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Pokemon Mist (Koibito & Itazura Reborn)


Jan 7, 2017
"Crap I'm gonna be so late!" Exclaimed the blond young man as he pulled up his blue shorts over athletic black leggings. "How did I even oversleep?!" Questioned the boy as he pulled on a tight blue sleeveless hoodie over an undershirt that matched his undershorts. He then shoved his feet into sneakers that matched his outfit and pulled on black fingerless gloves with thick wrists, "Amy's gonna kill me if she's waiting..." he said to himself as he grabbed his pack.

Aiden was a young man of eighteen who had just turned, meaning he was old enough now to go on his Pokemon journey, a path around the region with his very own Pokemon, taking on challengers and conquering the region's eight gyms on their way to become Champion. Long ago, kids were allowed to go out much younger, that was until certain... Attacks began happening. After a while it became too dangerous for kids that young to go out into the wild and so the age restriction was placed.

"Mom I'm off!" Shouted Aiden to his mother who saw him off, "I'll be Champion when I get back alright?" He grinned to himself as he ran his hands through his spiky blonde hair, swooping it to the side in it's usual style, running off towards the Professor's lab to get his very first Pokemon, "heh... And I'll have more than a few girls wanting the arm of the Champion too" he chuckled to himself as he sped to the lab.

Once there, Aiden saw a familiar figure at the table holding a couple Pokeballs, the items that held Pokemon within.

"Aaaaaaammmmyyyyyyyy!" Called out the boy to his childhood friend as he leapt at her from behind, throwing an arm around her in a seemingly friendly gesture, that was... Seemingly, until his hand ended up right on her chest, entirely intentionally, groping at the soft plumpness underneath her clothing. "Hurry up lets pick!" He said as he looked over them.

Aiden was a rather rash and impatient kid, it showed in nearly everything he did and shone through now. "Hmmm... This one's mine!" He said as with little thought he reached out and grabbed the Pokeball closest to him before he let it out.

The ball opened and a flash of light came forth. It exploded onto the ground revealing a small, female Pokemon. It was Ralts, and even the hurried young man froze as he realized... Just how cute she was. What was not to like, she was small and almost timid-looking regardless of what her personality actually was, any person would be in awe as he was. "Hey..." He said as he knelt down and picked her up in his hand. For a moment he felt a sense of bonding in that moment that sounded cliche to all new trainers but remained true, "lets do our best, deal?" He said with a confident grin more characteristic of himself.

Looking around, Aiden, in usual tactless fashion snapped right out of the moment and looked to Amy. "You haven't picked yet? C'mon! We have to start our journey!" he grinned, thinking he just got away with that grope he helped himself to, but then again that was never the case with Amy, as often as it happened.
Koibito said:
"Crap I'm gonna be so late!" Exclaimed the blond young man as he pulled up his blue shorts over athletic black leggings. "How did I even oversleep?!" Questioned the boy as he pulled on a tight blue sleeveless hoodie over an undershirt that matched his undershorts. He then shoved his feet into sneakers that matched his outfit and pulled on black fingerless gloves with thick wrists, "Amy's gonna kill me if she's waiting..." he said to himself as he grabbed his pack.

Aiden was a young man of eighteen who had just turned, meaning he was old enough now to go on his Pokemon journey, a path around the region with his very own Pokemon, taking on challengers and conquering the region's eight gyms on their way to become Champion. Long ago, kids were allowed to go out much younger, that was until certain... Attacks began happening. After a while it became too dangerous for kids that young to go out into the wild and so the age restriction was placed.

"Mom I'm off!" Shouted Aiden to his mother who saw him off, "I'll be Champion when I get back alright?" He grinned to himself as he ran his hands through his spiky blonde hair, swooping it to the side in it's usual style, running off towards the Professor's lab to get his very first Pokemon, "heh... And I'll have more than a few girls wanting the arm of the Champion too" he chuckled to himself as he sped to the lab.

Once there, Aiden saw a familiar figure at the table holding a couple Pokeballs, the items that held Pokemon within.

"Aaaaaaammmmyyyyyyyy!" Called out the boy to his childhood friend as he leapt at her from behind, throwing an arm around her in a seemingly friendly gesture, that was... Seemingly, until his hand ended up right on her chest, entirely intentionally, groping at the soft plumpness underneath her clothing. "Hurry up lets pick!" He said as he looked over them.

