RP: Supergirl: Kiss the Girl (Dairypie x greenandgold)

Alex took a few more bites before speaking. "We've been kind of busy" she replied "And I didn't eat any lunch or anything, I was too worried about that fight we had." She took a few more bites. "You could just move in here." she offered slowly, shrugging her shoulders. "Then we'd see each other every day and night. Yuo basically live here already." Alex looked up and was met with Maggie's intense gaze. "Unless that is moving too fast. It's just a suggestion. I know work can be stressful for both of us, we have a hard enough time getting together without some kind of interruption." She let the offer hang in the air for awhile waiting for Maggie to reply. She finished her food in the meantime, taking some of the empty plates back to the kitchen.

Maggie put the dishes in the sink, rinsing them but not bothering to wash them. She was about to offer Maggie some icecream, but remembered she hadn't bought the vegan kind since she finished the last pint she had for her. Alex moved back to the bedroom, watching Maggie. "So...what do you want to do know. We have like 12 hours before either one of us has to go to work tomorrow." she said leaning on the door frame, just smiling a little bit. Alex really didn't want this evening to end, because for once everything was going alright, there were no aliens or murderers. It was just them and enjoying their lives.
Maggie set down her food when Alex suggested that she should move in. "First, I want to thank you for offering to let me move in. And second, I want to ask, are you sure this is what you want? Given that I'm the first woman you've ever been with romantically or sexually, I don't want you to feel like this is something you have to rush into. I'm not going anywhere any time soon, unless you tell me to get lost. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything. The whole point of this is for us to enjoy each other, being with each other, spending time together."

"I don't want you to feel like you have to offer to have me move in, for us to stay together. There's no rush, and no pressure. I'm ready and willing to go through this relationship at whatever speed you're most comfortable with.." She said softly, wanting to assure her. "Why don't you take a few days and think about things, okay? And if you still want me to move in with you, we can discuss it, and the possibility of just getting a whole new place together. What do you think?" Maggie asked and then kissed her gently.
Alex didn't let it show, she was little bit hurt though. She had assumed as much would be Maggie's answer. She shook her head. "I didn't ask because I felt pressured." she said quietly. "But you're right, we just are figuring this out. I'm still figuring me out. It would be kind of crazy. I just offered because I wanted to be with you more since we work difficult jobs." she murmured, shaking her head. Alex twisted her hands in her lap "It was silly, you can just forget about it, really." She looked away then. Honestly, she had thinking about Maggie moving in awhile now, because they had almost every meal together, spent any free moment together, it just made sense.

Alex returned the gentle kiss, smiling a little bit. "i'll think it over," she said quietly. She reached out and took Maggie's hand in hers. "I don't want to rush you either, if you don't want to, its okay to just say no. I won't stop liking you." Alex shifted to lean back against the pillows again. She looked up at the ceiling and let out a long breath. "I should probably check my phone. Make sure nothing terrible has happened."
"I'm sorry," Maggie said softly. "I didn't mean to crush your excitement or hurt your feelings. At this point, I'm not ready to move in together just yet. However, if you're okay with it, maybe we could do a sort of trial run. Tomorrow after work I can pack a bag with a week's worth of clothes and any other supplies that I'll need, and if you're agreeable, I'll stay here with you for a week and we can see how that goes. Sort of like a trial run to see how it works with us living together.." After she finished speaking, the brunette laid down in bed beside Alex, and took one of her girlfriend's hands into hers, squeezing it.

