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RP: TWD: A Fighting Chance (greenandgold x randomname98766789)


Mar 8, 2017
(Couples: Daryl/Beth and Glenn/Maggie)

After months of being trapped in the hospital with Dawn and the others, she, Noah, and the other prisoners were finally free. After fighting and struggling for months to stay alive, they were finally allowed to leave. And after everything that Beth had been through, she had finally gotten her revenge on Dawn by stabbing her. Apparently she hadn't thought her plans all the way through, though, as one of the guards had stabbed her in the right arm, and Dawn had shot her in the left leg. But now that Dawn was dead, no one stopped them from leaving. One of the doctor's patched up her arm and leg, and now Daryl carried her out of the hospital. Beth didn't know what to say, she was so relieved to see them all.

She had said that he didn't have to carry her, but he wasn't taking no for an answer. Talking about how she had almost been killed. The blonde rested her head against Daryl's chest, one arm wrapped around his neck as he carried her outside. Excitement went through her at the idea of finally seeing her sister again. Beth had been afraid that she and Noah would be stuck in that hospital for the rest of their lives, but thankfully that hadn't happened. The blonde had kept telling herself to hold on, that Rick and the others would find her and help them, and now that had happened.


It had been so long since Maggie had seen her sister that it almost didn't feel real. The fear and excitement that she felt, raced through her veins. And as she and the others finally made it to the hospital, the fire engine was parked outside the gates and they went inside. Killing a few walkers as they went. The brunette looked up as Rick and some of the others started to exit the hospital, her eyes flickering over every person that came out, as she held her breath and waited for her sister to come into view. After Rick and a few others walked out, her breath caught in her throat and tears immediately fell down her cheeks as she watched Daryl carry her sister out.

A sob was about to tear from her throat as she saw Beth so still in his arms. But then that blonde head moved and their eyes locked, and a shocked gasp left her lips. Within moments, Maggie closed the distance between them, running to Daryl and Beth and hugging her sister tightly. Her eyes moved over her sister's body, taking in the injuries and she quickly released her sister, seeing the injury on Beth's arm and leg. "Bring her to the RV, please Daryl.." Maggie asked her friend, and when he walked past her, she took a few moments to just breathe and enjoy the fact that her sister was alive.

A few moments later though, she turned and went to find Glenn. Taking one of his hands into hers, and following Daryl.
The months following Terminus were rough. More than anything for Daryl Dixon, he missed Beth. Their bond was not something he understood. It felt like a sibling relationship at first. The more time they spent together after prison, the more they learned about each other, Daryl looked at her differently. It was not how he would look at a sister. Nonetheless, it gave him more reason to find the blonde. Their travels took them back to Atlanta at the Grady Memorial Hospital. Beth was inside. They were so close. It felt like his world shattered when the gunshots went off and nearly killed Beth. In a fit of rage, he put a bullet in the skull of Dawn and the guard that assaulted his Beth.

They ensured the doctor patched her up before going on their way peacefully. Carrying her outside, they were greeted by the group. Daryl allowed Maggie to hug Beth before continuing to the RV. Once inside, he gently placed her down onto the couch. It could seat many people, but now, it was only for Beth. Crouching down beside Daryl, he was busy worrying over the blonde. He was checking for any other injuries he did not know about. The only thing he wanted was her safety. “How are you feelin’?” The redneck asked roughly, his voice scratchy as he tried to hide his emotions that were poking through once he thought she was lost for good.


Glenn offered space to his wife when she greeted her little sister. It was a fantastic reunion. Glenn loved seeing this, feeling happy that his sister-in-law was safe. After Maggie hugged her, Glenn hugged her as well. Until Maggie came to grab his hand, Glenn gave space for the trio. When she finally took his hand to follow Daryl into the RV, he offered the brunette a smile. “See, I told you she was going to be alive. It’s okay now. She’s back with us.” Glenn knew that Maggie had been torn up with worry ever since Beth was taken. That could end now. She might be hurt but it was a whole hell of a lot better than being dead. She could recover from this. Hell, it was minor compared to the alternative. They would be a group again. It did not matter where they went next.

Once inside the RV, Glenn released Maggie’s hand if she wanted some alone time with Beth. If not, he would still hold her hand and sit beside of her. Now, Glenn knew his place. It was important to give the two girls their much needed together time after so many months apart. Glenn wanted nothing more than to support Maggie hwoever she needed whether it was offering space or holding her tight. He was following her lead.
"Carol, Noah and I are out of that place and Dawn's dead. You guys and Maggie are here, so I'm good. Really," The blonde said softly. One of her hands was holding onto her sister's.
Maggie was seated on a chair beside the couch with Glenn beside her, and Daryl was on Beth's other side. "I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I'm very grateful. More than
you'll ever know. But, can we get the hell out of here?" After asking her question, she rested her head back against the couch. "Daryl? Glenn? Will you guys stay in the RV with us?"

