such a natural thing, but I still can't help but wonder - what is it that you're ashamed of people seeing? Perhaps I've a spell to help you with it?"
Tavish didn't much care for the other man and his attitude, but he knew that they needed as much attention as possible, if the plan was to have any effect. "What matter is her name to you? all you seem to care about is if she can preform, and that I can assure you she can" he replies. He continues to hawk the goods as it were, trying to get more 'clients' for Eris. He intends to to continue even when she and the man go to the inn, hopping that the current demonstration will get more then just the annoying fellow with the hat.

Perform Skill check 13, Still hawking the goods
"It was just an accident, arrgh." Nina proclaims her cheeks now bright red as she gets more flustered.
Taking the full length of the stallion's massive meaty member is finally too much for Eris, and she reaches an explosive climax just as her equine lover blasts his seed inside her welcoming pussy and womb. There was so much of it...Her euphoric cry sounds almost delirious as her eyes roll back and she slumps over, the horse's cock which had been clearly outlined beneath her skin quickly losing its shape as she's filled with burst after burst of incredibly thick, hot cum. If she'd been a mare she'd certainly have conceived a child from this union, but as a dhampir, surely she couldn't be impregnated by a mere beast, even with Tavish's herbal supplement...could she?

Slowly slipping out of his broodmare, the stallion snorts as Eris' lower body hits the ground with a wet thunk, the horse's juices leaking out of her freely for a few seconds before she looks up at the man, "Of course, you can fuck me wherever you like, just lead the way," she says, dragging herself to her feet, kissing the man's cock through his trousers as she does.

"But will you tell me what you can about the missing girls while we walk?"

Not sure if the herbs are magical/if we want to tie that into Eris curse, but I'm cool with her getting knocked up by the horse if you are, Lady Grimoire!

Diplomacy 1D20+12 => 31
~~~ Outside ~~~
(Tavish, Eris)

"I'll decide that for myself." He answered to Tavish's refusal to provide a name. His attention on Tavish for the moment, mouth open to say something further, he didn't quite notice Eris crawling toward him. At the kiss, his hand immediately came out to thrust between her face and his trousers, an act which partially obscured the growing thing within them, and he was clearly irritated by the gesture, hissing out. "Not here! And you're much too loud!"

One of his hands traced a symbol in the air, as the other grabbed the top of Eris' head. A few spoken words later and his eyes glowed for a momet, while the air around the woman's head distorted and rippled for that same moment. When it passed, he reached down to grab Eris b the shoulder, haul her to her feet, and drag her toward the inn. "MIssing girls? What do I know of missing girls? They aren't my concern."

These words come close to the door of the inn, where an older woman was stepping out. Tall, and body hidden under a set of steel armor--breastplate, greaves, and gauntlets--she gives a sidelong glance to the man and Eris as they enter the building, then she strides over toward where Tavish continued to try selling off Eris' services.

"Aye, I'll take a turn next, but you might wanna take that horse inside and head down the other end of the street," the braided brunette stated, while blue eyes gave Tavish an appraising look. "Ones in the inn are talking calling the guards. Heard your friend mention missing girls. What interest does she have in them? What interest do you have?"

The woman's face spoke of someone into middle age, with wrinkles and lines, as well as scars, but her body, armor and all, were more fit for someone a decade younger, at least, though she was clearly human.

~~~ Autumnvale Brothel ~~~
(Nina, Reabyne)

Ophelia gave Nina a broad grin. "Sure was," she said, sarcastically. "Cause it looks like ya face is telling a different story, Ain't nothing to worry over though, won't be putting ya in another headlock with ya face pressed up againt my breasts again right now." then, her smile dimmed some as she glanced back to Reabyne, and more serious business.

"Not one," she stated, while a growl almost rolled out from her throat. "It doesn't mean they won't. I'd sooner toss ya on the street than make one of them share a room after the hell they've gone through. Ain't no more rooms. Go ask Jaron Gray to put ya up for the night, tell him I sent ya and he'll even give ya discount." It's clear Reabyne's words hit on a sour note with the matron of the brothel, especially with the way she was waved off.

'Go on then, room two."

~~~ Brothel, 3F, Variel's Room ~~~

With Ophelia's passing comment, Rea ended up knowing exactly where to go, and spotted the room on the left side of the hall. A short walk, a quick knock, and a call of "Variel?" prompted an immediate answer from the interior of the room.

"Moment! Moment! Just gotta get my face on, ma'am!"

There's a few dull thumps, and a couple whumps, a period of silence, and then a few clicks before the door opened. "Sorry, I was in the middle of--Oh." The woman paused with the door half-way open, looking perplexed. "You're not Ophelia. Who are you?"

The fact that she didn't wear a stitch of clothing from head to toe, and was greeting someone she'd never met before, seemed utterly irrelevant to the woman and her shapely form. Long white hair fell loosely around her shoulders, and down her back, little pointed ears poking out to each side of her head while violet eyes stared at the woman before her.

"Did I forget to tell her I wasn't accepting customers?" the woman mused aloud, her head tilting up and turning to the side in thought. "Oh, I guess it doesn't matter. How I can help you?" she said with a cheery tone.

