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Star Wars RP: The Hunter and the Jedi (MysteriousD x Naomi David)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
Long long ago...

In a galaxy far far away...

On the planet of Aargau, there was plenty of activity. It was to be expected considering its important placement in the System and of course, its massive reserves of precious metals and economic stronghold on the Republic. There were plenty of banks and financial institutes. Which made it a hotbed for illegal activity, namely in the section of the Undercity. Granted, there was not as many people in the Undercity as there used to be since Aargau became the area of a plague a few weeks ago. While they managed to quell the problems, they've been having to do deal with the aftermath.

Diego Voidrix was walking toward a certain empty building in one of the emptier parts of the Undercity. Normally, few would dare venture as he did in this sort of environment, but there was a reason why. He was a Jedi Knight. Well, more specifically, he was a Jedi Investigator, having chosen to take the path of Jedi Sentinel when he finished his basic training. However, his rather unique approach to study of the Force often meant he needed to go off the beaten path for these matters.

As such, he was meeting with a contact here. A bounty huntress whom he met once or twice before back when he was a Padawan. He entered the empty building which served as their meeting point.
Amara Whitelaw was the bounty huntress Diego was waiting for. She was one of the best bounty hunters out there, her only true rival the now deceased Jango Fett. They had been rivals for years, a rivalry broken upon his death on Geonosis when the Clone Wars broke out. She was an even better bounty hunter than Aurra Sing, a very feared bounty hunter. What was her secret? What made her the very best? What made her so superior in every way? What made her better than so many older and more experienced bounty hunters? The answer to that question was simple, though nobody ever considered it. It was the Force. She had self taught herself on how to use the Force. It took a very long time and it was highly difficult considering that she didn't have a proper teacher, but she persevered none the less. But still, she wielded the Force like she wielded one of her weapons. She wielded it with deadly efficiency.

She was equipped with two DL-44 heavy blaster pistols, one at each hip, both having refill cartridges next to the holsters. She also had two long serrated edge hunting knives next to the guns, also one at each hip. She also had a heavily modified DC-15x sniper rifle strapped to her back. It was modified to have more magnification and a automatic modification. She also had refill cartridges next to it. The weapon she was most proud of was a long staff next to the sniper rifle. It was sharpened at both ends and made entirely of beskar.

Also attached to her back was a very large medpac. A medpack usually contained diagnostics such as medisensors and also could provide flexclamps, synthflesh, irrigation bulbs, bacta, kolto, spray-bandages, bacta patches, spray hypos, bone stabilizers, antiseptics, medical drugs, coagulants, stimulants such as stim-shots, and other essential medicines for the treatment of wounds. The medpac she had on her back had all that, and extras of said materials. She was walking proof that she was very good at healing and killing. All the equipment on her was quite heavy, but she was still light on her feet when she was running. She walked out of the shadows of her building, her helmet still on, and she spoke, her voice metallic through the helmet,"What is it that you seek?"
From first glance, Diego could tell that Amara was someone special. After all, he was able to feel hat she was none other than Force sensitive. While Force sensitives among the Mandalorians were not uncommon, few actually would go to develop or train those capabilities, namely because of their adherence to their traditions. Even in regards to that, Diego could tell that Amara meant business based on her attire and her presentation/

This made an interest contrast with Diego. Diego wore the standard Jedi Robes, but rather than the browns and beiges, his were different soft shades of gray. Furthermore, he also wore a protective vest underneath his robes. However, what really helped distinguish Diego were the two odd-looking weapons on his hilt. They were definitely lightsabers, but not unlike any lightsabers that were traditionally seen. They resembled the shorter lightsabers that masters like Yoda used, yet they possed a secondary handle on a right angle. They were guard shoto or better known as [Lightsaber tonfa.

Appearancewise, Diego looked more like a scholar than a warrior. He had a slightly round and boyish face which combined with his chocolate-brown eyes and his dark-colored hair gave a rather honest, trustworthy and appreciative appearance. He certainly was not flashy nor such, albeit his boyish face did stick out a bit. Furthermore, he would what looked to be old-fashioned glasses on his face, but the slightly thicker frame implied it may have some technological advantages. He stood somewhat laid-back and relaxed, which combined with his stocky build, made him appear a bit shorter than he actually was.