"I'd feel better knowing that all of you were close." A tired smile came over her lips, and she closed her eyes. "Whoever wants to drive, can. I'm just going to sleep for a bit, now that
I'm back with my family. And by family, I don't just mean Maggie. I mean all of you.." After speaking, the blonde moved over on the couch to make room for her sister and one of the
males to join them. She carefully adjusted her injured arm and leg, and then leaned back against her sister, resting her head on Maggie's shoulder, and closing her eyes. "I love you
guys.." The blonde said as she fell asleep.

Maggie was more than happy to abide by Beth's wishes to get away from this place. She didn't know what her sister and the other's had gone through while they were trapped in the
hospital, but judging by the fact that the young woman had stabbed Dawn, who had almost tried to kill her, the brunette could tell that it had been nothing good. Which made her all
the more grateful.. Thankful? That they had gotten to Beth before Dawn or any of the others killed her. Knowing that her sister was alive, gave her a renewed sense of hope.

Once the blonde had fallen asleep beside her, she released Glenn's hand for a few moments, and grabbed the blanket that was on the back of the couch, and covered her sister with it.
She took her husband's hand back into hers a few moments later, and then looked between Glenn and Daryl. "Let's get out of here, please. Like Beth said, whoever wants to drive, let's
go. I know that we don't know where we're going but right now, anywhere but here sounds good to me." She finished what she had to say, and then just watched her sister sleep.
“Yes, I will stay here. I agree that we should get the hell out of here. I’ll be right back.” Daryl murmured in response before standing. Since Maggie joined Beth for the ride, Daryl gestured to Glenn for the last spot on the couch. Exiting the RV once Beth fell asleep, Daryl sought out Rick. After a brief conversation with Rick after speaking with Noah, Daryl found out their next objective was Richmond, Virginia. Noah and Beth planned to find Noah’s old community in Virginia when they escaped. Since Noah kept Beth alive, the group owed him a debt. They would get him to Richmond despite it being a long trip. If it worked out, this long trip was the last long trip they would ever take.

Inside the RV, Daryl sat on the chair across from the couch. Tyreese entered into the RV to drive. Noah joined the RV as well in the last remaining chair. The other members of the group dispersed among the remaining vehicles. Rick’s sense of direction was best so the RV followed him. Once Daryl felt comfortable in the chair, he closed his eyes and attempted to sleep. Since Beth had been kidnapped, it was impossible for Daryl to find solace at night. Now with the blonde safe, a load was off his shoulders.


After Daryl exited the RV, Glenn joined Maggie on the couch. His arms gently wrapped around his wife’s waist. Now that the blonde was sleeping, Glenn focused his attention on Maggie. His lips softly pressed kisses against her neck. “You should get some sleep, too. I know you haven’t had much sleep since the prison fell.” Glenn pointed out with a soft smile. The Korean male wanted to see his wife rest again. She had clearly been worried about Beth for a long time. It took so much out of the brunette but now the sisters were reunited. The RV started moving when everyone entered into the vehicle.

To help facilitate sleep, Glenn used one hand to stroke through her long hair. His other hand pressed against the back of her body, rubbing slow, soft circles with an open palm over every inch of her back. Glenn also felt thankful to leave this place. It was not a hospital he wanted to see again. He heard Daryl say something about a community in Richmond, Virginia. It was hundreds of miles away from here in Atlanta but they seemed focused on making it there. It would be a long ride, but if everything went well, Beth had time to rest and recover.
Maggie smiled as Glenn kissed her neck, ran one hand through her hair, and used his other hand to rub circles on her back. "We have a long way to go. I'll sleep in a little while. I just want
to watch her sleep. We've been separated for so long, it doesn't feel real yet that I have my sister back. I need to do better at taking care of her from here on out. I don't want her to ever
be alone, or stuck trapped in another horrible place like that hospital was." The brunette sighed softly. "I'm just glad that she has such a good friend in Noah. I hated the idea of her being alone."

"And you don't need to say it. Things could've been so much worse, I know. For the longest time I was afraid that Beth was dead, and then when she was so still in Daryl's arms when he carried her out.." The young woman cleared her throat and then rested her head back against the couch. "She's not a little girl anymore, and she's been through so much. I just hope my sister's still in there." After speaking, Maggie turned to Glenn and kissed his lips. "I think you're right. I haven't slept well since Beth was kidnapped and now that she's back with us, I can
rest easy now."

"Maybe we should all get some sleep while we can, and then take turns switching out driving."
Deciding to stay silent, Glenn simply returned his wife’s kiss. Beth was his family, too. He felt similar worry to Maggie though he could never quite comprehend just how much Maggie was worried about Beth. He could see it, though. “You’re right. We’ll get some rest and take turns driving. Good night, Maggie. I love you so much. I’ll be here all night.” Glenn promised the brunette before catching her lips one more time. This time, the kiss was held for at least thirty seconds. If Glenn was kissing Maggie, it was never a mere peck kiss. That was a little unwritten rule he developed. Whenever he kissed Maggie, it was a full, real, passionate kiss. These days, any kiss could be their last and Glenn wanted every kiss to be special because she certainly made him feel that way.