~~~ Brothel, 2F, Maribel's Room ~~~

Aiko's touch left Maribel letting out a yelp, and fumbling with the bottle of a pale golden liquid--which she dropped, and left upon its side to slowly start emptying the contents across the countertop and onto the floor. Maribel herself spun around on her heel, and snagged the other woman's hand from the air as though it were nothing, though her grip was not tight, nor forceful, merely one of surprise, and perhaps, a bit of fright. "D-don't... !" she gasped out, eyes flicking to the smear of makeup upon Aiko's fingers before they flicked to the bottle. Cursing under her breath, she quickly turned to pick that up as she answered the woman.

"No spell can help with it. It's nothing, nothing, forget it," she said hurriedly as she futilely tried to use her hands to keep the liquid from falling to the floor, once the bottle had been picked up and a stopper put it. Distressed, she didn't even seem to consider grabbing a cloth--there were a few towels and other such things visible in a partially open armoire nearby.

"It's just a scar, Garlyn--er---Doctor Duven--thought it best a wound healed naturally, and it scarred." Flustered, she let out a huff of frustration with the liquid, and took a few steps back, bringing both hands to her face, which incidentally ended up putting some of the wine on her cheeks. "It-it happened two months ago, it doesn't matter now."
The tall redheaded elf stared into the eyes of Variel. "Sorry, I can go if you does not feel up to sharing some time and place with me... I just... Want to know... Well, all these missing girls, and I hoped to be helping... Not sure why." then she sighed.

"What I mean, is that Madam Ophelia is a little bit angry at the moment at me, and most of the girls are not even speaking, not that they would help out broadening my horizonts. But I also want to help, so, if you would rather just share all about these disappearances, and maybe I could stay and help you be safe for a time... Maybe while you teach me... I do not really know what I really want." Reabyne tried not to blush, after all, she was accustomed to intimidating people, not making friends. And while the sight and sounds made her hot when others participated in sex, all she ever had was her own hand.

"Oh, screw it. Maybe I would have been better off just looking for some toys!" she grumbled, way out of her comfort zone. But the naked girl looked really sexy...
Tavish looked after the man as he led Eris away, He's a piece of work he thought. Turning the half elf smiles at the woman, "Well... we did want to draw attention" he says with a chuckle. "thank you the advice... We're looking into the disappearances, its a personal matter in my case, but my friend has a kind heart and wishes to help" he answers. He starts gathering up the sign to move it, "Have you heard anything about that?" he asks, the sign under one arm and tip jar in the other.
By this point, Eris was more than a little cock-addled and made no effort to resist the man's rough hauling of her to her feet. Shamelessly following along, her perky breasts jiggling with each step as horse cum drips from her, she does as told and goes inside with the man, not resisting his spell, eager to continue fulfilling her orders, though the back of her mind was desperately wishing she could've stayed impaled upon the horsecock, still not remembering how she arrived in town but in ecstasy over the euphoric warmth of being so thoroughly filled.
~~~ Outside ~~~

"Personal matter?" she asked, looking Tavish over once more. "One o' your sisters, or something?" A wide grin came to her lips, and she edged her way over. She extended her hand as though offering to shake, but instead she continued reaching to grab Tavish's hand and shake it regardless. "Beatrix." Then, she glanced to the tip jar, and nodded. As she answered his question, she fished a few coins out from her pocket to dump into the tip jar.

"Aye, I have. Was planning on heading out with Algar--the guard's captain if you haven't met--sometime soon to check in on the elves. Don't think those lot have ever been in a real fight, so I hope they don't go startin' one." Beatrix crossed her arms on her chest. "So you've seen the markings then in the rooms? I'm with Leia, something else is going on here. This your plan, though, to find them?" A questioning gaze followed as she glanced at the sign. "What say you and me, come sundown, take a walk around town and keep an eye out or... you got plans?"

Her head tilted in the direction of the Inn with a hearty laugh. However, there's something in her eye that hints there's more to her request than a simple patrol duty. By now, a few people have also come from the inn, as well as one or two from nearby homes, having heard Tavish's earlier calls. They wander toward him and Beatrix, which the woman notes, and shrugs to. "And we can talk more on it then... "

~~~ Gray Inn, 2F, Room ~~~

As Eris stepped inside the Inn, she might notice a few at the tables were familiar--they also recognized her. The people from the caravan had made their way over here, a handful of them in all spread across two tables. A few lecherous gazes went her way, while two women near the bar spoke quietly with the man behind it, while also glancing in her direction. Up the steps he lead her, and half-way, the man behind the bar called over. "We aren't a brothel here!"

