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The Walking Dead. Vail x randomname

Luckily for Vivian, Negan felt satisfied enough with her actions. “Fine. Very well. Stand up, woman.” After ordering this, Negan beckoned her to follow him. “Let’s take a shower together. It will save time. I have so much shit to do today so I can’t play with you any right now. I’m sorry about that. Tonight, though, get your sexy ass ready for me because I’m coming for you when the day is over. Pick out some new underwear and bra and a new dress from the closet then come join me in the bathroom.” When Negan entered, he left the door open.

Then, he found two wash cloths and two towels along with enough soap for them both. He turned on the water and waited for his wife to join him. When she entered the room, he made her get into the shower first before stepping in as well. It was not exactly spacious but it was more than enough room for two people. “I want you to wash me. Be a good wife for me. I expect every inch of my body to be clean this morning. You won’t like it if I’m not.” Negan ordered, still showing his control.


Of course, Jake did not mind if Maggie talked to some other people and met them. It was a good thing. While she was gone, Jake spent the next couple hours just helping anyone that needed his assistance. The worst case was one of the children that had the flu. It was a horrible thing to have even in the old world but it was worse now. Thankfully, it was not a serious case and Jake could treat it with some medicine that he had. He was running low on some supplies so it was likely he would go tomorrow and find more.

When he finished, he returned to his trailer to find Maggie on the steps. He smiled at the brunette as he approached, reaching down to help her stand. “How did it go? Does everyone know you now?” He teased, pressing a kiss to the corner of her lips before passing her on the steps and unlocking the door. Then, he watched her step inside first before following her now that the sun was setting and the day had ended. It was a lazy day for Jake but he was still tired. That was a common theme these days for anyone.

There was a moment of relief when Negan seemed pleased with her plea. Slowly she stood only to want to fall back down as he talked about that night. Vivian wasn’t sure if she could handle being assaulted by the man again so soon, or ever. The thought she would have had some time to access her situation a bit more before then. Her chest stung as if it was being stabbed. Living seemed more important, so she had to keep playing along with him. Not that it was a game or that he believed her. She knew he didn’t, she also knew he didn’t care. Negan wanted her to act like she wanted him. And the idea of showering with this monster didn’t help. Yes he said that he didn’t have time to 'play' but Vivian knew she was still going to put if gross hand on her. Walking about the room finding a dress, bra and underwear she met him in the bathroom where he was standing waiting for her.

Stepping in the shower, the water felt warm and comforting, for a moment this was just was the needed. Negan soon followed, her eyes darting away from him till her spoke. Vivian looked to him, wanting to give sass such as 'You're a grown man, wash yourself.' But she bit her lip instead. Taking the rag and soap in her hand, with timid hands she reached up rubbing the lather over his chest and shoulders. Again, she found her self looking over his frame.. If she didn’t hate him so much she might have thought he was attractive. Her throat felt dry as her hands moved along his body down to his stomach. She didn't want to go any lower, but she knew that if she avoided his genitals that it wouldn't go unnoticed. Vivian was in no hurry when it came to that and slowly moved around him to then wash from then back of his shoulders down. This was no better, the fact that now she would have to touch another area that she was far from comfortable of touching. She wanted to groan as she reached down and touched rubbing it back side, making sure only the cloth touched his skin.


Maggie felt as if she took longer than she thought. She sat there her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. It felt so strange to be away from Rick and the others, she worried about them. She thought that staying here would ease her stress a bit, but it felt about the same. Everyone was so nice and kind to her, though she hardly knew them. Plus with the thought of the saviors coming in 5 days, Maggie didn’t know how she would react. The last thing she wanted was to make things worse for these people. But she was still so angry about what happened for her friends. Before she found herself thinking to much about it, she saw Jake.

Her face lit up as she saw him walking to the trailer. The took his hand and walked inside to her new home. Shaking her head to him she said. " I don’t think so. But from what I seen, Im sure I'm going to like it here." Once Jake closed the door she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a passionate kiss. Maggie tried so hard not to, it had been a long day thought nothing happened. She just needed to feel him again. Pressing her body against his, she pulled her lips from his. " So, how was the clinic?" Doing her best to make small talk, feeling rather silly for jumping him like that, right now all she could think about was him, making her feel the way he did last night.​
The hesitation was obvious. Despite that, Negan did not reprimand his wife. Instead, he let her wash him as slowly as she wanted. During the entire time, though, he never stopped looking at her. At times, he simply locked eyes with her while during other times he just stared blankly at her body. She was so damn attractive. The scene in the shower just made her seem that much more attractive to him as the water made her skin glisten. He was more than excited to touch her and wash her body so after his body was all covered in suds, the captor moved underneath the water to rinse himself off.

After the soap was rinsed off, he grabbed a clean cloth and squirted some of the soap onto it and then turned his attention onto the young woman in front of him. With a smirk on his face, he took his time as well. When he moved down to her breasts, he completely made it obvious as he fondled her breasts and squeezed the flesh as roughly as he could, biting his fingers into her skin. After that, he finally went lower and worked on the rest of her body, taking his sweet time in between her legs as well.


Almost as soon as Jake walked inside the door, he felt Maggie jump him for a kiss and felt her press her body against his. That made him smirk against her lips. Even after the kiss, he did not allow the brunette to pull back. His arms wrapped around her waist and he looked deep into her pretty green eyes. “The clinic was not that bad. I had a few people to attend to but nothing major. It has been slow lately at the clinic other than you, so that’s always good. I am running low on supplies so I will be going out tomorrow for a run.”

After telling her this, he had to pause and kiss her lips again. It was like they were just begging him to kiss them. “You can join me if you like. I have a few pharmacies marked on the map that I haven’t explored yet. I don’t know how lucky we’ll get but there is a University medical center I was going to try and check out after I scout it. It might be too dangerous, though.” Jake mused, just holding her against his body, the smile threatening to never leave his face.
Vivian felt humiliated as her hand wash the man that pretty much raped her the night before, and surely he would do it again. One thought that kept her from breaking down right there was the fact she he said that he was going to be busy for the day. So there could be a chance to find away out of this. Although, every time she looked at Negan, his eyes would lock on her causing Vivian to look away. He was old enough to be her father, why was he looking at her like that? As Negan shifted to rinse himself, she saw a smile creep on his face. It was his turn to wash her, she hated him. The more she tried to remain strong, she more she was to scream. One thing she found strange was how gentle he was. Not that Vivian minded, just something she noticed. Negan could clearly crush her easily, but could he really? Her thoughts were broken as she felt his hand between her legs. Jumping at the sudden sensation. The silence was killing her. " Why do you have…so many…wives?" It was a dumb question, but anything was better than nothing at this point.