Only when Glenn was certain that Maggie fell asleep did he stop playing with her hair. Then, he allowed himself to fall asleep soon as well, cuddling up to her body closely as he drifted off. A few hours later, Tyreese took his spot on the chair and Daryl switched with him. The redneck could not sleep that well so he figured they should switch. The male was now driving the RV and following the other vehicle. It felt like there were things he wanted to tell Beth but he was not sure to say them. That was heavy on his mind while driving.
When Beth woke up, she noticed that her sister and Glenn were still asleep, and that Tyreese and Daryl had switched out spots, and Tyreese was asleep in the chair Daryl had been in earlier. She carefully moved out from under the blankets, not wanting to wake her sister or other two men, and slowly crawled to the front of the RV, where she found Daryl driving. Using her upper body strength, the blonde stayed off her damaged leg, and lifted herself up from the floor, using her hands to pull herself up into the passenger seat, and using her undamaged leg to push herself up from the floor.

It was difficult with one of her arms in a sling, but that didn't matter. A little bit of pain just meant that she was still alive. After climbing into the seat and finding a comfortable position, the blonde looked at Daryl. "How are you doing? And if you tell me that you blame yourself or feel guilty for us getting separated, then don't. You have no reason to feel guilty. I wasn't your responsibility for you to babysit. We got split up, and that sucks. It was horrible. But, that's in the past, and I never blamed you and never will. So let's just focus on the fact that I'm alive
and back where I belong, with my family and friends."

A few moments later after speaking, Beth started to sing 'The Parting Glass', softly.

"Of all the money that e'er I had
I spent it in good company.
And all the harm I've ever done
Alas it was to none but me.
And all I've done for want of wit
To mem'ry now I can't recall.
So fill to me the parting glass
Goodnight and joy be with you all.

Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They're sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They'd wish me one more day to stay
But since it fell unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I gently rise and softly call
Goodnight and joy be with you all.

Goodnight and joy be with you all.
When Beth got into the passenger seat, Dary looked at her strangely. “What the hell are you doin’? You can’t be moving like that on your own.” The redneck responded before listening to what she said. Yes, he did blame himself. How could he not. Instead of telling her that, however, he ignored it. “I’m alright. Worry ‘bout yourself, Beth.” He responded in a gruff tone not necessarily angry, but just his typical self. There was not much that Daryl said anyways. It was normal for him. The blonde started singing to his surprise and he remembered that song from the first night in the prison when they took the yard.

As much as he hated to admit it, he found her singing voice beautiful. He did not comment on it though. Instead, he just kept his eyes on the road. “You should get more rest. We won’t be there for a long time. We’ll have to stop on the way, though. Maggie’ll kill you if she knows you’re up and around already.” He pointed out as he was feeling quite uncomfortable with Beth so close to him simply because he was struggling with the feelings for the girl. She did not make him uncomfortable, but his feelings did. They were just so foreign.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm joining you in the front so the others can keep sleeping and so that we can talk." The blonde made a face at Daryl when he said that she shouldn't be moving around on her own. "I can handle a little bit of pain," Beth said softly. "I'm out of that place, so I don't need to worry about myself and I don't need anyone else worrying themselves sick over me. I'm stronger than I look. As for sleep, I'm fine. I'm used to sleeping two hours a night. That's all I'd allow myself to sleep in the hospital. There was no knowing when Dawn or one of her cops were going to show up, or what they'd do."

"And since being in that place, I hate surprises. Maggie will be fine. I'm still here, and I'm sitting down. If she has any problems, I'll talk to her." Beth paused. "What's with the new attitude?
I feel like you're trying to push me away. I thought we had gotten closer the night we set that house on fire.." She admitted quietly. The blonde sighed and turned her head, glancing out the window. "You know, I had been trapped in that hospital for so long, that I nearly forgot about the real threat. The walkers. Dawn and her cops were enough of a threat to keep me and the others from trying anything stupid."

"I hate to say this, but if you guys hadn't of shown up when you did, things would have ended very differently.." She said and glanced down at her hands. "I hated Dawn for the things she did and the things she let happen. It's like there's two parts of me. The part of me that was raised in a religious family would never understand why I killed her. But the other part of me knew that if I hadn't killed her, she'd just continue to make people's lives miserable. I did what I had to do, it was the only option. I don't like the person she turned me into." Beth admitted, still looking out the window.

"I'm not afraid to kill anymore. I did my fair share of horrible things in that hospital. Some of it was to put others out of their misery, and some of it was to save my own skin. I just don't know if my sister and our friends are going to be okay with the person I am now." She fell silent after speaking, and just watched the walkers on the road as they drove. Even as they pounded on the glass as if trying to get at her, the young woman didn't even flinch.
Sighing, Daryl kept silent. The main point of his worry about Beth moving was not the pain. Sure, that was something he worried about, but Daryl knew she needed rest to heal. However, he kept silent. If Beth did not care about getting better, he could not do anything about it other than let her do whatever she wanted. The question about the new attitude caught Daryl off guard. He was not trying to push her away, he just felt uncomfortable with how he felt. Beth needed to stop making these accusations without giving him a chance to talk to her.

