RP: Supergirl: Kiss the Girl (Dairypie x greenandgold)


Jun 2, 2017
Alex Danvers looked at her watch, for which was probably the six hundredth time in the past few minutes. She couldn’t help it. She wasn’t really a fan of just waiting around. Though, if she hadn’t arrived so early this wouldn’t have happened. Even after dating Maggie for a few months, she still got the same butterfly feeling whenever they were meeting up for a date or even something as simple as just a kiss. She figured maybe eventually the nerves would go away but they never did. They just grew more intense. So here she was waiting, for Maggie to arrive.

It was just a simple lunch get together. Like they did almost every Thursday, and every Thursday this feeling would return. Alex wouldn’t show it though outwardly. She was good at putting them somewhat away if she tried hard enough. It was much harder around Maggie though. She looked at her watch again. Two more minutes. She took a deep breath. There was nothing special about this lunch, it was nothing they hadn’t done before. They would eat at the same place, order the same things. It was becoming a bit of a ritual.

Was that a good or a bad thing? Alex wasn’t really sure. She checked her watch again and then she heard footsteps. She looked up and smiled. There was Maggie, just on time and looking as amazing as always. She let out a soft sigh of relief. “Hey” she said smiling. She looked her girlfriend up and down. Her eyes coming back up to meet hers. “The usual or are we feeling a change of pace?” She paused. “Is…is everything okay? You seem a bit distracted?”
"Hey yourself, beautiful.." She said softly. "The usual. I can use some comfort food right about now. Sorry I'm late, Danvers." Maggie said, sighing softly and dropping down into a chair beside her girlfriend. "No, everything's not okay. Not really. I just got back from a funeral, and distracted's as good a word as any." She rubbed an exhausted hand over her face, trying to shake off the things she currently felt. "My first partner at the PD passed away last night, and his wife wanted the funeral as soon as possible. So they took care of him and had an all day viewing of his body."

"I was busy all day with a case, and finally managed to get in a 2 hour visit to his family and for his viewing. Mack was shot by some teenage kid that shot up the high school on Seventh street yesterday." She moved closer to Alex, and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "Want a beer? I need one." After speaking, the dark haired woman signaled for a waitress to come over to
their table. Maggie slipped one of her hands under the table and reached for one of Alex's hands, taking it into her own and squeezing it. "We should talk about something else. How was
your day at the DEO? Anything interesting happen?"
Alex watched her carefully, frowning at the mention of her partner's death and a funeral. Maggie had mentioned yesterday briefly something happened to him but didn't go into much detail. They weren't exactly there in the relationship yet. They both had their secrets and breaking down both of their walls was turning to be a hard challenge on both fronts. "I'm really sorry" she said finally "I know you were really starting to enjoy working with him." Alex smiled a little feeling the kiss on the cheek. That sent her heart racing still and then Maggie's hand on her own, returning the gentle squeeze. Alex shrugged when asked about the DEO.

"Just your normal everyday stuff. An alien child tried to level a park today during a temper tantrum. That was the highlight of the whole day. Otherwise, things were pretty calm. Got a lot of testing I've had backed up, out of the way finally." Alex replied, shrugging. Alex smiled at her for a long moment, before looking back at the menu, which she didn't need to really look at to know what they would both get. The waitress came back and took their orders, and as per Maggie's request, two beers soon arrived. "Now, its almost the weekend, is that case shaping up to be one where you will be working all the time, or should we try to make plans in hope something world ending doesn't happen?"
"Thanks," Maggie said softly. "And you're right, I did enjoy working with him. Mack was a decent guy. Most of the guys at the PD are pigs because I'm a woman, and then they're even worse most of the time because I'm gay. I try not to let it get to me, but it's gonna be harder without Mack around. He was only with the NCPD for a few months, but he was a good partner." A few minutes later, she looked up as the waitress set down their food and beers. "Thanks," She told the woman and then watched as the waitress dropped off their food and walked away from them.