Maggie beamed as Jake smiled at her. She was never one to fall hard, but there was something about Jake that made her melt. " There is nothing to complain for things being slow now and day." She said with a small laugh. Leaning up she lightly kissed his jaw. She lit up and pulled when he brought up going on a run with him. To get from behind the wall and explore the area would be great. Although there is a small part of her wasn’t ready to get back out there. Seeing her friend beaten to death by that mad man. Maggie didn’t want look weak to Jake, so she kept her bright smile. " Yeah! That would be great! Feels like all I have done is lay in bed and walk around behind a wall for weeks." In away, that was the truth when it all came down to it. Maggie was starting to feel trapped. " Will it just be the two of us?" Not that she would have minded. Going in numbers has it perks as does keeping run parties small.​
During the shower, Negan noticed the different expressions on Vivian’s face. He wondered what could be going through her mind right now. Surely, there were many things but that did not bother Negan. He still did not care about how she felt right now. When it was his turn to wash her, he continued to grab the cloth and move down her body. He started around her neck and shoulders, concentrating on her arms first before moving forward. At her question, all Negan did in response was chuckle and shake his head. It was a dumb question but Negan decided to entertain it. “Well, why not? I mean, I lived my life and did shit right. It’s the fucking end of the world. Those rules don’t apply to me anymore. If I want to enjoy myself, fuck a few women that belong to me, then why should I not? I keep this place running and functioning. Everyone here, including yourself, owe me and are indebted to me. I keep you safe and keep you alive. I should take whatever I want or need. I like it. My wives belong to me and me alone. It’s every man dream, honestly. I think anyone would take this chance if they had it.”

Negan thought it was true. Besides, what man did not want many beautiful women at their disposal? That had to be something that all men wanted. Negan only got the chance to live out his desires by the end of the world coupled with perfect positioning. It was perfect. The male moved down to her chest now. He decided to focus on her breasts for a while, rubbing them, massaging them, and gripping her nipples. Negan took time to inspect them and appreciate them before moving down to her abdomen, moving down behind her waist. “Does that bother you, Vivian?” He asked softly looking down at her. He gripped her ass now that he was moving down her body, rubbing it down her legs as he waited for an answer. Negan just wanted to hear how she answered knowing that she needed to answer him in a way that was pleasing. He wondered just how much self control she had. Yes, he did have much to do today but he could always take time to teach her a lesson if needed. Negan was just waiting for another reason to make her life even worse than it already was.


“Yes, it will be only us.” Jake responded softly. Typically, he went alone. While it was smart having more than one person, Jake enjoyed his alone time. Now that he had Maggie, Jake did not wish to do anything alone. Whenever it was possible to spend more time with the love of his life, Jake would do that. Looking down into her eyes after saying this, he just pulled her over towards the bed again. “I normally get a rather early start on things. We should get some rest.” He added, squeezing her hand softly before releasing it. Standing at the bed, Jake decided to just kick off his shoes now that the sun was going down. The male was also curious if this would lead into anything extra but he did not push the envelope. Instead, he worked on undressing himself for bed, pulling off his jeans and his shirt. Before long, the young man was only clad in his boxers like normal before he went to bed.

Walking into the bathroom area, Jake washed off his face and arms enough to look presentable before returning into the bedroom area. “I love having you in my arms when I go to sleep. I love having you there when I wake up. I’m so happy you’re still here, Maggie. You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet and it is not even close.” After saying this, he leaned down to kiss her again, holding it for a few seconds. He then waited for the brunette to get undressed however much she wanted. When they were both ready for bed, he pulled Maggie by the hand. He waited for her to crawl in first and to get comfortable before joining her, his arms immediately wrapping around her back.
The amount of embarrassment Vivian felt was overwhelming. If this was any other time or in different company she would have evacuated the situation last night. Negan was a sick minded man, and all she wanted to do was get as far away from him as far as possible. Turn between dealing with being his wife till a time came when she could escape or risk it and make a run for it when he leaves. His hands were touching every inch of her nude body. It came to her mind that this is the first time he was getting a good look at her body. She honestly look sickly, thin, and slightly beaten with small scrapes and bruises. He long rad hair looked like it hasn't been brushed in months. Aside from all those flaws she was beautiful. One could have imagined how she would have looked back before the world when to hell. Vivian's green eyes met with Negan's as he started to laugh at her. She seemed offended at first. But her face softened as he explained himself. As much as she want to not agree with him. In a way he had a point. One thing she would argue with him on is that he doesn’t have real wives, they were slaves, left with no choice but to belong to him. Sure there was nothing wrong with his ideals. It just would have been easier to accept if she thought he cared about them or her.

There was no point in voice her opinion, she knew Negan wouldn’t have care and would have only gotten pissed. And she was in no mood to deal with that this moment. Especially since now he had his arms around her. Negan was to close, she wanted this over with. Even when he asked if she had a problem, she shook her head. " No, not at all. In fact, you gave the answer I thought you would." She smiled at him the best she could even though he was groping her ass. " Guess I just wish I had that idea before. Having a few men to protect me versus on man looking out to a few women seems a little more…appealing." The closer Negan got to her the smaller she felt. Vivian hated it, she wish she was stronger, fiscally and emotionally. The she would be here, trapped in the arms of a crazy man. " Honestly, I think it will be nice to not be alone anymore." This was true, she had been by herself for a long time. There was a small group she wondered with for a short time after she lost Noah. But since then, she realized that people now and days cant be trusted. Negan proving this right now. In the smallest way, it was nice to talk to someone else.

With all the bad luck that seemed to follow Maggie, she was so grateful that she had something good happen. But it was still eating at her that something bad could happen. The same man that killed her friends still had control over Hilltop. And knowing that Rich was trying to start a war, chances things would get worse again. Right now, Maggie knew that she needed to just enjoy what God has given her here and now. Worry about the rest later. She smiled to him giving him a light hug before letting him go so Jake could get ready for bed. Watching this wonderful man undress before leaving the room. Only know Jake for a short time, it felt like she knew him for years.

Looking down she sighed. Maybe if they were lucky the could come across some more clothes for herself. Kicking off her boots she placed them next to his. She stared at their shoes for a moment before Jake walked back in. Maggie couldn’t help but glow by his words. Leaning into his kiss till he pulled away. Giving her the chance to remove the sweat pants that Jake let her borrow, tossing them with his. Just leaving her in his shirt before she felt his hand in hers pulling her down. Laughing softly she curled into him. Even though it was warm, being in his arm was conferrable. " Jake, I don’t think I will ever regret leaving my group to be here with you. I thought I stopped believing in God when my father died. But I have a feeling there is someone looking out for me." Maggie wasn’t sure if she fully believed in God, but this was a good start back down that path. She felt peace, for once in a long time, peace.​
The tone in Vivian’s voice was different now than it had been before. It appeared that she was starting to come around, at least a little. Now, Negan was intelligent. He understood that she wanted to escape the first moment she got. However, at least she was asking a little more grateful when she pointed out that it would be nice to be around someone again. Being alone was not the greatest thing, especially in days like this. Agreeing with her, the male dropped down even lower on her body, washing down her legs. Soon enough, every inch of her sickly body had been scrubbed along with her hair having been washed. The difference from before and after washing her hair was astonishing. Now that she was safe and in the Sanctuary, Negan would make sure that the woman had enough to eat and that she recovered from these afflictions like starving and dehydration. Obviously, she had not been doing well for herself. She made the right choice to be his wife – not like any other option was desirable, but now she had access to things nobody else did. Everyone else functioned on a points system to get things they needed for surviving like food and medicine. Negan’s wives? They could take anything they wanted. Once the shower had finished, Negan slowly turned off the water. He grabbed one of the towels and started to dry off Vivian’s body. Of course, he still took longer than necessary because he was enjoying his new toy. Her body was different from the others. She was truly more attractive than his other wives and it was not even a close battle. He enjoyed the time spent with Vivian. When he finished drying her body, he offered the second towel to Vivian, letting her dry him off as well.