Aiden was a rather rash and impatient kid, it showed in nearly everything he did and shone through now. "Hmmm... This one's mine!" He said as with little thought he reached out and grabbed the Pokeball closest to him before he let it out.

The ball opened and a flash of light came forth. It exploded onto the ground revealing a small, female Pokemon. It was Ralts, and even the hurried young man froze as he realized... Just how cute she was. What was not to like, she was small and almost timid-looking regardless of what her personality actually was, any person would be in awe as he was. "Hey..." He said as he knelt down and picked her up in his hand. For a moment he felt a sense of bonding in that moment that sounded cliche to all new trainers but remained true, "lets do our best, deal?" He said with a confident grin more characteristic of himself.

Looking around, Aiden, in usual tactless fashion snapped right out of the moment and looked to Amy. "You haven't picked yet? C'mon! We have to start our journey!" he grinned, thinking he just got away with that grope he helped himself to, but then again that was never the case with Amy, as often as it happened.

Amy Burns had been up since the crack of dawn. She had watched she sun break over the forest to the far East and had been waiting for her friend Aiden. She was very much his opposite. While he was rash and hasty, she was calm and collected. She wasn't in any hurry to be way from her home town, but wanted very much to travel with her very own partner Pokemon. She had been told that she would have to wait until she was 18 be fore she could leave, and that was yesterday.

She had packed everything she thought she would need into her backpack, which was sitting on the ground beside her. She was wearing a pair of blue sneakers with black knee high socks. A pair of shot shorts that came just a few inches below her crotch and a white tank top that was right enough to show her figure perfectly. A sports bra under that kept her from showing off too much. Her grown hair was pulled up into a ponytail and a pair of black rimmed glasses sat on her nose. She was the envy of several of the towns young ladies and the object of desire to nearly every young man. Unlucky for them though, she favored pockets rather than poles.

As Aiden called out, she turned her head to look back at him. It was then she felt him grab onto her. She felt him grope her, and she flashed with red before swinging at him. "Damnit Aiden! I have told you to stop that!" It was unclear if the red was from a blush or from anger, but it was there. Again she watched him rush through the choice and pick his Pokemon without even giving it a moments though. Though he did seem to get a good one. The little Ralts could grown into a powerful partner if trained right.

Amy wanted to give more thought to her pick though. She heard him call out to her and stopped to look at him. "Hold your horses. I had to wait on your this whole time, you can give a me a moment." She sighed and went back to looking after giving Aiden a small scolding. Standing before the two remaining balls, she looked at each of them and finally picked one. She didn't know the one she picked, but knew that the Snubble in the other ball wasn't something she wanted. Pink really wasn't her thing, and she didn't want an ugly mutt. She released her Pokemon and frowned when the light faded. The thing was small with long ears and bucked teeth. On top of that, it was pink. "Looks like I get a Nidoran," she said with a sort of forced enthusiasm.


Name: Nidoran
Gender: Male
Level: 5
Type: Poison
Leer - Normal - Special - Lowers Defense
Peck - Flying - Physical
"Ack!" Aiden shouted out as Amy managed to bash him right on the head with her fist leaving a painfully gigantic bump on the top of his head, "heheh" he grinned however, as it was so worth it!

When Ami finally made her choice, Aiden watched as her hopes of something not pink and mutty looking were dashed with something pinkish purple and goofy looking, apparently it wasn't different enough. It let out a small snarl and a huff as it eyed it's new partner almost... skeptically? But then it seemed to grin contently - if that wasn't just its buck teeth. Still Nidoran wasn't a bad Pokémon, it ran up to her and rubbed up against its leg, before it spoted Ralts and with the two in mind, a mischievous glare crossed its eye before it went back to apparently being innocent and affectionate.

Aiden smiled at Ralts and nodded, returning her to its pokeball before standing back up. "Nice" complimented Aiden, "mines cuter" he grinned. As the young pervert he was, Aiden often valued cuteness even if it was unrelated to sexual desire, he was happy he got a cute Pokémon and proud of it too.

