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Shantae and the Pharaoh's Legacy (StarMech & Dake21)


Jun 5, 2016
Santiago, Chile
Sequin Land...

A vast kingdom of strong sun and endless waters. A land filled with many places, towns, forests and mountains, as well as countless islands around it; All filled with dangers, treasure and adventure....and danger. Did I say danger?

But not everything is creepin' creatures, voracious beasts and plunderin' pirates. Many places are filled with helping hands. Towns and cities of commerce and mingling. And most important of all. Sequin Land is a kingdom born and once protected by Magic...

In times of yore, powerful and beautiful deities protected the entire world from evil; These were the Guardian Genies. While now long gone, that doesn't mean the land has stopped from being a very magical place

But here I am continuing to ramble on. As today's story, (one that I'm not sure some kiddies are old enough to hear,) involves legends and magic not only from Sequin Land itself, but from the lands beyond...

Our story begins at a particular porttown know as Scuttle Town. A town that have seen its fair share of crazy shenanigans across the years, bit remains still standing in the end no matter what.

Currently, the dark shade of the night sky enveloped the whole town. From the streets downtown to the outer rim filled with its ports and markets, to the cozy lighthouse that stands around its sea-filled outskirts on its own small patch of land.

Under the bright full moon, a night as calm and serene as this worked wonders to cover any individual with less-than-moral occupations. And just happens that on this night, a particular young and handsome man was currently taking advantage of the night...
Ein was that man of the night as he was hiding within the shadows to cover up himself. Right now, he was on one of his regular outings he usually do everyday and that is simple to steal from the rich on what he needs and what he needs is....Food. Yep, food over money. Come-on, while he could steal the man for all his worth, he didn't want the law breathing down on his neck that much. Taking food is much simpler for him and simpler for them since they can always buy their own food again since they are loaded. The young man wears a dirty arabian-styled cap and a long collared scarf of dusty cloth which showed its age. He also wore a blue vest with no shirt underneath, showing his lean and toned body and the old bandages covering around certain areas of his torso, alongside dirty white pants and brown boots; said bandages also covered parts of his arms while iron plates hide underneath the vest, protecting his shoulder.

Ein was slowly stalking one of the rich citizens of Scuttle Town and that "rich citizen" actually turns out of be none other than the mayor of Scuttle Town, Mayor Scuttlebutt. The heavy set man was enjoying his assortment of candy chocolates he got from the store recently while walking back to where his home is. Though, little of what the mayor realize is that he was about to be the latest victim of Ein's stealing spree record as the young man continue to stalk the portly mayor from the shadows still.
The rather-large mayor made his way across the faintly lit streets of Scuttle Town. Overjoyed at his bag full of delicious sweets. "Oh, so many chocolate confections. That slightly-above-average tax raise was sure worth it!" He commented to himself.

His big mistake was cutting through a dark alley. The cowardly mayor shook like a big jelly, but kept moving forward. Ripe for the picking for his thieving pursuer.

However, unknowing to Ein, he himself was also being stalked from the shadows. A pair of yellow eyes kept track of his movements. A small, non-human figure...

A lonely Tinkerbat, continued to watch him, perhaps ready to inform his boss of the current events...
Ein was dive into the shadows of the dark alley that the mayor went into and began to slowly tracked him down within the alley. The Mayor would be none the wiser, but he would hear occasional noises back and forth while he continue walking deep in the dark alleys to head home.

"Hmmm....W-Was it a good idea to come through here? I know it is the fastest root to home, but-..." He said before hearing an loud thud coming from behind him that spook him hard. "W-W-WHO'S THERE?!" He shouted while holding his consorts of chocolate like his life depends on it. "I warn you who ever is out there! I am the mayor of this t-town, so don't t-try anything funny or e-else!" He said while having an nervous tone in his voice while see that an trash can fallen over onto the ground. He began to shake in fear thinking someone was indeed following him, however he soon hear an 'meow' noise and see and black cat coming from behind the trash can. "Oh...It was just an cat....Thank goodness..." Mayor Scuttlebutt said as he sighed in relief of the situation before turning around back to his path, but he didn't realize that the trash can spilled some debris and waste out of it.

Because of that, some of the waste came nearby to his position to which once he turns to make the first footstep to head home, he would accidentally stepped on an empty can and slipped right on his "scuttle" butt of his. "Ahh! OOF!" He shouted before falling down onto the ground while dropping his bag of consorts chocolate as well. "Auugghh....My poor bottom..." He said groaning in pain as he try to recompose his senses. Though in this very moment, he wouldn't realize that an "certain" thief have already made his move as while the cat was nearby in the alley, it wasn't the one who drop the trash can as it was none other than then Ein who pushed it down and make it seems it was the cat's fault. Not only that, he also planned on the debris and waste to been able to slipped up the mayor as it fallen near his feet which did happened.

Now for his next step, he would take an dirty bag from within the fallen trash bag and began filling it up with other debris and waste while making sure to do it quietly while the mayor didn't expect a thing while he was still regaining his composure. Once he got the right amount of things, he would then go quietly near him and his bag full of consort of chocolates. He then made an fast switch with the bag full of small debris with his chocolate and slowly began to make his leave with the Mayor's belongings.