As she did this, Negan thought about the rest of his day. She was not the only new prisoner here in his Sanctuary. From Alexandria’s group, he also had brought Daryl Dixon and it was about time that Negan dealt with him. Dwight had been a good man and applied the psychological torture in the cell like Negan asked of him. It was not a woman’s place to do a man’s work but he figured it might be a good learning experience to see what was waiting for her if she fucked up. He told her what was waiting for her if she did something wrong, but seeing what he could do to a person might function better than using words alone. With a grin on his face, Negan stepped out of the shower once she finished drying him. “Today, I think you’ll stay with me. I can show you around a bit more and you see all of the Sanctuary. I can’t leave you alone yet, anyways. You haven’t earned that right and I’d rather you stay with me than having to sit someone down to watch you.”


Listening to Maggie talk brought a joyous smile to Jake’s lips. It made him happy to hear how confident she was in their relationship. “I understand. After my wife and child died at the beginning, I never thought I’d find love again. I never thought I’d find happiness again. I almost didn’t want to keep going. Then, I found this place and they needed my skills as a doctor. For the longest time, helping others with my skills made me happy. I enjoyed what I did but I was lonely. I missed having that one person I could care about and that could care about me in a way that nobody else could. You showed up and I was attracted to you instantaneously. It might sound crazy, but I knew I could not lose you. I did not want to lose you even though you had no idea who I was at that time.”

Pausing, Jake pressed a sweet kiss onto her cheek. “Now, look at us. I have no regrets either. I have the most beautiful woman in the world here in my arms. There’s nothing else I could ever want.” The male whispered softly, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. “You’ve given me hope, something that I have not had in a long time. I never want to lose you. I want you to stay in my arms forever. I know for a fact that I could not move on without you. You’re mine, Maggie Greene. You’re mine now and I am yours. I will keep you safe and loved. No matter what this world throws at us, we will overcome it.” At this point, he pulled Maggie’s hand over his chest, over his heart. “My heart beats for you, now. That will never change.” Jake murmured before leaning down to kiss her lips again.
It could have been the exhaustion, but Vivian was slowly not caring where Negan's hands roamed on her body. There was no point in fighting with him. Well, for now. There was still an internal battle in her mind about what to do, the pros and cons. What was she willing to give up and do, to have a somewhat normal life again. Maybe this is all that’s left, there was no hope, this was not going to get fixed. The world was fucked, there are no good guys and hero's. Vivian was lost in thought when the water cut off. 'Oh God, I hope he wasn’t trying to talk to me!' She thought as she watched him leave the shower to dry him self off. He didn’t seem annoyed, so that was a relief. She hummed softly to her self as she used her hand to drain the water from her hair. Glancing over to him she caught the way he looked at her. It seemed lustful, at the same time, he was just taking her in. Yeah, she couldn’t help but feel slightly flattered. Taking the towel from Negan she dried herself off, wrapping the towel around her body.

Negan's voice broke the silence, Vivian looked at him as she stepped out of the shower. She was not happy about having tag along with him. In away she wanted some time to speak with the other wives. What was she going to do, tell him 'no'. The thought almost make her laugh. " Yeah, I figured." She said with a sigh. " I don’t blame you, and to be honest. The past few days has been kinda a blur. So another run down on the layout here might be good." She walked to the door before stopping in thought. " Negan, how safe is this place?." She looked over to him, brushing her hair from her face.


As Jake spoke to her, she rolled over so her head was on his chest. Maggie couldn’t help but feel for him. She has lost so much over the year. Hearing how he missed having someone he cared about, made her wish she didn’t. A small bit of regret crawled up her back. It's not like she had a good track record of people she cared about her staying alive. Would it seem weak if she tried to talk him out of going on a run tomorrow? Selfish is she asked if someone else goes? Maggie bit her tongue, her only reply was a smile and a nod. Maybe for once, things will go right for her, if only for a little while.

Jakes affection was so, honest. Maggie couldn’t help but lean into him more. " Jake, I have lost so many people. All my family, watched as my friend got beaten. I would be lying if I didn’t say that in a little way that all this scares the Hell out of me. I would hope that maybe, I would be numb by now. In away I wish I was." She stopped, thinking for a moment. " I just don’t think I could handle another loss again." The last thing she wanted was to make him feel sorry for her. So she took this moment to ease the sadness." So tomorrow, don’t die on me. If you do, swear you'll haunt me." Laughing at the thought, at this point in the world, ghost are not hardly anything to be feared when someone close dies. Its when they come back and try to eat you. That’s a real fear no and days.​
“Let me show you how safe the Sanctuary is. Get dressed and we’ll head out.”

Before giving a tour, Negan must check on another prized prisoner. Over the past week or so, Dwight had been feeding Daryl dog food sandwiches while torturing him with a repetitive song in a dark cell without any clothes. It could have been Vivian’s same fate if she had acted out again. Quickly, Negan dressed and waited for his newest wife to dress as well. Once she was ready to move out, Negan grabbed Lucille and left his little apartment.

“First of all, this place is massive. Even if something bad somehow happened, there are many places to hide or find vantage points.”

It used to be a factory before the outbreak. Some of the factory was not usually occupied so Negan could keep everyone under a close eye. For the most part, there was free roaming. Leading her towards the courtyard where some of the enslaved survivors were trying to impale walkers on the poles, Negan pointed this out as well.

“This chain-linked fence goes all the way around with armed guards for every section. Plus, we have the dead on guard for us as well not just there, but everywhere. Since this is the front of our base, we’ll have more guards and walkers out here.”

Speaking of the prisoners, there was a radio call for Negan.

“It’s Daryl. He failed the test, sir.”

“Alright, Joey. I’m going to be there soon. Make sure there’s nothing vulgar done yet. I’m going to have one of the ladies with me.”

Fat Joey had given Daryl something to eat but left the door unlocked for purpose. This was an orchestrated escape attempt to see whether Daryl had learned his lesson or not. Quite obviously, he had not so it was time to teach Daryl another lesson while also teaching a lesson to Vivian about anyone here that do not follow the rules.

