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RP: FTWD: Survive With Me (randomname98766789 x greenandgold)

RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

She took the tissue and did as Braden instructed and held it against her nose hard, to stop the bleeding. Alicia watched as he located one of her hair pins and used it to unlock the door. Upon finding Nick passed out again, she watched as he checked her brother's pulse and other vitals, and then offered to help Braden move him, but her efforts were quickly rebuffed. When her boyfriend's attention turned back to her once Nick was taken care of, she nodded. "It's fine. It's not broken, and doesn't even hurt anymore. I was mainly surprised and caught off guard, I think."

Once her nose quit bleeding, Braden told her to go sit down and offered to clean up the mess from Nick's seizures. "I can't let you do that. Nick's my brother, and it's my job to take care of him and do what needs to be done." Alicia kissed her boyfriend's lips gently. "We'll both clean it up. It'll go faster that way," She said, having decided to try and compromise. A few minutes later they had cleaned up the mess and washed their hands. The young woman stepped away to change her bloodied shirt and then joined Braden in the kitchen to eat, while
Nick was still unconscious.

"Thank you for picking the lock and getting Nick out of there. And for helping me clean up the mess." As they sat down at the table to eat together, she slipped one of her hands into his, under the table. Squeezing Braden's hand, and then falling silent as the two of them started to eat. The three of them in the house were completely unaware of everything else that was going on in LA at that moment. Alicia and Braden enjoyed a quiet lunch together. She saved Nick's burger for later, and then once they were done eating, took his hand and they went back into the living room. She turned the TV on and kept it low, turning on a movie they both liked.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Since they were watching a movie, Braden just tried to forget everything else. It sucked that Nick was dealing with his withdrawal for so long but if he actually got clean this time, this next week would be the toughest. After the first week or so, then Nick should get much better. In the middle of their movie, the sound of a vehicle outside was heard, Braden exited the bed and found it was Madison returning. She had been gone for a long time and it worried the male just as he knew Alicia might have been worried, too. However, she was probably used to her mother not really being there for her since it was a constant theme.

“Let’s go downstairs.” He whispered, holding his girlfriend’s hand as they descended the steps. When Madison entered, Nick was just waking up on the couch. However, something looked wrong. Madison had blood staining her jacket and shirt. She and a student had found one of the administrators in a reanimated state and had to kill him. “Ms. Clark, what happened? Are you alright?” Braden asked, still completely formal with her despite knowing her for all his life. Madison was always Ms. Clark to him as he held himself to a higher standard of respecting Alicia’s family, especially her mother and her father had he been around today.

“Don’t worry. Something happened at school. Have either of you heard from Travis yet?” She asked, pulling out a bottle of OxyCotin. She used it, giving two pills to Nick, helping make the withdrawal symptoms less violent and pervasive, slowly weaning him off the drug effects. After that was given to Nick, Madison was called by Travis as he explained the situation, getting caught in a riot in the city trying to locate his son and ex-wife. They were on the run and gunshots with explosions were sounded on the other end from Travis. Braden just kept quiet, trying to make a sense of everything, looking deep into Alicia’s eyes, hoping to offer her some sort of comfort but he had no idea what was going on.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"What are we gonna do?" Alicia asked her mother, as she took Braden's hands into her own. "Is it safe to stay here? Do we need to go to a hotel, or somewhere else? Should we pack anything?" She looked at her boyfriend. "Your clothes are in your car, right?" Not waiting for an answer, the young woman looked back at her mother. "How many cars should we take? Between the five of us, we have four cars. Should we split up and take as many cars as possible, or group together and take only a few cars? What's the plan here?" Alicia asked, getting impatient.

She sighed. "Nick can't drive, so he'll need to be a passenger to one of us that drives. It's not safe yet, since he's still got drugs in his system." The young woman looked around the house. "Maybe we should start packing. As much food and clothes as we can fit and load the trunks and back seats with supplies. We might need weapons, too. Travis has his gun that's been locked up in the closet for years. Nick has a few handgun's hidden in his room, along with a knife collection." After mentioning all of that, Alicia didn't waste any time and went to collect Nick's weapons, and the knife she had from her father.

He had given it to her when she was young, and told her to only use it to protect herself. The young woman immediately started packing clothes, hers and Nick's and shoving everything they owned clothing-wise into trash bags. Their clothes were clean but would be wrinkled, not that that mattered. She shoved shoes and personal supplies into the bag as well. Toilet paper, all the bathroom towels. Once that was packed, Alicia went through Nick's room getting his weapons, and she got the knife her father had given her and brought the bags out
to the living room. "We need to pack food and drinks, grab jackets, anything that could be useful if we have to leave quickly."
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Helping Alicia pack, Braden had everything of his ownership inside his car. Returning to the living room, he watched Madison not making a move to leave yet. Peering out the window at the sound of a blood-curdling scream, Braden saw one of the Clark’s neighbors brutally attacked by their neighbor. The older male pushed the woman down and just bit her neck like some savage. It did not make any sense. What was going on here? These reports on the news, were they true? What the hell was going on? Now, he was terrified thinking about his mother. If she worked at the hospital and had been around these people, what happened to her? When Alicia arrived to the living room, Madison saw that her daughter was ready to leave immediately. “Alicia, I’m sorry but we’re not leaving yet. We have to wait for Travis. We can’t leave without him.” Even though her fiancée wanted them to leave, Madison could not bring herself to do it. There was no room for anything else in her opinion. “Just keep the bags by the door so we can leave immediately when he gets back.”

At this time, Travis, his family, and the Salazar family were trying to get into the hospital but it was locked down and they were not allowed inside. Panicked, Braden removed his cell phone and called his mother multiple times again and called the hospital but there was no answer anywhere. Finally, he dug deep into his mind and thought about some of her co-worker’s phone numbers. When Braden was still too young to drive and his mother had been working crazy hours, he had been picked up at school by some of his mother’s close friends at work. Finally, he reached one of them. She was a doctor just a few years older than his mother. Her voice sounded stressed and she was still in the hospital. Basically, she told him that something dangerous was happening. She could not say what it was exactly. If anyone had been bitten or infected with this disease, they needed to be locked away. When he asked about his mother, she hesitated to tell him but finally revealed the crushing information.