He had no idea what she was talking about the person she turned into or their friends accepting her. “Beth, you’re talkin’ crazy now. Everyone is happy you’re back. We all have to do things to survive, things we didn’t want to do.” Daryl admitted as he went down that path many times. “You’re not special because of that. Thinking everyone will look at you differently is only going to make that true in your mind. You’re safe now and you don’t have to worry about that anymore.” Daryl wondered if she just wanted attention since she was away from them for so long.

“I’m not pushin’ you away, Beth. I’ve only been around you for ten seconds. I don’t know how you can make an evaluation like that. You’re getting too worked up. You need to rest. I don’t want to have to carry you everywhere. It’ll slow us down and leave us exposed.” Daryl explained. The last thing he wanted was to get into a situation where he had to choose between himself or Beth because he was carrying her. He did not want to die, but the male did not think he could leave Beth to die either.

“I’m just glad you’re back. I want you to stay back.” He added softly, keeping his eyes focused on the road. He was also glad that it was not up to him to babysit her anymore. There was Maggie for that and Daryl felt free of responsibility.
Beth listened as he talked about everyone being happy that she was back. She wanted to believe it, but after the things the blonde had been through, it was hard to settle back into their group of friends. "I never said that I was special. I said that I have a hard time accepting the things that I've done. Even though most of the horrible things I did was to help someone, it
still doesn't erase doing that horrible thing." She was silent for a few moments and then said, "You're wrong, you know. The last thing I want is attention. I just want to fade into the background."

After several more minutes of silence, she heard him talk about how he wasn't pushing her away and she just let it go, not replying. She hadn't even been back with them an hour and things were already complicated. When he mentioned that she needed to rest, the young woman simply shrugged. "I'll rest when we get wherever it is that we're going. I just can't sleep right now." Beth turned her head and looked at Daryl when he said that want to carry her everywhere. "No one expects you to do that. As I've already stated, I'm not your responsibility. You do realize that I'm not a child, right?"

With a small sigh, the young woman closed her eyes and rested her head back against the headrest. "I would never put you in danger, Daryl." Beth told him. "If it came down to a choice between you getting away safely from danger and me slowing you down, then you'd damn well leave me there with a gun and one bullet, taking the rest with you." She remained quiet
for a few moments as he spoke once more and when he was done speaking, the blonde kept her eyes close and just said softly, "Thanks." Not wanting to argue, she remained curled up
in the chair with her eyes closed, until she fell asleep.
Beth could say what she wanted, but the girl acted like nobody else did anything they regretted. She wanted attention. Daryl did not openly talk about what he did and parade it around like Beth was doing with what she had been through. Daryl wanted to roll his eyes when Beth talked about resting when they get to wherever they were going: it would take weeks to get there if they were lucky. “I know you’re not a child but on that leg of yours, we can’t let you walk. You’ll die for sure. And if someone has to carry you everywhere, they will probably die too if we get caught in a tight place.” Daryl commented with a low voice. It was only facts whether Beth wanted to admit that or not.

If it did come down to leaving her, Daryl did not know if he could do it but he sure as hell would not leave a gun and ammunition. Even one bullet was too important. He sensed there was something off about her so Daryl did not push her when she tried to sleep. He could talk to her when she was in less of an attitude-fueled mood. The male kept his eyes on the road again and ignored what just happened with Beth. He did not mean to act like a dick to her. His feelings just made him feel uncomfortable and he thought it was a bad thing. Daryl just wanted to get through this. Of course, he was responsible for Beth. She was still pretty much a kid.

As the night passed, the group had to come to a stop. One of the vehicles up front had just about run out of fuel and they needed to fix that. The members of the car just stepped out to grab the fuel cans so they could keep moving. Now they were stopped, Daryl stopped looking at the road and just looked at Beth while she was sleeping. She looked peaceful despite her injuries. Without a reason to get out of the RV, Daryl just sat in the seat, waiting patiently while keeping his eyes open.
As Glenn and Tyreese were still asleep, Maggie got up from the couch and walked to the front of the RV to check on Beth and Daryl. She found her sister asleep in the passenger seat, and after covering the younger woman with a blanket once more, turned to find Daryl sitting there watching the blonde sleep. "I've been awake for a while now, and I didn't mean to eavesdrop." She rested a gentle hand on her friend's shoulder, and met his eyes. "It's okay to feel what you feel. She's over 18, and she feels what you feel. I know that you have a hard time trusting people, but Beth's still one of us."

"She's one of the good ones. Don't let your pride, or your fear scare you away from caring about her. And save your breath, don't bother trying to hide it. I know you too well and I know that you have feelings for my sister. You didn't ask for my advice, but I'm going to give it to you anyway. Don't wait. Stop hiding your feelings and using anger or worry as an excuse. We're lucky that she's still alive. Wouldn't you rather have spent your time with her in your arms, loving her and her loving you, instead of being alone? None of us know how long we're going to be alive."