"Auugh-...Oh! My chocolate! Where are they?!" He said as he tries to feel for them before soon feeling an bag with similar texture to his original one. "Ah! Here it is!" Mayor said as he sighed in relief before getting up and began brushing himself off as he started to make his way home again. Though, he would noticed something felt a bit "off" with his bag as for some reason it feels like it was a bit heavier than usual. While he didn't finished all of his chocolate and know that there are still some inside, they shouldn't have still felt like that. Plus, he started to get an awful smell that continues to linger on him as he kept on walking. Despite being near an trash can, he shouldn't have stank that badly from it. "Ahh...What an funky smell...I need some chocolate to help give me another smell to enjoy..." He said as he began feeling into the bag for them.

However, went he come in contact with someone, it felt oddly squishy and wet-like to raise his eyebrows. "Huh?...Did the chocolates melt already...What?..." He said as he continues to ponder into his bag more before pulling something out with his hands. It be then once he felt out of the dark alley from the other side and once he brought what he have in moonlight, it soon revealed what he been touching all this time was not chocolate, but dirty diaper instead and also explains where the awful smell was coming from. "Wait...This is....DOOOODY!!!!!" He shouted to the heavens as he realize this wasn't his bag full of chocolate at all to his great dismay and disgust

Meanwhile, the street thief, Ein would be happily walking down the opposite side of town with his new consort of chocolates he was prepare to eat and also saved for awhile as his food rations. "All in an days work...Heheh..." He chuckled to himself as he heard the mayor screaming from an distance and realize he knows now that his bag was a fake one.
With the Mayor duped and the sugary prize now in his clutches. Ein had the path free to return wherever corner of the town he called home.

That is until he was confronted by a pair of yellow eyes staring at him directly from the shadows. The Tinkerbat did not waste much time in increasing its mysterious aura and just walked plain in the open, continuing to stare immobile, silent as all his fellow kind were...

Then another set of eyes popped out, and another and another and another. Ein unfortunately was caught in the middle of an alleyway of his own when the Tinkerbats made their appearance, having been duped in a similar strategy than his previous act. Despite being mute, they sure have a sense of irony, he probably thought...

What followed were awkward moments of pure silence. It felt like forever, them just staring at the thief and him unable to read them.

Finally, the mooks made their move, leaping upon Ein and engaging into a cartoonishly-proportioned dustcloud of a battle. Smacks, crash and other oddly-specific sound effects emerged from the crazy fight. However, it seemed even these low-tier baddies had tricks up their non-existant sleeves. A secret Tinkerbat then popped out of the garbage, this one carrying some kind of obsidian-colored orb. While the thief was busy fighting the other set of Tinkerbats, this one took its distance then threw the cloud right upon the dustcloud. Its fellow brethren seemly unaffected when the orb exploded into a new cloud of sleeping gas. Unfortunately, Ein wasn't as lucky...

That's when everything went dark......


The sounds of small waves smacking upon wood brought Ein back to reality. He found himself in some sort of chamber or dungeon. A mixture of wood and steel acting as walls with nothing but a locked door and the chains that were currently binding him.

By the way the whole room swayed back and forth alerted him quickly that he was no longer in terra firma, but rather the ocean.

Where could he be? Who had him prisione--oh like you didn't know already!

The door of the chamber opened as a trio of Tinkerbats walked in and moved to the sides. That's when a much taller figure entered the scene. A curvaceous, busty female of blue but smooth skin showed herself to the dim lighting of the chamber. A bit of her purple hair could visible slightly, just a tad from her huge pirate hat. She wore a purple top and a pants set which left very little to the imagination and left her shoulders and midrift entirely exposed, as well as her clothing being adorned by the head and jaw of an old skull, acting a top and bottom respectively too.

That outfit, that pose, that cunning and scheming look in her face. There was no doubt about it (if the blue skin didn't give it away) this was none other than the famous..or rather, infamous evil pirate, Risky Boots

"Well well..." she said with a sly smile, "What did my men bring to me tonight? A fleeing street rat, am I right?"
Ein was struggling out of his bindings to try to escape, but to no avail as he couldn't muscle his way out of it which should have been obvious, but again he wasn't the type to go out without a fight as shown early with the Tinkerbats having trouble to subdue him physically until they used something "magical" to knock him out unconscious. "How did I wrap my self in these messes?...No pun intended and I probably know...." He said sighing to himself before hearing footsteps and then the door opening to which he lifts up his head to see the same beings that jumped him early. "Who are you guys?! Why the hell you jumped me?! I don't recall even stealing from you guys from what I know." He said glaring at them while another figure began to make itself know as it came along with the 3 Tinkerbats.

