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RP: TWD: A Fighting Chance (greenandgold x randomname98766789)

Beth kissed Daryl back, and curled into his arms. "Thank you for saying all of that," She told him a few moments later and then smiled at him. The blonde was happy to lay there in silence with him and just enjoy the two of them being together. After some time had passed she said, "Daryl? I want to say something. And it's okay if you say no, I'll understand." She paused for
a moment and then continued to speak. "Wherever we go from here when we leave, I want to be close to my sister. So if we manage to find some kind of place, where we can all live in houses, I'd want to live next door to my sister and Glenn."

"You'd be more than welcome to stay with me, or not. Whatever you feel most comfortable doing. But I don't want to be far from Maggie after we'd been separated from each other for so long. Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there so that you'd know what I was thinking right now. I'm going to shut up now and just continue to kiss you, as I really enjoyed doing what
we just did with each other.." She said, and there was a wicked smile on her lips as she spoke to him. The young woman had really enjoyed making love with Daryl, no matter even though there had been a little pain in the beginning.


Maggie nodded. "I know what you mean. I haven't lived in a house since we left the farm. It's going to be nice to be able to feel safe in our own place once more." A smile came to her lips as she started to plan what they would do once they finally figured out where they were going to live. She had so many plans and ideas that she wanted to talk to Glenn and Rick about. But the brunette had to remember not to get too far ahead of herself just yet. They still had a long way to go before any of her ideas or plans could actually become a reality. "I love you Glenn," She whispered to him.
The night was perfect. It pressed forward in a similar manner. Daryl responded to Beth, assuring her he did not mind if she wanted to stay close with Maggie. If she wanted to live in a house beside Maggie, Daryl would not care. He would not mind staying with Beth for as long as she would have him. Thinking about her sister, Daryl found it amazing that she decided to agree with this romance, that she did not disapprove of Beth dating a male old as Daryl. She apparently understood how important Daryl was to Beth and vice versa so that was great.

It made the male excited to know Beth enjoyed their sex and their kissing. They would have to do it again but they were also going to seek one another for emotional support as well. After the last kiss, Daryl fell asleep with Beth in his arms. She was nestled tight in his body and he did not wake up until the next morning when she woke up first and started to move around. He was fully asleep as everyone outside was moving around, getting ready to move. His eyes slowly opened when Beth woke him with her movement, greeting Daryl to a new day. “Good morning.” He whispered gruffly


Glenn responded, telling Maggie how much he loved her as well. Before bed, Glenn massaged Maggie’s back and shoulders until she fell asleep. When the woman was out, Glenn wrapped his arms tightly around the black haired beauty as they slept. Glenn woke up before Maggie did the next morning, greeting her with a soft kiss onto her lips. Once she opened her green eyes, he cupped her face and greeted her again. “I love you so much Maggie, good morning. It’s time to get up, babe.” He whispered before nuzzling their noses together.

After it was over, Glenn sat up and got dressed. They had to get moving for Richmond. After pulling on their clothes, Glenn waited for Maggie to join him. “Alright. Once we get dressed, we’ll check out everything with your sister and Daryl and see if they’re ready to go.” Glenn wondered if Maggie felt indifferent about Beth and Daryl. He could not get a read but he thought she approved. Daryl was a nice guy and they seemed to grow close after the prison fall when they escaped together. Beth was like Glenn’s own sister as well now that he married Maggie so he wanted the best for her as well.
Beth smiled at Daryl when he woke up the next morning. "Good morning," She said softly. The blonde was moving slowly with her right arm and left leg still out of commission. But what mattered was that the young woman could get around in the first place. It just took her longer than normal with her injuries. "Once everyone gets packed up, we'll have to start loading everyone and everything into the vehicles so that we can get on the road soon and get to Richmond." After she spoke, the young woman continued to move slowly around the room as she cleaned up.