"But our situation gets worse every single day. I don't want you to regret not acting on your feelings with Beth, years from now if you're still alive. My sister cares about you, both as a friend, and as more. I'm hoping that you'll give it some thought and not just dismiss the idea entirely. No one should spend their life alone. Especially not people who's as good as both of you are. If you were concerned about my reaction, don't be. I'm rooting for you guys. Anyway, I've said my piece and I'll leave you alone now." Maggie leaned forward a bit and hugged Daryl.

"Let me know if you want me to take over driving so that you can get some rest. I'm awake, and I won't be going back to sleep again any time soon." After speaking, the brunette turned and walked back to the couch, slipping under the covers and back into Glenn's arms. She snuggled into his side once more, and smiled as she watched him sleep peacefully.
It surprised Daryl when Maggie approached them. At first, he assumed the other woman only wanted to check on Beth and cover her up. Daryl prepared to update her on the situation but it appeared that Maggie did not ask him about Beth. Instead, there was something else on her mind. Even though he was driving, Daryl did pay attention to Maggie though he did not look at her. It almost felt like this was the sign he needed to go for it. The age honestly did not bother Daryl that much – it was just worrying about what might happen if he was turned down or what would happen if he did this.

Besides, he was afraid to care for someone during the outbreak. It would do nothing but lead to more heartbreak and anger in the end. Was it even worth it? Daryl saw not many romances work out since this whole thing started and he thought it was a gigantic waste of time. Even when Maggie left, Daryl did not make a response to her other than nodding his head to show he heard her and would think about things. That was all he could do anyways. It was so much to think about right now.

It weighed heavily on him right now. Did he go for it or did he not? Daryl knew for a fact now that he would not substitute out from driving because he must stay awake and reflect on everything that was going on today. With a sigh, he just kept driving. It went on like this for a while. It was early the next morning when they were driving on some of the backroads when the first car in front of them pulled off the road. Daryl did not know it yet but the first car was out of gas and they needed to stop and find some more. Either that or just stay somewhere for the day while they were looking for supplies. After all, they did not take much back from Terminus since it was all falling down in a hurry. Since that happened, Daryl and the others were unable to take much. They needed more than just gas so after parking, Daryl looked in the back and called out for the others, telling those asleep that they needed to wake up before doing the same thing with Beth.
Beth opened her eyes when Daryl said that they needed to wake up. She wrapped the blanket around her body and blinked a few times to get her bearings. "What's going on? Why have we stopped?" The blonde pushed her hair out of her face and carefully stretched, given her limited capacity of space to move and because of her injuries. "Have you heard from Rick or any of
the others over the radio?" The young woman asked as she folded the blanket and placed it on the floor behind her seat. She sat up in the seat and pulled the window shut, which had been open the whole time she slept.

Since they were stopping and there were walkers around, the last thing they wanted to do was leave the windows open and risk getting scratched or bitten. Once the window was closed and locked securely, she turned in her seat to face Daryl, and glanced back at the others, seeing that they were all now awake, too. After that, the blonde turned to the window and glanced out
of it, shaking her head and sighing. "There's a herd outside. We're in no position to leave the vehicles just yet. There's more of them than there are of us. Maybe we should all just hunker down and let them pass?"
They are out of gas.” Daryl responded gruffly to Beth. “We gotta help ‘em fill everything up.” The male whispered softly while looking to Beth. After they stopped, he looked around as they others were starting to get out until they saw the random herd just show up. When Beth made the suggestion about them hunkering down< Daryl agreed since it was the obvious answer. “Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do. We’ll let everyone know.” He muttered softly. “Get down in the floor.” Daryl added as he dropped down first as well. He realized that Beth was injured and probably needed help getting down but he was not risking anything to get caught.

In the back, Glenn was just waking up with Maggie in his arms. The first thing he saw was the herd so he very quietly whispered to his wife. “Alright. Let’s get down now and stay down. There’s a herd. We let it pass.” He whispered, helping Maggie down onto the ground first before joining her. It was quite cramped so he ended up lying on top of her though he kept his body weight off. It was not that bad of a position either, Glenn thought as he rubbed against her, trying to keep them all safe as the herd passed through.
Beth joined him on the floor a few moments later. "We're gonna have to keep an eye out, so that we know when all of them are gone." She removed the knife from the sheath at her waist, the weapon gripped tightly in her free hand. The blonde looked through the back, her eyes landing on her sister, Glenn, Noah and Tyreese. "I'm tempted to ask you to turn the RV on and just run all those fuckers down.." She admitted, as she rested her head against the side of the passenger seat. The young woman pushed her blonde hair out of her face and then sighed impatiently.

She leaned close to Daryl and whispered in his ear, "Crawl over to the door, and check the handle and make sure it's locked. Walkers aren't as stupid as we used to think, and we don't want to risk them somehow opening the door and coming in here. I mean, we're not all helpless or anything, but if we can avoid having them get in here, then we should do whatever it takes to make that happen." A few moments later, she clutched her leg which had started to hurt from being cramped in such a small space. She sighed and stretched it out, trying to get comfortable.


