RP: Supergirl: Kiss the Girl (Dairypie x greenandgold)

"It's not a vendetta," Maggie said sharply. "It's about making sure they don't hurt anyone else. I know firsthand what those clowns are capable of, and I'm hoping that a few days in jail will change their perspective on how they treat people." She stopped talking and nodded as Alex walked off, having to leave. Once her girlfriend was gone, the brunette went about filling out paperwork on Billy and his friends, and then spent some time combing through files and reports on the cases of the missing children. The young woman hoped to come up with some new information that might have been overlooked.

The next few hours were spent dealing with issues in the police station, answering calls, manning the front desk, and trying to search files for any new information. But that was kind of difficult, when other officers kept going in and out of the building arresting people, or talking to victims or their families, when the phones rang, or any other number of things. Usually she didn't have a problem with the hustle and bustle of the police department, but for some reason it just wasn't working today. Every little thing was distracting her and she wasn't sure why.
The DEO was how she left it, a mess. Everyone was everywhere and it was just more hectic then a normal day. Everyone was looking into different lead and slowly throughout the course of the day, every single one turned up a dead end. For awhile it began to be questioned if the children were actually even real or if this was a wild goose chase. Whenever Winn would find something new they would try to hunt down the lead hit always came back empty handed. And as the day went, the numbers ticked higher.

It didn't help that Alex was worried about Maggie. They had left things at a weird place and she wanted to check in her but it was all too busy. She didn't even have a chance to breath really let alone call her for a few minutes. As it got closer to the evening. A child reappeared, un harmed in a park. She wouldn't talk or speak to anyone when Kara brought her in. The girl didn't even seem to be from the list of missing children. It made no sense. Alex just needed to sleep and come back to this with fresh eyes. She was gathering her things when she heard Kara.

"Alex! We can't just leave this girl here all alone. I know what J'onn says but she will be so scared in here all alone. Maybe we could stay the night like a sleep over?" Kara tried, Alex frowned. "Or maybe...she can go home with you...?"
Maggie got back to Alex's place after a long day. She soaked in the tub for an hour to get rid of the stress that was in her neck and back. After relaxing in the tub for an hour, she finished her bath and got out, changing into some shorts and a nightshirt. Within a few minutes, the brunette had jogged down the street to the nearest store and picked up some groceries. The young woman got back to the apartment, saved the groceries and took out what she would need to cook dinner for the two of them. After a quick glance at the clock, she figure that Alex wouldn't
be back for another hour at least.

That gave her plenty of time to start cooking her girlfriend's favorite food. She moved around the kitchen easily, smiling as the wonderful smell of the food filled the apartment. They didn't get much chance to cook for each other much, so Maggie had decided that since she was home early for once, that she would cook dinner. The young woman hummed her favorite song softly as she moved around the kitchen and continued to cook. Hopefully this would also make up for how strained things had been between the two of them earlier. She couldn't wait for Alex to get home so they could relax together.
All Alex could think when she finally arrived at her apartment was about how much Kara owed her. Alex braced herself, opening the door. She was greeted by the smells of dinner. Maggie must have gotten home awhile ago. She poked her head around carefully. "Hey Maggie" she sais carefully. "Promise you won't be mad" Alex nervously cluctched the door. "Kara made me do it, she insisted." Alex slowly opened the door the rest of the way to reveil the young girl "This is Jane" she said slowly.

Alex's eyes went intently focused on Maggie prapring for he eother woman to freak out and leave. But it didn't come right away. "She needed a place to stay till we can find out where she is from and who she belongs too. Kara didn't want her staying alone at the DEO and I was the only one with the extra space...so...um..." She shrugged.
Maggie set down the towel she had been wiping her hands with, and walked over to Alex and Jane. The brunette moved to kneel down on her knees in front of the little girl. "Hi Jane, I'm Maggie. I'm a friend of Alex's. You have nothing to be afraid of, okay? We're going to have some dinner. How do you feel about noodles, rolls, and some fruit? And when we're done with dinner, I brought some chocolate ice cream. How does that sound?" She said kindly to the little girl. "Come on, I'll show you where to wash your hands and get ready for dinner, okay?"