She turned back to Alex, and listened as her girlfriend started to talk about her day at the DEO. "Hopefully no one was hurt from the child's temper tantrum." The young woman paused to consider her girlfriend's next words. "It's still early on in the case. So I'm free to spend the weekend ripping your clothes off and making sure we don't leave your place all weekend." Maggie said the words with a grin, and then she moved her hand that had been holding Alex's hand, to the other woman's hip. Slipping it under her girlfriend's shirt and caressing her hip bone.
Alex's eyes widened as she felt a hand on her hip bone, as she registered the words Maggie was speaking with a grin. "Maggie..." she said softly, feeling her fingertips making soft circles over her skin. "I was thinking more along going to the new exhibit at the museum you mentioned might be interesting or the movies." Her voice was tight and slightly higher in pitch. They hadn't. Much time to be together in the past few days. They had their jobs taking them two different directions. One day she would be impossibly busy and once she was free, Maggie had some kind of emergency. The few times they did have time together, was spent sleeping. Too exshausted to do much else.

Alex picked up her fork, beginning to dive into her food, to distract herself for, her girlfriend's wandering hands. "You could always see about requesting a female partner. Maybe you just need more girl power to break up the boys club. Or you know, you could join the DEO." She said off handedly trying to get her to change the subject. "How's your food? You don't want it to get cold." Alex could feel Maggie intently looking at her, she slowly raised her gaze. Her breath caught seeing her. Maggie was the queen of intense stare downs to get her way. "I....Maggie...we really don't have time you just got back from a funeral" she said under her breath.
Maggie looked up and met Alex's eyes, seeing the nervousness and hesitation in the other woman's expression. Regretfully, she moved her hand from her girlfriend's hip, and put a little
space between the two of them at the table, schooling her features into an expression of cool indifference. "We can do that," She said, and her voice came out a little more sharp than
she intended. Her expression softened a moment later, but only just slightly. The woman was well used to keeping her feelings and emotions hidden behind a cold mask of indifference.

She looked away for a moment, swallowed back the things she wanted to say, and then sighed and turned her attention to her food. A moment later, she started to eat silently. "A female partner won't help. It'll just put her under more scrutiny from the rest of the men at the PD and then they'll start hassling her more than they already do. As for me joining the DEO, that's probably not a good idea. You know what they say about too much togetherness." Maggie considered letting the subject drop, but she wasn't the kind of person who let go of things easily.

"The food is fine. It can wait," She said and pushed her plate aside as they talked. Her eyes bored into Alex's, and she knew that her girlfriend was avoiding talking about the one thing they really should be talking about with each other. When the other woman looked up and met her gaze, she heard Alex's intake of breath. Her sharp gaze was locked entirely on her girlfriend's eyes, refusing to back down. "Try again. That's not a good enough excuse." Maggie had always been a straight shooter, so to speak. She completely despised bullshit and lying, and valued honesty above all else.

She wasn't about to let Alex get away with pushing her away now. "Stop hiding your fear behind excuses," The woman said and then she took a long drink from her beer, and then set it
down once more. "Look, you know that I don't have the patience for bullshit. I care about you, Alex. And I know that you care about me, too. Otherwise we wouldn't have tried so hard
to make this work. I get that you're scared, but you have to trust me that I'll take care of you. I know that you're used to being on your own, but you're not on your own anymore."

"And part of being in a relationship, is trusting that the person you're with, will look out for you. Both emotionally and physically. We've been together for a few months now, and we haven't done more than make out or hold hands. I'm not saying that we need to have sex this very minute, but, I'm not a monk. I like you, and I like sex. And I'd really like it if I could eventually have my two favorite things together at the same time. I'm not trying to pressure you. I just think that your fear is holding you back from something that will be one of the best experiences
of your life."
Alex's own jaw tightened, she set down her fork. "I'm not hiding" she said firmly. She shook her head. She couldn't believe they were having this conversation right here, right now in the middle of a crowded restaurant. She took along drink of her own beer as she talked. She was nervous and a little afraid. But it was a bit more then that. "I trust you.agfie, I really do. I just...don't want it to be some.kind of rushed hookup. " She snapped. "That's not who I am. I can't just do that with you, because I care about you. And maybe I am putting too much pressure but I don't want to screw this up by you realizing you could be with someone with experience. While I have zero."