The being wasn't like the other 3 as this one was more human or humanish if he has to say. He can tell it was an woman with light blueish skin toned while wearing an somewhat skimpy pirate-related outfit. This visual description click in his head as he feels like he seen or heard someone looking like this before. It also helped on how the woman spoke pirate-like to him as well. "Hmmm...Wait...Those reddish eyes, the purple hair, That blueish skin color, that skimpy pirate outfit, and that cheesy pirate accent..." He said while taking an shot at her at her accent. "Your Risky Boots, aren't you?!" He said raising his eyebrow at her.

"That I am and for your information..." She said walking towards him in almost sultry manner as if trying to arouse him, but would take out her scimitar and point it towards his face. "My voice isn't cheesy. Got it?!" She said threatening him while smirking.

"Whatever....So why does the self-proclaimed "Queen of the Seven Seas" want with me?" He said while continue to mock her a bit as there really wasn't much fear in his eyes even as she have her sword right in his face which if she wanted to, could chopped his head off, but she knew she has an purpose for him to is why he was still alive. "I know I never stole from you or from your...."Henchmen"...." He said looking at the Tinkerbats as he always find them odd beings that don't talk much at all from what he has heard. "So what is this all about really?" He said staring at her while she put away her sword and prepare to speak to him.
"You're correct on that..." Replied the wicked pirate. Simply opting for jamming her blade between a set of planks, keeping it completely standing.

"Unless crossed, I'd probably wouldn't waste my time in some insignificant street rat in this stupid town. However..."

Leaning down, Risky's gaze met up at his; their positioning and him chained to the floor making her bend slightly. The young man, still mortal, would probably be unable to fully resist peeking down, even if just for a second, to take a glance at the huge and round mounts that were currently so close to him. A perfect view of the Pirate's cleavage.

"A little birdie told me you managed to get your hands in a particular little trinket. One that, in fact, used to belong to me..."

He could see her hand reaching for his pants, making his body shiver in anticipation. However that soon stopped when she took what she was looking for and did nothing else. She know stood fully upwards again while holding a lamp of gold, one that Ein knew very well.

"Fancy little thing. Last time I heard, this lamp was lost deep within the ocean." Said Risky. Her sultry expression quickly shifting into a serious and angry one; However, she remained calm with just made things even more eerie. "so tell me. How come some cockroach such as just managed to snap it from the water, hm?"
"Hey that is mine! I stole that fair and square!" He shouted a bit and try to struggled within his chained-up seating. "Also that is suppose to be yours?....I am no expert on storaging, but I don't think you should put your stuff deep in underwater for someone to fish it out, you know?" He said staring at her with an smirk, but she was slowly getting annoyed by his attitude and knew she wanted him to spill the beans fast. "Alright, Alright....Relax your, Highness...I'll come clean. While I do have that on my person, I wasn't the one who fished it out from sea. As I said before, I stole it and the person I stole it from was an fisherman out at sea before he came into the harbor of Scuttle Town." He said explaining things out to Risky. "My reason why I stole it, was because I thought it was something else and also....I don't know....It "interest" me somehow." He said as he shrugged his shoulders as much as he could while still being held down by chains.

"Is that lamp really that important to you? Couldn't you buy another one as while your are an pirate, I know you have some treasure or money on you to be able to buy something more "interesting" or so." He said trying to convince her on letting the lamp go to him while being disinterest in it.
Ein's teasing only made Risky more upset. She was not one to enjoy mockery or ridicule, specially from some no-note thief currently in chain.

She would have right then picked up her scimitar with violent intentions, when the young man explained how he stole lamp from some nobody who happened to have fished it by mere chance. Her eyes then shifted to the artefact in question, as particular detail picked her interest. Around the round shape of the lap were now a series of strange symbols, carved upon the material of it was made.

Risky had hold on to this item before, she knew very well, and she was entirely sure these were not there before. Regardless the carving looked as old as the lamp itself; So there was no chance these were simply made recently by the thief nor the fisherman.

That's when the Pirate Queen started to wonder. To scheme. She had seen a multitude of wonders throughout her life at sea. So she was well aware when a magical opportunity rang at her doorbell. Just like the lamp itself, perhaps there was more to this lad that she originally thought...

"I'll have you know. This is not ordinary lamp." Risky finally responded to him. "What you think as just another treasure in my pile of riches, used to be a powerful weapon."

She leaned forward again towards him, having picked up quick that whenever she did that, Ein's gaze kept fixated on her. Through her years as a pirate, she had learned quite well in the ways to sway minds to her whim.

"This precious lamp is capable of absorbing light and dark magic of even the strongest of beings. Even a Genie, back when they were around." Risky toyed with the Lamp by spinning it around, her index finger inside the ring-like handle. As she did, she moved her body just a bit, enough to make her ample bossom bounce slightly through her skull-shaped top. A conniving smirk forming upon her lips.

"I once used it to gain the upper hand on a...recurrent annoyance of mine." She paused for a second after, her mind calling back upon the image of a particular purple-haired pest that had foiled her plans time and time again. "But in the end, it wasn't enough to really keep said annoyance quiet for long. However, it did have some use...the key to finally getting rid of my insufferable old master once and for all."