"Cmon we leaving?" He asked impatiently," we gotta get out there!" He said already inching his way out of the lab.
Amy watched her Pokemon move. Clearly it was a loving Pokemon at least. Sure it may be small and look like a fat long eared Rattata, but what ever. She recalled her Pokemon and gave Aiden a stern look when he commented on his Pokemon's cuteness. "It may be, but I don't want to see you trying anything on the poor creature." She hooked the Poke'ball to the strap of her bag before setting off towards the next rout. "You know, you should learn to take your time."
"T-Trying anything?!" Aiden gasped, honestly shocked at the suggestion as they exited the lab, heading first for the outskirts of their own town. "Why would you even say that!" he gave her a surprised look, sure he was a pervert but something like that?... That was just... People didn't do that. "You're mean" he folded his arms in a fake pout before he grinned at her.

"Why take my time?" Asked Aiden as he clipped his Pokeball to the bottom of the small pack on his back, letting it hang like a charm. "I mean yeah... some things someone's gotta take their time on but... Most of the things you hold up on are things we could just get to now" he said critically of her criticism of him, it wasn't until after he said such a thing that another meaning to the comment registered in his mind and he flashed his usual grin yet again. "Just like other things we could be getting to instead of taking our time with" he said, clearly insinuating that sex with him was not only something that would happen, but that they should both just let it happen.

It was nothing new. Since they were young Aiden was always a little perv, and when they were of age it had only gotten worse. He got away with so much because they were best friends after all - 'get away' relatively speaking of course since he usually ended up with a few bruises for it, but the way he saw it with how they interacted, it was time to just go at it already. Of course, he had always thought like that and made comments like this when it could come up.

The cool summer air blew through Vaniville Town, their home, as the two made their way towards the outskirts of town. It would be a bit of a walk so they had time, and after that they would be on their first route, a longer road or path between towns that helped Trainers find their way. Something to stray from to look for Pokemon or to camp whenever night hit.
Amy hadn't even paid his comment any attention until he started speaking of sex with her. "Look Aiden. You know damn well that I am into girls. Why do you keep pushing it?" She looked at him sternly and her cheeks were little puffy. "Why can't you just understand that I am not into you like that and never will be?" She turned her head away and started to walk ahead of him. She was heading through the short Rout 1 and planned on stopping in Aquacorde Town to pick up a few items before they truly set out.

She had packed before leaving her home, but only took her clothing and other personal things. She still needed to pick up some trainer items, like potions and Poke'balls.
Aiden reared back, arms back in a sort of defensive position at the sudden puffy cheeked angry expression Amy gave him. As he caught her stern gaze his face started to redden, her look... it was kind of cute. After scolding him Amy turned away in a huff, "awww c'mon" he said with a chuckle as he caught back up behind her.

"Hey it's not like I mean anything by it" defended Aiden, "it's just our thing, right?" He said, semi apologetically rubbing the back of his head nervously. It was true, Aiden never expected much from Amy. True, it would be a dream come true if he actually got to fuck his best friend, but he knew it would probably never happen. They were best friends, of course he was flirty with her to a questionable degree - she had even called him out like this before.

"Cmon, we're friends" he said as he threw an arm over her shoulder. Once again it was a friendly gesture for a moment, a long pause... before his hand was groping at her chest again.

"Gaaahhh!" He would yell at her inevitable retaliation.

The trip through route 1 was a short one, not long of walking before they would reach Aquacorde Town, a starting stop for young Trainers, basically a shopping town where they could pick up many supplies for their journeys.
Amy smacked his hand away again with another glare. "Can't you keep your hands to yourself for five minutes?" When she agreed to travel with him, she didn't think that he would constantly be grabbing her. If someone seen this display, they could get the wrong idea about them and her. She didn't want to be labeled a slut, and allowing him to do this to her could do that.

Once they got to Aquacorde Town, she looked around the small down and finally let herself smile. "Well, I guess we should split up and shop." She knew they would be getting the same items, but she didn't want to walk around with him on her hip all day. "I am heading to the ball shop." With a slight wave, she headed off to the small shop.
Aiden grinned cheekily as she barked at him for his gropey hands, his hand red from her swatting it away. The two continued on and after a short route the two arrived at Aquacorde Town. Once they arrived Amy suggested they split up, "right" he agreed, though in reality it wouldn't make a bit of difference, to him it made sense that it was the more efficient choice somehow. Besides, it wasn't like Aiden needed to cling to Amy all day either.