To which one of the patrons called out in response. "Ehh, don't worry, they won't be long."

The man lead Eris up to the second floor, and one of the middle rooms, where he tugged her inside. From there, he wasted little time, hauling her over to the bed and forcefully pushing her down on it. Back his cloak went with a brush of his hand, while the other undid the clip, revealing a simple top and pair of trousers undereneath. He undid his belt, and in a moment his member sprang forth, though rather than dive onto Eris and take advantge of her... need... he motioned to her face with his hand. "Well? Get started. I'm not going where that horse went."

~~~ Brothel, 2F, Variel's Room ~~~

"Psh, don't worry about it," Variel said to answer Reabyne's first remark, and she opened her mouth to say more, but paused to let the other woman finish. "Well, I mean... you can't blame them for not speaking, yeah? And Ophelia being mad at you doesn't surprise me. She gets mad kind of easily sometimes... " She trailed off, looking Reabyne over for a moment, then motioned he inside. "Why don't you come in?"

If Reabyne took the offer, Variel closed the door behind her. Most of the room was covered by dividers hiding the pieces of furnature behind the room, leaving really only the most prominent thing: a large bed with violet sheets and pillows on top of a violet rug visible, as well as a small table with a pair of chairs.

"Mhm, I can tell you aren't really sure what you want." She took a step, then paused, and glanced down at her naked form. "I can put on some clothes if you want, too," she noted before continuing on, and over to one of the dividers, sliding it back to a small cupboard. She opened it up, and took out a small polished wooden dildo, then turned back to Reabyne with a cheeky grin. "Well, if you're looking for a toy, here you go." she said, taking a few steps over then tossing it to the other woman.

"What do you want to talk about? The missing girls or... what do you want me to teach you? I'm a bit confused."
Tavish chuckles a bit, "Different kind of personal" he says, grinning slightly. Setting down the jar he accepts her hand in his, "Tavish". He notices the coins as the tinkle into the jar, figuring that if they get enough Ophelia would overlook their methods.

He nods his head as she mentions the markings he had seen earlier, "We were thinking of bringing them to us" he replies, with a look a chagrin. He takes a moment to think about her offer, he really didn't have much waiting in his room at the brothel, not yet, and he was figuring that Eris would be busy for a while. "You know, I think I'll join you" he says, giving the Beatrix a smile. He bows to her as more people start to approach "Its a date then" he says, giving her a wink before turning to greet the other people as they approached.
Nina for her part starts eagerly listening outside the door Reabyne was in, eager to hear whatever she could though the wood.
Lady Grimoire said:
~~~ Brothel, 2F, Maribel's Room ~~~

Aiko's touch left Maribel letting out a yelp, and fumbling with the bottle of a pale golden liquid--which she dropped, and left upon its side to slowly start emptying the contents across the countertop and onto the floor. Maribel herself spun around on her heel, and snagged the other woman's hand from the air as though it were nothing, though her grip was not tight, nor forceful, merely one of surprise, and perhaps, a bit of fright. "D-don't... !" she gasped out, eyes flicking to the smear of makeup upon Aiko's fingers before they flicked to the bottle. Cursing under her breath, she quickly turned to pick that up as she answered the woman.

"No spell can help with it. It's nothing, nothing, forget it," she said hurriedly as she futilely tried to use her hands to keep the liquid from falling to the floor, once the bottle had been picked up and a stopper put it. Distressed, she didn't even seem to consider grabbing a cloth--there were a few towels and other such things visible in a partially open armoire nearby.

"It's just a scar, Garlyn--er---Doctor Duven--thought it best a wound healed naturally, and it scarred." Flustered, she let out a huff of frustration with the liquid, and took a few steps back, bringing both hands to her face, which incidentally ended up putting some of the wine on her cheeks. "It-it happened two months ago, it doesn't matter now."

"Now, now, no need to be afraid", Aiko says gently, trying to comfort the girl, "I'm not doing anything yo don't want to, remember? I promised... And don't worry, I'll pay for the wine", she dismisses the bottle with a smile and a wave of her hand, "Though you need to wash your face. Here, let me help you..."

The priestess reaches for the towel and raises her free hand above it, "Oh Spirit of Abandon, I beseech you to grant me a cleansing water to wash away the stains on the world's beauty..."

A stream of water drops from her hand, soaking the towel, and Aiko offers it to Maribel. "Let me do it, please... trust me, I won't harm."

Casting Create Water; if Maribel would agree to let Aiko groom her, spending 10 minutes and2 uses of Nurture Grace to grant her +1 to all Charisma-based checks for 24 hours.
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