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RP: TWD: A Fighting Chance (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

It was an enjoyable night for Daryl. Curled underneath the blankets with Beth again allowed the redneck to sleep peacefully. He felt thankful that the blonde was in his life. The way his body practically melted against her touch made his heart speed up. It was not often he rested well. Everyone knew Daryl generally stayed awake all night, keeping watch. Yet, he fell asleep almost immediately with Beth in his arms. Soon enough, morning arrived over the small group of abandoned buildings. The group slowly woke up with the sunshine peering through the open windows of this structure.

Waking Beth with a kiss, Daryl stayed underneath the covers until she had rolled out and stood up herself. While Beth prepared for the morning, Daryl collected their items and prepared himself as well. Within minutes, they were ready to get moving. If all went well, they would reach this safe zone by midday. The last thing anyone wanted was spending another night out in the open. They had been lucky so far, despite a few close calls. Again, the group packed themselves into the various vehicles outside and continued down the highway. As excited as they were, Daryl still felt apprehensive about this place.


Before falling asleep, Glenn cuddled with his wife. They chatted briefly about the day and about plans for tomorrow. Honestly, Glenn was one of the most optimistic members of the group. It was true in almost every situation, but it was especially true right now. Glenn had high hopes for Alexandria. Aaron and Eric seemed like trustworthy people. It was no surprise that some communities had been started in the apocalypse. There was no chance every single man and woman in the world lived like they did, moving from one place to another place the next day. This could be everything they need, this could be the chance for Glenn and Maggie to start a family.

When it was morning, Glenn woke when he felt Maggie moving against his body. Before forcing himself from the ground, Glenn peppered his wife’s face in kisses while clutching her hands gently. Soon enough, he was ready to join the rest of the group. Sitting right beside Maggie as he drove one of the vehicles, the group hit the road again, making the final leg of the trip that would land them at the supposed safe-zone in Alexandria. Glenn could feel his nerves being torn to shreds in his stomach.
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