"Hello to you too," Diego said as he gave her a slightly awkward smile. "I'm looking over to find this figure," Diego said as he unfolded a sketch of a certain underworld figure. "Apparently, he may be attempting to smuggle a certain type of precious metal, native to the world," Diego said as he gave her the sheet of paper. "I need your assistance to search for them and interrogate to ensure the operation doesn't go at hand," he added.
Amara, when she wielded her staff, wielded it as if she was a Jedi or a Sith wielding a double bladed lightsaber. It just felt more natural to her to do so. Though when she needed the reach, she would wield it as a very long bladed lightsaber. It was something she treasured very dearly, it was gifted to her upon reaching age of majority. She looked every bit a warrior, armor on or not. She wished more of her fellow Force Sensitive Mandalorians trained themselves in using the Force as she had done, but old habits and traditions died hard.

Her face, much like the rest of her body, was highly attractive. Her face was harsh and angular. If she was in a movie, her face would always her clear, in focus, never blurry like a person in the background would be. She had blonde hair, though it was cut short. Not enough to give herself a masculine look, it was just below her ears. Easy to groom. Her eyes were her most startling feature, they were a golden color, which lead to whispers that she wasn't fully human. Her hair, face, and eyes gave her an overall ethereal appearance, more seraphic than human.Her armor was all blue, which in her culture, signified reliability. That and blue looked fantastic with her hair color.

She nodded and took the picture he had given her, and she spoke,"We shall go to the nearest drinking establishment. it is a good place to get information and watch business deals go down." And a great place to get wasted. Funnily enough she did her best work when drunk. She didn't understand why. She continued,"My fee is high. Are you prepared to pay the price?"
Diego couldn't tell what the bounty huntress' experession was because she still had on her helmet. He also did note that her armor was mainly blue, which meant reliability in Mandalaroian culture. He expected that she would be taking him to a bar or someplace like it. It was one of the basic places to go and get information from shady figures though he couldn't help but wonder a bit if this potential threat may have been higher than expected.

He couldn't help but get the feeling she was smiling under the helmet when she mentioned they'd be going to the bar. However, she then mentioned the fee. "Yeah, yeah. Let me guess, you don't accept creds, right?" Diego said before he got something from his knapsack. It was a smallish leather bag filled with things. It was several coins made of aurodium along with a few small nova crystals.

"I reckon this will be enough to say the least?" Diego said as he gave the leather bag over to Amara.
She opened up the leather pouch and she was impressed. She didn't know how he had gotten hold of such rare and expensive materials, and she really didn't care. All she cared was that she had gotten properly paid, and this was more than enough to cover her expenses. She nodded, and spoke,"Shall we depart?" She safely stowed the bag away, wondering though how a mere Jedi could have gotten hold of such rare and valuable materials. Curiosity did eat at her sometimes, even if the actual answer to her knowledge seeking was unimportant.
Diego couldn't tell if she was satisfied, due to her wearing the helment, though given the slight pause, he couldn't help but wonder if she was impressed. Getting some of this stuff was due to his prior work from other worlds here in the Outer Rim, especially over in Mygeeto. His missions there would have him be paid in nova crystals or aurodium on rarer occasions. He was one of the few Jedi allowed to do investigating in the area, especially with greater Sith presence there.

"Yeah, let's get going," Diego told her with a smile as they began to walk. "Do you recognize the figure or heard of anyting in regards to this personally?" Diego asked her quietly as he was walking alongside her
She began walking with him, and she spoke,"Vaguely familiar. He wears many faces and just as many names. I've heard plenty through information brokers here. That and shaking down his subordinates here who regularly break the law." In exchange for information from these people, she wouldn't turn them in.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the bar. From what Diego noted, it was definitely not the standard bar here. This was a bit larger and a fair bit more ornate, at least for one in the Undercity. Furthermore, the fact that they were still in one of the lesser populated areas down under certainly stood out. Going inside, Diego felt like it was a step in the past. It was filled with antiquated furniture and outdated equipment and machines that still functioned properly though proper maintainance no doubt. Diego had to admit, it did possess something of a retro charm to it.

From what Diego gathered, it probably belonged to a mid-level crime boss of the area before the Plague hit. There was a soft jazzy tune being played on the keybed while there were some gambling or drinking. "Anyone here we can start with?" Diego asked Amara as he looked around the area. It did look and feel a bit old, but it was certainly still quite nice.
The bar was a pretty place, at least pretty by Undercity standards. Going into it was like stepping into her grandparents and great grandparents younger days. Amara liked it here solely for the old time feel. Liquor here was decent but for booze this wouldn't be her first choice. She scanned around, and she saw her favorite source of information. A little old man. She subtly pointed him out, and spoke,"He knows everything. Sees everything. Hears everything."
Diego turned to see Amara subtly nod her head in a direction where a short elderly man was sitting. He was certainly inconspicious and merely minding his own business being there by himself. Of course, hearing how Amara mentioned him, that seems to be the point.