"If anything had happened, you know that Kara, J'onn, or Winn would have called you. So for right now, let's just relax with each other once more, and try and forget that I shoved my whole foot into my mouth a few minutes ago." She reached out and brushed a piece of hair out of Alex's face, before curling into her girlfriend's side. "Sometimes my mouth runs off and I say stupid stuff. I hope that I haven't ruined what we have together." The fingers of one of her hands closed around the other woman's, gently trapping it there and keeping their hands locked together.
Alex shook her head "it was a crazy improtu idea. You don't need to apologize for me jumping the gun." She said poking Maggie gently. Alex shifted to her side to allow Maggie to curl into her and pull her closer. "How about...you start keeping a few things here instead? A toothbrush, change of clothes, things like that. I'll even give you a drawer in my dresser." She said softly.."something with no rush or no pressure"

Alex shook her head and laughed a little bit. "You didn't ruin anything..if anything, I was the one just attempting to ruin our relationship. You were being the logical smart one." She squeezed her hands back firmly. "We're taking it slow and next time I won't get caught up in the moment, okay?" She kissed the top of her head, resting their foreheads together.
"I would love to start keeping some of my things here," Maggie agreed and smiled. "You just tell me where to put my things, and I'm happy to leave some stuff here. I love the idea of leaving some clothes here. That just means that I'll get to be here with you more often, which is never a bad thing." She rolled onto her side and gently caressed Alex's face. "You should know that being with you, is the closest I've ever let another woman get, to me. I hope you know that it means you're special to me.." She shook her own head a few moments later. "You haven't ruined anything, trust me."

"I have no problems with a beautiful woman telling me what she wants. It's hot, actually. I just want us to be careful. Our relationship means a lot to me, and I don't want us to move too quickly and chance messing anything up, okay? But with that said, I'm more than happy to steal your blankets at night, and nearly suffocate you when I wrap my arms around you, keeping you close at night so that I know you're okay. Are you okay with that? If at any time you don't want us to do something, all you have to do is let me know. I'm not scared off so easily."

Maggie was happy when Alex kissed the top of her head and then rested their foreheads together. "I love you, Danvers. And I know that I'm difficult as hell to get along with, but I appreciate that you're trying."
Alex kept their foreheads pressed close together. "You're special to me too." she said quietly. "I think the face that we both haven't thrown the towel it based upon all the difficulties we face every day, should be very impressive in everyone's books" She ran her thumb over Maggie's hand, stroking the soft skin. "I'm okay as long as I'm with you." Alex smiled a little bit more, letting out a soft chuckle. She let out a soft sigh. "It's getting late, we should probably rest, get some good sleep, before work tomorrow. " Her eyes looked longingly in to Maggie's. "I'd really like it if you stayed, even if you are a blanket hog. I have more."

Alex put her arm around Maggie pulling her closer to her again. She took a long deep breath, closing her eyes a moment before looking to Maggie. "You're the closest I've ever let anyone before." she said softly. "I just....get excited about things I never thought would happen to me." She shook her head a little bit. "I love you too Sawyer" she said slowly. Alex knew that she would probably always keep trying for Maggie. She wasn't sure if she could just give up on a person like her.
"I'd love to stay with you tonight," Maggie said softly and kissed her. "And I still plan to pick up some clothes and supplies that I'll need, after work tomorrow before I come here. I do still
want to spend the week here and see how we get along. I love being with you and spending time with you. You're an amazing woman, and for someone who's never been in a relationship
with another woman before, you're taking to it very well. Your excitement at the prospect of us living together makes me happy. I want you to know that it's not off the table completely, okay?"

"For right now, it's just set aside for future discussion. I'm not ruling anything out. How can I when it means that I get to spend even more time with my favorite beautiful woman?" She kissed Alex's lips again, and gently pulled the other woman against her body, holding her close. "Get some rest, beautiful. I'll still be here when you wake up, that's a promise.." After Maggie spoke those words, she closed her own eyes and let her breath even out. It didn't take her long to fall asleep, with Alex in her arms.
Alex smiled. "I'm okay with setting it aside to talk about later" she agreed. "And I wont argue with anything that means I get to see you when I get home from saving the world" Alex shifted to let Maggie pull her closer. She let out a soft sigh. "I guess I just have lived with women my whole life, I just understand them. I understand you, for the most part." She yawned a little bit, linking their hands together. "I'm going to hold you to the promise Sawyer. Night." And after that Alex, didn't take long to fall asleep. She had never been more comfortable then where she was at this exact moment.