“Follow me. You’ll get to see the discipline with a front row seat.”


Cupping Maggie’s face, Jake rested his hands gently onto her cheeks.

“Maggie, you should feel happy that you’re not numb. If we become numb, then we lose our humanity. Do you know what has kept me going the past few years? I always hoped for something better. I hoped to feel love again, to see the look on a person’s face when I help save their life because of my knowledge, the look of friends and strangers coming together in a difficult time to survive. If I was numb, I would have never hoped and I would have never fallen for you. I can guarantee you that falling for you is the best thing I have ever done. I thought I was alone forever now. I was afraid that my hope was useless until you arrived.”

Jake paused for one second, leaning down to kiss her lips.

“Please, I am practically begging you – do not let these worries hold you back in our relationship. I want to see where this goes. Whether we have one month left together or 10 years or 50 years, I want to live out every moment knowing that I took an opportunity to find love and happiness again. It is not something many people have now. Maggie Greene, you are the center of my world. I will keep myself safe so I can return back to you each day and I will keep you safe as well. Even with the world gone to shit, I believe we can have something amazing here together. I do hope I can help you rid those worries from your mind. I will love you until my last breath. I will kiss you every single day. I know this will work. I hope you can have that same faith in us, too.”
Vivian looked Negan, feeling a little uneasy about her having to be stuck with him for the day. But she didn’t want to argue the issue. She put the same black dress she had on yesterday, she only wore it for a short time so she didn’t see a reason to not wear it again. She braided her hair over her shoulder and walked with him, those damn heel in hand. The dress she didn’t mind too much, but she couldn’t deal with the shoes. Once ready she walked with Negan, that bat turned her stomach. How could a guy with a bat have so much power?

As they walked she again was taking all she could in. Although she was nervous about the whole thing. Everyone was so scared of this man she didn’t understand why. Sure he was a mountain, but that didn’t seem like a good enough reason. During their walk she learned there was a reason to the dead pinned on the gate. Still, there was point to all this, and the call he got proved it. She listened to him as he spoke to Joey. She wrinkled her nose at the idea of something vulgar happening. Vivian wanted no part in any of this. He was going to use this poor soul to prove a point. She wanted no part in any of this. But then again, she had a feeling she didn’t want to be punished. She opened her mouth, about to speak, then thinking it was better not too. Following him back inside the compound.


Maggie was shocked by Jakes reaction. She did mean what she said, but at the same time she was just thinking out loud. No meaning to upset of worry her love. It was just a passing concern, everyone has them now and then. "Jake…I know, and I'm sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just love you so much. Even if the world wasn’t falling apart I would still worry about you. "

She leaned into his lips, they were so soft and warm. A warmth that she felt though her whole body. Pulling away from his kiss, nodding to him. I wont, I promise. I will try not to worry so much, and just enjoy the here and now." she pressed her forehead to his mouth." Now, lets get some sleep." Maggie said, pulling him close. She couldn’t help but replay what he said to her. Jake was her sliver lining, and she had to remember that he loved her and as long as they have each other everything will be fine. It was to soon for her to be talking like that. " I love you Jake."​
“See, lately, we’ve had some trouble out of another group.” Negan explained while they walked, absentmindedly twirling Lucille like a toy. “These people were in Alexandria. They have a nice little community with houses and such. It’s a nice place for sure. I enjoyed my time there. Anyways, these people raided one of my outposts. They killed all the two dozen men I had. It was unbelievable. This is something I could not forgive. So, I got some payback and took one of theirs. This guy – Daryl, he’s a real badass. He got one of his friends killed but I think he can be a nice asset. That’s the same thing I saw in you. That’s why I didn’t have you or him killed. I use people when I think they can help with something. You passed your test. He did not. Now you get to see what happens when you fuck up around this place.”

The male gave it time to sink the new information into Vivian’s mind. This would happen to her if she was not careful. Now, he was going to treat them both differently. They placed different roles for him, obviously. “Now, I’m not going to kill him. You might think I’m sick but I don’t just kill anyone – only when they no longer of use. He can be useful to me. That’s why I won’t kill him – but he doesn’t know that. It pays to have that fear. Don’t you agree? I love fear. It makes people act in ways they never would originally.” Negan mused, just having a casual talk with Vivian about these things like it was nothing.


“I love you, too. I love you so much, Maggie. Good night.” Jake was not upset at all. It just worried him she might have been having second thoughts and that scared him the most. It was reassuring when Maggie made him understand that everything was alright, she was just worried about him. Now he could sleep without anything bothering him. With his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, Jake slowly fell asleep. Not often did he sleep well, but tonight was an exception. With Maggie in his arms, jake could not sleep poorly. He felt comfortable on the bed and his mind was empty.

The male woke up the next morning early because he understood they needed to get going on their run. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss onto Maggie’s lips, sliding his hands through her long hair. Once Maggie was awake, Jake just let the woman get accustomed to the new state of consciousness. “Good morning, my love. How did you sleep?” They had a big day to get ready for, but he just wanted to enjoy some cuddling before they did anything. There was nothing wrong with that – Jake knew it was needed to get started on their perfect day.
It was taking all Vivian had to not say anything snarky at first. Finding it rather funny that a small group took out so many of his men. Though she couldn’t imagine what Negan could be doing to the Daryl guy. He said that he was a 'real badass', but still, Negan was cruel, and he didn’t seem to care. Negan thrived off scaring people. "What was the test?" Finally she spoke up, her curiosity getting the better of her. She had a feeling she already knew what the test was. To submit to Negan, to agree to his rule, to just give up. Vivian hated that she did just that, then slept with the devil himself. She felt sick, thinking about the night before, and knowing that it will most likely happen again tonight. That in her mind, making it harder for her to walk. Taking everything to not turn and run. To just try to fight back. But she knew she would get caught, she wasn’t really wearing something that could aid her in an escape. Plus, she didn’t want to find out what happens.

Slowly it was sinking in, she was hopeless, well not entirely. Who ever these people are from Alexandria seem to not be afraid to fight back. If they killed that many people and all Negan got was one man, then maybe there was hope, for her and anyone else trapped here out of fear like herself. "Not really…" She said under her breath, answering his question about fear. Though, she would give him the fact that he has yet laid a hand on her, she didn’t feel Daryl would be so lucky. The further they went, the harder it was getting for her to breath, cry, to not panic and run. She didn’t want to stand there and watch some poor guy get punished for doing something good.


Maggie melted into Jakes body, feeling so safe in a world that was going to hell, where in reality, no one was safe. But she felt this night, sleeping so peacefully through the night. Not having any nightmares, not dreaming of anything really. She was tranquil, a great sense of calm over this. Jakes warm body, his arms lovingly around her all night. She slept so deeply.