That's when he smile became more prominent, more evil. "I assumed it had been lost forever. But now, why should I think right away this precious little thing have outlived its usefulness, hm?~"

Her voice gained an air of sultriness, an excitement brought by the thought of causing chaos and mayhem. She could tell Ein's eyes were still on her, and not her face; But she did not mind. She had his attention, after all. And she could perhaps get something out of it..."

"Now that I have the lamp...I could feed you to the sharks right here and now." She reminded him, showing who had the upper hand currently. "However, I feel...generous. So I'm willing to give you an opportunity. A job, if you will..."

The nefarious pirate beauty took a pause before continuing, "I'm sure it won't take long before that fisherman you blabbered about starts going around spreading the news about his lost catch. Soon enough it will alert the town's Guardian Genie. You may have heard of her..."

"I want you to confront her, as she will be looking for you. That's when you will use that Lamp and get rid of her for good!"

Her fingers reached Ein's face, holding him by the chin as she forced his view to focus on her face for this moment. "Do it and I shall spare your life...and who knows. Maybe you will get a even better reward, if you're a good boy~"

That last bit of dialogue was given in a much seductive tone, one that made Ein's whole body to shiver. She leaned more, making her glorious cleavage to be in his line of sight.
Ein listened onto what the Pirate "Queen" was saying to him about how special the lamp truly is. At first, he didn't believe her, but he soon remember something on what happened to him when he stole the lamp from the fisherman unexpected. When he stole it, he felt an strange "sensation" while holding it while examining it. He decided to look away from the lamp for a moment to see if something was on him or not. Though, when it was time for him to look back onto the lamp, he would soon find inscriptions carved into the lamp. He found it to be weird, but thought he didn't check "thoroughly" enough before turning away to check on his person. Though now hearing it from someone who seemingly previously held it being new onto the object too despite having with her for an long while, the lamp might be more than meets the eye as he thinks about it.

However, his thoughts were getting clouded as the Pirate Empress started to get closer to his being and get an closer look of her "womanly features". This cause Ein to feel "uncomfortable" and try to look away, but it was hopeless since he was chained up and locked in place, so he couldn't move away even if he wanted to. He try his best to not look directly at her much while paying attention to her. It worked for a bit before she eventuality move her hand to his face and made him look at her face to face while also getting an load of her large cleavage from her chest in the process as she explained her desire of getting rid of her archenemy with the lamp that they have. She promised to "reward" him handsomely if he does so properly which had him blushing somewhat on what she meant by that.

"Uhhh....I-I....Uhhh....." He said looking at her breasts as she purposely shove them close to his face to "allure" him to her deal. However, he will soon shake his head out of her hand's grasp and to snap himself out on what he is seeing too. "Y-Yeah right! I am suppose to believe your word on that?!" He said staring at her while his blush went away. "While I might be an thief, I know well enough not to rely on others especially if they are villains like you. I heard from the streets on how "good" you are with your "alliances" and "deals"." He said pointing things out about Risky. "I am not stupid enough to agree to your proposal. Even if you do plan to kill me for not replying back, aren't you simply going to kill me even if I agree and do the deed for you or locked me up on your ship or something?" He said looking straight up at her as he didn't want to trust her by her words alone or how her body is like.

"Also why you think I'll be able to get it done with that same lamp if it wasn't able to be good enough to affect your "enemy" like last time? Why would things be different with me at the helm?" He said thinking about it as he needed to know what exactly is she thinking in that "piratey" mind of hers.
"Call it a hunch." Risky responded, her body still close to him as she glanced at the strange encryptions in the lamp, then back to him.

"But I am giving you this one chance. It'd be a waste to decline it, specially given how you're in no position to negotiate..."

That's when Ein felt something upon him. Risky's hand landed on the young thief's leg, slowly moving its way up his thigh. The movement was slow and enticing, rising the temperature.

"But if you still don't trust me. Perhaps I should give you a taste of your reward in advance..."

Her hand reached his crotch area, then groped softly upon it. She could feel the bulge that now formed in his pants. big and hardened after being unable to avoid her feminine charms.

"I have my way to make people comply to my every whim. You only need to know what are the right buttons to push~"

Her hand started to caresses said bulge, making the thief shiver in anticipation. Her other hand reached for her top. Tentatively tugging down upon it to reveal even more skin of her ample bossom.
Ein was about to protest more about what she was saying until he felt her pressing her slender fingers and smooth hand onto his lap of his pants and began slowly dragging them near his hip area. "W-W-Wait! W-What are you up to?!" He said as he nervously shiver somewhat at what she was doing while feeling an "odd" sensation coming from her doing this. He heard her telling her minions to leave the room right away as she wish to be left alone on "interrogating" the young man further. The Tinkerbats did what they were told without hesitation and left the room and closed the door behind them, thus leaving just street thief and the Pirate Queen all alone together.