Alex shook her head, pushing her food around on her plate. She let the silence linger for a long time. She could still feel some anger coming off of both of them in waves. Her whole body was tense. She let out a small frustrated sigh. "I'm trying okay, and I want to do that with you and feel that closeness but...I don't just want it to be just about sex or for you to get bored and throw me away. if we don't have sex then it won't happen." She let out a pained laugh. "I should go."
"I see. So the only thing you've taken away from us being together the last few months, is that I'm shallow. And the only reason I've been hanging around is in the hopes that you'll sleep with me, so I can dump you and then move on. I guess that sums it up, right? Well, you don't have to worry. I won't bring up sex again. Hell, I won't even bore you with my company anymore." She got up and pulled out her wallet, tossing down money for both of their meals on the table, before putting her wallet back in her pocket once more. Her expression of cold indifference was back, and showed no signs of what she felt behind the mask.

"See you later, Danvers. Don't get killed for pissing off too many aliens," She said and then a moment later, Maggie walked away from Alex and the table, leaving the bar and heading for
her car once more. She had never been good at relationships in the past, and apparently that hadn't changed. Which was why the young woman rarely allowed herself to care deeply for
the women she spent time with. It hurt too much to get close, and then have everything thrown back in her face. It was just like that saying, once bitten, twice shy. Maybe she was just a glutton for punishment.
Alex got to her feet. "Maggie...that's...that's not what I was trying to say." She said quickly. She groaned in frustration "Maggie come on let's talk about this." She reached out to grab her arm but the other woman was faster, already moving away. Alex cursed softly running a hand through her hair. She ahd two choices let the best thing she's ever had end here or go try to clear this whole mess up. Usually Alex would pick the easier of the two optipns. But in this case she couldn't.

So Alex ran after her, reaching Maggie just as she was about to get into her car. Her breathing quick from running. "Just listen to me." She said sternly, meeting her cold gaze. "You and I are both pretty bad at talking about how we feel. I didn't mean to make you feel less about yourself. That's not what I was trying to say. I was trying to tell you out of all the aliens in the world, you scare me the most. That I might do something like this and poof your gone. And frankly, sometimes I don't really believe this is real, because why would a girl like you want one like me." Her voice was soft and weak for a moment. She swallowed hard. "I....I really care about you and I don't want me being awful at sex to be the reason we break up."

Alex shook her head and sighed. Her phone was buzzing at her hip. She was supposed to be back ten minutes ago. "I'm sorry." She said finally. "If you want this to be it, I won't stop you. I just...I just wanted to know you were in it for the Long haul so I could stop being afraid."
"You're not getting rid of me that easily," Maggie said, as her own phone started to buzz in her pocket. "We'll talk later. But now, we both have to go. I'll meet you at your place later." After speaking, she gave the other woman a small strained smile, then got into her car and pulled out of the parking lot. A few minutes later, she was on the way to the NCPD, and after dealing
with traffic, finally pulled up in front of the building, going inside and holding back a groan when the Commissioner introduced her to her new partner, and told her to catch him up on the
case she was working on.