It was like 3am when a cellphone began ringing loudly. Alex groaned, slowly opening her eyes. As promised Maggie was still holding her tightly. She couldn't help but smile a little bit, she slowly eased her arm from out of the tangle of limbs. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table, sitting up ever so slightly. "Danvers" she answered, listening intently on the phone. "Kara...you need to slow down. I just woke up, go over it again." Alex nodded, half asleep. "No, no its fine. It's an emergency. I'll be there soon, okay? You could've called sooner. I'll see you in a bit." Alex sighed hanging up the phone. She leaned back down to the sleeping woman beside her. She pressed a few kisses to her face. "I got to go to the DEO" she said softly.
Maggie hadn't woken up until Alex moved out of her arms. She nodded, yawning and moving to sit up as her girlfriend left the bed and started to slip her clothes on. "Do you want me to come with you? Maybe I can help," The brunette suggested as she too, got out of the bed and pulled some clothes on, too. The young woman checked her cell phone and then shoved it into her jeans pocket after seeing that there were no calls from the PD or anything else that was important. Once they were both dressed, she grabbed her keys and tossed them to Alex. "You can drive us in my car," She offered, a tired smile on her lips.

Before long, the two of them had left the apartment, locked up and headed to Maggie's car. Shortly after that, they were on their way to the DEO. Once they arrived and parked, she locked her car and then took off after Alex, following her girlfriend inside of the DEO, running to keep up with her, and then standing at her side, once they had met up with Kara and everyone else. "What's going on, and how can I help?" The young woman asked, wanting to stay close to her girlfriend and keep a close eye on her. Protect her, if it came down to it. She knew that Alex was badass in her own right, but that didn't stop her from worrying about the other woman.
Alex was going to argue that she could stay here and rest but Kara's panicked voice was still stuck with her. "Thanks Mags" she said softly, catching the keys with ease. Alex went with her to the car and they were off. The drive was mostly silence, to let Maggie finish waking up and soon they were at the DEO. Alex walked swiftly ahead once she gave her back her keys she shook her head a little bit.

When she reached her sister, everyone else was standing around with solemn looks on their faces. "What's going on? You said it was an emergency?" She began. She could tell from the tense looks on everyone's faces, it was pretty bad. They all looked tired.

"Children are just disappearing from their beds.." said J's calmly. "There are 33 reports of one minute the child is there and gone the next. We are keeping this tight to the chest, seeing as it seems too supernatural to be a normal kidnapping case." A tense silence followed.

"What's the plan then?" Alex asked crossing her arms.
"I don't agree with that assessment," Maggie said, speaking up a few moments later. "We need to let the rest of the PD in on what's going on. The first 48 hours of a kidnapping is crucial and we need all the help we can get with tracking this threat down.." She said, and glanced around at all of the others, hoping that they would agree with her. "Every single LEO or agency is aware of the alien's and have been for a while now. They know to take extra precautions and not just bust in guns blazing. I understand that you wanna try and avoid a mass panic. That might not be possible."

"It's probably already too late for that. You said that 33 children are missing. That's 66 worried parents wondering where their children are, and I'm sure that they have already talked to other people, so it's out there now. There's no keeping this from the press or from all the civilians in the city." Maggie sighed and looked over at Kara. "Do we have any kind of lead on who or what took the children?" She asked a few moments later, hoping that they had at least that to work with. The young woman ran a hand through her hair worriedly as she waited for Kara, or for anyone actually, to respond.
Kara had her arms crossed over her chest. She shrugged. "Maggie, they all dissapeared within 3 hours this evening. We've been to half the houses and there is nothing there. I've been fighting to call for back up but I'm outvoted. I think we need help, there is too much ground to cover and when morning breaks and the parents realize what has happened there will be panic." she said quickly shaking her head. She let out a frustrated sigh.

Alex leaned on the table looking at the paper. "Do they have anything in common?" she asked. "We should find out why these kids were taken. If we can find that out, we can find possible targets and see about setting a trap?" she offered. Her eyes went to Winn who nodded, going back to the computers beginning to search for commonalities. "Check the parents, check everything. Even if it seems minor there has to be reason it's these kids." Alex stood up straighter looking to J'onn. "I think we should call in some kind of back up, if we want to get this done before the media gets a hold of it." He frowned deeply.