Maggie smiled and kissed Glenn the following morning. She nodded as he spoke, and wasted no time getting up, grabbing a quick shower, and then dressing and packing their things up as they got ready to leave. "Why don't you check in with Rick, Michonne, and the others, and I'll check in with Beth and Daryl?" The brunette suggested a few minutes later, after they had both gotten dressed once more. She kissed him one more time and after doing that, went around the bedroom and began to pick up and pack their things. Making sure that they left nothing behind.
“Take it easy, okay?” The man murmured softly when Beth began moving. Afraid she might have been doing too much lifting, Daryl ensured that he cleaned up anything heavy. However, he realized that Beth did not want to seem like she was useless, so he gave her plenty of chances to help. Within a few minutes, the room was cleaned up and they were ready to get moving. Still in Georgia, they had hundreds of miles remaining before they reached Richmond. They needed to get moving if they were going to meet anyone in Noah’s community. The room was cleaned up so Daryl went to reach for the door but it was as soon as Maggie entered so he stepped back, hoping that she was still okay with this relationship happening.


Showering with Maggie, Glenn quickly dressed afterwards. Since his wife wanted to check on her sister, Glenn left Maggie alone just to do that. Rick and the others were outside, preparing the vehicles. Glenn assisted with taking out the last walkers remaining from the horde yesterday. After they were taken down, Glenn packed all bags into the vehicles and took his things with Maggie’s in the RV. It looked like it might just be himself, Maggie, Daryl, and Beth in the RV this time. Afterwards, Glenn reconciled with Rick, looking at their route towards Richmond. They would need to strike luck and find gasoline along the way, though. The trip was not easy.
Beth looked up when the door opened and Maggie walked in. "We'll join you guys in a few minutes," She told Daryl and gave him a small smile before he walked off and left the two of them alone. The blonde motioned for her sister to join her, and together the two of them checked over the room one last time to make sure they hadn't left anything behind. And once that was done, she let Maggie help her into the RV once more, where they sat down on the couch together and resumed talking. Half an hour later after some walkers that had showed up had been killed, and everyone else had finished packing and loading up the vehicles, they were ready to go.

The blonde was seated in the back as she waited for Daryl and Glenn to join her and Maggie in the RV once more. Her sister was seated in the front of the RV, ready to drive after she had checked to make sure the gas tank was full, which it was thankfully. The same couldn't be said for the other vehicles, though, so they had to keep a sharp eye out for gas along the way to Richmond. She rested on the couch as they waited for Glenn and Daryl, her eyes closed as she rested. Her arm and leg ached, but that was to be expected as she had been using them to
help where she could.


Maggie was relieved when Glenn and Daryl finally entered the RV, and closed and locked the door behind them. All of the windows were shut and locked to keep them from getting touched or attacked by any walkers. They had radios that they would use to keep in contact with each other on the road in case they had to separate or in case someone's vehicle broke down. This way they would all be able to reach each other. After getting the okay from Rick, and once Glenn and Daryl were seated in the back with Beth, she wasted no time and started to RV, and before long, they were heading out of their current neighborhood.
During the ride, Daryl sat in the back with Beth. At times, he would take his turn driving the RV when Glenn and Maggie rested. When he was not driving, Daryl attended to Beth, making her as comfortable as possible. It took the group nearly five or six days to make the 530 mile trip considering they had to stop for gasoline, scouting, and supplies along the way. Once they closed in on the community, Rick signaled that everyone should stop once they were a couple miles out. They had driven and worked their way though South Carolina, North Carolina, and much of Virginia at this point. Everyone decided to approach with caution. Rick was worried about snipers overwatching the community. Yet, Noah tried to reassure him that there was nothing to worry about. Since they were still strangers, Daryl still felt a bit of preoccupation while thinking about this place. So, he stayed back with Beth while they walked, helping her as much as he could. Since it had been a week since her injury, he was sure she had been doing better but he still offered her a helping hand whenever she needed it. They had grown even closer during the trip.