The next few hours went by slowly for her, and by the time 9pm rolled around, she finally had had enough of her new partner for the day and closed the file she had been going over with the guy. "It's almost 9. I've got a date with a hot brunette. If you wanna waste the rest of your night reading case files, go ahead. But I'd rather be in bed with my girlfriend." Maggie pulled out her cell phone and texted Alex, telling the other woman that she was leaving work, and would be at her place in an hour. Without waiting for her new partner to reply, she got up and started saving case files.
Alex nodded. "Okay" she said tensely, trying to fake a smile of her own but nothing came. Alex tried very hard to make it through the rest of the day. She put up the front and luckily, they had a a lot going on. A School bus had just disappeared when she arrived, and that was enough to distract Alex for the rest of the afternoon. At one point Kara tried to ask her about her mood, but she just brushed her off. Alex kept working hard to help make sure the school bus got back in one pieces and soon, she was helping return each of the child to their parents. It took most of the early evening to do. She finally was able to head home, and shower and try to relax. Her phone sitting in front of her on the table waiting to see a text. Alex almost jumped when it finally pinged, saying she was on her way.

Alex waited impatiently, pacing back and forth in her kitchen. She had opened a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass. She felt exhausted and just worried about this coming conversation she was about to have with Maggie. Maybe she should have asked someone for advice. It was a bit too late now though as she heard a knock on the door. She went to the door and opened it. "Hey" she said softly, letting the other woman in. She shut the door behind her. She shfited uncomfortably from side to side, unsure where they should even begin.
Maggie got to Alex's place and parked on the street, getting out of her car and locking it behind her. A few moments later, she had walked up the driveway and knocked on the door. When
her girlfriend opened the door and stepped back to let her inside, she silently walked into the house, and waited until the other woman had closed the door behind them. Once the door was locked, she turned to Alex and stepped into her space, lifting her hands to cup her partner's cheeks. "You don't need to be afraid. I'm not gonna leave even if the sex is terrible. Unless you
tell me to leave, that is."

"It's not just about sex with us. I mean Alex, we've been together for a few months now and haven't even had it yet. This is the first time I've ever brought it up. I don't wanna scare you. I wanna be with you, and take care of you. Kick your ass in pool sometimes, or have a beer with you other times. I just don't want you to be afraid. Messing up is normal. Hell, even if the sex isn't all that great, it can't be worse than my first time, trust me. It was nightmare inducing. I love you," She said softly. "And if the sex is bad, then we just have to find a way to make it better."
Alex was surprised that Maggie came up to her without hesitation, closing the distance between them almost instantly. Alex searching her eyes for a hint of anger but there wasn't any. Just plain Maggie seriousness. Alex carefully placed her hands over the other woman holding them lightly. "I wouldn't ask you to leave. I'm so sorry..." She murmured back, but falling silent to listen to the rest of her well thought out speech. Alex wasn't used to letting other people take care of her, that was taking a lot of getting used too. And maybe that had her a hit scared to give up control. Despite it all she couldn't keep a small smile from forming on her lips.

And then Maggie said something so casually she almost missed it all together. Her eyes went wide and she felt her heart swell a little. "Wait, Maggie, did you just...did you just say you loved me...?" She asked slowly. Her mouth felt dry. Alex hadn't thought they were there. She thought the words all the time but didn't want to be seen as rushing the relationship along. She was making sure to take it all at a snail's pace. She squeezed the other girls hands tightly. "I...I love you too." Alec couldn't hold herself back anymore and closed the distance to kiss her.
Maggie happily kissed Alex back, when the other woman stepped forward and pressed their lips together. She slipped her arms around her girlfriend's waist. "I did say it, and I know that I have trouble with that kind of thing, but I do feel it. I just have trouble actually saying it most times. The best way for me to say something like that, is through my actions. You know that saying, 'actions speak louder than words'." She said and then stopped talking and kissed her girlfriend once more. A few moments later, as the kiss was still going, the young woman led
the other woman to the couch, pulling Alex down with her.