Braden’s mother had contracted the disease and passed a couple hours ago. Braden asked about identifying the body or seeing his mother but was shot down. The hospital was under quarantine and nobody could leave or get inside. She apologized repeatedly and abruptly disconnected. Turning back to face Madison, Nick, and Alicia, Braden chewed on his lower lip, almost not believing the news. “My Mom… She… She’s dead.” He uttered lowly, looking almost clueless, his hands gripping the back of the recliner. He was officially an orphan now. No parents with the closest family member on the east coast. He had nothing now, nothing except for Alicia. He needed to sit down so he just sat on the edge of the couch and Madison was there to comfort him. She felt hurt by the news too since she was close friends with his mother and his father, just as her past husband was. Braden was basically family to the Clark’s already and she said that he could stay with them as long as he needed.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia flinched when she heard the scream and then again as they watched one of their neighbor's, an older male, push a woman, another of their neighbor's, down and bite into her neck like an animal. That caused her to close the blinds and move away from the windows. What was happening? There were more and more news reports of people randomly attacking one another like they had rabies or something. She glanced at her mother and nodded at her words. "Have you tried calling Travis? How far away is he? We need to know when to be ready
to leave."

"We also need to be prepared in case that guy out there tries to attack us." She fell silent a few moments later. The young woman reached for her boyfriend's hand when he said that his mother was dead. "I'm sorry," She said softly, and then hugged him tightly. "You know that you're always welcome to stay with us. Anywhere we go, you're coming with us. I won't let anything happen to you," Alicia promised Braden. She glanced at her mother and motioned with her head, asking the woman to give them a minute alone. "Hey Mom, maybe you should check on Nick. See if he's awake..." She suggested to her.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Conventionally neutral with his emotions, Braden fought back the tears. Madison excused herself quietly and a tear slid down Braden’s cheek, his blue orbs closing tight while he forced himself to inhale and exhale deeply. The worst part of it all, was that he never made peace with his mother. In his heart, he had forgiven her for what she did to him and his sister but he never verbally expressed it to her. The woman died thinking he hated her. At least, that was what Braden feared. He did not hate her, though. “Thank you.” Braden whispered pathetically to Alicia, just needed her touch.

He felt powerless, like his manhood was stripped, too. He should not cry right now, he should hold it in but he literally had no family now. “You’re all I have left, Alicia. I love you. I don’t say it nearly enough. I love you.” He whispered, arms wrapping tightly around her, pulling her against his chest. “Can we… just go to your room? I’d like to just cuddle with you right now. I don’t feel like talking.” His way for grieving was not really talking. Instead, he just wanted Alicia close and some privacy. The only thing that made him feel better right now was this girl that he loved. She gave him hope and strength among so many other things.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"You never have to thank me for being here for you. I love you, and I'll always love you and be here for you." She had one arm wrapped around Braden's waist, and the hand of her other arm was caressing one of his cheek's gently. "I'm here for you. Anything you need, all you have to do is tell me and I'll do it. If you want me to talk and distract you, I can do that. If you want me to be quiet and just hold you, I can do that, too. Anything that you need," Alicia repeated to him softly. The two of them stayed like that for a long time. Just taking comfort from each other and taking in the silence together.

After they had been silent for a while she said softly, "What about your sister? Have you tried to get in touch with her? Maybe she can try and get to town, or maybe we could meet her somewhere.." She suggested to him. The young woman knew that he was dealing with the loss of his mother, and knew that he really needed to see his sister. And if there was a way that Alicia could make that happen, then she was sure as hell going to try. She wrapped both of her arms around Braden's waist now, and held him close. The two of them just sat there holding each other, lost in their own thoughts.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Thinking about his sister, Braden frowned. “You know she’s halfway across the country and that pains me even more. I tried to call her three times already but there’s no answer.” Little did Braden know that the outbreak hit hard in her city and phone lines were down, it was impossible to reach her. “I think that makes me feel the worst out of everything. I can’t even tell her that our mother passed. I don’t even know what to do.” He admitted with a frown, looking into Alicia’s eyes, thanking his lucky stars that he had her. “I love you so much Alicia. All I want right now is for you to kiss me and to be in my arms.”

That was all he could ask for right now. Soon, Braden found himself on top of Alicia, his mouth covering hers. His tongue started tracing the outline of her soft, sweet lips a few times before sliding inside of her mouth, attacking her own tongue, wrestling with it for a couple seconds until he pinned it down firmly. It might not exactly lead to sex, but Braden just wanted a heated make-out session, something to take his mind off everything and this did the trick. Braden placed his hands onto her face as his head tilted opposite of hers, deepening the kiss even more, trying to get all he could out of the kiss. His teeth pulled gently at her lower lip and Braden’s eyes remained wide open, staring into Alicia’s green orbs because of how much comfort he felt.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1x1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"We'll find her," Alicia assured Braden. "Even if you and I have to split from my family to go and find her ourselves. I know how close you and your sister are, and I'd never dream of leaving her alone while all of this is going on." She fell silent a few moments later, and just held him close, hoping that the little bit of comfort she was able to offer him, would be enough. She pressed gentle kisses to her boyfriend's neck, hoping that the action would soothe him. They remained locked in the embrace for a while, just taking comfort from each other.

She was surprised when Braden's cell phone went off and the young woman quickly pulled back from her boyfriend and tried to locate his cell phone. Alicia moved off of the bed and began checking the room, finally spotting his cell phone that had fallen under the bed. She quickly grabbed the phone and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Clarke's name on his phone. She answered it and then handed Braden his cell phone so that he could talk to his sister. Alicia placed a gentle hand on his leg, trying to comfort him as much as she could
with the action.


Clarke Blake-Patterson had been on the road for 31 hours, as she drove from Dayton, Ohio where she went to college for her teaching degree, to her hometown of Los Angeles,
California. She was worried about her mother and brother. There had been an outbreak of some kind. It made those that were infected, rabid and dangerous. It was spreading
quickly. It had hit Ohio first, and was now in LA. The blonde had just heard about the outbreak reaching LA, 3 hours ago, through the news station she was listening to on the
radio as she drove.