When Maggie drove, Glenn sat beside of her in the passenger seat near the front of the RV. After she drove for a few hours, he substituted himself in for her again. After him, it was Daryl’s turn. They all rotated like this so everyone was fresh and awake during the trip. By the time they reached the community and decided to approach the last two miles on foot, Glenn led the way with Rick since Daryl was hanging back to escort Beth. When the gate came into view, Glenn saw nobody. He was not sure if that was good or bad. When Noah tried to open the gates, he realized it was locked. They would knock on the gate and call out. While they did hear something on the other side, he realized that nobody answered. So, Glenn climbed on top of the gate to look over in the community. Unfortunately, they all fond that everything had been destroyed. Noah panicked when Glenn did not answer, looking into the community and realizing that it was gone, he broke down into tears and felt awful, realizing that his family was gone as well. Glenn felt sorry for the young man.
Beth smiled as she slipped one of her hands into one of Daryl's as they exited the RV and agreed to help look around the community now that they had finally made it to Richmond. Noah
was off somewhere trying to locate a way in, so they could get inside and so that he could try and find his parents and his brothers. She took her time walking with Daryl and the others, mainly leaning on Maggie a lot as they walked. Her arm was doing a bit better, but her leg was going to give her trouble for a few more weeks. Usually gunshot wounds took about a month
to heal, sometimes longer than that.


Once it was realized that the entire community had turned into walkers, Maggie walked over to Noah and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about your family, Noah..." She said gently to the younger man. "I know that you really wanted to see your parents and your brothers, but given the amount of walkers on the other side of the gate, I don't think we can manage that. I'm sorry for your loss.." The young woman repeated, and pulled him into a gentle hug. "You're welcome to stay with us if you like. It's not a good idea for you to be alone," She said, and led him and the others back to the vehicles.
The community was overrun with the undead. Therefore, they could not even search for supplies. The walk of shame took them back towards their vehicles. Daryl escorted Beth back onto the RV and took over driving when they started moving again. The travels took them a couple more weeks towards the city of Alexandria. When they were just outside the city, their vehicles slowly started to break down and deteriorate. It was pouring down rain when their last vehicle finally ran out of gas and stopped working. They had no choice but to walk now. Even if Beth was not fully healed, they had to get moving forward together. However, nobody knew where to go next so they just continued along the lonely highway

After realizing that the community was lost, Glenn left the area with the others. During the ride, Glenn kept close with Maggie. If either were not driving, then Glenn was cuddling with her on the couch. Their supplies started running low and the accessibility and functionality of their vehicles declined. On the worst possible day, as a storm was approaching, they were forced to walk again. With only the clothes on their back and their weapons, the small group walked along the highway. Glenn kept Maggie close, his gun by his side and his knife ready as well. Glenn had no clue, just like everyone else, where they were going next. He kept his free hand in the brunette’s as well as they moved forward. “Still have that map?” He asked softly, hoping to make some sense of this.
Beth was quiet as they continued walking. They walked for a while through a storm, though thankfully they had extra clothes that they could change into. Once they finally found some place that was warm and relatively safe for them to stay in. She heard Maggie and Glenn whispering about something, but figured that they would let everyone know about it, if it turned out to be something important. She kept a knife in one hand, a bag of clothes and few supplies over one shoulder, and made sure to stay close to Maggie, Daryl and Glenn as they kept walking in the harsh storm.


Maggie nodded when Glenn asked if she still had the map, and wasted no time as she pulled it out of one of the bags that were slung over their shoulders. "I have it right here," She said and then pulled it out of one of the bags. "There's a community, a neighborhood coming up about 12 miles away. If we keep walking we can get there in 3 hours and then figure out what we're going to do next," The brunette said and then she showed the map to her husband and explained her thinking. "We can clear out the community of walkers and rest there for the night before we decide what's next."
Since the rain had started pouring, Daryl and the others expected some thunderstorm to reach soon enough. As expected, it did. A loud, thunderous noise echoed across the entire evening sky followed by a massive bolt of lightning. The rain intensified, making it quite unsafe to stay out in the road. “I found a barn a little ways back. We can try to hold up there for the night!” Daryl called out as it was the safest route to take in the moment. Of course, he stayed near Beth, keeping her safe and keeping her upright as they approached the barn. They reached it, finding it untouched and empty. Everyone ran inside and Daryl stayed to barricade the doors once everyone had joined.