Moaning, almost whining when Jake kissed her so gently, not wanting to leave her comfort on rest just yet. His hands playing with her hair, almost making her fall back asleep. Remembering that they were going on a run, she slowly opened her eyes, stretching she smiled to him. " Good morning, I slept great. I must still be dreaming. Because you are to perfect." She said rolling so she was facing him, kissing him softly. " How did you sleep? I don’t think either of moved all night." Maggie gave him little kisses along his jawline.​
The evil man thrived off instilling fear into other people. It was sickening to everyone else, but thinking about recent events put a smile on Negan’s face. Although the loss of the men at his outpost was detrimental, it presented Negan a new opportunity. The power he held over Alexandria was extraordinary. That community alone must have produced five times as much people, supplies, and weapons than the small outpost had. In the long run, Negan thought this was better for him and the Sanctuary. He loved playing the numbers game, figuring out just how to get ahead. Right now, Negan was far ahead of Alexandria. When his newest wife questioned the test Daryl had, Negan found no reason he could not divulge the information. What was the harm? “Fat Joey gave Daryl something to eat and intentionally left the door open. As you can guess, our new friend bolted the first chance he got.”

Chuckling at the irony, Negan merely shook his head while thinking about the look on poor Daryl’s face. “Unlucky for him, I had a dozen of my people waiting and watching. They have him surrounded now. Even though this is a teaching lesson for Daryl, I am teaching you a lesson, too. Consider this another evaluation, Vivian.” Negan had not dragged Vivian with him for such an event without a purpose. Reaching the parked motorcycles, Negan saw his men all surrounding Daryl. “Are we pissing our pants yet?” Laughing maniacally, Negan held Lucille inches from Daryl’s face, just watching his reaction. Before Negan explained himself, he decided to make a point. “Who are you?” This was a question asked to the Saviors surrounding Daryl. In unison, they all responded with “Negan.” This was Vivian’s part of the examination. Turning away from Daryl and looking at his new wife, he asked the same question. “And who the hell are you?” Even though they had gone through this before, Negan felt it was important to stress.


“I slept amazing – all thanks to you.” Grinning, Jake captured Maggie’s lips one more time. It was possibly the most amazing feeling in the world. Even so, Jake knew they had an important job today. Ruffling her long hair with one hand, Jake let it gently rest against her face. “I want nothing more than to lay with you all day long, but we don’t exactly have that opportunity today. So, I’m going to take a couple more kisses and then I’m going to get ready.” Smiling, Jake came through on his promise, attacking her soft lips again. The kisses were quick and soft, hoping that it tickled so he could hear Maggie’s laugh again.

Once satisfied, Jake forced himself to stop. God, those lips just molded so perfectly against his own. Jake would kiss her all day long if he was not careful. Pushing up from the bed, Jake found a new pair of jeans and t-shirt to wear. Nothing was clean these days. “While we’re out into the town, we could stop by a few stores and you can look for some clothes.” Jake suggested, knowing she just had a couple change of clothes with her. “I know a few places on our route.”
Needless to say Vivian was shocked tp hear that there was a point where her cell door was left unlocked and or cracked open. She thought back on if she could even remember this happening, it was always so dark, and she remembered crying. Maybe it was during that time. Wondering if she were to go back know this what would she had done. This place was massive, even now giving a few tours, she wasn’t sure if she could find her way around. How far could she have gotten? Could she really had a chance to avoid all this and be free? Although, the reason Negan was taking her a long with him was for her to see what happens to those who try. He did make it a point to bring that damn bat with him. The thought of what he was going to do to this man made her blood run cold.

Just as she thought, it didn’t matter if she tried. Negan would have had his men waiting for her just like he did with Daryl. They rounded the corner, approaching a small group of men, she couldn’t see the prisoner that Negan was talking about till they got closer. Her steps got slower as her eyes met Daryl's for a brief moment. He looked like a cornered animal, causing her heart race, and break at the same time. Her eyes were pulled from Daryl when she heard Negan laugh, pointing Lucille at Daryl. He never flinched, never showed fear. Vivian wish she could be like him, brave and fearless. But that all seemed rather reckless in the presents of a man like Negan. Negan asked his men who they were, all around they gave the same answer 'Negan'. Then his attention was then on her, asking her the same question. Vivian froze, her eyes darting from him, his men then to Daryl, who was also looking at her. She could tell that he sensed her fear, his eyes looking at her a bit softer than before, pity. Vivian turned coward, having to look from Daryl, to the ground at her feet. "…Negan…" She said in just above a whisper. She was so ashamed by this. Vivian wanted to say her name, because that’s who she was, she could never be like his men.


Maggie gave a soft laugh as Jake ruffled her hair almost like you would a child. Placing her hand on his on her cheek. "You don’t have to take them you know. I'm more than willing to give you as many you want." She was able to get out before Jake started peppering her lips with his playfully. She tried to keep up, but he was just being rather silly at the moment she started to laugh out. She like this side of him, he was being like a big kid. Making her laugh, something she felt she doesn’t do enough of now and days. That was until she met Jake, he knew just want to do to bring this out of her again.

Still laughing as he pulled away. Maggie didn’t want him to stop, but he was right. There was a bigger job that needed to be done. There will be another day they could enjoy laying around. Maggie also made her way from under the covers and out of bed. Digging around for her jeans, slipping them over her hips. Maggie nodded, as much as she found his clothes comfortable, they weren't very practical. And she pretty much just had the clothes that she was brought there with. "That would be nice. Just as long as its not to far out of the way. I can live with what I have for a little longer." She said and she sat on the edge of the bed, pulling on her boots.​
Furious, Negan violently slammed Lucille against a nearby metal post. Fuming at Vivian, he made the demand again. “Goddamn it, who are you? Say it louder!” Clearly, it pissed Negan off when his wife was so meek and quiet about answering the question. It was not satisfying to him. Hopefully, the raised voice and anger in his tone combined with the barbed wire bat smacking a post only two feet beside of the redhead would stimulate more obedience from her. It did not matter how she answered next because he focused his attention back onto Daryl. There would be consequences for Vivian soon – he would deal with her behind closed doors. She was his wife, after all. “Oh, Daryl. You failed to prove your chance that you’re ready for the next step. Your situation here is shitty, but you have three options. Now, I don’t give a damn which option you take. I certainly know which option is most beneficial for me, for you, and for everyone – but you have to make the choice. You could take death, you could work for points like a slave, or you could work for me and live like a damn King!”

The three options were said while Negan diverted eye contact to Vivian. He wanted to prove his point that she was not out of the woods yet. She had not been the best wife so far and she was rubbing him the wrong way. When Daryl did not answer, Negan suddenly raised Lucille and swung at his head, stopping only inches from his face. Though this was unexpected, it impressed Negan. “Fair enough. Show him we mean business and toss him back into the fucking cell.” Turning away and not even watching what happened next, the Saviors started to beat the living hell out of Daryl. With Negan’s left arm, he wrapped it around Vivian’s shoulders and started walking with her away from the scene. His tone with her now was contrasting from before – it was softer and gentle. “What did you think about all this?” Negan questioned, obviously looking for a specific answer from her.