A few moments later, she showed the little girl to the bathroom and gave her a few minutes of privacy to wash up. While Jane was in the bathroom, the brunette turned to her girlfriend.
"I'm not angry that you brought Jane here. Though a heads up call might've been nice. We can make it like a sleepover or something," She suggested a few moments later. "The three
of us spread out some pillows and blankets on the floor in the living room, and we watch movies and eat popcorn until we puke, or until we fall asleep. Whichever comes first," She said
and then shrugged.

Maggie reached out and brushed her fingers against Alex's cheek. "There's nothing to worry about. I'd rather have Jane here with us, then alone at the DEO or in danger. So just breathe,
and relax. No one's angry, and there's nothing to be upset or worried about. We're just going to have a nice, quiet girl's night in."
Alex let out a sigh of relief as Maggie took straight to Jane ushering her to the bathroom. The little girl was silent and gave her almost a blank stare the whole time. Alex looked to her girlfriend. "I know, I know I would have called if I knew earlier. Kara cornered me as I was leaving the DEO I just had no choice." Alex shook her head "I just know you had other intentions for tonight I Don't want to let you down."

Alex placed a ahand over Maggie's "Jane doesn't talk much, at all. So I'm not when sure what she likes or needs. The hope is maybe she'll start opening up here soon." Alex replied kissing the palm of her hand lightly, before going to take a seat at the table. "The food smells amazing." She said softly. Jane soon came back into the kitchen, shifting uncomfortably before going to stand by Maggie, just looking up at her with big eyes.
"You're not letting me down. Taking care of Jane and helping her, or trying to help her, is more important than sex." She told her girlfriend. "We have plenty of time to be together later.
But right now, we're just going to focus on trying to help her, or at least make her feel safe and comfortable." She smiled when Alex kissed her hand, then went to sit at the table and complimented the food. "I'm glad you think so. Hopefully Jane will like it too, or I can try and make something else for her to eat. Or at least find something in the cabinets that she likes."

Maggie watched when Jane came out of the bathroom. She examined the girl's hands and then smiled. "Good job, now you're ready for dinner. Come on and join us." The young woman placed a gentle hand on the girl's back and carefully steered her to the table, and helped her to sit down. A short prayer was said, and then she started to point out and explain what all
of the food was, piling a little bit of everything onto Jane's plate for her to try. Not wanting to overwhelm the little girl, and placing the plate and spoon and fork in front of her. She also
got her something to drink and then resumed her seat.

"Jane, if you want to talk to us, Alex and I will listen. But if you're not there yet, that's okay, too. We're not going to push you. We don't want to scare you. We just want you to feel safe with us, and we want to try and track down your family, so that you can be with them again." She said gently, showed the little girl how to use the silverware, and how to drink her drink. Maggie wasn't sure if Jane was an alien child or a human child, and she wasn't sure how much the girl knew about human behavior.
Jane let Maggie steer her to the table. She settled into a chair beside Alex. She looked at the food with a sudden curiosity. She sat up a little before shifting to sit on her knees. She nodded as Maggie explained the food, starring at her plate in a stunned silence when it was places down in front of her. She didn't start to eat until Maggie and Alex both began eating their food. Her gaze trained on Maggie before copying the movements she made. She fumbled with the utensils now and then struggling a little.

Alex leaned over, "Here let me cut these a bit smaller." she said softly, seeing how frustrated the girl was becoming. She made them more manageable pieces. Jane then began eating with more vigor. Alex looked to Maggie and chuckled a little bit. "We had a hard time getting her to eat some lunch, but seems she's responding well to being here. Well to you I suppose. She's just been following Kara and I in silence all afternoon." Alex took some more bites of her own food. They ate in a comfortable silence for awhile. "How was the rest of your day at the station. You can see how mine has been" she said motion to Jane, who was attempting to drink from the cup.
Maggie smiled and set down her fork, to lean closer to Jane and help her with the cup so that the little girl could drink. "My day was pretty hectic. The station was busy and a mess of noise. I mean it usually is, but today I just felt like I couldn't concentrate much. It was like every little thing was enough to distract me. I got a little bit of work done, but only a little. Alex," She said softly, not wanting to startle her girlfriend or Jane. "You know how Kara is a visitor from another place? I was wondering if you could tell me if a friend of mine is also a visitor from another place." The brunette said and made a hidden gesture at Jane.