She had been trying to reach her brother and mother for over a week now, but communications in Ohio had been down. Now that she was in LA, hopefully the blonde could get
a hold of her family. Clarke called Braden's phone and let out a relieved sigh as it finally rang, and rang, and rang. The call was picked up and she started to immediately speak,
though the connection was horrible and words dropped out. "Bellamy... dead.. attacked... Outbreak... No power... In LA... You... Home...?" The static on the phone line grew as
she waited for her brother's reply. Her eyes on the road as she drove. The blonde was still half an hour away from their house.
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

It was a miracle! Clarke had found a break in the phone lines and managed to reach Braden. However, most her words were cut out and Braden only pieced together a few words and phrases. “No, I am not home. I am at Alicia’s house. Meet me there.” The male repeated those words over and again until the line disconnected. Immediately, the male tried to call his sister back but he could not reach her a second time. With a frown, he tossed the phone down onto the bed and shook his head. “I could hardly understand her. There was so much static. She said something about an attack. I don’t understand.”

The male also neglected to inform Clarke about their mother’s demise. It was probably best that he kept that to himself until she was safely in Los Angeles. The last thing she needed added onto all the stress she was already under was hearing that her mother had died, too. All Braden could do was hope that Clarke made it safely. She should know where Alicia’s house was. Often, they both were there as young children when their mother was off on a drinking bender. Other than Alicia, Clarke was the important woman in his life.

Their bond as siblings was strong. They were forced to grow up way before they should have and they helped one another survive. If anyone tried to lay a finger on either Clarke or Alicia, Braden would kill them, plain and simple. Keeping his phone turned all the way up and making sure he would hear the ringer if Clarke called back, Braden placed his phone onto the nightstand again before crawling back down beside Alicia. Stroking his hand through her hair, he looked into her eyes and gave her a soft kiss on the corner of her lips.

“I know this is crazy. Nobody knows exactly what’s going on. I promise you that I will keep you and your family safe at all costs. We’re going to get through this, somehow.” Thanks to Alicia, Braden could keep a positive spirting and an optimistic mind about things. It was tough holding himself together but finding comfort in Alicia helped him grieve though he would unlikely ever find true peace with his mother’s death since he did not say goodbye, he did not say that he forgave her, and he could not even see her body afterwards or bury her. “Do you think we should try to rest now? Hopefully Travis will return in the morning and we can get going after Clarke gets here.” The male suggested, arms back around her waist.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

"I'm okay with whatever you want to do," Alicia told her boyfriend. "I'm just going to check on Nick, and then I'll be right back." She pressed a gentle kiss to Braden's lips and then got up from the bed and left the room, going to check on her brother. The young woman was glad to see Nick sitting up and talking quietly to their mother. She walked into the living room and over to her brother and mother, pressing a soft kiss to Nick's cheek. "I'm glad to see you're feeling a bit better. So, listen. Clarke managed to get a call through, though Braden didn't understand everything she said. She's going to join us here, whenever she gets to town."

Her words were cut off at the sound of squealing tires and the young woman bolted over to the window, lifting the blinds the smallest bit possible so that she could see outside. "There's a Dodge truck that's running over Mr. Tamberlin, over and over. That's the neighbor who was attacking Mrs. Brown earlier," She explained, her eyes locked on the truck. It was at the end of the street, so the young woman couldn't tell who was driving it. "Wait. They're coming in this direction." Mr. Tamberlin's body had stopped moving and now the person in the truck was driving in their direction.

Alicia was shocked when the truck kept coming towards them and then even pulled into their driveway. When the driver's door opened, her mouth dropped and she immediately dropped the curtain and ran to unlock the door. "Braden, Clarke's here!" She called out to her boyfriend, and quickly went to open the door. The young woman was surprised when another of their neighbor's appeared behind Clarke, the blonde spun around and stabbed the person in the head with a knife, that Alicia hadn't even seen in her hand. "Are you okay?" She asked and then pulled the other young woman inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

Clarke pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes and wiped the blood off her face and hands, onto her shirt. "I will be once I see my brother." She said and then took in the shocked and horrified looks that Alicia, Madison and Nick all wore. Clarke sighed. "You're all lucky. Things haven't gotten bad yet. In Ohio, those things are all over the place. They're quick and smart. They're attracted to noise. Luckily, they can be killed by a shot to the head, a stabbing to the head, anything that damages their head. Nothing else will stop them. I found that out the hard way," She said softly and looked down at the floor.

The sound of feet getting closer had her looking up and holding her knife out in front of her. A relieved sigh left her lips at the sight of her brother. She tucked the knife up her sleeve and walked over to her brother, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad you're okay. I've been trying to call you and Mom for a week. Electricity's been down in all of Ohio, not just Dayton, for a week. It's why I couldn't get through." Clarke kept hugging her brother for a long time, before she finally forced herself to release him and step back. Then she walked over to Madison and hugged her tightly.

After that, she gave Alicia a quick hug and then turned to Nick. "Hey stranger, how are you feeling?" The blonde asked, and hugged him tightly. Clarke had been texting her brother and Alicia over the last few weeks and knew that he had been back on drugs, and was trying to get sober again. She released Nick from the hug a few moments later, and then turned to
face all of them. "Don't let them bite you or scratch you. A few days ago, Bellamy and I were having dinner when one of our neighbor's started banging on our door asking for help."

"We let her inside and she was a bloody mess. Her left arm was all torn up, her dress was torn, her eyes were bloody. It scared the hell out of us. We helped her get cleaned up and let her stay the night in the guest bedroom. Bellamy went to check on her in the middle of the night and she bit him. I didn't find them until the next morning. His eyes were red and bloody, like the neighbor's. I tried to talk to both of them, tried to get through to them but they didn't understand. Suffice it to say, I had to kill them. They tried attacking me and almost bit me many times."

"I ended up having to get Bellamy's handgun out of the closet. I shot them both in the chest 4 or 5 times but that didn't stop them. As soon as I shot them in the head, they quit moving
and I got the hell out of there. I kept the gun in hand and threw as much clothes as I could into a bag, grabbed the rest of Bellamy's gun's and some of his belongings out of the closet, knives from the kitchen, got into my truck and left. They're all over the place. I killed a bunch on the way here, by running over their heads with my truck."
RE: Survive With Me [Fear The Walking Dead one x one randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Braden sighed quietly after Alicia left, wishing she did not check on Nick. He wanted Alicia to himself. The dark-haired male relaxed on the bed while waiting, just scrolling through his cell phone pictures. Only a few included his mother. Most of them were himself and Alicia though he did have some of his sister, too. Deeply, he hoped Clarke made it here but the reality was becoming bleak and Braden found it difficult to remain hopeful. Jolted from the bed because of a sound outside the window, Braden caught the tail end of a vehicle slamming into a person, or what looked like a person.