After Maggie dressed, Jake reached out for her hand. It was time to get moving. Just outside of his trailer was his old pickup truck. “This has been my pride and joy for a long time. I can’t believe the thing still runs.” Releasing her hand, Jake tossed a handful of backpacks into the bed of his truck along with various containers he had. Other than the knife inside the trailer, Jake had a curved sword in his truck as well with a baseball bat. It would have been great if they had guns, but Jake worked with his current supplies. When he settled into the driver’s seat, Jake turned the key into the ignition.

The engine hum started, followed by Jake reaching over to grab Maggie’s hand. Their fingers were laced together again and Jake pressed a kiss onto her palm. “Okay, let’s get going. The map is inside the glovebox. Take it out, please. I have marked everywhere on the map where we’re headed. There are quite a few clothing stores now that I think about it. This should be a two-day trip at worst. Are you ready for this, babe?” Jake asked, squeezing her hand one more time. It was the first time she had gone back out of the community since she had gotten here the last week.
A frantic scream left Vivian's lungs as the bat was sung at her, the loud clang it made as it hit the post, combined with the sound of Negan's raised voice rung in her ears. " Negan! I'm Negan!" She yelled to him. This man did scare her, but now she was utterly terrified of him. When he turned his back bringing his attention back to Daryl, she stumbled back a few steps. Her legs trembling, fighting to keep herself upright. A tear fell from her eye, she quickly wiped it away, the thought that he could have killed her and no one would even try to step in to help her was heart breaking. She was truly at his mercy, the only other option was death. The point Negan was trying to make was becoming more clear to her, she was his, her life hung now only in his hands. Listening to him talk to Daryl, he just stood there, unfazed by everything that just happened with her and to what Negan was saying.

Vivian caught the way Negan looked back at her, she messed up, the look he gave her made that crystal clear. She thought last night and being in the cell was bad. She didn’t want to imagine what Negan could do to her next. The only hope she had was that he didn’t want to kill her yet. But if she didn’t start playing by his rules, life was only going to get worse before it got better, as better as it could be at least. A smaller scream came from her as Negan then swung Lucille at Daryl. Her hands clamped over her mouth and she shut her eyes waiting to the sound of the bat cracking skull. When it never came, and all she heard was Negan speak, she opened her eyes. The bat just inches from Daryl's head, and again he looked unfazed. Who the heck was this guy, Vivian panicked twice during this whole ordeal, and yet this man just stood there. Negan gave the order to his men, she caught them jumping Daryl, he giving a fight the best he could, but out numbered she watched as he was brought down just before she felt Negan's arm around her. Being pulled away she didn’t fight him, walking a long next to him. " I'm so sorry. I understand now. I don’t want to die, or be a slave. Please…" She wanted to beg for him not to punish her, but then again she had a feeling it wouldn't matter.


Giving Jake a helping hand she started to load the supplies they were going to need on their run in the back of the truck. She looked around, most of Hilltop was still asleep. Aside from some guards that were on patrol. Maggie walked around to the passenger side of Jakes truck. " Did you have this before all this happened?" She asked as she climbed in. Listening to the truck start and looked to him and smiled. " Still sounds like it running pretty good. Have you been taking care of the maintenance yourself?"

Jakes hand slipped into hers, fitting like a glove and his soft lips kissed her hand. All the worries and concerns she had the night before felt like a dream. Because looking at him now, sitting in the truck next to her. She felt she could take on the world with him as her side. Maggie smiled to him and nodded. " Sure thing." She said and the reached in the glove-box, laughing to herself as she opened the map. " I don’t know about you, but I miss the days when we had GPS. Though the good thing about all this is we all are forced to learn how to read maps, and life with out things like that." Looking over the map, she saw where they were going, nowhere she had been yet. Maggie was thankful that she was getting a chance to get from behind these walls, being cooped up in a new community could be a little overwhelming.
If nothing else, Negan successfully drew a reaction from Vivian that he wanted. Crying. Screaming. Fear. He had to do this because he was gentle with her for most of the day. Too much of a soft touch could ruin the hard work he put in so far. As she frantically apologized and tried to convince Negan that she understood, the man with the bat would not have any of it. This did not go without punishment. It was not enough to just scare her shitless. Instead, Negan needed more. Now that he accomplished the biggest goal of his day, Negan had time to relax and slow things down. During that period, he was going to further train his newest wife. How did he do it? Negan had a few ideas in mind. The male was not quite sure of the specifics yet, but that would soon come to him. For now, he kept silent and walked with Vivian, his arm around her. If nobody had seen Negan and Vivian until now, they looked like a nice couple. They were walking through the compound with his arm around her neck like a husband might actually do for his wife. There was so much more to it, though. Negan thought of a variety of ways to punish her. Either way, he directed the woman back towards his private quarters.

They walked up the stairs and went out of the way until they reached his apartment-like room. Once inside, Negan closed the door and just relaxed. Deciding to draw it out, he looked at her curiously before making his demand. “I’m getting hungry after that. Make me a snack. I don’t care what it is. Just look through the cabinets and fix something for me. Before you do that, take off your dress. And your shoes. And everything. You don’t need to wear anything right now.” After giving the order, Negan suddenly undid the belt from his jeans and folded it like he was going to whip her with it. In reality, he was just going to spank her with his belt but he was not doing that quite yet. It was going to be unexpected. He did this to keep her on edge, to constantly be in fear. “Don’t fuck anything up this time or your ass is going back into the cell.” He warned, looking dead into her eyes again.


“I’ve had my baby ever since college. She still runs like a charm. I do work on everything myself, I always have. My father taught me from an early age. He ran his own mechanic shop. I worked there ever since I was about 13.” After giving the explanation, Jake turned his attention back onto the road ahead. With the windows down, the wind was blowing and everything felt peaceful. For the most part, the highway was void of the dead. There was nobody around to bother them and it was an easy drive. The first location on the route was indeed a clothing store. This was a huge place and while Jake was not stupid and knew that it would be cleaned out, he figured anything could help.