It wasn't a big deal if the little girl was human or an alien, but it would be nice to know if they had to be worried about being set on fire or some other kind of dangerous thing, if they upset the poor girl. A few moments later, when she was sure that Jane was finished drinking, she showed the little girl how to set her cup down. Turning to child she said, "Jane, can you talk to us? Can you tell us about your family? Do you understand what I'm saying? If we can get some information about your family, maybe we can help you get home.." Maggie said gently trying to encourage the girl to talk to them.
Alex couldn't help but smile a little, watching Maggie help Jane lift the cup. "I hate when I have those kinds of days. It feels like everything you do is just too slow or taking too long. Very frustrating." Alex said going back to eating some of her food. She looked up when Maggie spoke her name. She swallowed and shrugged a little bit. "Your friend's test results came back as inconclusive." she replied shaking her head. "It was the weirdest test result I've ever seen. We hope to try again tomorrow." Alex looked to Jane who had returned to eating when the cup was safely placed on the table.

Jane looked to Maggie when she began speaking again. Her eyes large and wide. She held the spoon and fork tightly in her hands. She shook her head vigorously. She frowned a little looking down, clearly distraught. She pushed the plate away getting down from the table and moved to stand behind Alex. Alex carefully reached out and rubbed her arm. "Hey, Jane, Maggie's just asking because she's a good guy like me and wants to help. i know this is all new and scary but we can help you." she said softly. Jane shook her head and pointed to the ceiling. Alex sighed. "we've gone over this, I don't know what you are trying to tell me when you point like that." Jane stomped her foot.
"Are you talking about the sky?" Maggie asked gently. She could see that Alex was clearly getting frustrated that they couldn't understand Jane. "Are you trying to tell us that your family's in Heaven?" It was a long shot, but those two things were the first that came to mind, when the little girl pointed towards the ceiling. "It's okay, Jane. Talk to us, sweetie. We just want to help you, but we can't help you if we don't understand." Her voice was still soft and gentle, wanting to keep the little girl at ease as they all talked. She held out a hand to the child, inviting her to come back over so that they could talk.

Looking over at Alex, the brunette said, "Maybe the test wasn't inconclusive. Maybe one parent is human and the other's an alien, so she's half human and half alien." She suggested and then shrugged a few moments later. Turning back to the little girl she said, "Jane, how would you like to have some chocolate ice cream now?" The plan was to try and soothe the child, make her feel comfortable with them once more, in the hopes that Jane would start talking to them. The young woman smiled gently at the little girl. "You know, if you talk to us, even just a little, we'll stop asking you so many questions." Maggie said and smiled at her.
Alex was glad to have Maggie there. She had had a hard enough time trying to decipher whatever the little girl was trying to tell them through points and gestures. Whenever you asked her questions, all she would do was point up to the ceiling. Alex would happily try and let Maggie figure out what it all meant, she had spent all afternoon trying her best. Jane looked to Maggie for a long time and shook her head again, bringing her hand back to her side. Jane took Maggie's hand and came back to sit beside her. Alex watching them both, she shrugged at Maggie's suggestion. "I have to look at the results again with fresh eyes, It's a possibility, but there seemed to be too many DNA strands." she said slowly. "We'll figure it out. We always do."

Jane smiled a little at the offer of ice cream and nodded excitedly. Jane's brow furrowed at the request for her to please talk. She pursed her lips, shifting a little bit in her seat. She opened her mouth and close it a few times before finally a simple phrase came out. "Sp--space---ship" she said in garbled words. It was hard to understand, but clear enough Alex got the idea. Her eyes widened a little bit. That's why she kept pointing to the ceiling. She made a mental note to check into that in the morning, maybe there was once again something cloaked above them.
Maggie smiled when Jane finally spoke to them. "Thank you for talking to us," She said softly. "How about we get that ice cream now?" The brunette got up from her chair a few minutes later, and got out some bowls and spoons, filling up three bowls with ice cream. She brought a bowl and spoon and placed the two items on the table in front of Jane. "Let us know if you need help using your spoon. Other than that, dig in." Once the little girl was set up, she put the other two spoons in the other bowls and picked them up. Carrying one set over and handing it to Alex, and then carrying her own over to the table and taking a seat once more.