Glenn agreed with his wife. It was important to find somewhere they could sustain or at leas stay for the night. However, the impending thunderstorm and heavy rain annihilated that idea. They were forced to retreat into a nearby barn as they waited for the storm to pass. He could not tell anything from the weather, but it obviously appeared to be a dangerous storm. It would only rile up the walkers even more. After they all entered the barn, Glenn dropped their bags onto the ground and helped Daryl barricade the walls before returning to Maggie. “We should probably look to start a small fire in the middle of this place to keep warm.” Glenn suggested, but of course, they would need to keep a close eye on it.
Beth set down one of the three bags she had been carrying as they walked. The bags were full of food that was canned goods and bottles of water, clothes, and a few blankets. It wasn't much, but they had all been able to grab a little bit of something to take with them. After they had done a check to make sure that everyone was accounted for, everyone pulled out supplies and found themselves some space in the barn and settled in for the night. The blonde sighed and sat down on the ground for a moment, before she laid down and rested her head on one of the bags.

She had been able to grab a large comforter from the house they had stayed in, and they'd use it tonight to stay warm. The young woman glanced over at Maggie and Glenn and noticed that they were doing the same. That everyone else was also doing the same. Some of their friends were taking quietly as they huddled up together to stay warm. And the young woman was glad to see that everyone was able to cover with some kind of blanket, if they shared. There were probably about 12 blankets among them and thankfully many of them were large and could cover two or three people at a time.

Once everyone had settled, a small fire had been made in the center of the barn after Glenn suggested it. It wasn't large by any means, but it would help to keep all of them warm for the night. It was agreed that someone would be awake at all times to watch and stoke the fire. That there would be 2 hour shifts through the night for everyone, and once morning came, they would put out the fire. The good thing was that they weren't outside anymore. They had relatively safe shelter, had a fire, and were somewhat safe from walkers. They also had their weapons to defend themselves if needed.

Maggie curled into Glenn's side, her eyes drawn to the fire as they cuddled together under the blanket. "You okay?" She asked softly, and squeezed one of his hands, as his arms were around her waist with their hands locked together as they laid there. er eyes wandered over to Beth and Daryl who were getting under their own blanket and trying to get warm, and after checking on everyone else, turned her gaze back to the fire. "Why don't you get some sleep and I'll take the first shift of watching the fire? I won't be falling asleep any time soon." She turned in his arms and kissed him after she spoke.
Entering the barn, Daryl spotted where Beth made her bed for the night. If they had not talked before, he might have felt hesitant. However, despite being around the other members of the group, Daryl simply took a seat on the ground beside Beth. Not stopping there, he even wrapped his arms around the blonde. It would help keep himself and Beth warm. Human body heat was one of the most effective heat producing mechanisms after all. Plus, the thick blanket covering both bodies certainly helped as well. However, Daryl also felt the need to hold Beth in his arms. He did glance around the barn, wondering if anyone was looking at them strangely. Alas, not a single person batted an eye. It appeared that Daryl and Beth were the last two members of the group that realized they were good for each other.

Their chemistry was powerful from the beginning. It had compounded and resulted in the formation of this new relationship together. It made Daryl feel quite happy. Again, tonight like last night, he fell asleep rather easily thanks to holding Beth in his arms. The only time he woke involved Rick gently waking him to take watch. Thankfully, this watch did not require him to move. He merely needed to stay awake and watch the fire. About halfway through, Daryl still had his body tangled with Beth’s. The storm raged outside with wild wind, loud thunder, and bright lightning. Above all the noise, Daryl heard something even more startling.

