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Dropping in on a new life! (Distain and Shibby )

Elise nodded and she said "Alright" with a smile on her face. Getting up, slowly she stood and smiled, heading for the door.
Stephen walked up behind her and placed his hand on the small of her back opening the door for her and guiding her out. Once they were in the hall he slipped his hand from her back to the far side of her body holding her lightly. He smiled at her as the walked enjoying the closeness he felt like this.
Elise smiled and continued to walk with him as he put his arm around her. Smiling as they walked, she leaned into him a little.
Stephen smiled leading her into her room he was still very shy and rather hoped Annabelle would not see them. He was not joking when he told Adrien he was scared of her, he did not want to have to deal with 'big sister'. He smiled as they got to her room he smiled opening the door his hand going to her lower back to guide her in. "Are you going to invite me in? Or shall i see you in the morning? "
Elise smiled and said "You'll see me in the morning" she said with a smile. She then walked inside her door and gave him a peck before closing it behind her.
HE smiled and stood there stunned taking a deep breath moving over to her side slipping away back up to his room. A very light spring in his step he felt more alive then he had since he crashed here.
He laid down chuckling taking several deep breaths wondering exactly how this was going to work. He was going to have to find a way to walk the line between being a solder and being a boyfriend. It was going to be a challenge, he spent night dreaming of holding her tightly.
Elise slept peacefully that night. The next morning, she got up and had a shower before getting dressed in a freash set of cltohes before heading down for breakfast.
Stephen took a deep breath as he woke up his heart jumping realizing he would get to spend some time with Elise today. He took his turn in the shower and put on some fresh cloths before going down to the dinning hall for breakfast.
Elise smiled and sat at the breakfast table eating her own food, soon the table was filled with the rest of the resistance members.
Stephen smiled looking at her smiling as he sat next to her putting his hand on her leg under the table. He ate slowly smiling and chatting with her and the rest of the resistance he hopped that he was not being to obvious about his feelings.
Elise smiled at him. Once she was finished eating, she stood and took her plate back to the kitchen as always.
Stephen finished not long after her finishing his conversation before standing to take his plates away. His arm hooking her as she went to walk past him pulling her back into the kitchen with him. Slipping his dishes into the sink before looking at her smiling. "Can i have a good morning kiss? "
Elise had wondered why he pulled her back. She smiled at his statement and said "Of course you can". She moved up and kissed him on the lips softly.
Stephen deepened the kiss holding his lips to hers groaning happily for a few long moments. "Sorry could not resist i just love the way kissing you makes me feel. " He smiled his spine tingling as he looked into her eyes before chuckling and turning to allow her to leave.
She smiled and said "I understand with a smile" before she left to continue on with her buisness for the day.
Stephen went to talk to the men hoping they would not notice the fact that when ever she was with in view he got quiet and watched her. When she was not there he laughed and joked and flirted pretending nothing was different.
Elise carried on through her day as normal. at around lunch time she was in the kitchen , cooking a snack.
Stephen smiled moving around handling what he needed to for the majority of the day. He stopped in to see Annabelle in her hospital not long after lunch. "Hey Anna B. How are you doing? How are supplies doing did we get you everything you need? "
Annabelle grimanced when he called her "AnnaB", but she let it slide. "You got me everything I needed and more" she said to him.
"Okay good to know. You ever start running out just let me know I will sneak off and go get you more. " He smiled looking at her then turning to walk away to check on Adrien.
Annabelle nodded and continued with her job, sorting everything out. Meanwhile Adrien was lounging in the sun room, the one room in the house that was always full of light.
Stephen walked up behind him smiling tossing the first thing he could find at him. "Did Annabelle yell at you when you got home? " He chuckled walking over to sit next to him looking out the windows.
"Oi!" he said chucking the item back at him. He grinned and said "No....rather the know she likes a man in uniform..." he said grinning.
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