The male parked right in front of the entrance and looked towards Maggie. “Alright, let’s be careful. This is a big ass store. Walkers could be anywhere. So stay close to me and let’s stick to the right wall and slowly move through each aisle. We can take our time. We don’t have to get back to the Hilltop today necessarily.” Smiling at Maggie, he reached over to peck her lips. While he did have his gun ready, the male also had his knife out first. He hoped they did not need to use a gun, but it was nice to have just in case. Walking inside the store first, Jake pulled Maggie behind him as they stepped through the broken glass door and into the abandoned store.
The way Negans arm hung around Vivian's shoulder as he guides her through the compound made her feel so small. She was still very shaken by what had happened just outside a moment ago. Her head hung, hiding her face from any onlookers, though she could feel their eyes on her, perhaps judging Vivian, knowing that she was another one of Negans many wives. The thought that she even agreed to this and the fact that she didn't fight him as he took her to his bed last night made Vivian's stomach turn. On top of that, he released himself in her, granted as far as she knew she only had intercourse once, though she was pretty drunk that night with her boyfriend and couldn't recall everything that took place that night. But Negan didn't seem like the fatherly type to want to start a family. If that were the case, Vivian would have seen children or one of his other wives pregnant. Before she knew it, they were back at his private quarters. A shiver shot through her noticing that they were alone again. This room was the last place in the world she wanted to be right now with him. The door closing behind them was particularly loud, it still made the already frighten girl jump. Her green eyes watched as Negan relaxed. His demands showed Vivian just how cold this man was, and how little he cared for others. As he removed the belt from his jeans, she took a few small steps away from him, almost cringing at the thought of him striking her with it. Negans warning hit her hard, her eyes widened, giving him a quick nod. Although, right now going back to the cell felt like an improvement to the situation. Knowing very little about the tall male, Vivian had a feeling that he would seriously make her regret that decision.

Timidly, Vivian stepped out of her shoes, then slowly slipped out of the small black dress, hesitantly she removed her undergarments. Not she was standing before him completely unclothed. Her eyes were avoiding his as she covered her chest with her arms, walking to the kitchen. Vivian has never felt this humiliated in her life. Going through the cabinets, she looked at all the food he had; she couldn't remember the last time she had seen this much. It was at this point that she realized just how starved she was. Her stomach that had been in knots all day growled in protest. Ignoring it, she put together a small plate of fruit and dried meats. Taking a deep breath, Vivian picked up the plate and made her way back to Negan. The closer she got to him, the more she felt herself start to tremble. With shaking hands, Vivian held out the plate to Negan, on the verge of tears. Feeling that she should say something, "H-Here, is this alright?" She felt as if she was walking on eggshells, afraid of saying something wrong, glancing to the belt he set aside.


Maggie felt so relaxed as she listened to Jake, gazing out the open window, with her arm hanging out. "Is there anything you cant do?" Turning back to Jake, she smiled. It all felt like the world was sane again until they reached the highway. It was a grim reminder that everything was dead and or dying out there. Though, Maggie couldn't feel all that sad at this moment. Since meeting Jake, everything has felt heavenly. She couldn't help but wonder what her father would think of Jake; she knew that he would have loved him just as much as she did. Maggie found herself staring at him, with a soft smile on her lip. All of the pain, and sadness that she had gone through all lead to him.

Looking at the store, glanced at Jake as he gave her warnings that she didn't need. She had been on many runs like with before. But it seemed to make Jake feel better, so she just nodded, returning his kiss. "I think I can do that," Maggie said before stepping from the truck with a stretch as she looked around for any signs of movement. The area seemed cleared out, in fact, it felt the biters had been few and far between lately. Walking up behind Jake, she followed him inside. "So, what are we looking for here other than clothes?" She asked keeping her voice low, looking around the store, searching for any signs of movement, dead or alive. But also to keep an eye on their rear while he took the lead.​
Fear was such a powerful emotion. The way it controlled people and forced people to act in accordance was beautiful. Negan still felt surprised at how little he must do before that fear existed in these people. The way Vivian shook in her shoes at the sight of the belt and at the prospect of getting hit was interesting. Although going back to the cell would have been an improvement, in terms of being away from Negan, being back inside the cell meant her life was basically over. Now, did Negan like this woman? Yes, he did. Did Negan want her to stay as one of his wives and fulfill her duties? Of course. However, he was not going to force anything. She was expendable even though he made it out like she was not. His feelings for her were strong just because she was so much unlike the other wives he had. At the same time, anyone could be replaced. Everyone had a job. He could not let Vivian get away with not doing her job and expect the others to listen. After all, he needed to be a fair leader and hold everyone to the same standards. Vivian was not granted anymore special privileges than the other wives yet.

Those things were earned. Like now, if she complied and did what he wanted, she would earn his respect. Negan kept a mental track and note of his wife’s actions from how they acted around him to how good they were in the bed. Even the smallest things mattered, causing Negan to get pissed at a wife or multiple wives depending on the situation. Vivian had not started off on the right side of things, but she had the chance to turn everything around. After all, she was just shown what her future consisted of if she continued with the noncompliance. Watching the woman undress almost made Negan cringe. It was not that she was unattractive. If it was not obvious by now, Negan thought she was pretty damn hot. Yet, her movements were so stiff and timid. Negan found it pointless for her to undress if she was just covering herself up afterwards. He did not tell her to undress just so she could cover her chest with her arms again. That shit didn’t even make sense. Negan felt disappointed but the punishment would come later. Thankfully for Vivian, it was not infuriating enough to earn her a trip back into the cell.

When the food was presented, Negan did not comment on the food. Instead, he looked at Vivian and scowled. “Damn, it’s that cold in here? It’s fucking summer, Vivian.” He mused, looking at how much she trembled. Deciding to make things worse for Vivian, he suddenly slid the plate off into the floor, making it crash next to her feet. “Pick this shit up. RIGHT NOW.” He shouted, suddenly grabbing Lucille and banging her against the table. “You know what’s ironic? You act like a tough bitch before this and now you’re scared shitless. Go back and fix this shit again. This time, you better bring it back to me like you fucking care. I’ll give you a goddamn reason to be scared if you want. I haven’t done shit to you that you didn’t’ want yet. I’ve been a nice fucking guy to you. Don’t dare cover yourself either. If I didn’t want to see your tits then I would have had you keep the fucking dress on. Why do you insist on making me want to kill you or hurt you?”


Appearances were deceiving. Crossing into a narrow corridor, a single walker exposed itself and attacked. Luckily, Jake prepared himself. A long knife jabbed into the skull of the deceased. The corpse toppled heavily onto the ground, allowing the couple forward progress. "Primarily medical supplies." The doctor began. "Other supply run teams search for food and water. If we cross pertinent supplies, though, we'll take it." This store was a supermarket. Therefore, it housed a plethora of sections from a pharmacy to a grocery line. This particular end of the store led the couple into the direct path of that grocery line. As expected, almost everything was cleared. The highlight of the haul involved a pack of bottled water. It might have been enough for a portion of the Hilltop's community. Dragging an old shopping cart beside them, Jake filled it with whatever they found. The medical supplies were not quite abundant, but every small amount helped from bandages to half-empty pharmaceutical bottles like pain killers and sedatives. During the trip, a handful of walkers were taken out.