Maggie nodded at Glenn's words, taking her husband seriously and agreeing that they should stay down on the floor. "I don't have a problem with that. But if it lasts too long, we might have to do something about the herd. So the only thing that we can do right now is sit here and keep an eye on it. If worse comes to worst, then we'll get out of the RV and to and take them out." She laid there on the floor with Glenn lying on top of her, chuckling softly when he rubbed against her. "Now's really not the best time for that," The brunette whispered to her husband.
It would have been nice for Daryl to just run over those fuckers with the RV. Unfortunately, it was ill-advised. The last thing he wanted was to fuck up the RV. The best thing to do was wait out the herd. They would pass through soon enough. The male crawled silently towards the door and double checked that it was locked tight. And it was. Satisfied, he returned near Beth and continued to crouch down. He spotted how she was looking uncomfortable so he reached down to grab her ankle with the lightest of touches, bringing her leg across his lap so she had more room.

He stayed quiet and it took a few hours but he continued checking up and out of the front window. The herd passed through and everything was quiet outside. Daryl looked to Beth and slowly moved her leg from his lap. “I’m gonna make sure everything’s clear now. Looks like it is.” He whispered, now standing as he went through to check each individual window all around the RV. He was satisfied with what he saw, and that was nothing at all except the setting sun. “We’re clear now. We’re good.” He called out to the back of the RV


On the ground, Glenn was looking into Maggie’s eyes. At her comment, the Korean male merely shook his head. “There’s never a bad place for this.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips. He stayed like this for the entirety of the herd. He kept his body weight supported so it was not on Maggie but she could still feel the warmth and protection of his body, which was something he hoped she enjoyed. Even when Daryl said everything was cleared, he kept like this for a few extra moments as he had been in the middle of kissing Maggie. It was the best way to pass time anyways. They had honestly kissed just about the entire time they were waiting.

Pulling back with a quiet pop from his lips, Glenn finally stood to his feet before he reached down and pulled Maggie up as well. His arms wrapped around her, hugging her in happiness that they were all alright. “Don’t worry, babe. I’m sure we’ll be back in that same position soon enough.” He teased before pulling back as he looked out the window as well. “It’s dark now. We’re likely better off making camp for the night then trying to fill up the gas tank and keep moving.”
"Thanks," Beth said softly and gave Daryl a sweet smile when he grabbed her ankle gently and brought her leg across his lap. Having her leg stretched out was so much better than having it scrunched up tucked beside her. With her leg stretched out, it allowed the pain to lessen and for her to relax just the slightest bit. The two of them remained seated on the floor for a long time. Hours. She nodded when he moved her leg off his lap and said that he was going to get up and check the door. The blonde breathed a sigh of relief when Daryl said that the herd of walkers were gone.

"Good. Now we need to all split up into groups and start exploring the nearby neighborhoods and try to find some decent houses for everyone to stay in. " She paused for a moment and then said softly, "When we get the houses sorted out, will you stay with me, Maggie and Glenn? I wanna keep working on your gruff demeanor. There's gotta be something that I can do that would make you smile." A smile of her own formed on her lips, as she looked at him, refusing to give up hope on seeing him happy. The blonde planned to do or say something that would make him smile, even if it was only for a little while.


Maggie looked at Glenn, Tyreese and Noah, checking on them to make sure they were all okay. Thankfully, everyone seemed to be fine. At least, those of them in the RV were. There was no telling if the others were okay, since they were more out in the open in the car's and trucks. She was happy to kiss her husband back when he kissed her. "I love you, and I'm glad that we're together and safe.." Thankfully the herd finally passed them a few hours later. She carefully got up from the floor and walked to the front of the RV, and over to Daryl and Beth. The brunette looked at Daryl.

"We should try getting Rick on the radio, and see if they're okay. Then we can all figure out what we're going to do." After speaking, the young woman fell silent and turned her attention to her sister, checking on the blonde and asking if Beth needed anything, and nodding when the younger woman said that she was fine. Maggie was unable to help herself, when she pulled her sister close and hugged the other woman. Almost losing Beth had scared the hell out of her. She never wanted to be without her sister again.
Finding houses for everyone to use for the night was an excellent idea. Daryl agreed with Beth and reached for the radio. Before he could speak, Daryl caught what she said and this almost made him crack a smile, but not quite yet. “Yeah, I’ll stay with ya.” He responded in his typical gruff manner, but he did hold Beth’s eyes for a long time as he looked at her smile as well. She was a beautiful girl and he thought about what Maggie said to him earlier about going after Beth, that he had no reason to hold back.

Nonetheless, he shook that off for now and radioed into Rick. There were quite a few houses here they could use and they would split up to about four or five per house. After the idea was laid out, everyone was slowly exiting the RV. Daryl even helped Beth down the stairs, helping her move since her leg was hurt. He would support her while the others cleared out the houses. The first house cleared out was for Beth, Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn since Beth was hurt and she needed a chance to rest. Once that was cleared out, he helped Beth to the nearby couch and sat her down.