"All right, let's go talk to him," Diego said as he went over to the gentleman, sitting beside him. "Good evening, sir," he said to the man casually. "My compatriot and I have some questions we're hoping you can answer," he said as he remained pretty calm and made sure Amara was gonna help in case he tries to escape.
The little old man didn't look up. Even in old age with diminished hearing, he knew the sound of Amara's steps as she sat down next to him on his right. Her male companion had sat down to his left. Amara was quietly speaking to him, explaining what they needed from him, explaining to him what they already knew and the like. He quietly replied,"100,000 credits. My oldest great grand daughter's next payment for college tuition for her last semester is coming up, and that is the amount." Amara smiled, the old man rarely kept the money for himself. He instead chose to help his very large family instead. After all, he had a sizeable fortune all of his own, and really didn't need the money. Interest rates at the banks here took care of it all.

She rummaged around on her sides, not going for the payment that Diego had given her, but instead pulling out random bits of a very rare and highly expensive metal. Electrum. She pushed the chunks towards the old man, and she spoke,"Electrum goes for 2,500,000 credits a pound. That should be a pound right there." The old man had raised eyebrows, and she spoke,"That should cover tuition and birthdays for the rest of your great grand children. Education is important. Tell them to not squander their good fortune." The old man looked very happy, but Amara was always like this. She always believed in the value of a good education, be it in a classroom or out in the field. The old man began to speak telling them all that he knew. His last words were,"The spaceport is where he shall be next."
Diego kept quiet as he saw Amara coming over to talk to the old man. He instead focused on listening. It was one of the virtues of the Jedi. To listen and it was tricky for him because he was a socially-awkward chatterbox at times, yet the force helped him remain calm. Still his mind like a tranquil body of water. And he took everything in. About how the old man spent money on ensuring a quality education for his descendants and with a faint tone of warmth.

He saw how Amara paid the old man for his nformation. It was Electrum. He only seen it as decorations; a symbol of master Force users shown in their lightsabers. He wondered how she managed to get such a fine metal, yet how her words gave Diego a sense of comfort. She was a good person; the Force guided him to a trustworthy individual it would seem. He took notes with an old-fasioned sheet of paper and pencil regarding everything the old man said with important information and so on.

He put the notepad away whene they were finished. "Have a pleasant day with you, sir. May the fates smile upon on you," Diego told the old man with a kindly smile before he begam heading to the spaceport listed alongside Amara.

"I have a feeling this goes beyond simply suspected theft and so on. Something about this seems off..." Diego noted in thought.
She was smiling as they finished their talk with the old man. She spoke as she walked with Diego,"Indeed. This seems too straightforward, this seems far too easy. But once we get to the spaceport, I do not doubt that everything will become much clearer."
The Jedi and the Mandalorian continued their trek from the bar while heading over the Space Port. "Hopefully, though admittingly, I fear not. Recently, there has been some sort of increase of tensions in the Republic. It may even begin affecting the Outer Rims, which seems to foreshadow the severity of it all," Diego confided over to the bounty huntress while walking over to the space port. It was a quiet time and there weren't many people on the streets right now.

"Even the Jedi have been concerned ever since these 'Clone Wars' have begun. I fear the Sith may be attempting to return," Diego added as he saw the space port was in the horizon; they would be there soonish.
She listened carefully to his words, and she spoke quietly,"How can you Jedi not feel the return of the Dark Side, especially when you are on the field of battle? Rumors are rife that a Sith Lord is the leader of the Separatists. What do these rumors say his name is? Darth Tyranus, or as he is more commonly known, Count Dooku?" One heard a great many things when you were a bounty hunter. They saw things and heard things. They were just as valuable sources of information as were information brokers. She had heard and learned so much in the short time since the Clone Wars had broken out.
"Most sense it, but that doesn't mean they know where it's coming from. Furthermore, there's always a bigger fish. A bigger plot. I'm just wondering if the Rule of Two is still being used," Diego said before he raised an eyebrow. "It's surprising you know that much. Most people, especially in the Outer Rim don't care much for the Force in terms of Jedi or the Sith. I didn't think the Mandalorians would too considering the long past of conflicts between them and the Jedi," Diego confessed as they kept walking toward the space port.