Watching the scene, he heard Alicia call his name, telling him that Clarke was here now. Immediately, Braden bolted from the bedroom and towards the living room. He heard Clarke talking about those creatures. He had briefly seen one of them earlier but did not know if he should accept it or believe it. The blood, the knife, and the look in his sister’s eyes told him everything that he needed to know. This was real and this was not a good thing. Finally, their eyes locked and Braden approached his sister, wrapping his arms tightly around her neck, hugging her harder than ever before.

“I’ve tried to reach you, too. Most of the time, I got a busy signal because the phones were down. When I heard from you earlier, that was the first time I could reach you. I’m so glad that you’re okay.” The male prepared to tell her the news about their mother but he watched as Clarke greeted the others. They had always been so accepting of himself and his sister. It broke Braden’s heart when she told them about Bellamy. He did a good deed, trying to help someone and that cost him his life.

The pain was about to become worse for Clarke, though. He asked for the other members of the Clark family for some privacy so he could discuss what happened with their mother. Before they left, though, Braden caught Alicia’s eyes. “Actually, can you stay Alicia?” He asked quietly, needing her to stay since she would help him keep it together while he explained everything to Clarke. Braden sat down on the couch with Clarke, sitting in the middle as he pulled Alicia down beside him for some comfort. The news was obviously not good.

With one hand on Alicia’s knee and the other grabbing Clarke’s hand, Braden looked deep into the blonde’s blue eyes and took a deep breath before starting. “Clarke, Mom didn’t make it. I hadn’t heard from her in days but I thought it was because the hospital was so overrun that she was just so busy and couldn’t call. I saw that it was on lockdown and quarantine on the news before the broadcasts stopped. Finally, I called Shelly.” Shelly was that close friend Braden called, the older woman had been fond of Alicia and Braden. She was always around to help when needed.

“I could tell something was wrong. She told me that Mom contracted whatever this virus is and she passed. Shelly didn’t go into details but she did not sound like herself. The hospital was locked down and there was no way to get there but the way things are going, I don’t think a funeral and burial is practical. I had no idea things were like this, Clarke. I am so sorry that you have gone through so much already. I’m happy that we’re at least together and that we found each other now.”

Pausing, Braden wrapped that one arm around Clarke, hugging her for comfort. She might have been one year older than him but he did take the role of the big brother sometimes. He played with her hair and gave her a kiss onto the forehead before pulling back, offering her a sad smile. “Travis has gone to find Liza and Chris. When he gets back, we’re all heading out towards the desert. We don’t know what’s out there but It must be better than here. Why don’t we get you something to eat and drink?” The male asked since Madison told him to get Clarke anything she wanted when she got here.

Once in the kitchen, Braden fetched something for Clarke to drink and made something quick for a snack like a sandwich so she could replenish her energy. Braden sat beside her and talked for a while, memories about their mother and plans for the future. He was there for his sister, trying to keep her comforted as much as possible though he sought comfort too. It made him feel better knowing that Alicia was never more than an arm’s length away from him.

A couple hours passed since Clarke arrived and everyone had gathered around the kitchen for a snack. Scratching noises were heard at the back door. Braden took initiative this time. Inside his vehicle, he did have his own handgun and it was now in his bags. Grabbing it, he approached the door, keeping the others back. Opening the door quickly, Braden found it was only a dog but it looked injured. Before the situation was assessed, Braden spotted another three or four of those creatures sluggishly moving down the road. He shut the door back quickly and turned to the others. “There are about four of them now. They are spread about. Maybe they will leave by the time Travis gets back.” Braden murmured hopefully.
RE: Survive With Me [FTWD] [1 x 1 randomname98766789 and greenandgold]

Alicia didn't know what to do. She wanted to comfort her boyfriend on the loss of his mother, and she also planned to do anything and everything that she could, to make sure that he remained with her family and stayed alive. When he closed the door and returned to her and Clarke, she breathed easier, knowing that the creatures outside hadn't seen him and didn't know that they were in here right now. "Maybe we should all try and get some sleep for a while, hmm? This way when Travis and the others get here, we'll all be rested up and ready
to do whatever we need to do."

"We can all get some pillows and blankets and go into the guest bedroom and hunker down on the floor. Maybe even in the closet, as it has lots of space. We'll close and lock the door
and keep our weapons and cell phone's close in case Travis tries to call to let us know how close he is. What do you guys think?" The young woman asked, knowing that she at least would feel better if they were all together, in a somewhat safe place. Alicia fell silent after speaking and waited to see what the others would say. They all needed the rest and this
was the only idea that came to her.

Clarke looked at her brother, once Braden had shut the door and spoke. "As long as we keep the lights off and don't make any loud noises, they won't know that we're here and we won't attract their attention. I think we should all have some kind of weapon on ourselves at all times. There's no telling if these things can break into houses. The ones I dealt with in Dayton weren't intelligent enough, but that doesn't mean that these others aren't." She stopped talking once Alicia began to talk, and nodded at the younger woman's words. "I think that sounds like a good idea."

"I'm sure Travis and the others will be exhausted when they get here. And when they do get here, we'll load everything and everyone into cars, after we decide how many we're going
to take. And we'll all take turns driving and keeping an eye out, that way everyone will be able to get some rest." Clarke ran her fingers over her wedding ring that was on a necklace around her neck. Knowing that both her husband and her mother was dead was hard. But she was glad that at least her brother and their best friend's were alive. Madison and her family were the best thing that had ever happened to her and Braden.
The decision was made. Everyone gathered a plethora of blankets and pillows and joined together in the living room. Braden kept his handgun close along with his hunting knife. The knife was tucked underneath his pillow and the gun was just an arm’s length away. Braden piled together a couple massive blankets to make a makeshift bed for himself and his girlfriend. When everyone was ready to sleep, the lights were turned out and everyone gathered together. Braden lay down first and pulled Alicia with him. The last thing he wanted at this time was for her not to be in his arms so he tightly wrapped her up against his chest, pressing a kiss onto her sweet lips and holding it for a few seconds.