It was a walker herd. Quickly realizing how storms riled them up, the redneck sprinted towards the door right as the herd landed. One by one, other members of the group started waking up. It did not take long for everyone to realize what was happening. Soon, the entire group was basically pushing against the door, trying to uphold the barn doors so the walkers did not break through. The storm also presented a threat to the weak barn, but there was only so much they could do.

Glenn cuddled with his wife until he fell asleep. His shift started when Maggie’s ended. His hands did not leave her body during the entire night. Only when he was relieved by Rick did Glenn relax and fall asleep again. It was short lived because he, like most others, were woken by the herd trying to break through in the storm. He woke Maggie so she was aware and awake by what was happening. Glenn helped, holding up the door with all his strength. If that door caved in and broke, they were all fucked and Glenn knew it. They just needed to survive the night and figure out a new plan in the morning. They would spend the next handful of hours just trying to keep the walkers out.
Eventually, the sound of the dead couldn't be heard over the sound of the storm. And as the hours ticked on by, everyone ended up falling asleep where they were. Thankfully, the barn remained intact and no one got hurt as none of the walkers made it through the door and into the barn. Beth opened her eyes and moved from her place next to Daryl, where she gently nudged him awake. After she had done that, the blonde moved away from the group and peeked outside through a hole in the barn doors. The sight that greeted her outside, was that all
the walkers were either trapped under fallen trees or impaled by fallen trees.

She kept her knife in hand and exited the back of the barn and went to sit outside on a log, as she watched the sun rise.

Maggie woke up a short time later and glanced around the barn for her sister. Upon seeing most of everyone else asleep, but Beth nowhere in sight, she got up and left the barn, taking
her gun with her. After walking for a few minutes, she found her sister outside and sat down on the log beside the blonde. The two of them talked quietly as they watched the sun rise together. It had been a long time since they had done something like this together. It was quiet, and nice and peaceful as they chatted and caught up on what they had been doing during
their months apart.
The two men woke shortly after Beth and Maggie. In fact, Daryl was wide awake when Beth exited the barn. Minutes later, he saw Maggie do the same thing as well. So, when Glenn arose, he quieted his fears when Glenn noticed Maggie was missing. Either way, everyone was waking up and checking out the damage outside the barn. They felt the need to keep moving. The storm probably did not take out every single last walker, so there could be a smaller group in the area. Because of that, Daryl and Glenn both decided they would walk out back to find their women.

They talked together as well, just reflecting on the past. Glenn wished his best for Daryl and Beth. Daryl was mostly quiet, but honestly, he was hoping that himself and Beth could have something like what Glenn and Maggie have. They always look so happy, so in love.

Meanwhile, there was a rustling sound near the girls. Stepping out from behind one of the trees, a man named Aaron exited and raised his hands high in the air. “Don’t be alarmed.” He said. “I have good news. I would like to talk to the man in charge – Rick. I have an opportunity for all of you.” After having done his research and studying on the group, Aaron knew it was important to make himself not look like a threat. He also knew that Rick was a hardened man that he should be careful around.
At the sound of rustling nearby, Beth and Maggie both grabbed their weapons and pointed them at the man that showed up before them a few moments later. The blonde held her knife out in front of her in a threatening way, and moved into a position that she could attack from easily if she needed to. The man that stood before her and Maggie seemed to be alone and she could tell that he tried to make himself look nonthreatening, but you could never be too careful. She had learned that and much more from living with Dawn and her team in the hospital the last few months.

