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Evil Heart's Desires [private for me and Spud]

Adal noticed she looked much paler than normal, she was sweating and everything about her seemed off. She usually would be angry or a bit concerned about him barging in this early. He grunted and looked down at her to see her slightly shivering. Crossing his arms and looking kind of annoyed he walked over to her, placing his hand on her cheek. Then her forehead, looking somewhat deep into her eyes. "oh great.. now you've done it! you've gotten your self a fever.. Great!" He said a bit grumpy. "You spent too much time with that dirty city boy i'm guessing.." he rolled his eyes and took her hands while she was getting dressed. "Get back in bed.. you're a useless assistant to me like this." This was the first time he called her an assistant that wasn't in a joking or cynical way. Usually he would say it while torturing her, trying to make her feel under his control. Or he would use it as an insult, but when he said it this time.. it felt like he was serious, honest. Adal pulled her hair out of the bun without hesitation, letting her hair fall back down to her shoulders and he pulled the sheets back. urging her to sleep, "I don't want you getting me sick either... So just lay down, I'll be back. Can't have you getting your disgusting germs everywhere" He didn't seem all that angry, if he was angry he was more angry at the fever itself. It almost seemed like he was being a bit nice.
She wasn't sure when Adal walked to her, leaning a bit to his touch since his hand seemed pleasantly warm. A fever? Her? That was impossible. She couldn't even remember the last time she was sick. Hiro...? Was he the one to give her some germs? Well.. they did kiss but.. It was quite hard to think at the moment although Adal calling her his assistant so seriously surprised the petite female. She protested just faintly when being pushed back into the bed but once her head touched the pillow she sighed, her body feel weak all over. Then she sat back up, looking at the mage, blinking few times as she tried to focus.
"Uhm.. the.. breakfast.. and I need to feed the pet.. and...", she said, trying to catch the escaping thoughts and then voice them out.
Adal pulled the blanket up and sighed rather softly, thinking about how this would put a stop to his plans and how he would need to take care of her. Maybe it would be a good thing... Not sure how, but maybe it would be good for him to take care of her for a change. She was getting a lot better with her orders and listening to him, he could show some care. His finger went to her lips and he shushed her, making her stop her babbling. "I'll do all of it.. don't worry.. I don't need you getting worse" His hand slowly left her lips and he stood up from the bed "And if I catch you trying to leave your room to take care of any of it! There will be hell to pay!! understood!?" He barked in a commanding way, even if what he was telling her to do was kind of sweet. Walking out of the room he grabbed a loaf of bred and a bucket of water, walking down into the dungeon and throwing the loaf into the cell. It hit Hiro in the face and he woke up, quickly standing up and walking over to Adal kind of weary and not wanting to be demanding.
"S-s-s-sir?" He muttered, trying to ask if there was any chance he could leave.
"GET BACK YOU FILTH!" Adal shouted, waking everyone else in the dungeon up. Kicking between the bars, hitting the man in the stomach and making him drop to the floor on his back. "You're lucky my assistant is fond of you... You made her sick, and if it was my decision you'd be starving for the next week" Adal walked out of the dungeon and into the kitchen. Started to make some soup, simple chicken and vegetable soup. It didn't take long, maybe 40 minutes. Then he walked back upstairs with the bowl of soup and a big glass of water on a trey. "... are you asleep?" he said kind of quietly as he walked into the room.
When the finger rested on her lips the pretty eyes widened, the lips soft and so hot from the fever. What she heard made her blush, feeling a bit lost with the kindness she was shown by the male. Why.. wasn't he yelling? Wasn't she obstructing his plans for the day? It made her heart beat faster again.. and she wasn't sure why. It made her deeply confused but at the same time feel really nice. Even when there were orders they sounded nice. It seemed the mage cared? Too tired to think about it any more she laid down and was out like a light, her body needing sleep in order to fight off whatever tried to get to it. Shaurite was sleeping when Adal got back, still wearing her glasses. When laying like that in the bed, her hair messy and the cheeks flushed from the temperature of her body, she seemed almost fragile. Like anything could hurt her. Yet it was obvious to tell male that got to know her quite good that it wasn't true. She was strong. Surviving on the streets since she was a small kid, getting by, learning everything she knew by herself, being able to resist him for months before breaking to his will, attacking him even if she knew she would be punished but still being herself, even if a bit damaged in the eyes laws ruling the society. Mumbling something through her sleep she moved her hand as if she was holding one of her knives only to chuckle in the end.
Adal watched her tranquil sleep and shook his head a bit, laughing to himself softly. Seeing how much of a mess she was, it was kind of cute. He put the soup down next to her on the table with the water, taking her glasses off gently and closing them. Placing them next to her soup, she could pick them up when she woke up. He didn't want her breaking them in her sleep, that would be annoying to fix. He watched her sleep for a little while longer and sighed. Kind of thankful that she was his, his play thing and his toy. But his none the less, but he knew she would be out of commission for a couple of days.. or just for today, either way he would need to get her medicine. This gave him the perfect opportunity to go into the enchanted forest and capture some "specimens" He needs more than just Auri to keep this Huge mansion running.. Plus his overall plan would need subjects who would obey him. He needed all sorts of monsters and demons to accomplish that. "Sleep well.. assistant.." He walked out of the room, making sure not to wake her up when he closed the door.