"When we have a lead, maybe, but we don't." he said firmly/
"We're wasting time," Maggie said, frustrated. "Instead of standing here wringing our hands and hoping for the best, we should be out there looking for those kids. It doesn't matter if we
don't have a starting point. We kick down doors until we find the kids, or find some kind of lead. Somebody's going to know something and we make them sing like a canary. This sitting
on your ass stuff is for the birds," She said bluntly and then turned around and walked away, heading out to her car once more. She sent Alex a text message and then got into her car
and left the DEO.

The text message was an apology for her outburst, but she wouldn't apologize for being worried about the children. The brunette got into her car and drove over to the PD and started
going through the case files that they had that had to do with the case. There were a ton of files but not much that was actually useful. That didn't matter. She wrote down anything
that stuck out to her, and then moved on to the next file, convinced that there was something useful in them, but that she just had to find it. Her cell phone close by in case anyone
called or texted.
Alex wasn't surprised by her outburst. That was major difference they had between the two of them. Alex liked to work through everything, while Maggie was a doer. She got to work with everyone doing it there way. At one point Kara tried to ask her more about the outburst, but Kara wouldn't let it go.

Then finally after a few hours, they had something. After lots of calls to parents and looking long and are for commonalities, they found one. All of the children were adopted. From various sources, but every single one was adopted or not directly related to the parents. Alex sent the news over to Maggie, because now her girlfriend could look further into that piece and not lash out on other people. It was a long night that led into morning. Around 10am she sent Maggie a text asking if she wanted to take a brief breakfast break. Alex needed coffee.
Maggie got the text from Alex suggesting a break and breakfast. She quickly typed up a reply with a location that served the best coffee in town and a good variety of breakfast meals to
go with it. The young woman told her girlfriend in the text that she would meet her girlfriend at the diner in half an hour. That she was going to go back to her place, shower and freshen
up, and then meet her for lunch. Once the message had been sent, the brunette grabbed all of her files for the case from her desk, and brought them out to her car in the parking lot.

She made a quick trip to her apartment and showered and cleaned up. Once she was dressed and changed, the brunette got back into her car and drove to the diner to meet Alex for lunch. 15 minutes later Maggie pulled up in front of the diner, hid her case files in a hidden extra slot she had made in the car, and then got out, locked up and headed inside of the diner. A smile graced her lips as she walked inside and scanned the place, looking for her girlfriend. Spotting the dark haired woman, she wasted no time and walked over to join her. "Hey, how's your day going?"
Alex was glad to see Maggie had a place already in mind. It was nice to be able to just drive and meet the other woman there. She arrived a little bit before, just needing to get out of the DEO for five minutes or so. She needed the break. It was so tense in there, everyone was on edge. It was like walking on eggshells. It was weighing on all of them heavily. Alex drove to the diner, finding them a nice table by the window. She had the waitress bring her coffee.

By her second cup, Maggie had arrived at the table. Alex grinned seeing her face, she seemed refreshed. Alex stood to greeet her, kissing her cheek lightly before sitting back down. "It's....stressful" she admitted. "This is my fifth cup of coffee, today." She said shaking her head and sitting back down. "Kara got donuts at one point though, but otherwise it's just been none productive. And I hate that." Alex sighed, "what about you, you were pretty angry earlier?"
"I'm not the type to 'wait and see'. I don't have the patience for that kind of police work. Which is why I do much better work at the PD, than I do for the DEO. You're better at following
orders than I am. I hated the idea of sitting on my hands, so I left and started going through the casefiles again looking for anything that might seem strange or even just the tiniest bit
off. Didn't find much, but it made me feel useful to actually be doing something. Anyway, let's not talk about that now. Let's just take this time right now and enjoy each other's company, okay?"