“Good night, my Princess. I love you so much more than you’ll ever know. I’m going to be here all night. Let’s get some rest and get out of here tomorrow when Travis gets here.” Of course, Braden’s number one goal was keeping Alicia safe. He would refuse to let anything happen to her. Now, he nuzzled their noses together and offered her a smile. When everyone prepared to sleep, Braden decided to give Alicia a back massage with one hand while using the other to play with and tangle in the locks of her long hair. He hoped this was soothing enough to lull her to sleep because it was so peaceful watching her sleep and he absolutely adored playing with her hair.

In fact, Braden thought that playing with her hair was more soothing to him than it was for her. That smile remained on his face while he watched Alicia close his eyes and not long after that, he did the same and slowly fell asleep with the love of his life. Once he had fallen asleep, he was plagued with a nightmare. It was his mother again. He saw one of these creatures eating her and ripping her apart. That was horrible enough. However, it did not end there.

It continued with seeing Alicia attacked and he all but whimpered in his sleep, waking up in a sweat. At one point, they were both awake and helping to console Braden. The only thing he needed right now was Alicia, wanting her despite the situation so they ended up sneaking out of the living room to her bedroom where he threw Alicia onto the bed, now kissing her passionately.
"Are you okay?" Alicia asked her boyfriend, once she and Braden had left everyone else in the living room and gone upstairs to her bedroom. She let him push her onto the bed and kiss her, but after a few moments, the young woman broke the kiss and stared deep into his eyes. "You can talk to me, you know? Or not. That's okay, too." Once she had spoken, she fell silent a few moments later, and easily lifted her arms and removed her shirt, tossing it aside but not too far in case they had to leave quickly. The young woman didn't want to have to leave the house without her shirt.

If Clarke was right, then they should expose as little skin as possible when dealing with whatever those things were. She pushed aside thoughts of her friend and Braden's sister, and instead just focused on him and trying to make him feel better. Alicia wasted no time and reached for his pants, eager to pull them and his boxers off and see his skin. If she could,
she would have him naked all the time, as she never grew tired of seeing his hot body. The young woman resumed kissing Braden as she pulled his clothes off, moaning against his
lips as he began to work on removing her clothes, too.
Within minutes, Braden and Alicia were both nude. Tossing his girlfriend onto the bed, Braden found the roll of duct tape they used the first time. Yes, he wanted this again but not yet. Crawling on top of Alicia, the male began kissing her on the neck, pausing to speak occasionally. “I had a nightmare about my mother being ripped apart by one of those creatures. Then, I saw the same thing happening to you. I need you right now because I have to know that you’re safe, that you’re here. I love you and I lost you in that nightmare. I can’t lose you here.” He whispered, now moving down her body, spending time with her breasts, licking, sucking, and kissing across both mounds of flesh and her nipples.

Then, the male traveled down further, kissing her abdomen until he reached her legs. Purposely, he left off her crotch and just kissed down each leg to her ankle where he stopped at her feet. He pressed both of them together and lifted her feet towards his lips, staring down the soles of her feet and the sides of her feet, just loving the feel of her soft skin against his lips regardless where he was kissing her. “You are so fucking sexy, Alicia Clark. It’s a real shame you ever have to put clothes on.”
Alicia laughed softly when Braden tossed her onto her bed. She watched as he found the roll of duct tape and then set it aside. Once he had crawled on top of her and started to kiss
her neck, she moaned and started running her hands over his body, caressing his chest with her hands. Slipping one hand between the two of them, to slip around his cock, where she started to stroke him firmly. The young woman fell silent and listened as her boyfriend spoke, nodding mutely at his words. When Alicia was sure he was done speaking, at least for the moment, she cupped his chin in her hand and kissed his lips.

"I love you so much, and I'm sorry that you had a nightmare. But the good news is that it's all that was. A nightmare. I'm right here," The young woman said softly, and then she smiled at him. She laid back on the bed and smiled as Braden turned his attention to her breasts, licking, sucking, and kissing both of them, and her nipples. "It's okay if you go ahead and bite," Alicia told him, a grin on her lips. "Not like you're trying to chew food, but firm bites are okay." Her head hit the pillow and she moaned, eagerly spreading her legs for him to do what he wanted to her.

His lips on her skin caused her to see fireworks. It was always like this. Braden always made her feel like she was on top of the world. And one kiss from him, was enough to make Alicia want to push him down onto the bed and screw his brains out. That's how much she always wanted him. She groaned in displeasure when he completely passed up her crotch and kept kissing each leg to her ankle. The young woman chuckled, knowing what was coming now that he was down at her feet. She laughed softly at his words. "I feel the same about you."

"If I could, I'd have you naked all the time. Every other woman in the world would be jealous because I have such an amazingly intelligent, kind, and hot man as my boyfriend." Her hands resumed caressing Braden's skin, a moment later. With a wicked grin, Alicia flipped them over so that she was on top. And within moments, she was kissing and biting gently
on his neck.
They were both nude and ready for the real fun. After allowing Alicia to kiss him for a few minutes, he suddenly flipped the brunette onto her back again with a smile. “Now, I think it is time for you to get tied up again. I loved this and I hope we’ll find more toys to use.” Grinning, Braden gave her another soft kiss on the lips and pulled back from the woman he loved, sauntering back towards the closet. Earlier, he forgot about the rope he stacked into his bag. Digging the bag out of the closet, he removed the rope from the bag and sat the bag on the ground so he would remember to grab it later. He was preparing to return to the bed when a silk scarf Alicia had in her closet caught his attention. That was perfect. It could be an OTM gag, a cleave gag, or a knotted-cleave gag. With a smile, Braden returned back onto the bed with the scarf, conserving the duct tape for another time. He played the two lengths of rope beside her body and crawled back on top of her. “I love you.” Braden repeated, pressing his lips onto hers for another kiss.

The first thing Braden did was tie a knot in the center of the scarf. The accuracy was incredible as the knot could not have been more centered. A bright smile showed across his face and he looked to his girlfriend. “Open your mouth, baby.” He whispered, pressing the knot in between her teeth, wrapping the scarf around the back of her head, tying a tight knot at the base of her skull. This knotted-cleave gag was a combination of a ball gag and a cleave gag – his two favorite. He did not like how most ball gags were so large that they stimulated drooling. Something like this gave Braden the effect he wanted without the enhanced drooling. Plus, he could still kiss Alicia this way. “Now, give me your hands. Put your palms together, arms in front.” Braden ordered, using the rope to tightly tie her wrists together in front. Once her hands were bound, he admired her gorgeous breasts again since the way her arms were held together pushed her breasts upwards. The last stop involved her ankles again. This time, he crossed her ankles over one another and tied them together with the rope. After the rigging was finished, Braden admired his work.