Grabbing many supplies before heading out, filling his back pack with traps and magical scrolls to help him. Taking a huge walking staff that helped him walk and cast spells. Without hesitation he headed out into the forest, looking for medical herbs and keeping an eye out for any magical creatures he could force into submission.
Even taking her glasses off didn't wake up Shaurite, showing just how much her body needed the rest. She surely would be surprised by the gentle look on Adal's face if she would be able to see it. Sighing in her sleep she turned on her side, nuzzling more into the pillow. After some time the smell of the soup woke her up, she ate it without thinking much, drunk the water and fell back asleep.

The forest Adal decided to go into wasn't a normal forest. Most of the town people kept away from it since it was known from all the magic and dangerous, sentient and not, creatures that were it's residents. As the mage was walking through it some of them stopped to take a look at him and some run away, probably feeling the aura of his magic. After about a hour or so he passed next to a tree that seemed to be a normal tree.. of not for a cat tail hanging from one of it's many, thick branches. A cat demon was sleeping there, obviously a wild one, probably not able to read or write since there was no one to teach it to her. Still it was obvious it wasn't entirely wild after a closer look since the girl was wearing clothes.


"a cat spirit huh?... well... I guess we all have to start somewhere" adal said to himself, knowing that cat spirits where some of the most common spirits/demons in forests. They where similar to pixies, how they would play tricks and try to steal goods from travelers. Taking food and anything they could to survive, pretty much little thieves that couldn't easily be persuaded is what Adal thought about them. Walking up to the tree, he didn't forget his priorities. Knowing that Shaurite needed medicine, he knelt down and picked some herbs and mushrooms from the tree that only magical essence could provide. Now that he was finished with his travel to get what he needed he could have some fun. He quickly pulled out his old book of spells and whispered to himself "Esense.. deapleatead" It was a basic trick, but everything in his book had seemed to be forgotten over time. That's the main reason he was so powerful, no one knew his tricks. The magic would take his magical power and grant him more physical strength and stamina. He usually didn't need it, but when dealing with catching creatures. It didn't hurt to use this spell. He put his book away and picked up a small rock, tossing it at the spirits head. Waking her up, "Spirit, you're coming with me! You're going to live with me and do as I say!" he said rather cocky.
While the cat demons were most common in the forest they were quite different from each other. Their fur colours, skin and eyes went in all different sets. This one had a deeply black fur with a bit of white inside the ears what was quite unusual really. The hair were almost in the same colour as the fur and the eyes showed to be green when they opened after Adal tossed a small rock at the neko. The stone made her jump high and hiss, the cute but up while she pinned into the wood with her sharp claws. Looking around she blinked and licked her lips nervously. Then her eyes rested on the mage, the neko tilted her messy head to the side and stayed were she was, her clothes barely covering her pert but small breasts, the small butt looking good in the white panties.
"Who... you arrr?", she asked, obviously not used to using her vocal cords like that.
"I'm Adal. I've been looking for a.. pet" Adal stated in an almost nefarious way. Wanting this stunning creature all to himself. He could see her becoming a nice maid. His eyes traveled all over looking at her body with a lot of precision. "You look..." He stopped himself, grabbing some food from his bag. It was a loaf of bread, but he used some illusion magic to make it look and smell like a freshly caught fish. "If you come down and play nice.." He stood up and held the 'fish' up showing her and waving it around a bit. "You'll get some delicious treats~ All I want to do is talk" His lip curling a bit, knowing the second he could he would capture her and take her back to his house. He wasn't going to let something so beautiful get away.
"", she repeated only to sniff the air and look at the fish greedily, licking her lips when at that. "Me.. Nyamai."
Not thinking much the neko jumped off of the tree and slowly got closer to the male. Looking at him carefully and seeing no weapon she moved a bit closer, lured by the heavenly smell. The fishes were a rare threat around this part of woods since the lake was far away and it was quite a dangerous area. Licking her lips once again with her rough tongue the feline female squirmed a bit, a bit afraid to get any closer.
"You say.. we talk.. Uhm.. about?", she asked, curious and using the words of human speech she learnt from listening to this and that.
She got closer and closer, he genlty waved his hand to the right and to the left smiling and thinking how easy this was. "Just about... oh well.. how about you, coming home with me? I can give you all the fish and treats you could ever want.. In return I only ask for a couple of favors, do some work.. sounds reasonable? riiight?" Adal said a bit friendly. He was kind of bored of just overpowering people, he had a split idea of manipulating and changing the mind of this one.. brain washing! That would be interesting, making her fall in love with him and then abuse her into submission. Make her never want to leave his side and do exactly what he says. "You could be like. well.. a house cat! But I need you to do some favors for me, to make sure you're not a bad cat.." He said hoping she would get kind of offended at the fact he was calling her bad. This would make her want to prove to him she isn't bad, but if this all failed he would ultimately just force her with pain and chains.