She brought a spoonful of ice cream to her lips, smiling and making small sounds of enjoyment. The young woman glanced over at Alex, and then returned her attention to Jane, keeping an eye on the little girl in case she needed help again. It was weird, but Maggie found herself enjoying having Jane with them. She had never really considered herself a kid person, but maybe she was one afterall. With a shrug, the brunette went back to eating her ice cream in silence. Making sure to pull some napkins close, incase Jane needed help cleaning up.
Jane was enamored with the ice cream. She couldn't look away from the bowl before her. She started poking at it first before bringing the spoon to her lips and makes a gaps, clearly surprised by how cold it was before digging back in enthusiastically. Alex could only laugh and shake her head, watching the little girl. It was clear soon it was going to be all over her and the table. But Jane was smiling for the first time all day. Alex glanced across from her meeting Maggie's eyes and smiled softly. This was actually much nicer then she expected and Maggie seemed, kind of happy.

As the girl finished, she held up ear hands in disbelief, chocolate smeared over them both. And her face. It was impressive. Alex chuckled helping Maggie start to clean her up. The little girl yawned a little bit when they finally finished cleaning her up. She rubbed her eyes. "You getting tired Jane?" She murmured, "let's get you already for bed okay?" She said. She shifted to pick her up and let her lay on her shoulder.
"That was the cutest thing that I've ever seen," Maggie admitted, laughing softly. "The chocolate everywhere, and she looked so surprised and it was adorable." Once they had finished cleaning Jane up, she stepped out to get the little girl some other clothes, and sent her into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once she came out, the two women had set up some
blankets and pillows on the floor for all of them to camp out with. She excused herself and grabbed some clothes, going to grab a quick bath and change, before returning to them.

"How about we put on a kid movie for her. What about one of those toy movies, or the fish movie?" The brunette suggested a few moments later, moving to sit down on the floor on one
of the blankets, Alex and Jane were seated just a few inches away from her. "You doing okay?" She asked the little girl softly, giving her a gentle smile. The young woman arranged the blankets, placing them over Jane's legs so that the girl wouldn't get cold.
Alex helped Maggie gather all the extra blankets in her apartment and strew them across the floor carefully. Alex knew for a fact her back was going to be sore in the morning but it was all worth it when Jane came out of the bathroom and ran to the blankets and fell onto them. She was still grinning. Alex sat beside her as Maggie left to get ready for bed, Alex worked on entertaining Jane and helping her get comfortable. And once Maggie returned she took the rp chance to change into more comfortable attire before rejoining them on the floor.

"I think one of them is on my Netflix." She replied at the suggestion of s movie. She pulled up the movie with ease. Alex looked to Maggie as she tucked Jane in. Jane seemed to settle in nicely preparing to watch the movie. But her eyes already seemed big and tired. Jane half watched the movie, befor curling into Maggie's side and falling fast asleep on the other woman.
"She's out like a light," Maggie said softly to Alex. "Do you wanna finish watching the movie, turn on another one, or just go to bed?" She asked her girlfriend a few moments later. She smiled as she watched Jane sleep and waited for the other woman to reply. It was nice doing this, the two of them looking after the little girl. The brunette found that she was liking this more than she originally thought that she would. There was just something that tugged at her heart, when it came to Jane. Something that made her want to make sure the little girl found her family,
or at least ended up with someone who would love her and take care of her like she deserved.

She shook her thoughts off and turned back to her girlfriend, leaning over and kissing the other woman's lips a few seconds later. "Don't tell anybody this, but I'm actually enjoying having Jane here with us. I never really gave much thought to kids before, except where it concerned my job, but now I'm starting to see them in a whole different light.." Maggie said softly, and
she ran her fingers through her hair, laughing quietly.
Alex nodded looking down at the small girl and back over to Maggie. "I'm fine finishing it or just going to bed. It's been a really long day." she said quietly. "Jane's really taking a liking to you, I was worried she would hate you and would continue to not leave me alone." She carefully adjusted the blankets over the small girl, making sure she was covered up nicely. Alex looked up and smiled as she lent in for a soft kiss. She returned the gentle kiss, holding it there for a long moment. She laughed a little bit, leaning her forehead back against her. Alex's eye widened a little bit. "Detective Sawyer, has a soft spot for children?" she said pretending to be shocked. "I know...I've been enjoying it more then I want to let Kara know. I think she did it on purpose."