At the sound of someone approaching her and Beth, Maggie quickly grabbed her gun and pointed it at the stranger who stepped out in front of them. "You've been spying on us?" The brunette demanded and made a face. "You've got two minutes to tell me why I shouldn't put a bullet in your brain and be done with this conversation." She moved in front of her sister in a protective movement, shielding the blonde just in case the stranger tried to do anything. There was the sound of more rustling and then relief went through her when Glenn and Daryl showed up and walked over to them.
“Like I said, I have good news, my friends. I think you’ll want to hear me. Please, let me talk to Rick.” Daryl narrowed his eyes and his nostrils flared. A finger was on the trigger of his crossbow when he talked. “How do you know Rick? How long have you been following us?” Instinctively, Daryl did the same thing that Glenn did – he moved in front of his woman. “I mean no harm. I just want to talk to Rick. I come from a community not far from here. I think we could use some good people like you. I have pictures I can show you.”


The first thing that Glenn did when he arrived was put himself in between Maggie and the stranger. He did not appeared armed, though. Looking towards the other three, Glenn walked forward to pat down the man named Aaron. Indeed, he did not have any weapons on his person so he was seeming less harmful. Glenn looked around the area and did not spot anything to make him think others were watching. Either way, he listened to Aaron and Glenn bit his lip, not knowing if there was such a place that eixisted. However, it was exactly what Maggie had suggested just the other night, about finding a community and making a safe place. Maybe they should give it a shot.
Maggie didn't bother to lower her weapon. Instead, she simply remained ready in case she had to shoot him. "How do we know you're not lying? You show up out of nowhere and just expect us to buy what you're selling? Pictures? They can be faked or of someone else that has nothing to do with what you're trying to tell us. We'll get Rick, but you're not going anywhere until we figure out what we're going to do with you." She looked at her sister, and then Glenn and Daryl. "Let's bring him to see Rick and the others, but keep an eye on him. If he makes any kind of weird face or gesture, take him out."

After she spoke, the brunette motioned her Beth to walk beside her, as Daryl and Glenn walked with this Aaron guy in between them.


They went back into the barn, and once everyone else had woken up, the group of five walked over to Rick and they wanted for Aaron to tell Rick what he had told them. "He claims to not be a threat, doesn't have any weapons on his person, claims that he has a community that would take all of us in. Oh and also, he's been spying on us for who knows how long. What do you wanna do?" Maggie asked, as she and Beth turned their weapons on Aaron once more, just as Daryl and Glenn did. They didn't want to take any chances that this guy was dangerous.
Everyone appeared wary of Aaron’s arrival, Rick included. However, he ordered the four to lower their weapons. Glenn handed Rick Aaron’s gun, which Rick kept and asked for himself to find out what Aaron’s intentions were. Rick was convinced that he had another agenda, but he requested they looked into his small backpack and look through the photographs. Aaron explained what this place was like and the pictured looked convincing. However, Rick apparently had enough of his talking and punched him in the face, knocking him out briefly. Rick decided he wanted everyone to check around the area as he was convinced that others were watching. Everyone split up into groups but did not find any evidence of others.