“Thank you for doing this Alicia. You look so fucking hot like this.” He purred lowly, approaching the brunette, letting one hand rest on her waist while the other cupped her face. The male straddled his girlfriend but could not do anything with her yet. Instead, he straddled her and brought her bound hands down to wrap around his cock. “Stroke me for a few seconds, Alicia. Get me nice and hard. Once you do that, I’ll be ready to have some fun with you.” Braden cooed, leaning to kiss her over the gag in her mouth. Being so invested in this present moment, Braden did not even hear the turning sound of the doorknob behind him. He was too involved with making out with Alicia, using the hand that was on her waist, guiding it in between her legs to start assaulting her clit.
"I love you, too," Alicia said and happily kissed him back. She was eager to be tied up and used for his pleasure again. She watched as he tied a knot in the perfect center of the scarf and then told her to open her mouth. She didn't waste any time and immediately opened her mouth to him, so that he could slip the knot between her teeth. The young woman waited
as he tied the scarf around and to the back of her head. He asked for her hands next, and Alicia nodded and eagerly lifted her hands to him. She followed his direction and placed her hands, palms together, and waited for him to tie her wrists together in front of her body.

She laughed softly once she noticed him staring at her breasts again and knew that her boyfriend loved how her arms once squished together, made her breasts look bigger. Alicia waited and watched as Braden continued to tie her up. He was working on her ankles now, and crossed them over one another, before tying them with the rope. He thanked her for agreeing to do these things with him and the young woman shook her head. "You don't need to thank me. I like doing it.." She said against the gag in her mouth. Her words were sort of muffled, but she was sure that her boyfriend had gotten the gist of what she had said.

His words had her smiling against the gag in her mouth. Especially when he slipped one hand onto her waist, and then used the other hand to cup her face. Alicia leaned into his touch, especially the hand that cupped her face. Suddenly, a few moments later, Braden straddled her body. He told her to stroke his cock and brought her hands up to do so. She immediately slipped her hands around him as much as she could, and then started to stroke him. Her head fell back once one of his hands moved between her legs and he began to stroke her, too.


Clarke had woke up for some reason that she couldn't explain. It wasn't because of a nightmare, or because of any kind of noise. She just felt like something was off. The blonde looked around and it only took her a few moments to notice that Braden and Alicia weren't spread out asleep a few feet away from her. The young woman quickly grabbed her knife and got up, being careful not to step on any of the others as she crossed the living room and started to search the house for her brother and friend. She checked the kitchen and the bathroom's and came up empty.

Next, she checked out Madison and Travis's room, just in case. You never know. Teenagers were weird. This was followed by checking out Nick's room, and it was empty just like all the other's. A few minutes later, Clarke carefully approached Alicia's room, lifting her hand with the knife in it, as she got closer and closer to the other girl's room. Once she was standing
in front of the door, soft noises came from inside. The blonde slowly pushed open the door, her knife in hand and up to attack if need be. She let out a small sigh of relief upon opening the door to Alicia's room and finding her brother and her friend having sex.

Clarke let out a sigh of relief and slipped the knife back up her sleeve. She turned to leave, when a moan caught her attention and she turned back. The young woman knew that she shouldn't watch, but for some reason, found herself unable to look away from the sight of her little brother and her friend, naked as they had sex. Several minutes passed as the young woman stood there watching the two of them, and suddenly, it was as if her body had been taken over by someone else. She found herself pushing open the door and walking over to
the bed.

When Braden and Alicia turned to her, alarmed and confused, it didn't stop her. A few moments later, she pulled her brother close and kissed his lips. The action rough and pleasant. The blonde was surprised when she felt a gentle hand on her arm, pulling her close. She reluctantly ended the kiss with Braden, and pulled back and looked at Alicia, smiling at her friend when the other woman didn't look upset, but only pulled her close without saying a word. The expression on the younger woman's face was welcoming, and Clarke happily joined them. She pulled off her shirt and her pants and tossed them aside, crawling onto the bed in just her bra and panties, and resumed kissing Braden, even as she reached out with a hand and started to trace Alicia's skin.
Braden appreciated how eager Alicia felt and was thankful that she enjoyed being bound and gagged for his pleasure. Hearing her muffled voice when she tried to talk drove him wild and he swore it almost made him orgasm on the spot. That was something she did not do much of last night when he gagged her. With a soft voice, he explained to her how fucking sexy it sounded and that he wanted her to talk more often and moan more often because the gag muffling and distorting her sounds was so hot. It was not something he could explain, though. He had no idea why it sounded so attractive, but it just did. As her bounds hands started stroking his girth, a moan left his lips. He loved it whenever Alicia gave him a handjob, but this was different. She was tied up and gagged while giving him a handjob. It was a new sensation since her wrists were bound together. Furthermore, his fingers continued working on her clit to make her moan. Of course, as it was already established, her muffled moans drove him wild. Already, his cock was throbbing and he could barely stand this much pleasure at one time.

That was not to say he hated having sex with Alicia before. That was untrue. He was never bored or never felt anything other than satisfied. It was just a new ballgame since his literal deepest, most passionate desire was being lived. He loved seeing that dark scarf in between her lips, contrasted by the soft pink color of her lips. Sometimes when she moaned or talked, he saw those lips part and had a clear view of the knot in her mouth. Her eyes looked wide as ever and they said everything clearly since her mouth was blocked. Looking down at her bound hands, he saw them moving up and down his cock, feeling how soft they were against his hard erection. Finally, her bound ankles drove him crazy, too. He did have a foot fetish but that was only accelerated when her ankles were bound, too. If there was a heaven, then this must be it. As they touched one another, Braden started kissing Alicia again, moaning out her name softly and using his free hand as a weapon to fondle and squeeze her breasts, digging his fingers into her flesh with the pleasure building up for himself as well.