The fish.. the dark green eyes fixed on it and followed it, the girl obviously hungry after being woken up so brutally from her sleep. Her black ears perked up at the mention of the fish and treats, making Nyamai nod her head few times. She was a young kitten so it wasn't really that strange she wasn't able to feel Adal's magic and be warned by that. Smiling softly she then shook her head few times.
"No.. Nyamai is a good cat. Uhm.. and there... bed? Soft bed? Food? And.. food? Yummy?", she asked, licking her lips some more as her eyes followed the fish and mouth watered from the smell.
"as much food as you could ask for.. and soft cuddly beds. For good kittens" Adal smiled and held the fish away from her a bit. "But you need to follow my orders.." He didn't let her get the fish. "agree, and you'll get this nice juicy fish~ All you need to do, is some small.. favors for me, then you'll get to live in my house. With me, and I'll be good with you. If you're good with me" Adal could surprisingly put on the charm when he really wanted too. Making himself look like a confident woman's man and someone who could take control of a situation. "So.. what do you say? I need you to do something important before you can get this fish" He made sure to keep his distance, only to make her more curious. Like he was 'afraid' of her, trying to play timid. Make her feel like she had the upper hand
It worked like magic, no pun intended. Nyamai reached to the fish but pouted when it was taken away from her, getting relaxed since the male didn't seem very intimidating, forgetting already how he was after she woke up. The sexy kitten tried to get the fish only to look at Adal questioningly. The deeply green eyes innocent.
"What..? That important thing.. what is?", she asked, huffing softly as another attempt to get the fish failed. "Nyamai wants good food, soft bed and all so tell.. what?"
The kitten tried to jump to get the fish but somehow the male was faster what made her pout some more.
He kept teasing her with the food and smirking a bit. "Here.." He pulled out some ingredients from his bag. The ones he found in the forest, putting the 'fish' away. He grabbed them and threw them at the cat, to test how fast her reflexes where. Throwing it quite fast, "Take these. Go into my house and deliver them to the girl in the second room. She should be sleeping, if she isn't say i sent you. Make sure you tell her quickly! She........ scares easily" he said knowing that she would kill His new pet if he wasn't careful. "Then. Come back and find me~ If you can do all of this without any directions.. I'll let you live with me" This was a great test for her, seeing her abilities and how fast she could do it. Seeing if she could be a good fighter or if she would just be a maid. "Then you will get your fish"
She caught all the ingredients Adal thrown her way, not missing even one. Then she nodded, knowing what the human meant even if she didn't understand all the words he used. Not saying anything she started to go back the trail that was left, for her quite easy to notice and follow. The neko could be a little small and surely young but she did a great job, delivering the ingredients, evading the knife thrown her way and then finding the human right away, smiling proudly when she approached him again, not realising that her coming out from the encounter unscathed showed only one thing - how sick Auri still was. Still nekos were using magic to find their shortcuts through space so they were quite efficient with that kind of tasks.
"Adal.. It.. done.. Fish?", she asked, smiling happily with her cute ears perking up.
he smiled and saw the Neko, seeing how she didn't have a scratch on her and wondering if she was able to explain fast enough to Auri about how he sent her. He doubted it and wondered how Sick she really was, "yes.. you've given me a good enough reason to keep you Nayamai" Tossing her the bread it still looked like a fish and smelled like a fish. When she took a bite, it tasted like one too. It was a rather complex magic he was using, but it was easily broken if the intelligence of the creature was high enough. He could never use this on Auri, or many other creatures.. honestly it only really worked on very animistic creatures and demons. "You've earned it.. If you want more, then go back to my house and learn your way around... don't go into the basement. That's where bad kittens go" He smirked walked away from her.
"Nyamai", she corrected the male right away and caught the fish, biting into it right away, a bit of it's blood (the illusion was perfect) trickling down her chin and dripping on her small, pretty breasts.
Her cat ears lowered when she heard about basement. Yes, she could feel the smell of blood coming from there and she knew that it wasn't a good place. Still sleeping under a roof, having nice food and a soft place to sleep was appealing to the neko so she just nodded and munching on the fish went back to the house. Maybe the male would teach her something interesting? She could always run away since human were kind of slow. Sure about it she smiled happily and started to walk a bit faster.
Adal laughed to himself a bit, seeing her run and watching her ass sway as she ran back home. "took the cheese perfectly.. this little rat is caught by my trap" He smirked and looked back into the forest. Deeper and harder, he would need more than just the first mushroom he picked. He wanted to show Auri what he was doing, and that's why he got his new pet to bring it to her. So he walked even deeper into the forest, looking for a special herb. It took a while, but on his travel.. He found another monster. She was right next to his much needed herbs.