Alex pulled back from her adjusting a little bit. "I'm glad to have your help." she murmured, stroking her arm gently. "I don't think I could take care of her without you." She continued to rub small circles over her skin. Alex gave her another light kiss. "Now, I'm exhausted. " She reached over and put her arms around her. She laid beside her sighing a little bit. "Hopefully, we will find her home and bring back the other kids. Hopefully we can track the ship and it won't be long after that."
"Yeah, hopefully..." Maggie said softly. Not wanting to give away how much she hated the idea of Jane not being around anymore. The little girl needed to go back home, be with her friends and family once more. It wasn't a good idea for the woman to get attached, but no matter how much she tried, she just couldn't make herself listen to her own orders. With a sigh, she tried to push her thoughts away and turned the movie back on, with the volume turned down low, so that she didn't keep Jane and Alex awake. Every few minutes, she was unable to keep from glancing at both Jane and Alex, checking on them as they slept.

They weren't in danger or anything, but something deep inside of her just had to keep checking on them. Which was ridiculous since Alex was a grown woman and could take care of herself, and Jane was only a few feet away, and they would know if anything happened to the little girl. But still, this instinct inside of her just wouldn't let up, even though she knew that her thoughts from a moment ago were true. The brunette forced herself to pay more attention to the movie and try to relax. Both of her charges were asleep and okay, and that was all that mattered.
Alex very quickly fell asleep the long day taking its toll. She made sure to stay close to Jane though, in case she needed either one of them. She slept pretty well despite being on the floor in a mass of pillows with a small child. It actually was quiet comfortable its like what her and Kara used to do. Midway through the night, Alex awoke a little bit, feeling the little girl curl up into her side, whimpering a little. Alex in half asleep put an arm around her. "Ssshh, it's okay your safe" she said sleepily. Her hand rubbing small circles on her back and once Jane was back to sleep, she reached out to hold Maggie's hand on the other side of the child, before falling back asleep.

The next morning she awoke to hearing her phone ringing and the sound of a knocking on her front door. Alex slowly disentangled herself from the blankets to sit up. She stretched a little bit and yawned. she glanced at her phone. Kara. She was at their door with breakfast. Alex got up and opened the door. Kara came bustling in.

"You weren't answering and---" she began and stopped speaking seeing the sight on the floor. "I see it went well?"

Alex nodded opening the box of donuts and taking one. "They are still sleeping, but it was fine. Jane spoke to use a little, so I have some things we can look for now."

Kara nodded, watching the two sleep on the floor, before sitting at the counter as her sister started the coffee.
As soon as the smell of coffee filled the room, Maggie woke up. She shifted a little and let out a soft groan, cracking her back and stretching as she got up. The brunette ran a hand through her bed head and looked over at Jane to check on her. Smiling when she saw that the little girl was still asleep. She fixed the blankets on Jane once more, since they had fallen off while she slept. And then a moment later, the young woman walked over to the kitchen and joined Alex and Kara there. Nodding good morning to Kara, kissing Alex and then dropping down into a chair.

"Coffee?" Was the first word to leave her lips and then she glanced at Kara. "So why the sudden need for us to play babysitter? Not that we mind, I'm just curious. I figured that the two of you would have more in common and would get along better, since she's probably just like you.." Maggie covered her mouth as she yawned. "Jane's scared, but I think she trusts us. We need to find her family ASAP. I don't want her to be alone. If we can't find them, I don't want her to go into a foster home. If it comes down to it, I'll have Jane live with me." She glanced at Alex.

"I'm not trying to take over your place. I still have my own and if she doesn't have anyone, I'm sorry, but I'm going to move back into my own place and take care of her. I hope you know that if this happens, my feelings for you haven't changed. I just hate the idea of Jane being alone or living in foster care. I won't let either of those things happen," She said firmly.
Alex looked up when Maggie finally started to get up to join them. She returned the faint kiss. "Morning sleepy head." she replied, reaching into the cabinet pulling her down a coffee mug. Alex worked on getting the mug ready before passing it to her girlfriend. She leaned back against the counter, drinking her own cup of coffee.