Her hands remained on her girlfriend's waist, as she laid down on the couch and pulled Alex's body on top of hers, so that the other woman was lying on top of her, their bodies pressed together. After a few moments, Maggie moved her hands from her girlfriend's waist, and up the other woman's back, just gently running her hands over the other woman's back. There
was no pressure or expectation there, outside of making out, and just letting her hands rub Alex's back, as a gesture of comfort for both of them.
Something about having Maggie say the words out loud and confirm again for her that she was serious lifted a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. All of the pressure gone. Alex focused her attention on kissing her, looping her arms around her neck to keep her close. A hand going into her hair. Alex let Maggie lead them to the couch, following her lead, carefully adjusting on top of her to make sure she wasn't crushing her. Her fingers disentangling from her hair, to slowly run down her neck and shoulders. Alex sighed feeling her hands trail up her back in soft caresses.

Alex let her own fingers nervously trail down Maggie's side. They were hesitant but slowly growing more confident. They paused at the hem of her shirt, before slightly sliding it up a little. Her hand coming to rest on her hip, skin against skin. Alex pressed deeper into the kiss, trying to express how comfortable for once she was feeling with her. And she liked kissing her. She was so good at kissing. They parted for a moment, taking long deep breaths. Alex couldn't help but just smile at Maggie.
"Are you doing okay?" Maggie asked, as she continued to kiss her girlfriend. She didn't want to do or say anything that was going to spook the other woman. Which was why she had kept
her hands just at Alex's back, and hadn't gone under her girlfriend's shirt or anything. After their big blowup earlier, the last thing she wanted to do again, was fight. Right now, she just wanted to kiss Alex, and hold the other woman close, enjoying their time together. A small smile settled on her lips, when the other woman started touching her side. "It's okay, don't be nervous."

The words came out softly. Maggie was unable to stop the huge smile from forming on her face, when she felt Alex slide her shirt up, and then she felt the other woman's hand on her hip,
skin against skin. "See? That's not so scary," The young woman whispered, kissing the her girlfriend happily. When they parted to each catch their breath, she kept their eyes locked, and
when Alex smiled, another smile formed on Maggie's own lips. "Do you need to stop here? It's fine if you do. Just let me know," She said, and then started to kiss her girlfriend's neck.
"I'm doing okay." She reassured quietly. Alex was doing more then oaky. She felt the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Alex sighed feeling Maggie's lips on her neck. "I'll tell you the moment I am no longer doing okay." She said calmly. "But right now, I just want to touch you and be with you. It's all I've been able to think about for weeks." Alex let her hand drift up from Maggie's hip. The touch was still hesitant but gaining confidence whenever Maggie continued to encourage her.

Her skinmwas so soft under her touch. Much softer then she expected it to be. Alex just found herself wanting to learn all the curves and pieces of Maggie's body. Hers hand kept wandering over her torso. Alex brought Maggie's lips back to hers to kiss her again. She was beginning to feel a bit lost at what to do next. She knew where she wanted to touch, but her fingers just shyly skirted around the material of Maggie's Bra like it has a force field.
"Don't be afraid to touch me.." Maggie said gently. "You're not going to hurt me." She listened to what Alex had to say, and then nodded. She smiled wider as her girlfriend's hand moved upwards from her hip. The young woman could still tell that the other woman was nervous, and simply kissed her, hoping it would help make the other woman less scared. She was happy
to remain passive for the time being, and just let Alex's hands explore her body. When her girlfriend connected their lips once more, she rubbed her tongue against the other woman's lower lip, seeking entry into her mouth.

She felt her girlfriend's hands skirt around her bra, and gently took Alex's hands into her own. "You can take off my bra, and touch my breasts. You don't need to ask my permission. I like what you're doing, and want you to keep touching me.." Maggie assured her gently. "I even can't wait to run my own fingers over more of your skin, and kiss your skin, and all over your
body. I have a feeling I'm going to be obsessed with having you naked once I've seen you that way for the first time," She warned, smiling. Maggie used her fingers, to just keep tracing
all over Alex's hot body.
Alex felt a small blush raise to her cheeks as Maggie reassured her again that it was okay for her to touch her. That Maggie wanted her too. Alex hesitated, but took the little bit of encouragement to finally actually touch her breasts. She started placing kisses up and down her neck, settling to gently sucking on her collar bone. Her hands were gentle on the other woman, still getting the feel for everything. Trying to figure out what the right path was and what she enjoyed. Alex paused for a moment in her ministrations. She sat up. Alex reached for the hem of her own shirt and pulled it off.