Aaron finally admitted that he did have one accomplice, but it still did not satisfy Rick. Many of the others started to believe this was truly what Aaron had told them it was and not a ploy for something else. Again, they split up to search further, to check out a vehicle Aaron told them about. Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Beth, and Michonne went together in one group while the others split up, leaving Rick and Judith back at the barn. “What do you think?” Daryl asked, but he was not asking anyone in particular as they walked on the road. He was asking the others with him, especially Beth, as he wanted to know what she was thinking about Aaron and this community they were told about.
"I think there's a reason why the phrase 'too good to be true,' exists.." Beth muttered as the five of them scouted the area for other people that had come with Aaron. "I mean, don't you think that it's kind of convenient that this random guy shows up out of the blue, and has this huge safe place and wants to take us all in? You can't tell me that the hairs on the back of your neck aren't standing on end. No one is as nice as this guy's pretending to be. Not anymore, at least. It's got to be a front for someone else. No one is that naive anymore." The blonde fell silent after she spoke, and just kept walking with her sister, Daryl and all the others.
Daryl agreed with Beth. A stranger like this could not be trusted. Hell, Daryl struggled to trust any stranger, period. Aaron was acting suspect. Glenn, on the other hand, was starting to admire the idea of a safe community. So far, Aaron had not given them a reason to doubt him. The next few minutes would tell the story, but Glenn thought this was a good thing. When they reached the specified location, a car and RV was parked, just like Aaron said. They had not seen anyone else. They cleared out the RV and car, finding nothing but canned goods and other living supplies. Again, Glenn was reaffirmed that this place might be something real. They packed the goods into bags and started making the trek back to the barn to tell Rick of the news. “Maybe this isn’t a lie.” Glenn whispered to his wife, wondering if she felt the same way. “this could be like what you talked about.”
Maggie shrugged, but kept her weapon pointed at Aaron. "If that's the case, I wonder what the price of entry is. You don't get anything for free, so if there really is a community like this guy is saying, we might have to pay a pretty steep price for entrance. Let's not make any decisions one way or another until we have more information to go off of," She said to her husband a few moments later. They made it back to the barn safely, a little while later, and once they arrived, informed Rick of what they had found, and then waited to see what they were going to do next.
The group conversed for another handful of hours. In the end, Rick finally relented and agreed to at least check out the community. Aaron was persistent and he seemed trustworthy in Glenn’s opinion. Daryl, however, remained wary, but he was now in the minority. Rick asked Aaron the three questions he asked anyone before letting them into their group. The new plan was for them to drive to the community at night. Aaron offered the best possible route to get there, but Rick decided they should take another route. Glenn and Maggie would accompany Rick and Michonne with Aaron in one of the vehicles while the others would rendezvous at a different point. It was getting dark now, but they would use the cover of the night to hopefully avoid any confrontation.
Beth was glad to stay with Daryl, while Maggie, Glenn and some of the others went with Aaron to see about this community. She shared a tight hug with her sister, before watching as the other woman got into the vehicle with Glenn, Rick, Michonne, and Aaron. And once they were out of sight a few minutes later, the blonde looked at Daryl. "I really hope that this is going to work out. We could use some good news right about now." After she spoke, the young woman leaned into Daryl's side, and felt herself relax a little now that she was close to him. She still
had a weapon in hand just in case of attack, but for the time being, everything seemed okay.
The small group set out on the journey. Rick resisted Aaron’s directions, consistent on taking his own route. Unfortunately, it led the group into a huge herd of walkers. Rick slammed the vehicle through the mass, trying to avoid as much as he could. Soon enough, the car was unusable and they had to fight off the walkers. Glenn remained close to his wife, taking down the walkers as they went. Daryl and the others, who were initially right behind them, got separated and had to take an alternate route. By the time the night was ending, Daryl and the rest of the group hunkered down in an abandoned building.

They helped a man named Eric, who was working with Aaron. His ankle was injured, and while Daryl was wary at first, everyone else quickly helped him with the injury, getting him to safety. Daryl shot up signal flares from the location, hoping to draw Rick and the others to him. Eventually, Rick, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, and Aaron arrived to these structures after having seen the flares. It appeared that everyone was alright and it was time to get some rest. They would continue traveling towards the community in the morning, but for tonight, they were going to get some rest.
Beth was happy to curl into Daryl's side once Eric had been taken care of, and reunited with Aaron. All of them were together once more and safe, for the most part, and that was the important thing. It was a cold, wet night, and so the blonde shivered as she buried herself completely under the blankets, and stayed close to Daryl as she tried to get warm. The weather seemed like it was going to be cold and wet all night, which made her once again thankful that they were able to get a fire going to be able to keep all of them warm and from getting sick.


Maggie was mostly silent for the rest of the night after everything with Aaron and Eric, though she had checked up on Beth and Daryl, and the others, rejoining her husband under their blankets. "How are you doing?" The brunette asked softly, as she turned under the blankets to face him. A loving, yet concerned look was on her face as she spoke to him and then fell
silent as she waited to see what he was going to say to her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against him as she felt herself finally start to relax once more.
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