"Yup! I'll check out items before I head there" Aiden waved back, "meet at the other end of town when we're ready to head out?" He suggested they meet at the other town entrance so they could simply leave when ready.

On his own now Aiden headed into the Item shop, starting off by window shopping. He didn't have terribly much money, starting his journey and all, and though that would change as they fought trainers who were obligated to pay a small amount to the winner and Gym Leaders who offered more for beating them along with their badge, for now he would have to sparse out his purchases to basic things. Aiden picked up a couple potions, an antidote, basic items here and there to form a small, basic little collection. After paying for them he went around getting the simple supplies at other shops before heading for the ball shop last. Really he could only afford a Pokeball or two by this point without going broke so he bought two.

"Alright... Where next?" Aiden asked himself aloud as he wondered if there were any more stops to make, or even where said town entrance was.
Amy shook her head before walking into the Ball shop. She knew what she was looking for. Looking through the selection and prices she judged how much she could bet without worry. The selection was very nice. They had all three of the standard balls, and few of the specialty balls. She didn't need anything fancy though, so the normal Poke'balls would be just fine for her. With a smile on her face, she picked up five of the regular Poke'balls and took them to the counter to check out.
"Welcome!~" Chimed a cute, cheery voice from behind the counter as Amy approached with her potential purchases. It seemed the voice matched the face as Amy was met with the shopkeep, she was a slightly taller girl with short, wild, purple hair. She was bubbly and had a thin figure although how perky her modest chest was could be seen even through her slightly puffy vest worn open to show her long sleeved top underneath.

"Find everything okay dear?~" She asked with such care and affection to her voice, a tone that could make anyone blush. It seemed her charm might have been the reason she was hired here at the Pokeball shop.
"I found everything okay," Amy replied. She smiled at the woman. She really was a lovely thing. Amy couldn't help but admire her looks and body. She tried not to stare at anyone place too long so that it would draw attention. She blushed lightly at the woman's voice. It sounded so cute.
The shopkeep's face started to flush a little, Amy didn't stare too long but the girl noticed that she was being checked out. It was flattering to be honest, regardless of if it came from a girl or a boy. More importantly... She wondered how much she could sell to a girl who seemed to show interest in her. Maybe flirting a bit wouldn't be so bad was the conclusion she reached.

"I'm glad sweetie~" She chimed with only a half innocent wink. "You know..." She said, arching her back to push out her overly perky chest, "if you want more... I might be able to cut you a deal on the whole stack" she cooed gently with a swing of her thin but curved hips, her long skirt swaying. "Cutie discount~" smirked the cute girl shopkeep.
Amy smiled at the woman, but she had a limited amount of money and just enough left for her items. "Thank you so much, but I am on a very tight budget." While it was very nice of her to offer a deal, she couldn't take it.
The girl gave a soft pout as Amy revealed she didn't really have the funds for anymore. She leaned over the counter in a way that was provocative enough to be considered flirting but not too much so as to look desperate. Her hips swayed softly as she smiled to her customer, "here..." She whispered almost huskily as she slid her hand across the counter towards Amy, lifting it she revealed another Pokeball. It was green with four red markings across it and one yellow one above them, this was a Friendship Ball, a Pokeball variant that better acclimated a Pokemon to it's new Trainer.

"Take this one on the house then and come back to see me some time, deal?~" the cute salesgirl gave a wink as she rang up Amy, still applying a sort of discount on just what she had. She was flirting to make her sales and a new loyal customer if she could, even if she had no idea that Amy would in fact be more interested in a girl like her flirting as she was. As for herself? This girl was a bit open when it came to these things herself, comfortable with her sexuality, not really stuck on any particular preference, she didn't mind flirting with another pretty girl at all - maybe even more, but it wasn't something she had given any thought to, yet anyway.

"Thanks cutie~" She said after ringing her out and handing her a receipt.
Amy would smile at the girl and she put the Friendship Ball into her bag. "Thank you, and I will come back." She waited until she was finished ringing her up before paying and taking her Poke'balls. "See you later." She smiled and waved as she left the shop and headed over towards the item shop. She needed some Potions and Antidotes before she went on to the next route.