So engulfed in the moment, Braden did not even notice when Clarke entered the room. He did not even notice that she was watching a few minutes before approaching. When he saw Clarke, Braden hesitated and almost started to apologize. His sister just walked in on him with his girlfriend bound and gagged. He was kissing her over the scarf and they were moaning. This was embarrassing… right? When he looked to Clarke and saw her approaching him, he felt their lips touch together lightly at first. Was this actually happening? Braden would have to be a fool to say that he never thought about how it would feel to be with Clarke. She was a gorgeous young woman and he loved her. He just never thought he would feel about her this way or that it would ever happen. In that moment, he forgot about how Alicia might feel but judging by the look in her eyes, she looked happy and turned on. The male watched as Clarke touched his girlfriend and it was unspoken to everyone that this was going to happen. Braden felt so happy and intrigued, having imagined a three-way between himself, Clarke and Alicia before.

Now, he never thought it would happen but here they all were. “Doesn’t she look sexy all tied up like this?” Braden smirked, one hand now on Clarke’s waist, pulling her close for another kiss. Crawling down so he was no longer straddling Alicia, Braden turned Alicia onto her side so he had a better angle to reach her tight sex. With one hand reaching down to rub Alicia’s clitoris, he used the other to hold her body in place so he could slide his thick, throbbing cock inside of her wet, tight pussy lips. Once he was inside of his girlfriend, he began thrusting at a slow pace for now, using one hand to rub her mount of flesh just above her womanhood. Meanwhile, his lips were locked back onto Clarke’s and while he made love to his girlfriend, Braden used his free hand to slide inside his sister’s underwear and slip two fingers inside of her. It kept Braden busy but he was showing off his skills, trying to pleasure both women at the same time. Clarke’s lips felt so soft and distinctly different from Alicia’s but sexy all the same. He nibbled on her lower lip, still sliding his fingers in and out of the blonde as he settled into a pace with both girls.
Alicia had never expected something like this in her wildest dreams, to happen. It was one thing for your boyfriend's sister to accidentally walk in on you having sex, but that's not what had happened with them and Clarke. She had purposely walked in, kissed Braden, and then climbed on the bed to join them. It only took a few seconds for her to get over her shock and once that had happened, Alicia watched Clarke ditch her shirt and pants, and then held out a hand for the other woman to join them. She glanced at the necklace Clarke wore that held her wedding ring, but decided to remain silent.

Instead, she decided to focus on the attention they were all giving each other. The young woman moaned against the gag when Braden started fucking her. Her eyes were on the siblings and watched as Braden fingered Clarke, and the two of them made out as he kept fucking her, and fingering his sister. It was hot to see this side to both of them and hoped that this wasn't the first and last time this would ever happen between the three of them. Alicia thrust against her boyfriend as he kept pounding away at her, her moans getting louder and louder against the gag.


Clarke found that she couldn't get enough of kissing her brother's lips. Her little brother was an amazing kisser, had a hot body, and his fingers that worked her, had her biting into her fist to muffle her cries of pleasure. Sleeping with Braden had crossed her mind a few times as they were growing up. But then she'd gone to high school, and then left town to go to college, met Bellamy, dated and married him, and then thoughts of being with her brother had fled. But things were different now. She was a much different person now, than she used to be.

As she and Braden continued to kiss, and he continued to fuck Alicia, Clarke started to run hands all over the other woman's body. Her hands found the other woman's breasts, and she started to twist, pinch and tease Alicia's nipples. The blonde found herself smiling against her brother's lips as the other woman's moans against the gag in her mouth grew louder and louder. She pulled back from the kiss and grinned at Braden. "I can see why you love having her tied up. She looks beautiful. Bound, gagged, ready to fuck. All she needs is some nipple clamps and a collar." Clarke said and laughed softly, as she tugged on Alicia's nipples, smirking when the woman moaned loudly.
Nipple clamps and a collar? Wow. That sounded sexy as hell. “Yes, she needed them both. Unfortunately, I don’t have either. I hope to find some soon.” Now that this was out in the open, Braden desired to find some adult store and find the nipple clamps, collar, and other restraints and toys. Since the riots broke out, Braden doubted sex stores were raided for supplies. There was one within the neighborhood in a sketchy part of town, but that did not matter. Braden knew he HAD to go there and find a few items. However, that was for tomorrow or another day. Right now, all he could do was think in the present moment.

The tip of his long, hard cock shoved deep inside of Alicia over and again. The pace was fast and the thrusts were powerful. It shook Alicia’s body and his hand kept her steady while the bed rattled with his force. The male continued rubbing his fingers in a counter-clockwise motion over Alicia’s clit. He was moaning loud because of how tight Alicia’s pussy was, clenching over this girth. The wet slapping sound increased and each time that Alicia released a sexy, muffled moan, it made Braden feel so amazing. Those sounds were incredibly hot and he kept looking back and forth in between Clarke and Alicia.

“You know… I bet you’d look so hot tied up, too.” Braden admitted, turning back to Clarke as he kept thrusting inside Alicia. He started kissing the blonde’s neck, moving faster in and around her wet sex. Braden also hoped this was not the last time this happened between the three of them. The smile was growing on his face and Braden had so many things to concentrate on that it was almost overwhelming. “Keep playing with Alicia. Pinch her nipples again. Spank her. She likes it.”

It was obvious that she liked it. Braden remembered when he spanked her a couple times earlier and the first time that he tied her up. Deep down, Alicia must have loved the pleasure and pain mixed together. Now, Braden was getting so close already to reaching his orgasm thanks to these two ladies. His balls continued slapping at Alicia’s ass with each thrust and Braden focused on kissing Clarke’s lips. He rubbed both girls’ clitoris and hoped he could bring them both to an orgasm before his own. Now, that would take some skill and hard work but he felt confident it could be done.
"We can make a homemade collar for Alicia," Clarke told her brother and then grinned. "A nice and tight one for her neck. And I'm sure we can find other things for all of us to use on each other. There's a sex store, Love Works, about 10 minutes away, two streets over. It went up about a few weeks ago. I'm sure that with everyone running for their lives, no one has had time to raid the sex store and take all the fun toys from it.." The blonde said and then grinned at her brother and Alicia. When Braden's moans started to get too loud, she slipped
her hand over his mouth, even as her own moans continued in a low volume.

"Might have to gag you as well," She said and smirked at her brother. "Look how much Alicia loves it when you pound her with your cock.." The young woman told her brother. "You like that, right? Well, just think about how good it's going to feel when you ram your long, hard cock inside of me. I know that you've always wanted to fuck me. The idea of controlling me, your big sister and fucking my brains out, turns you on. I like the idea of that, too. I have a good feeling you're gonna wanna tie me up too, right? Have me completely at your mercy?"