Kara was a bit startled by the question and shrugs. "Jane wouldn't leave Alex alone when we brought her to the DEO. She liked me well enough and I tried, but she didn't want to leave her side." said Kara. "I figured it would make life easier if she just went with whoever she connected with most, instead of forcing her to be some place she doesn't want to be. I don't think any of us wants to see her be alone, thats why she's here and not someplace else." Kara reached for a donut, starting to chew on it thoughtfully.

A heavy silence fell over them as Maggie continued speaking. Alex had to set her coffee down to better look at her girlfriend, with wide stunned eyes."Maggie...." she began, but she stopped herself. Alex hadn't expected this turn of events. "You can't just decide you want to raise a possible alien just on a whim. Would....would you even have time to look after her between work and everything? I know she's sweet and it was really nice last night, but it won't always be like that. You have to thin--" Alex cut herself off seeing Jane starting to walk towards them sleepily.

Kara grinned. "Jane!" she said excitedly, scooping up the girl with ease. "I brought donuts!" she said happily. "Lets go watch cartoons and eat!" She grabbed the box, giving the other women intent stares before taking the little one back to the tv.

Alex's jaw was set in a tense line. "You can't be serious Maggie..."
"Why not? What's wrong with me wanting to take care of her? If she has nowhere to go, I'm not going to just ship her off to some strangers that might not even be safe for her to be
around. And I can deal with my job. If it comes down to it, I can take some time off. I have 5 months worth of vacation time that's due to me. And I can use that to get things settled
for Jane, if I have to, I can always get another job doing something less dangerous." She looked away from Alex, and over to Jane and Kara who were sitting there eating the donuts

"I've never turned down anyone who's asked for my help, and Jane needs my help, Alex.." Maggie said softly. "There's only a slim chance that we'll be able to locate her parents, and then what? I'm sorry if you think that I should've discussed this with you, but what's to discuss? A little girl needs our help and that's all I need to know. I'm going to be there for her no matter what, and nothing or nobody is going to stop me. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, but this is about more than hurt feelings. This is about a child. And when it comes to children, their needs always come before my own."
"We would make sure whoever she went home with was completely capable to take care of her. You never know if an agent at the DEO has been trying to have children, with no luck. I have no doubt we can find her a home." Alex said calmly, keeping her eyes trained on Maggie, even when she turned away from her. "You love working for the NCPD, you don't really want to find a different job. I know you. You can't just impulsively decide to adopt a child after one pleasant night. What about the bad nights?"

Alex sighed,closing the space between them, she touched Maggie's cheek. "And we are going to help her, Mags. I can promise you that. I never said we are not going to help her find a good home. I'm just not sure if that home should be with you, with us. not when we are just figuring this out." Her voice growing shaky. She stepped back almost as if she had be burned by her next words. "I would have just liked to be included in a kind of life changing decision...because we are supposed to be a team I thought, that you wanted to be with me..." Alex sighed and shook her head. "I'm going to shower and get ready to go with Kara and Jane to the DEO. We...can come back to this later." Alex set her half full coffee down, going to the bedroom to get new clothes and shower.
Maggie ran a hand over her face and sighed. She didn't want to fight or argue with Alex. But also couldn't turn her back on Jane if the little girl needed her. The brunette felt this connection to the little girl. Not in a weird way, but just in a way that meant the girl was going to be an important part of her life. She couldn't understand Alex's reluctance with Jane. It's not like the girl was evil or even a bad child. The young woman was well aware that not every day of looking after a child would be perfect. She remembered growing up, her preteen years and then her teen years, where she'd been a handful for her parents.

It was just... There was something about Jane that made her unable to turn her back on the girl. And knowing that Alex couldn't fully understand, actually hurt a little inside. Maggie knew that she had hurt Alex by not talking with her about it, but she had been so sure that her girlfriend would be willing to help, that it wouldn't be a big deal. She shook her head to clear it and then left the kitchen, walking over to Kara and Jane to join them. "Thanks for the breakfast," The brunette told Kara, giving her a small strained smile. Kneeling down on the floor, she turned her attention to Jane.

"You're going to go with Alex and Kara, okay? They're going to take care of you. You should talk to them and tell them about your family so that they can find them for you, and help you get home.." Maggie said gently.
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