Before long, the first house had been cleared out. Glenn turned to look at Maggie once it was clear. “You stay with Beth and I will help the others clear out the rest of the houses. Glenn did not leave before kissing Maggie and after Daryl set Beth down, he joined the Korean. Together, Glenn and Daryl led the attacks on the other houses until everyone had a place to stay for the night or the next day if they decided to stay here. It was a quiet place now off the main road. Once everything had been settled down, Glenn and Daryl returned to the first house.

Having checked it out before, Glenn figured he and Maggie could take the bedroom upstairs. Beth and Daryl could take the one downstairs since she did not need to walk on stairs if she could help it though Daryl thought he would just take the couch. Both men arrived back and Daryl helped Beth to the bedroom on the lower level. Glenn took Maggie’s hand, pulling her with him up the stairs as he carried all of their bags.
Her right arm and left leg ached, though she refused to complain. Beth knew that she was lucky to be alive. She was glad that Daryl had agreed to stay in the house with her, along with Maggie and Glenn, too. The blonde remained on the couch with Maggie, as Daryl, Glenn and the others started to clear out the other houses of walkers. A little while later the two men came back and she felt herself relax at the sight of them. She watched her sister and Glenn go upstairs and bid them goodnight, before turning her attention back to Daryl.

"How are the others doing?" She asked a little while later, once they had settled in downstairs for the night. "Are Rick and the others okay? Did you guys come across a lot of walkers? We didn't lose anyone else while you guys were cleaning out the houses, did we?" The questions poured out of her mouth before she could stop them, though eventually the blonde fell silent once more, not wanting to annoy him. Beth moved her hands to her hair and pulled the rubber band out, letting her hair fall to her shoulders.

Maggie went upstairs with Glenn, and she was happy to lie down on the bed a few minutes later, after they had set down their bags right beside the door and out of the way in case they needed to grab them quickly. "How are you doing with this?" She asked her husband a few moments later, after she had changed into some more comfortable clothes and crawled into the bed, reaching out a hand and pulling him into the bed with her. The brunette kept an ear out for Beth and Daryl in case anything happened.

But for now, she was just happy to give all of her attention to Glenn, and that they could spend this time alone and together, and just be the two of them, husband and wife.
Once he joined her in the bed, she wrapped her arms around his waist and happily kissed his lips. "I love you," Maggie reminded him, a small smile on her lips as she said the words. Hopefully they would all be able to get a good night's sleep and in the morning, they would all be ready to deal with whatever or even whoever awaited them.
“Everyone is doing just fine. There weren’t many walkers and we didn’t lose anyone.” Daryl assured Beth, not finding her questions as annoying as he thought he would. He appreciated her worrying about the group just like he did as well. One her questions were answered, Daryl sat his bags down by the door. He made sure to keep a knife and his crossbow ready while any other things he needed were close. After making sure Beth was snugly and securely in the bed, the male decided it was probably time for him to go. Even though he thought about making his move, he wondered if tonight as the right time.

Honestly, Daryl figured it was better served with him out in the living room. “I guess you’d prefer I wait outside. I can take the couch. You need the bed so don’t bother arguing.” Daryl informed Beth as he readied a crossbow bolt into his weapon so it was loaded for use. He did not think Beth would ask him to stay so he had been going about his business like he was getting ready to leave the room.


“I love you and I’m doing alright. How about you, sweetheart?” Glenn returned the question as he undressed until he wore nothing but his boxers and socks. From there, he pulled on a white t-shirt and some sweatpants to sleep in. This was as comfortable as it got. Joining his wife in the bed, Glenn returned the kiss with a smile playing on his lips. Glenn took a hand, running it through her long, flowing hair. “We have been through so much recently. I’m just so happy to still have you in my arms each night.” The man whispered, leaning down for a kiss: this time, he planted his lips against her neck, attacking her sensitive spot.

When Glenn stopped kissing her, he flashed another smile and continued playing with her hair, unable to help himself with it. “I’m glad Beth is alright. I was so worried and I couldn’t imagine how worried you were. Now we’re all back together again. Hopefully we can find something from here. I hope we can find something permanent. We deserve it after all we have been through.” Glenn murmured, nuzzling his nose against Maggie’s.
Beth nodded when Daryl assured her that everyone was okay. "Good," She said softly, and then smiled slightly. She thanked him after he had helped her into the bed and set her up to go to sleep, even though the blonde wasn't quite ready to close her eyes yet. "Daryl, wait.." The young woman said, when he told her that he was going to take the couch. She shook her head at his words. "You don't need to leave and sleep on the couch. This bed is huge, and I don't take up a lot of room. It's big enough for two people. We can share." She held up the blankets a few moments later, waiting for him to join her.

"Will you stay?" Beth asked him. The blonde didn't want to pressure him. But she did enjoy his company, and she had decided not to give up on trying to make him smile. Even if it was only for a short time. If there was one thing they both knew, it's that smiles and happiness didn't happen often, so they had to make their own happiness however they could. She patted the space on the bed right beside her. "Come on. Get your butt back over here. Come catch me up on the things that I've missed since I've been gone." The smile on her lips didn't let up, as she waited for him to do as she said.