"I can't wait." After she said that, Clarke turned onto her side, so that Braden could keep fingering her, but so that she could also reach Alicia and started to kiss the other woman.


Alicia was going crazy as she listened to Braden and Clarke discussing sex toys and shops, even as he kept pounding away at her. His powerful thrusts shook her body and also the bed, which slammed into the wall repeatedly and rattled dangerously, as if it were going to fall apart underneath them at any given moment. Her boyfriend's moans was the sexiest thing that the young woman had ever heard and she knew that she wanted to keep hearing them for the rest of their lives, no matter how long that might end up being. Alicia couldn't get enough of her boyfriend, and she knew it wouldn't be long before she couldn't get enough of Clarke, too.

Braden's words as he told Clarke to pinch her nipples and spank her, made the young woman even more wet if that was possible. As soon as the blonde's hands started pinching and squeezing her nipples she moaned against the gag, loving how rough the other woman was being with her. Suddenly, as Braden kept fucking her, and fingering Clarke, she watched as
the blonde turned on her side. And when the other woman kissed her, she eagerly kissed her boyfriend's sister, back through the gag. The three of them were all over each other, and Alicia couldn't wait to watch Braden fuck his sister. Well damn, she suddenly felt like a voyeur, but she didn't give a crap.
Braden pictured a homemade collar wrapped around Alicia’s neck. Now, the young man did not exactly know how it would have been created, but Braden figured it would not be too difficult. Besides, it just felt more intimate than buying a collar. If he had the tools lying around, Braden could figure out how to engrave Alicia’s name into the collar. It would be personalized and something he created himself. As kinky as BDSM was, it sounded romantic to Braden and he looked forward to doing that. Plus, if he could make one for Alicia, then he could make one for Clarke, too. If she wanted this more than once, it could be arranged.

The sex store idea was even better. Clarke had been thinking along the same path as her younger brother. During the outbreak, it was unlikely that kinky toys and restraints were at the top of everyone’s wish list. It should be stacked with items and they should find many toys to use. That was exactly what Braden wanted. Real handcuffs, gags, nipple clamps, floggers, and Braden knew there were probably more items inside that store that he had not thought about buying before. Thankfully, there was no budget these days and they could grab whatever they wanted.

When Clarke started talking dirty to Alicia, it made Braden melt. With a smirk, he glanced towards his sibling at the end of her little speech and he nodded his head. “Of course, sis. You know I’d love to fuck you hard. I will definitely tie you up and gag you somehow. You have no idea how sexy this is for me. I can imagine both of you being tied up and I know that will be the single sexiest thing that we could ever do.” Bondage was obviously Braden’s favorite kink in the bedroom and living it out like this was more than he could ever ask for.

Suddenly, Braden watched Clarke lean down and kiss Alicia. Things were getting hotter. It turned Braden on even more so he thrust faster, his hips slamming into Alicia at a more rough, violent pace. The fingers that rubbed Alicia turned into a clockwise rotation, adding more pressure onto her clit. He felt the tip of his cock press into the hilt of her womanhood, preventing him from thrusting deeper inside of her. It felt like a tight glove on his cock and the thrusting made him feel every inch of her walls against his cock.

The thick, veiny girth was throbbing violently and he knew his orgasm was getting close. Still, he was so determined to make both Clarke and Alicia cum first that he tried to hold back. His second hand continued thrusting those fingers in and out of Clarke in a true fucking motion, reaching deep inside of her before pulling back. “You two are so fucking hot. I can’t wait to tie both of you up.” He growled lowly, finally deciding to lean down and start kissing Clarke. He could only reach her upper abdomen and right below her breasts without straining too far so he concentrated there, kissing on her breasts as he kept thrusting into Alicia.
Clarke loved having her younger brother fingering her. His fingers rammed in and out of her and had her going crazy for him. A few moments later, she watched as he started to fuck Alicia harder and faster, and a smirk formed on the blonde's lips. She was moaning and thrashing, her body felt all kinds of wonderful things. Suddenly, she felt that sensation come
over her. Her toes curled and her back arched, and Clarke clamped down hard on Braden's fingers as he kept fingering her. Deciding to try and be as casual about it as she could be,
the blonde said to her brother, "M-make sure you use c-condoms.." The words trailed off into moans as she lost control and loved it.

Once she had come, the blonde rolled over and a little away from Braden and Alicia, so that he could keep working his girlfriend and pleasing her. Clarke laid there once Braden's fingers had slipped out of her, and she watched them finish each other off as she laid there and tried to catch her breath. Having her brother fingering her and the two of them kissing was hot, and she hoped they had a chance to do it again. A smile was on the blonde's lips as she watched the look on Alicia's face as the other woman finally came. Her brother's girlfriend was beautiful, there was no denying that. She was also kind, too, which was great. And it was easy to see how much the other woman loved her brother, which was the most important thing.

Alicia bucked and thrust back hard against her boyfriend. She tugged on the ropes on her ankles, and strained against the handcuffs on her wrists. Each time Braden slammed into her, it made her cry out against the gag in her mouth, and she loved it. The young woman loved her boyfriend and loved all the things they did together. She had no problem with Clarke joining them, if that was what her boyfriend wanted. Alicia and Clarke were good friends, and if the other woman was in this for the long haul, well, they would just keep getting to know each other better and better.

A little while later and they had all come and were now just lying down on the bed together, relaxing. She had heard Clarke mention condoms, and simply shrugged. The young woman had decided not to worry about it. There was no way for her to get birth control pills, and if it happened and she got pregnant, well, then that was how it went. They didn't have access
to a doctor and it's not like there were any functioning hospitals left. The news had said that everything important was pretty much dead now, anyway. "We've never used condoms," Alicia reminded Braden.

"We might have to, now. Since there's going to be no access to birth control pills from now on. Unless you don't want to. In which case, I won't say no right off the bat. I'll just say that we need to discuss the pros and cons of going that route." She wasn't against getting pregnant if Braden wanted it. They had originally planned to get married once she had graduated, but now it seemed like that was out of the picture. However, even though they could no longer get married, that didn't mean that other aspects of them being a couple, were completely off the table or out of reach for them. They just had to do a lot of talking, is all.
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