Once Risky see them fully gone, she would then proceed further with her actions as she continue to drag her hand along his lap until finally reaching his hip area. Though, she wasn't aiming for his hips only, but mostly aiming what was between his legs as she groped his crotch region with her bare hand to the shock of the young thief as well blush too. "W-W-WHAT?! H-Hey! What are earth are you-....Ahh!" He said as he felt her gripping between his legs a bit firmer and harder just to stop his whining for a bit and also to tease him as well. The Pirate Empress could feel something moving and growing inside his pants and knew he was slowly getting arouse by her actions. Ein then fully realized this was the "reward" she was telling him about as she said it to him.

"M-M-My r-reward?!...Ahh?!..." He said as he try to keep his groans down, but since couldn't move his body much with the chains and her holding onto his manhood, it was quite hard for him to resist what she was doing to him right now. Even more, when she started to pull down her skull-design, bikini-like top to reveal her big busom for his eyes to see and boy they were an sight for sore eyes as he was almost hypnotize to how big her breasts were. "W-WoW..." He said as he continue staring at them with an blush on his face while feeling his manhood within his pants continue to grow more against the pirate woman's grasp.
Risky's caresses continued as a devious grin formed fully upon her mug. Her fingers danced across the fabric of his pants, leaving his hardened bulge for a moment, until reaching upon the flimsy belt and suspended them.

With quick dexterity she unbuckled Ein in a couple of moves, the remaining pair of buttons and even easier task only needing one hand. Her other returned to attend her top, finally pulling it down enough for her breasts to bounce freely. Her custom-designed top was made for her to not necessitate a bra underneath; As such, Ein now had a front row seat to Risky's bare chest in its full round an voluptuous glory.

The Pirate Queen chuckled softly as she saw the embarrassed yet lost expression on the young thief's face. "It's only natural to be at a loss of words. With a beauty such as mine~" She spoke just as the last button was off and her hand fully sank into his lower garments, fishing out the rod hidden inside.

As she pulled it out in the open, even she was caught unexpected for a mere couple of seconds. Risky dd not expect this boy to be so big, even in a state not-fully-erect, he was definitely on the endowed side. However, she could not just say that outloud; she had to keep her control.

As such, she simply smiled, her hand still wrapped around the shaft. "I can see you're practically begging for it. You're lucky I feel generous tonight~"

She slowly started to stroke it. Nt fast, but strong strokes, that really send waves of pleasure through Ein's body. Her other hand gently groped her own breast to entice the boy even more. Her devious grin still there, showing how enjoiyable it was for her to dominate her captive...

"How does it feel, hm?" Risky asked as her stroking begun to catch a faster pace.
Ein still couldn't believe was what happening to him right now. Of all the ways he thought could happen in an situation like this, he surely thought he would have been beaten physically, verbally abuse, or any type of way of being mess up in an harsh manner. Instead, here he was being fondle and "intimate" with none other than Risky Boots, the one feared for her crimes, agenda, and attitude and was about to please what he has between his legs as she slowly began undoing and removing his pants to see what he was hiding underneath. "W-Wait! T-There something you should know before you do this!" He said while having one of the brightest brushes anyone ever seen as he saw the Pirate Woman slowly pulling down his pants to get to the "main part" she wants.

Once Risky successfully undid his pants and pull them down far enough to his ankles, she would then view his underwear he wore and the bulge it was producing in front of her. She wasted no time in moving her hand underneath his underwear to fish out what been hiding underneath his lower body and once she got a hold of her "treasure" she would then pulled it out of his underwear for Ein and her to see. Though, she will get an surprise of her life as the "little thief" was much bigger than she realize. She sees his huge rod for what it is as it continue to grow longer and harder in front of her. He wasn't fully erected yet, but she could see that once he does, he is quite an "huge thief". Probably might be one of the biggest man she have ever have the "pleasure" of seeing.

Ein just continue blushing as she eyed his growing rod while complimenting on the situation at hand between them before going to stroke his growing rod. "Ahh!...Mmm!...R-Risky..." He said groaning on feeling her tightening her grip on his hard, not to an painful way, but in an more so teasing and pleasing style. The Pirate Queen could feel the young man's girth throbbing ever so slowly while increasing slightly in speed as she stroke his rod up and down to give pleasure to him and to get him fully erect. The pirate woman asked the young thief on how he was feeling as she continue to please and entice him with her stroking and body. "Ahhh...It f-feels....Auhh..." He said as he couldn't properly speak on how he felt as this was the first time he was being "intimate" with an woman in all his life so far.
Risky continued her actions. Her eyes widening in actual surprise when Ein's dick became more erect. She had never seen someone this big before. The pirate was indeed caught in surprise, but she quickly tried to hide it.

She had to show she was in full control. Despite it all, there was no harm in have some fun with this opportunity, right?

The pirate woman leaned her face near the boy's rod as she grinned deviously. With her tongue she the started to slowly savour up the shaft, then treating the head with lick after lick. Her hand unconsciously reacher her bare breast and squeezed it slightly, causing her body to shiver.

She knew she shouldn't but she had to admit she also had needs too. Risky, after all, all business most of the time. But being alone at sea with just her Tinkerbats did increased some of said needs (regardless if she had to use said Tinkerbats for...personal use, as well.)