Maggie shrugged. "I'm fine. Well, I'm a lot better than I was doing a few days or even hours ago.." She admitted to her husband. Her eyes moved over Glenn's body as she watched him get undressed and then crawl into the bed wearing nothing but boxers and socks. "You know, I prefer just the boxers myself." The brunette said and then she winked at him. A small pout formed on her lips as she watched him pull on a t-shirt and then some sweatpants. "Damn you. You're spoiling my fun." She said, though she wasn't really angry at him. She was only teasing him.

The brunette changed into her own clothes for bed and then moved to get into the bed next to her husband, pulling the covers over both of their bodies. "I love you, too.." She said and smiled at him. "I love it when you run your hand through my hair. It's soothing." Maggie stopped talking when he began to speak, and nodded at his words. A moan escaped her as he started to kiss her neck in the spot that drove her crazy. "I know what you mean. I'm excited to have her back, and I too, want us to find something permanent. All this moving around is getting old, fast."
It should have been a tough choice, but it was not. Daryl was turning around as soon as Beth asked him to stay with her. He silently prayed she would ask this before he left the bedroom. She did and his prayers were answered. Dropping his crossbow down beside the bed, leaning it against the nightstand, Daryl sat down onto the edge of the bed first. Normally, he would undress a bit before sleeping but this did not seem appropriate. He kicked off his combat boots and pulled himself into bed. The male pulled the covers over his body as well, turning onto the side and watching the woman closely. She asked to be caught up on everything. He planned to tell her but her smile was too contagious and all Daryl wanted to do in that moment was kiss her. It was time for the redneck to admit how he felt.

“Beth…” The gruff voice began. “I don’t know what to say right now.” This was difficult, more difficult than surviving in the apocalypse. “Uh, I… I’ve done some thinkin’ lately. We shared some nice moments together on the run from the prison and I felt like we were close. I liked our time together. I hope we can still have some of those moments now, too.” This was the best he could say how he felt so he hoped the point was somewhat getting across. Now, he looked into her eyes, waiting for a reaction.


It was over when Maggie moaned. The woman could not do that and not expect Glenn to fuck her. “Damn. I should have kept my clothes off. You’re right, babe.” Looking deep into her green eyes, Glenn pulled Maggie onto her back and crawled on top. He did not waste time. His hands gripped the hem of his shirt and pulled it off, throwing it onto the floor. “We have a bedroom. We have a bed. We have a roof over us tonight. I don’t see why we should hold off. Besides, we haven’t gotten a chance to do this in a long time.” The young male whispered, looking closely at his wife.

His fingers hooked into the waistband of his pants, sliding them down his legs and maneuvering out easily. It was just as easy to pull his socks off until he was finally only clad in his boxers. “Let’s make tonight about you, Maggie. Tell me what you want for us. Should I tie you up? Should I eat you out? Should you be on top? Should we be rough? Gentle?” Of course, Glenn had his preferences and he would probably add some of his own desires as well. Still, he was eager to hear from the brunette, leaning down for another kiss.
Beth waited for Daryl to finish speaking and once she was sure that he had, she moved closer to him on the bed, and pressed her lips against his. The kiss lasted for some time before the blonde pulled back and stared into his eyes. "I've been planning to do that since you and the others showed up at the hospital. But I didn't want us to have an audience, so I figured it was best to wait until we were alone. I want you to know that I'm aware this won't end well. It'll end bloody and sad, but I want to be happy. I want both of us to be happy, while we still can."

"I don't have high expectations. I don't expect you to drop the 'l' word all the time, or even at all. All I do expect, is that if we do this together, we're honest with each other. If we start this and either of us change our minds, we tell the other that our feelings have changed and then we break it off clean. It'll hurt, but it would hurt a lot worse to keep doing something that isn't healthy for both of us in the long run." The blonde stopped talking a few moments later, and leaned in and kissed Daryl once more. She moved so that she was lying partially on top of him
as they kissed.


Her husband's words had her grinning in happiness. Maggie was happy to let Glenn push her down onto her back on the bed, so that he could crawl on top of her. Her eyes eagerly followed his hands and she watched as he removed his shirt and then tossed it aside. The brunette nodded eagerly at his words. "I couldn't have said it better myself." Her eyes followed his hands as they went to the waistband of his pants, slid them down, and then tossed them aside, along with his socks. She reached out and tugged down his boxers, not wanting to want any longer to see him naked.

At his next words, she pulled him close and kissed his lips. "We always do what I want. What do you want to do?" She asked softly, and moved from kissing her husband's lips, to kissing his neck while waiting for an answer. "I want to do whatever makes you happy. The only thing I want, is that whatever you decide we do, that we're eventually rough with each other. I know we both love that." The brunette moved one of her hands and started to trace it over Glenn's body. She knew that her touch turned him on, whether it was sexual or not. So it would be sort of teasing while they decided what to do.
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