"I trust you" she said quietly. Alex could feel Maggie's eyes on her. She felt the blush go deeper. She pushed a bit of her hair behind her ear. She leaned down, pressing a feather light kiss to her lips. She cupped her cheek. "I'm okay, this is my choice, I want to do this with you. But i retain the right to change my mind, okay?" Alex said quickly, her voice coming out in rambling waves. "If you still want that, that is. I can put my shirt back on, oh god I made a terrible choice. I just figured it was the right impulse to follow..."
"Alex, stop talking and just enjoy me touching you.." Maggie told her girlfriend. "If you end up telling me to stop, I will. But until then, shhh..." She smiled at the other woman a moment
later, now that the dark haired woman's shirt was gone from her body. Without waiting for Alex to say anything else, the young woman reached out and cupped her girlfriend's breasts in
her hands, getting rid of the bra in one quick movement and tossing it aside, before gently fondling the flesh and squeezing it. "Your skin's so soft and I love how it feels in my hands.."

She resumed kissing her girlfriend's lips, even as her hands kept caressing and rubbing the other woman's breasts. "How does it feel? Let me know if I'm being too rough. I don't want to
hurt you," Maggie assured her, and then she tugged playfully on one of Alex's nipples, hoping to draw out a loud moan from her favorite dark haired beauty. While her one hand worked on tugging and caressing her girlfriend's nipple and breast, she kissed her one last time, before lowering her head and taking the other nipple into her mouth, where she sucked firmly on the skin, and swirled her tongue around Alex's other nipple, moaning against it.
Alex fell silent seeing Maggie remove her shirt, her eyes faxing over the newly exposed parts of her. She left out a soft moan feeling Maggie cup her breasts and begin to fondle them. Alex let out a hoarse laugh.."I'm glad you like them? Guess that's why we're gay huh?" She said brearhlessly

She returned the kiss heatedly pulling the other woman close to her. Her own hands beginning to act more confidently. She let out a low moan feeling her tease her nipple. "Its good" she finally managed. It was so hard to focus with Maggie playing with her like that. Alex gaspes feeling her lips connect with the sensitive flesh. She moved her hands in to Maggie's hair, entangling her fingers in her lush locks. "Oh my god" she said in a soft pelading voice. And they were just starting. When Maggie finished, Alex forcedully pulled her up for another searing kiss. Her handsgoing back to touch her skin. She fumbled with the clasp on Maggie's bra but finally had it undone and tossed to the side. She just wanted to feel skin against skin. Alex finally was understanding what all the hub bub around sex was about.
Maggie kissed the other woman back, when she was pulled away from teasing Alex's nipple with her tongue. She laughed softly into the kiss at the words that Alex had said. "Like is a major understatement. I'm going to be playing with your breasts every chance I get from now on," The brunette told her girlfriend. A smile spread over her lips, as the other woman finally removed her bra, and she felt Alex's hands on her breasts. "What do you think, Danvers? It's not so scary anymore, is it?" After she spoke, she started to run the fingers of one of her hands, through her girlfriend's hair.

