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The Walking Dead. Vail x randomname

There was a short moment of satisfaction hearing Negan moan as her lips lightly touched his head, the he spoke and she remember she hated him and could careless if he enjoyed himself. Vivian had an idea of what he was doing, talking to her the way he did. Negan was an ass, not even he could doubt that. Now, hearinf hims moan issed her off. She could just bite down as hard as she could. In hope he would be in to much pain to fight back. But then there was his men. She wouldn’t get far. Plus, that’s not her, she could never cause harm like that. This was her choice she made. And deep down she hated herself for all this than she hated him.

Annoyed by his words, Vivian pulled her mouth off his cock. There was no way this would be over fast if she didn’t put some effort into it. No matter how much it sickens her. Pulled her long red hair into one hand in a makeshift ponytail. She used her right hand to stroke his length, her mouth moving down to his balls, lightly sucking and licking. Once she felt she had done that long enough she ran her tongue up Negans shaft to his tip before pushing her mouth down on him. His head touching the back of her throat. In her mind, pretending her was someone else. It was the only way she felt she could go like this if she did that.


Maggie looked from him blushing as all the compliments he was giving her. She never though herself ugly, but the way he talked about her made her feel, beautiful. Next thing she knew, she was in his arms and his lips one hers. Setting her cup down, feeling that she would have dropped it. Jake made her feel amazing. And not just sexually, but like she mattered. Laying her head on his chest she wanted more, though she knew that there would be more time for such thing, Maggie just sighed happily against him.

Lucky for Jake, she loved wearing his clothes as much as he did. Every once and a while she would pull his shirt up to her face and inhale. She honestly didn’t realize how much she did this. Putting on his sweatpants she tighten them and say on the edge of their bed. Pulling on her boots. Smiling she stood and nodded to him, ready to go. Although she didn’t et much sleep the night before, Maggie was feeling great. Knowing that she had Jake made her look forward to the day. Knowing that with him in her life, everything was going to be fine. Pushing herself on her toes she kissed him lightly, placing a hand on his chest. " I'm great with this." Moving away to the Trailer door waiting for him.​
"Oh, shit! She’s pulling the hair back now. Yeah, shit’s getting serious!” Negan chuckled, just amusing himself as he waited. The blow job itself had been mostly unamusing. It might have felt good but she was not into the blow job and that turned him off. When she took his warning and started stroking him, using her mouth on his balls, that made Negan feel better and he moaned loudly. “Oh, fuck! Just like that, Vivian. Suck my cock hard. I’m going to cum sooner than I thought. Make sure you swallow every drop of my load.” He groaned out, tilting his head backwards in pleasure.

He also felt surprised when she took him so damn far into her throat, but he was pleased. Again, he moaned out loudly and thrust his hips upwards at the redhead, feeling his pleasure building more each moment as she sucked his cock. Soon, he began thrusting his hips forward to create more tension and friction on his length and inside her mouth. His breathing was heavy and he did not hold back his moans. One hand gripped her ponytail and he was finding himself lost in the pleasure with each movement she made.

When they walked out of his trailer holding hands, passerbys noticed them. They stared, but not in a threatening or uneasy way. No. They were happy that Jake had found himself a lady. They had known he had been alone since this started when his wife and his children were all taken in the plague. He had been lonely but he saved more people than everyone else in this camp combined, not just with his doctoring skills. He had to be one of the purest human beings left on the planet. Besides, they have also seen relationships form faster than jake’s and Maggie’s in this new world.

The old societal norms did not apply anymore. Plus, everyone would love Maggie. How could they not. Inside the medical trailer, he ran a couple tests on Maggie and made sure everything looked well. Thankfully, it did and Maggie was all good to go. “All your tests check out, Princess. You’re 100 percent now physiologically. Just slowly ease back into full activity and your need for medical attention is now over.” He told her with a soft smile, kissing her sweetly, so happy that she was doing better.
The fact that Vivian had Negan's cock in her mouth wasn’t already sickening enough, the idea of him cumming in it discussed her. But it was better than the alternative. Even his moans made her ill. Still she kept at it, moving her lips up and down his shaft. He was so big, it felt like her jaw was going to get dislocated. Vivian honestly thought before that they way he acted, and the reasons for wanting many waives was because he was trying to make up for being small in the pants. It would have made her feel slightly better if he was.