The last section they reached was the women's clothing. When all hell broke loose, the hottest and newest clothes were not of significance. Most people took the clothes they already had and fled. Although it was still picked rather cleanly, the selection for Maggie was broad considering the state of the world. "Go ahead and look, my love. I will watch your back while you pick out clothes. I'd take as much as I want. We never know when we'll find something else like this again."
The plate shattered at Vivian's feet; it felt that Negan was going out of his way to make her hate him, and it was working. Kneeling down she felt her blood began to boil as he fumed nonsense about him being a 'nice guy.' to her, and not doing anything that she didn't want. Gathering the broken pieces of ceramic in her hands, along with the food, Vivian slowly stood. Some of the things he said made sense, she was frightened of him, though she wasn't when she first arrived, that was before she knew what the man was capable of, and what horrors he could cause Vivian. All she wanted was to stay alive and survive to see another day. Playing by his rules didn't seem to satisfy him, or being meek and timid like his other wives. It didn't matter what she said or did, Negan was a sick man, and wasn't ever going to be entirely happy with anything she said or did. So what was the point? Why should she even try? Obviously, Vivian was going down by the hand of this male, though it was her choice to be going down without a fight. There was no reason to bring back that fire that Negan thought she had lost, that he thought he took from her. As far as she knew, Vivian hadn't given him a reason to hurt or treat her the way he was, so she was going to give him one. Either way, he was going to hurt her, so this way she can at least go down with a shred of dignity.

With the remains of the food, she brought before he ruined it to make a point. Not the one that he thought he was trying to make. Vivian glanced at Negan, making eye contact before turning and walking back to the kitchen. There was no effort, she merely placed the food that was spilled on the floor on to a new plate, then returned. Placing the plate in front of him, this time now cowering or trembling, and no longer remaining silent. "Do 'you' know what ironic? Not all shit comes out your ass. Do you think I wanted any of this?! This is the last place I want to be, in fact, I think I requested just letting me go, and you wouldn't see or hear from me again. You are insane, to believe that I wanted to be dragged here, locked in a cell, stripped, be given a no-win ultimatum to be your wife? That's just the tip of the iceberg of the fuck up shit I 'didn't want'." It was Vivian's turn to get things off her chest, and it was as if the floodgates had been opened. " I not making you do shit! You're doing it because you want to! Because you think it's amusing to scare people. I'm finished playing this bullshit game of yours! If you're going to kill me then just fucking do it! You are not the good guy here Negan!"


Maggie followed Jake through the store ruins, letting him take out any walkers that found themselves wandering into the building. Over the past year, this had felt more as if they were swatting away flies. The real threat now was the living; there was always the worry of another group that would instead take from others hard work rather than does it themselves. So the little medical supplies they were able to gather stung. Knowing deep down who they belong too. But Jake seems to make this work for him, no one at Hilltop appeared to lack medical attention. Though this wasn't their only stop, there was a chance that they could find more. Maggie was going to do her best to make sure that she could be as much help as possible. Wither that meant helping the field or helping with a run like right now. Even aiding in fighting back. She knew that this was something that was going to happen, Rick wasn't one to sit back and let the saviors take what everyone worked so hard for.

Maggie looked through the racks of clothes, and taking jakes words, she took as much as she could carry, even filling the cart. She didn't just take things just for herself, grabbing anything that could be some use to anyone at Hilltop. Stepping over corpse's as she did so. It was something that had become somewhat normal now. "Do you think there is someone out there looking for a cure?" She asked, tossing a few shirts into the cart. It was something that she was hopeful of, though it was fading. It was so hard to know what was going on with the rest of the world. "I mean, this can't last forever, can it? And what about the rest of the world?"​
Damn. This chick was full of surprises. When she exited the room and began a new plate of food, Negan had not expected her to return with such fire and aggressiveness. To him, it was quite clear what was expected of his wives. She was not getting special treatment. Negan acted this way around his other wives, too. It just felt like, at times, she needed a heavier hand. Undoubtedly, she was more feisty than the others combined. That was both good and bad. Negan admired that, but he also hated that. She could not find a perfect medium between being scared shitless or confident that she had been a good girl for him. It annoyed Negan and that was why he was set off before. Of course, this was not right and she had no way of knowing exactly what he wanted. Don’t tell Negan that, though. To him, this was a question with a clear answer. It was merely Vivian’s fault for getting it wrong and nothing could change his thought process. When he sat down onto the couch, Negan was starting to relax. Kicking off his boots and placing Lucille at his side, he watched the woman return.

This time, however, the food was sat down in front of him. Instead of doing what he wanted, Vivian acted out again. She was practically shouting at him and insulting him. Did nobody ever teach her some goddamn manners? How rude was it to insult the person that allows you to stay in his home? Not only that, a wife did not treat her husband this way. Lastly, he is the only reason she’s not dead right now. She owed him everything. What an ungrateful bitch. Typically, Negan kept his cool, but that was more difficult with her newest outburst. “Do you remember the bullshit you pulled when we met? You stole from me, Vivian. You were going to take shit that wasn’t yours. I reacted to that. Instead of fucking hurting you, I brought you here, gave you shelter and supplies, gave you clothes, and I gave you anything you needed. I’m pretty damn sure you haven’t been this well off in the apocalypse until we met. You owe me a big fucking plate of gratitude. Yet, you still disrespect me and question me? I don’t think you fucking understand the dynamic here. You can’t do shit. You won’t do shit.” He murmured lowly, locking eyes with the woman.

Then, Negan stood to his feet with Lucille in his hand. “You keep telling me to kill you, but I’ve told you many times before that that’s not what I want to do.” So, he dropped Lucille down and approached the redhead. Without even uttering a word about this, he suddenly bent her over the counter and pressed his crotch into her ass. “I think someone needs to be taught another lesson.” Negan whispered, his hands on her back. If she knew better, then she would not tell him “no” or resist. But, if she did, it would complicate things even more.

“Being a doctor, I followed the research closely before communications went down. The CDC couldn’t figure out shit. I’m sure people are actively searching for a cure, but I’m not sure if one will ever be found. Just thinking about the level of catastrophe, I’m not sure if it is recoverable. Regarding the rest of the world, everything has been taken over by the walkers. Right before communications went down, there were only a handful of small countries that I heard about with minimal issues, but this was almost two years ago. I would feel surprised if anyone does not have this problem. It’s spread globally and there’s nothing that can be done, as far as I know, that can stop it.” It was not the answer Jake wanted to hear, either, but it was the truth. He felt like they would be doing a disservice to themselves by lying or thinking that there might be a cure.

“That’s not to say that this is an impossible feat, however. I mean, I would have told you it was impossible that the dead would walk the earth three years ago. I’m sure there’s someway to cure this thing, but I just don’t know how that happens.” Either way, Jake wanted to make the most of however much time they had left. Maggie was making it easier. He continued following her throughout the store without any major problems. “Regardless of whether or not we’re doomed, I’m thankful for you, Maggie. I’ve been miserable for so long. I forgot what it felt like to smile and be happy. You have singlehandedly changed that for me and I am deeply in love with you.” Jake added, pressing a hand gently onto her shoulder in an affectionate touch as she went through the clothing racks.
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