"I've been feeling the return, but the details are hard to tell. Something is going on, but the how and where is hard to figure out," Diego agreed with her.
"I went to a highly prestigious school for the very academically gifted. It's good to know how to shoot and all, but to know how such weaponry works makes you a far superior fighter than the rest. The teachers covered everything possible since highly academically gifted can learn and retain things at a much faster rate than the rest, allowing many more topics to be covered in a semester." she replied. She continued,"Besides, when you're a bounty hunter, you hear things. When you're out and about, there's always news to listen to." Her parents had realized that she was a gifted one when she was a baby, noticing how she was able to do things that other infants her age just couldn't. She spoke even more,"That in of itself is the nature of the Dark Side, no? Doesn't it cloud the vision of you Jedi?"
Diego wondered how she managed to go to a prestifious academy despite the shady reputation that the Mandalorians had. He figured that her clan used a cover in order to register her over. He did find it nice that they went through the extra trouble in order to ensure their daughter would have the best education they could. However, she then asked him things in regards to the nature of the Dark Side of the Force.

"Yeah, but I meant even in the mundane sense, there is a bigger situation go on. The last few cases I had, I realized there was a larger connection, but I wasn't sure what it was leading up to, though I have been searching into the deeper and older Jedi lore," Diego elaborated before he saw they were at the spaceport, or at least on the outskirts.

"See him yet?" he asked her as he tried to look around.
"I think you should do more than just search Jedi lore. Ask other cultures that keep libraries if you can check theirs. You might have a better chance of finding an answer if you go off the beaten path, as the phrase goes." She replied. An answer especially when the Jedi and Sith were involved, the Force most of all, was not always obvious. One had to dig deep to find answers. When he asked her if she saw their target yet, she concentrated, feeling out in the Force. After a moment, she spoke,"He's definitely here. Further in. I can feel him."
"Yeah, though it has been getting a bit more difficult accessing libraries. Especially with the growing tensions and that... well... I'm a dork," Diego explained to her while blushing a bit on how forward he was in regards to how he was as a person. However, he did find her intelligece and wisdom was very refreshing to say the least.

"Wait, how can you feel him?" Diego asked her before he took a breath and also focused. With his own connection to the Force and experience, better than Amara's, he was able to see where the guy was, or rather detect his presence. "I see him," Diego said before as he began going faster to apprehand the man.

He looked pretty normal for the most part though he was clutching a slightly strange looking package and approaching a strange ship.
She sternly spoke as they walked,"We need more dorks and nerds in the galaxy to design better weapons and defense systems. Never knock yourself for having great intellect." She smirked under her helmet, and she spoke,"I'm a hunter. I always know to a degree where my prey is." She went faster alongside him. If she was fast in armor, she was the wind without armor.
"I was referring more to my personality. I was always kinda eccentric, even amongst the Jedi," Diego confessed to her with a bit of an awkward smile when she responded to what he stated in regards to that. "Though most scientists would prefer not designing military-based things. It's namely they have to in order to get the research funds and manpower for any other projects and so on," he elaborated in thought before he saw Amara go and pick up the pace.

The guy clutched the shipment and looked to the starship coming, yet he remained calm. This put Diego a bit at unease. "Something's up. You see anything?" Diego asked her as they were coming close to the man.
"The so called freaks of society keeps things interesting. Never apologize for that." she replied swiftly, not liking what she saw one bit, or rather, the lack of what she saw. She switched on the heat seeking HUD in her helmet, and she spoke,"His package in his arms is lumpy and warm. Do you know the name of this precious metal he may be trying to smuggle off so I can fine tune the scanners in my helmet?"
Diego wasn't sure how to respond to Amara's compliment, but it did make him feel a bit better about himself. He smiled back at his armored companion. It felt kinda nice having that sort of support. He valued his intelligence, it was his best attribute along with his heart. After all, he was pretty average in looks, not being that well-built nor handsome. Least he thought so anyway.

"No... in fact, I'm thinking it could be multiple bits of metal," Diego mentioned to her quietly. The older man kept facing at them with a rather calm if not slightly nervous look. He looked around before his eye twitched weirdly. He then sighed before throwing the suitcase filled with special metals before facing the two and smiling at them.

"Jedi... Mandalorian... My master granted me treasures far beyond your udnerstanding. I will give you no hint but one... the infinite will be reborn," he said before he hit his chest. A loud beeping was heard.

"Take cover!" Diego said as he pulled her out of the way before a large explosion was heard which sent the place into a frenzy.
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