"Mmm.." Risky teasingly gave a soft and short suck to the tip of his penis. Her slow actions being both infuriating and oh so desirable...
Ein was trying to compose himself while Risky was pleasing him. He didn't want to seem he was that weak to succumb to her "sensual" desires and can't be convince that easy either. 'Ahhh...I-I can't give in so easily....I-I need to r-resist....Ahhh....' He said within his mind while the Pirate Queen continue stroking his semi-hard rod. Though despite his resistance, his body was slowly betraying him as his cock continue to grow and grow until eventuality it was at it's fully-erected size for Risky to see. The female pirate can see him for all his worth and that his rod was the biggest she come across so far out of others she have seen. At that point, she knew she was truly going to have an "fun" time convincing him in joining her and it wouldn't been an waste of time for her.

To prove that she began slowly moving her head towards his big rod while kneeling down on the floorboards as she get prepare on what she is about to do next. "Mmmm....H-Huh?...W-What are you going to d-do?...." He said while trying to keep his moans down in his mouth as Risky kept stroking his dick. He was determined on not losing completely in front of her, but sadly he soon will as Risky surprises him by starting to lick his cock with her tongue and precede on giving him more pleasure than before. "Ahh! C-Crap!" He said while accidentally moaning out his words from feeling her licking his thick shaft. His rod began throbbing more frequently from the pleasing sensation of her wet tongue licking around his dick. He can feel his body giving into her while his mind still telling him to fight it off, but that was easier said than done in his position right now.
Risky's teasing licks didn't last long, but managed to make a great impact on how Ein was feeling. But he was still resisting, so she needed to do more to make him to crack.

Not counting he was surprisingly good, so part of her did want to enjoy herself a bit, as well. As such, she them took the head into her mouth and started to suck. The pleasure just increased across the boy's body as she started to move her head up and down his length, giving a soft moan as she performed a vigorous blowjob. Her hand continued to grope her breast as she did and ehr eyes shifted between being closed and opened to take a devilishly look at him.
Ein let instances of moans and groans escape out of his mouth while feeling Risky really get into pleasing him as she blow his dick more. "Gaah...Mmmm...G-Geez..." He said while feeling the Pirate Empress taking his length in her lewd mouth and precede on bobbing her head back and forth as she moans into his big rod. The pleasure continues getting intense by the second and Ein wonders if he can truly can resist her actions as they were so pleasing to the touch "literally". "Ahhh....D-Damn you, R-Risky....Ahhh..." He said groaning as he felt her slowly taking more of his girth into her mouth some more while using her other free hand to massaging the areas of his cock that wasn't consumed inside of her mouth. The pirate female can feel the young man's cock throbbing frequently within her mouth, showing signs that Ein is truly enjoying himself even if his words sound differently to her.
Risky admitted to herself that he tasted quite good. Having to comfort herself to very rare and random kidnapping and the members of his Tinkerbat crew, she was quite glad that this negotiation involved someone more well endowed; The fact she could tell by his throbbing that said negotiation was working, the idea of her nemesis' defeat just made it all the more sweeter...

The Pirate Queen then released the rod from within her mouth, stopping any action upon it for what it felt like the longest minutes. All with the intention to make Ein desperate, make him body want to continue as its been deprived.

After enough punishment, and with the dick now lubricated by her saliva, she moved her body forward and enveloped the heated member between her soft and endowed mounds. She wasted no time in squeezing them together with her hands then start rubbing them up and down his length. Her breath became a little more heavy since this was causing some pleasure within her body as well, but she kept her cool and her boobjob. "So, how about my proposition now, hm?~" She diabolically teased the boy.
"Ahhh...Mmmm...A-Ahh..." Ein said as he moaned and groaned each passing second on feeling Risky giving him an sweet blowjob on his dick and kept on bobbing around his dick nicely. He also felt her mouth continue to glomped around his big shaft while her insides were coating his rod with her saliva. Ein could feel her working her tongue inside of it as she lick around where she could lick on his dick as well as wrapping around his rod when she can. It also didn't help that he was feeling her stroking the areas that were inside of her mouth to add even more pleasure to him as much as she could. 'Auhhh...C-Crap...I can feel something slowly building up inside....D-Damn it....Ahhh...' He said within his mind as he tries to resist on giving in, but his body continue to show how "truthful" he was to Risky and that he was indeed enjoying it.

Though, Risky soon stopped what she was doing and made an popping sound after removing his dick from her mouth. Both would see that his thick rod was fully coated with her saliva from her mouth as it glistens in the light of the room. Ein panted a bit as he got an moment to relax and rest from the "tortures" pleasure he felt and wonder if she was done with him now, but couldn't shake an feeling inside of him that felt "sadness" on her stopping what she was doing. However it didn't have to worried for long as after few minutes, Risky began putting her next "step" into plan for the young man. 'Huh?....What is she up to now?....' He said within his mind before she began raising her upper body a bit just enough to put her huge mound breasts on his lap while still having her knees on the floor.