Pinky Floo was sitting on a bit mushroom, her legs tangling in the air as she pondered what to do. She needed money. Sure, she could live in the forest once again but here.. it was so booooring. The city was much more appealing with it's liveliness.. and sex. But after what she did, killing that rich man that tried to cut her hand, she couldn't go back there or she would be arrested... and probably sentenced to death. Well, she was a kinky rabbit lady and was fine with most of the things but not with something so radical.
"Stupid man..", she huffed, playing with the soft fur on her forearms.

Unlike most rabbits or bunnies, Lagomorpha anyway, she was smart and tall beauty. While she possessed a libido and stamina of her kind she also added to it her unusual intelligence. Still at the moment she was in deep trouble, not having anything more than the beautiful outfit she was wearing and some coins in her pocket.

Adal managed to stumble across this fine 'specimen' She was tall, gorgeous and looked a lot more human. Well, it was a bit ironic. She looked less human than the Neko he just convinced to join him, but the way she held herself was definitely human. It was strange to see her clothes so well maintained and made. Maybe she was one of those rare mingling demons he heard so much about. The kind that went to cities and would try to act human, get jobs and work. Obviously some more competent at it than others. Adal couldn't resist approaching her. Then he got a wicked and horrid idea. Bunny Demons and spirits multiply and grow at an extreme rate.. faster than most and they breed like, well. Rabbits, they're well known for it. The gears in his mind turned and spun very quickly as he approached the Pink delectable bunny. "Hello.." he said simply. Not wanting to frighten her and force her to run off. "you seem. Well, out of place. Very out of place.. Are you lost?" Keeping his distance and making sure not to spook her with his movements.
The bicolour eyes got a bit wider when she heard someone speaking, soon focusing on the tall male. She could feel the magic radiating from him, being way too experienced to not to. It was strange she didn't feel him earlier. Still Pinky knew that the mage, she assumed that much from his clothes, could kill her or at least try to capture her, using the fact she was so painfully distracted.. and yet he didn't so instead
"No.. I'm not lost... though I'm surely in troubles..", she answered, her voice sultry, perfect to whisper sweet nothings and slutty things into every men's ear and make them deeply bothered. "And you? Are you lost, human mage?"
Pushing some of her very long strawberry and vanilla coloured hair behind her ear she sighed heavily, looking back down on her outfit and then on the floor. It was so depressing! She lost everything because of that stupid man!
"I'm not lost.. you're standing just above what I need" he pointed down at the herbs she had near her feet. "You seem. Sad, rather depressing. Whats the matter?" Taking a single step closer, his fingers starting to rub together under his coat. He couldn't let her escape. It wouldn't be good for business. "Keen eye though, nice hair. Beautiful face, body.. everything screaming out that you're perfect. Why do you sit here all alone? why not mingle in a human village?" He took another step closer, and another and another. Till he was right in front of her, looking down and towering over her. Mainly because she was sitting. But it was obvious he wasn't weak. "Do.. you lack a purpose? maybe something horrible pushed you away from that purpose.."
Leaning forward, her perfect breasts showing better in that position, she nodded. So that was what the male was here for. She knew that herb, it was good for the monthly occurrence. Looking back up at the male she let him to get closer, her ears showing she was rather relaxed although her eyes were following the mage's every step, her cheeks getting a bit of colour when complimented like that. Reaching slowly to the strong chest she rubbed it with the tips of her velvety fingers and then pulled him into a kiss. She sure knew how to kiss to make one erect just with it alone. Not answering any of the questions she reached to the male's crotch and rubbed it expertly. There was no need for talking. She needed.. distraction and the male seemed like a good distraction to her. Pinky's lips were very soft and tasted sweet, her tongue inviting the human male to play instead of dominating the kiss in any way.
Adal was a bit surprised by the kiss, she wasn't in the mood for talking or banter. She clearly wanted some fun, he had to oblige. She was amazing looking, her soft fur and skin. Her silky smooth lips that danced on top of his, the kiss was enough to make his pants tighter. His cock growing instantly, then like a sucker punch. she layed her hand on his crotch and rubbed it in a way that only made him fully erect. It was odd to feel a kiss of genuine lust and want. Not some power dynamic, he kind of liked how open she was. How quick to sex she was willing to get too. His hands moved to her back and pulled her dress down, it slid down her back till her breasts were exposed. His lips and tongue playing with hers, not taking advantage. But playing, just like she beckoned him to do.
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