"You're beautiful, and I haven't even finished undressing you yet.." She said and then smiled happily at the dark haired woman. "How do you want to go from here?" Maggie asked her softly. "Do you want me to keep undressing you, or do you want to undress me? Or do you just want to stay like this for now? Or, do you feel like this is getting to be too much, and we need to stop? Just tell me what you need, and I'll give it to you.." The brunette said as she kept running her fingers through Alex's hair, loving how soft and silky it was. She pressed a few more kisses to the other woman's lips as she waited for a reply.
"It's still a little scary, but much less intimidating" she replied thoughtfully. "I understand now though, what you meant about trusting you. I think I get it" Alex smiled, just looking into Maggie's eyes for a long time. She tilted her head ever so slightly to allow her better access to her hair. "No, you're the beautiful one, look at this endless smooth skin and these tight muscles." Alex hesitated in the soft stroking she was giving to Maggie's chest when asked about what she wanted to do next. Alex took a deep breath, taking a moment to really think about it. Alex returned the gentle kisses before finally speaking, her head leaning against Maggie's. "I need you" she whispered breathlessly.

"I'd like to keep going." She said softly. "I want to keep touching you. I am so curious to see the rest of you and just...be vulnerable with you." Alex shifted, pulling herself from the loving embrace. She held out her hand to Maggie to help her to her feet. "I would also request we retire to my bedroom, it might be a bit more comfortable." She took their standing position to pull Maggie in for another deep kiss and beginning to lead her to the bedroom. "You seem eager to finish undressing me, so let't start there." she said quietly "And see what happens. This is really where I start to feel a bit like a fish out of water."

Alex entertwined their fingers and pressed kisses to her knuckles. "I trust you though and I love you." she murmured.
"I love you, too." Maggie said softly. She happily followed Alex into the bedroom, and once they were inside, gently pushed her girlfriend down onto her back, on the bed. Within moments,
the brunette was leaning over the over woman and kissing her lips, which she did a few more times, before pulling back. The young woman dipped her head and started pressing kisses all over her girlfriend's chest, her breasts, her neck, cheek, and then her lips. Gently nipping at the skin, but not biting down hard enough to cause any pain. She soothed the skin with her tongue, right after.

She didn't waste any time, and gently removed Alex's pants and her underwear, tossing both articles of clothing aside. Once that was done, the woman kissed down the dark haired woman's stomach, placed sweet kisses all over her girlfriend's legs, and then one one gentle kiss against Alex's most private area, before moving back up her body, and kissing her lips. As Maggie kissed her girlfriend's lips, she let her hands roam over the other woman's body, before gently cupping Alex in one hand. "I wanna make you feel amazing, okay?" She said, making sure to ask, before continuing.

Once she had gotten the go ahead, Maggie gently slipped one finger inside of Alex, thrusting slowly and gently for some time, letting her get used to the feeling. This went on for a little
while, before she slipped a second finger inside of her and continued thrusting, just using her fingers, and her lips to make her girlfriend feel absolutely amazing. Completely loving the
sounds of the other woman's moans, that ripped from her throat and lips.
Alex let Maggie push her back onto the bed, she laughed a little bit, but that was quickly silenced. She returned the kiss to her lips, pulling herself up slightly to better kiss Maggie. Alex let out a soft sigh, feeling Maggie's lips leaving kisses all over her body. Kisses that soon turned into soft nibbles. Alex let out a soft moan, biting her own lip hard. She hadn't expected the feeling of her teeth to be so enticing. Alex felt Maggie's hands reach her waist, removing the last remaining articles of clothing. The air was cold, but it didn't matter for long. All of Alex's attention was focused solely on Maggie's lips, her breathing becoming slightly labored in anticipation.

Alex was grateful when she was able to kiss her girlfriend again. It was a needy kiss, her hands holding Maggie's tight against hers. Alex let out a soft gasp, feeling her hand settle between her legs. Her eyes meeting Maggie's for a long moment, she nodded slowly. "I want you too. I want you so much" she agreed quietly. She was slightly nervous but that feeling was soon replaced by the sensation of Maggie's fingers. Alex tried into the beginning to fight back the moans, but her resolve didn't last long. She was caught between breathy moans, and soft needy whimpers. Her hips beginning to move against Maggie's hand searching for more friction. "Maggie....god....that feels amazing" she said between moans. Her hands ran up and down Maggie's back, just trying to touch more of her skin. "D-don't stop...."
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