Loved the cooking analogy, megyn! I so want to use that in a story sometime. It's that good.
My advice to everyone in this story is to play your character how they would act. There may well be some conflict, some very tense conflict, and that's how it should be. Think of your favorite movie or tv drama and a similar situation. Betrayal, distrust, anger or fear or any strong emotion runs strong. Speak it, feel it, act on it even. Iona is recording the bridge scene to transmit to the kid appears, so she wants it to seem real. Since she hasn't told anyone of her true intention then it is real and the kidnappers will believe it.
In my next post, depending on the reactions, I'll reveal her true plan if possible then we have to figure out how to go be Big Damn Heroes.
Kosmik, Donovan can't make the exchange. They'd expect him to be too dangerous, especially with what just happened stationside. They wouldn't believe it. It will have to be Iona and Thomyris alone.
Which leaves all the rest of you cutthroats to ambush them and make them rue the day they weren't born.
Y'all should start plotting here as to how to pull it off.
First question, planetside or ship to ship exchange?