She ordered a tall black coffee, a plate of eggs bacon and biscuits, some fruit, some grits, and a chicken sandwich. Once the waitress had taken down her order, she thanked the woman
and then turned back to Alex. "Hope that you don't mind sharing my breakfast," Maggie said with a tired smile. "Fifth cup? You're gonna be bouncing off the walls soon, but I've got you
beat. This will be my eighth cup. Within the first hour of getting to the PD, I had three cups of coffee. So we're both going to be jittery and caffeinated all day and all night." She said and laughed.
Alex chuckled a little bit at her explination. She shook her head a little. Alex sipped some more of her coffee. "Alright, no work talk." She agreed, nodding. Alex had been looking at her strangely when she ordered, an odd amount of food. Consisting of items she was sure her girlfriend didn't eat. Alex shook her head when Maggie clarified it was for both of them. "Well at least you seem to have a good handle on what I want to eat." She said reaching across the table to touch her hand. She had missed her, even in that short time. Or maybe it was looking into this awfully heart wrenching case that made her miss her so much,

Alex shrugged when she mentioned the caffeine high. "See I really don't know if it affects me like that anymore. I think I drink it out of force of habit now. I just couldn't handle all of them this morning. It didn't help that I had less then 4 hours of sleep under my belt." She said slowly, looking to Maggie. "But what can you do?" The food was soon out, and they were both dividing it up. They were a good balance to each other and it worked well. Alex even humored Maggie and eating some of the fruit.
"See? I knew that I could get you to eat fruit!" Maggie said triumphantly. She laughed a moment later. "If you hadn't of decided to humor me and eat some of the fruit, I'd have had to come up with a creative way to entice you to eat it. And I had a few ideas on how to go about doing so," She said with a wicked grin on her lips. As the two of them lapsed into comfortable silence and started to eat, the young woman slipped a hand under the table and gently squeezed Alex's leg, just a gentle little touch to remind her girlfriend that everything was going to be okay.

They continued to eat their food and once that was done, she paid for the food and thanked the waitress, before turning back to Alex. "We still have a few minutes left before we have to
split up and go back to work. So, I'm thinking that tonight I cook dinner for the two of us? What are you in the mood for, besides the obvious?" She asked and smirked at her girlfriend,
pressing a sweet kiss to the other woman's lips. "I can't wait to get you alone at the apartment again.." Maggie said, having leaned closer in her chair to Alex to whisper the words in
her ear.
Alex could only laugh at Maggie's triumphant appearance, and shake her head. It was so cute though, how much she wanted Alex to try and eat a little healthier. She felt a light blush raise to her cheeks about alternative methods of coercion. "Maggie, i don't mind occasionally eating better, just see that grin on your face, but I also don't mind bribes" she said softly, shaking her head. Alex returned her attention to eating. The food was welcomed to her. Alex smiled feeling the hand on her leg, giving her a gently squeeze. She placed her free hand over it, gently holding it. This was exactly what she needed some new energy from food and the loving touch of Maggie. That would be enough to leave her refreshed for work.

Alex relaxed into the chair as they finished the meal and Maggie turned to her. She let out a nervous chuckle about her comment for dinner. Knowing fully well what Maggie was implying, but trying hard to keep her own composure. "I'm honestly just feeling some comfort food honestly. Like burgers or pasta. Just something simple and basic." she offered. She returned the kiss, smiling. As they pulled back, Alex felt Maggie's hot breath on her ear and her cheeks flushed hearing the other woman's words. She blushed harder. "Mags..." she said softly shaking her head. "I...I can't wait either...but i have to focus on work I don't know if I can if you keep doing....that"
Maggie laughed softly. "You're so cute when you get distracted, and I love it when you blush like that." She reached out a hand and cupped her girlfriend's cheek. The smile that the brunette had been wearing left her lips a moment later, as she heard some men at a nearby table using derogatory words and glanced over, seeing them pointing at her and Alex. Turning back to her girlfriend she said, "I'll be right back. I see a table of idiots that need to be taught a lesson." A few moments later, she got up from her chair and walked over to the table, standing beside it.