She would make it in time to catch Aiden coming from the store. "Find any good deals," she stopped and asked him.
Aiden walked out to catch Amy who was crossing his path towards the shop he was just at. "Nothing in particular, but it's pretty cheap" he answered in delighted surprise, honestly not having expected the prices to be so fair even if nothing was on any great sale.

The boy waved as they parted again for him to head to the Pokeball shop. Of course he flirted far more with the cute girl at the shop, the boy nearly drooling as he left with a couple Pokeballs - not successful in getting the deals that Amy was offered.

After he had made his purchases for the time being, Aiden headed for the town entrance - or exit for them, waiting for Amy there so they could start their journeys together.
Amy made it a quick stop, picking up two antidotes and three potions. Meeting at the exit, She would look at Aiden, easily able to read his face. "Leave her alone. We don't need you getting in trouble. You ready to head out?" She held her pack rightly over her shoulder and looked down the path.
Aiden waved to Amy until she called him out for flirting, when she hadn't even seen it happen. Comically in a way Aiden tensed up defensively, "hey! I didn't do anything!" the blond protested "why would you just automatically assume I just would- yeah dammit I totally did..." Aiden quickly admitted halfway through trying to cover himself, realizing just how little use it was to try and lie to Amy. No matter what the girl would know he was bullshitting, she knew him too well.

"Fine, fine" he said as he turned away in a huff, before she asked if he was ready and his tone changed pretty quick. He spun back around with a grin and nodded, "yeah, lets do it!" Aiden declared eagerly before heading outwards. The two were now on their journey officially, off onto route 2. It would be a short trek before they would get into Santalune Forest, if they made good time it would be sunset by the time they would enter.
"I want to do a little training before we head into the forest. That means we will camp on the route." She looked at him with a glaring look, knowing he would try suggesting that they sleep close together to keep warm, even though it was the middle of summer. "We each have a tent, I suggest we use them." She walked off ahead of him, wanting to at least see what her Pokemon could do against something wild.
"Awwww, can't we share?" Aiden suggested, "less clean up before we go into the forest tomorrow right?" It wasn't the exact excuse Amy had expected unknowingly to the boy, but she was pretty much still right about his intentions at least. He agreed with the idea of training, it really would be useful to get to know the Ralts he was given, they would be partners from now on after all. It just wasn't the part what Amy said that he was concerned with at the moment.

Aiden quickly followed after Amy as they started down Route 2, the boy excited to finally be out and on their way. "So, were you thinkin' we'd go find some tall grass or?..." Asked Aiden as he followed along, curious what Amy had in mind for their training.
"Well, the only way we would be getting water Pokemon would be to go swimming, and I don't think I could battle a fish with my little poison type." She looked at the route and sighed. "Tall grass it is. Let's spread out and see what we can find." She took her Poke'ball off her strap and headed into the grass to see what she might find.
"Right" Aiden nodded in agreement, it only made sense to see what they could each do. No sense in trying out any of those complex types battles just yet. The light haired boy split off from Amy into the tall grass and he began sifting through it as he walked. "So do we really just walk around and hope a Pokemon crawls out?" The boy called out to his friend across the quiet field as he continued on opposite to her.

Just as he did however, a small unique mushroom poked through the grass he parted, except for that it started to move. What looked like a red and white mushroom peered up at him with a face. He looked it over, it was a Foongus, a rather small and slightly common Pokemon. "Hey I found something!" He called back to Amy.
Amy walked through the grass looking for a Pokemon to fight. Hearing Adien call out, she would turn and look at him. Seeing the small Pokemon, she would grin, but shake her head. "You take it. I don't think a poison against poison fight if what I am looking for?" Amy had brushed up on her Pokemon before leaving, so she knew what Foonfus what. A little Poison/Grass type that had little to offer her or her team.
Aiden grinned, "well, why not see what you can do?" He asked as he grabbed onto the Pokeball of his first and only Pokemon, "go, Ralts!" He said as he tossed the ball, the white light inside exploding as the ball opened, revealing the small, cute Pokemon that was his Partner.

"Alright Ralts lets kick this thing's butt!" He grinned determinedly.


It was just then that a rustling could be heard in the grass, a thick, disruptive sound hinting it was bigger than a Foongus. It would prove to be as a small, young, male Litleo jumped from the tall grass, running towards Amy.
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