Once she did that, she began pressing and pushing his huge cock into being sandwich between her ample breasts while bring her upper body closer to his own some more. Ein was surprised by what she was doing and could have said something, but was cut-off again when Risky began using her hands to pressed her breasts to rub and squeeze against his cock as she get started on her new position between them. "Aghh!...W-What?!..." He said groaning before feeling her staring to give him an pleasing boobjob and once again was feeling the pleasure coming back to him as his cock eagerly began throbbing frequently like it was before inside of her mouth. The Pirate Queen smiled devilishly as seeing the young man squirming again under the pleasure and ask him again on how he felt about their proposal now while she continue pleasuring him.

"A-Ahhh...I-I..Uhhh....S-So....G-Good...." Ein said while he moaned to what he was feeling and felt his cock throbbing a bit crazy of having it being squeezed by Risky's soft, smooth, and squishy breasts as the pirate smirked on what she was hearing and seeing right now.
"Ngh..." Risky groaned softly, even her feeling good from her breasts robbing against such a large member. Her rhythm was steady, as Ein's body becoming warmer and warmer...

The dick was so big, even despite her big breasts massagin him, the tip continued to push real close to her own lips. As such, to speed up the process, Risky engulfed the head of the member into her mouth while the breasts continued to please the shaft.

This went for a short while before she started to speed up greatly. Tired of dealing wth this, she wanted for him to reach his release. Her legs tightly rubbed against eachother as a soft "Mmmm..." Escaped her mouth while both blowing and squeezing her chest against him. The pirate had a hunch that En was not going to last much longer...
Ein began to leak and liquid-like substance from his cock which would be his precum as it began smearing around her Risky's breast the more she continue to rub and bounce her busom around and on his fat rod of his. "Gaah....R-Risky...W-Wait...Ahhh...I-I can f-f-feel something..." Ein said as he began pleading with her on slowing down on what she was doing to him. The pirate female can see the young man's precum and how it was now smearing around her large breasts while she please him. His precum would slowly make her breasts and his cock more lubricant as the substance was quite sticky and slipper to the touch. Seeing how the young man was finally giving in and how lewd the scene was becoming, only made the Pirate Empress on wanting to please him and herself some more.

Risky would began quickening the pace and doing the opposite of what the young man wanted, causing him to groaned and moaned even more. "Gaah!...Ahhh..S-S-Shit!..." Ein said as he could feel even more of his precum coming out from his tip more and continue coating his dick and the pirate's breasts until Risky put the head of his thick rod back into her mouth again. The pirate didn't feel like waiting as much anymore and wanted secretly for him to release as soon as possible and thus she began adding even more pleasure to his thick rod by blowing his dick while squeezing with her chest at the same time. The combination of the two were so pleasing to Ein, that his hips unconsciously began thrusting to feel even more pleasure coming from her wet mouth and squishy chest.

"F-Fuck...Ahhh...R-Risky...Gaah...I won't be able t-to....Hold it at this r-r-rate....Ahhh..." The young thief said as more precum began leaking even more than before inside the pirate woman's mouth and thus she can feel his release cumming sooner than later which only egged her on more on pleasuring even more as she went even harder and faster with her blowjob and boobjob. Thus Ein soon wouldn't be able to hold back what has been building up in his dick and churning around his plump balls. "Augh....D-Damnit...I-I....S-S-So g-g-good....AHHHH!!!" He said before finally losing it and moaning loudly in pleasure as he finally released his climax that been built up for the pirate woman. Risky could feel an huge surge of semen coming out from the tip and gushing into her mouth like an stream of water while Ein continue thrusting as much as he could to get it all out and into her mouth.

Risky did what she needed with his semen as she began sucking and drinking it up, but he would have a lot more semen than she anticipated, so she temporarily "retreated" from his big rod as she remove it from his mouth and was prepared to go back in to drink more of his semen once she drink the one in her mouth. However, Ein's cock wasn't waiting for her as it continue spewing and thus the Pirate Queen would see and feel his sticky, thick, and warm semen coming out of his cock and get some onto her face and her big breasts too. After Ein's rod did that, it would soon stop ejaculating and Ein would began to pant somewhat after the intense pleasure he gotten from her. "Ahh...Ahh...Ahh...WoW...." Ein said as he never thought he could feel pleasure like that ever in his life especially how he grew up to be.

Amazingly though, his huge rod is still fully erected and haven't gone down even slightly for Risky to see. Showing that the young man truly did have stamina to keep going if she did plan on continue this even "further", but as of right now, he is only getting an sample of his "reward" if he succeed that is.
Risky did not anticipated for the massive amount of seed that the boy would shoot. Doing a great work at drinking it all, it eventually became too much and forced her to pull back, only for a few streams of white to hit her in the face.

The pirate queen frowned, as she did not enjoy being degraded like that. She probably would have punched him or worse! However, she still needed his cooperation, so she forced herself to keep the violence at zero. She was impressed at his stamina, tho. Many few managed to stay that hard after she was done with them...

"Hmph." She huffed before getting up and walking towards a nearby box of supplies. A cleaning with a towel later, the blue-skinned woman pulled her top back up to cover herself and then returned to Ein's side. "So, did you have fun?~" She teased before kneeling, this time with a key in hand which she used to open the thief's restrains; Freeing him.