"Do we have a problem here, boys?" She asked, flashing her badge for the National City Police Department. "It seems to me like the five of you should learn some manners and respect. The language you're using is offensive, not to mention you're causing noise pollution by being so loud and hitting on the waitresses that walk by. You can either change your behavior or hit the road. Your choice.." Maggie was cut off when one of the men stood up and as he went to make a move against her, grabbing one of her wrists, she grabbed him by the back of his shirt with her other hand and slammed him face down on the table.

"I don't think you understand just how much trouble you're in for trying to assault a police officer. Maybe a few days in jail will help all five of you idiots cool off and think before you do anything else stupid." Maggie turned and glanced at Alex, and nodded for her to come over. "First you're going to apologize to me and my girlfriend for the derogatory language you used when you called us a pair of dykes. And secondly, you're all going to apologize to the staff of waitresses, for pinching their asses and hitting on them when they asked to be left alone."

When Alex joined her, she tossed a few pairs of handcuffs to her girlfriend. "After these idiots apologize, we'll bring them in and then lunch will be over."
Alex knew the moment the worlds were uttered int heir direction, Maggie was gone from her. She sighed. "Maggie, you really don't have to--" she began trying to stop her girlfriend from going over. Alex watched from the table, with a nervous air. She didn't want anyone to get hurt. She kept her hands tight at her sides. Though Alex always like how protective Maggie is over them. How passionate she is about protecting their community.

Alex waited at the table, until she saw Maggie slam a man onto their table. She got to her feet then, but didn't intrude until Maggie waved her over. She couldn't believe they were going to arrest this man. It seemed like a bit of a stretch, but Maggie was the cop not her. Alex began to help her cuff the men and make sure the waitresses got a few apologies. Alex shook her head a little bit after they had them loaded into their cars.

"I can't believe you did that" she said softly. "Was that even entirely legal?" Her eyes carefully trained on Maggie. "We could have jsut ignored them."
"Don't ever say that to me again," Maggie told her. "I'm not going to let people like that get away with being homophobic. You might think that a few insults don't mean anything, but you're dead wrong, Danvers. Billy and his friends never learn. They have been getting away with shit since we were in middle school. Pushing kids down a flight of stairs, rigging kids lockers so that when they opened it, it caught on fire and they got burned. They beat up a kid half to death when we were in high school, just because the guy kissed his boyfriend at a dance. I was friends with the guy until he moved away after the assault."

"They have been having their father's bail them out by paying off cops, since we were all in middle school. You want to know what started it? Billy asked me out and I turned him down. Instead of getting over his down fucking ego, he figured out that I was a lesbian, before I was even sure of it myself. And from that day on, he and his friends took any chance that they
got, to make gay kids lives miserable. And that didn't stop once we all grew up. It just got even worse. Last year Billy pretended to be gay and lured a young man onto a fake date."

"When the 'date' was over, they went into the parking lot to leave, and he set the young man on fire. The man who was burned is in a burn unit and has been there for over a year, his burns are that bad. Billy got his lawyer father involved and lied and said it wasn't a date, and that he set the young man on fire as a way to protect himself when the guy wouldn't stop flirting with him. I know both of these men, and Billy is full of shit. But it doesn't matter as money apparently talks, and the little bastard got off scot free."
Alex stiffened as Maggie began to explain what had happened. That she had a history with these men, that it went further then just a few slurs. Alex nodded silently. "I think I finally understand" she said softly. Alex reached out and ran a hand over her arm comfortingly. "It was not just because what they said about us, it was about everything else leading up to that moment." Alex squeezed her arm gently. "You do what you need to do, and I'll support you. But next time, maybe, let me in on the plan. You aren't the only bad ass with a badge in this relationship."

Alex pressed a light kiss to her cheek. "I have to go. Winn apparently found a lead" she said softly. "He texted me in the middle of your little vendetta." Alex smiled a little. "Keep me updated, okay? I'll see you tonight and if I'm going to be running really late I will let you know, okay?" Alex pulled back from her girlfriend slowly, still not wanting to really go. But finally she pulled back, beginning to drive back to the DEO. It was back to the fire. It was nice to take a little break from the stressful case, but that can't be the case all the time.
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