"So we have a deal. You use that lamp of yours in my little problem, and I shall reward you with money and even more of "that"." Said Risky with a grin. she had him in her hands (Or so she thought as the plot would later urnavel)

But that grin then to a frown as she crossed her arms and said. "We are at a port so now go. I need to make my men clean the mess you made. And remember: Don't think you can cross me on your deal. Many have tried, but noone can fool Risky Boots, you hear me?"
Ein would be too busy enjoying deep in thought on how good the pleasure was for him to see how it upset Risky with him cumming on her on the outside. He soon gained back his mindset and composure as he slowly calms down mentality and physically as his cock slowly began to go limp without any pleasure to keep it erected. He was now able to answer fully on Risky's comments to him, but still felt an mixture of his pride being swayed like this despite enjoying what she did to him. "Ahh....I admit....You took me by surprise on to "convince" me....Fine I'll do it...." He said looking away from her to hide his blush of what happened between them moments ago. Once she brought over the key to release him from his restraints, Ein precedes on getting up to pull back his pants and underwear as he fixed himself up after their intimacy with the Pirate Queen.

"We do...I will go capture the Genie for you." He said turning to her. "Though, you better not be pulling my leg on double-crossing me as well once I do this for you..." Ein said looking at her before she told him that they were now at the port to drop him off to begin his mission. "Though, thank you for your hospitality, Pirate Queen. You truly have your "ways" on convincing others." He said complimenting her as Ein wasn't that sarcastic all the time and does give his dues to those he thinks deserve it. He then started to take his leave out of her sight and exiting the room to head outside from the interior of the ship, so to get off on the ports where they anchored at.
Said "Hospitality" Ein mentioned did not show more beyond that, however. Since as soon as he stepped a bit out of the chamber she snapped her fingers. A pack of Tinkerbats picking him up as a group and then tossed him overboard. Luckily he fell on a rather convenient pile of hay near the port; Surprisingly soft given how real-life hay is never like that. That's a fantastic cartoon universe for ya'...

Either way, Pirates be Pirates, Ein'd suppose. Regardless, amazing sex or not, he was now dealing with one of Sequin land's most notorious outlaws. One had to wonder how else his life could go from here and out....


The Next Day...

"Are you sure about it, Uncle?"

"The description given to me fits the bill 1:1. This is certainly not good news..."

In another hot sunny day in Scuttle Town, things weren't so glamorous at the workshop of the local mechanist and inventor Mimic. Sitting upon his comfy chair the old man stroke his long white beard as he discussed thing with his niece and local Guardian Genie of the town, Shantae. Said energetic bellydancer was standing up with arms crossed, walking back and forth while his Uncle explained the situation. The summer breeze swaying her long purple hair slightly.

"There's not doubt about it. that poor man somehow managed to fish out that infernal Magic Lamp again..." Huffed Mimic, "Oh, and here I thought chucking it into the depths of the ocean would have closed things up for good!"

"Do you think it still works?" Asked Shantae as she brought her hand under her chin and tilted her head slightly.

Uncle Mimic was quick to answer. "We can't know for sure. That thing is particularly ancient. Even with my previous research I was never able to find out how exactly it worked or who even made it. Now, when you had it for a while, its powers were able to absorb all that Dark Magic and turn it back into Light and restore your powers, but before that..."

"I know. Risky used it to absorb all my magic to begin with." Responded the girl, although a bit down. Remembering that experience always gave her chills down her spine. "You think it she may have stolen it from that fisherman?"

"I wouldn't cross up the possibility of her trying out some old tricks. However...the lamp was stolen silently in the dead of night. While Risky Boots' plans have always been more..."


"You can say that again." Uncle Mimic sighed. "She enjoys causing panic. This seems way different from her way of operation. Hm, has Sky learned anything new yet?"

"Not yet. She send out Wench to take an overhead view of the town, but so far no sight of it." Explained the beautiful tan-skinned young girl. "I even tried call Rottytops, but she is nowhere to be found."

"What about Bolo?"

"Well he kind of..." Shantae scratched the back of her head awkwardly, " stuck in the Shop's air vents..."

"Again!?" Mimic rose his eyebrow. Shantae simply sighed as a response followed by a nod.

Her expression quickly shifted into a determined one. Bringing her hands to her hips, she exclaimed, "But don't worry, Uncle. We'll find that Lamp and whoever creep that took it. And when we do, he or she is gonna have a personal meeting with the end of my hair!"

The old man chuckled slightly, "Now now. No need to rush things out, dear. We still need to gather more information first. Could be very dangerous; specially for you. Besides...didn't the Mayor had you in another assignment?"

Shantae sighed again before explaining, "Yeah, but it seems pretty dull so far. All i'm doing is searching clue about this Doodie Swiper, as he calls it...he really needs to come up with better names."

After some more talking, Shantae eventually exited the workshop. As the warm sunshine enveloped, she stretched softly and gathered energies for the day. Truly oblivious about the events that would eventually occur within our story....
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