Vivian gagged a little as Negan thrust his cock further down her throat. Then again, and again, till she felt like she was going to throw up. Just as she was about to pull her head up she felt him take grip of her hair. Placing on hand on the bed to stable her self as the other reached up, taking a light hold on his wrist. Vivian felt like she couldn’t breath, but she didn’t want to fight back. Between gags she made little groan that vibrated on his dick. A steady flow of saliva poured from her mouth as Negan fucked her mouth and throat. Vivian had no choice but to let him do this, and just hope that is would be over soon.


Having Jakes hand in hers as they walked was the best feeling, the people walking by or started their daily routines seemed to be happy for them. Maggie knew that Jake was well loved and respected, she didn’t know how they also cared about her. Maggie couldn’t help but glow, smiling to people. Hearing some mention about how glad they were that she was better, and that Jake looked happy. Looking up to him, they were right. He also seemed to be glowing. Life here was going to be perfect, just seeing how being honestly cared about each other, and about her and him. Normally Maggie would have push away from this idea, that it was all to good. Though, there was still a he threat out there that couldn't be ignored. But there was no reason for her to stress this right now. She had faith in Jake like no other. She wasn't going to let anything happen to him, and she knew Jake felt the same about her

Once her exam was over and Jake gave her the all clear bill of heath. Maggie smiled, wrapping her hands around him as he kissed her. " I don't think I could ever thank you enough Jake. You have been so good to me." She rested her head on his chest, breathing him in. Damn he smelled so good. Pulling away she looked out the window. " As much as I feel like I'm ready to do my part around here, I-" She stopped, still looking out the window. Then back to him " Looks like Rick is back, I guess I should tell him the good news." She said walking to him, taking his hand in hers " You know he is going to try and talk me into going back." A small frown came to her face, she knew Rick wasn’t going like it. Maggie was a strong woman, and huge asset to Rick and his people. As much as she knew they were friends, she also knew she was more than that to Rick. Just another person to keep them strong and alive.
This new world was a world Negan thrived in. He knew how to manipulate people and use people. The only thing anyone cared about right now was surviving. If he could threaten their survival then he could make them do anything with the promise of safety That showed with every action that Vivian made. Even though what she was doing made him sick, she was doing it on her own free will, technically, only because he promised to keep her safe and away from the dangerous zone of working in the yard. It was a powerful feeling for Negan.

His arousal reached an all time high. His breathing was heavy as he continued fucking her face, sliding his dick to the back of her throat. Finally, he reached his orgasm and moaned out her name loudly before releasing four or five spurts of his hot, sticky semen inside of her mouth. The thick ropes of sperm filled her up and he kept her face upwards so she could not spit it out. “Fucking swallow it, Vivian. Be a good wife and swallow every last fucking drop. You’ll be sorry if you don’t.”

Jake saw as Rick and the others were approaching. No doubt, they were here to collect Maggie. They were in for one hell of a surprise, that was for sure. Before leaving, Jake turned to Maggie and offered her a smile. “Maggie, you know I care deeply about you. I want you to stay here with me. But, I understand these people have grown to be your family. I know you are fond of them and they are fond of you. If you feel like you belong in Alexandria, I won’t hold that against you. We can still see each other. Just don’t be afraid of making me upset.”

It was the least he could do. Jake wanted to show that it was entirely her choice. Did he want her to stay? Hell yes, he did! He was in love with this woman and it was obvious. He needed her in his life. IT would break him if she left, but he could not say that. “Now, do you want me to stand with you when you talk to them or do you want me to let you talk to them on your own?” he asked, squeezing her hand and giving her a kiss, thankful that she was staying with him.
All this felt so wrong even though Vivian agreed to all this, tactically. The choice she made was selfish, unlike the others she seen who made hard choices for someone else. Vivian was on her own. But it was this, of death. Was it worth it, maybe he would eventually get bored of her. Though she knew that would be anytime soon. She was Negan's new pretty toy, she knew he was going to play with her anyway he could still he knew she was broken. Vivian didn’t know how much longer she could take having Negan's cock being shoved down her throat. Gagging and trying to cough, tears fell from her green eyes.

Without warning she heard Negan moan out to her, thrusting up in her mouth a few morn time till she felt his hot seed flooding her mouth. It was almost unreal how much came out of him. So disgusting, the feel and taste of it. Next thing she knew her head was pulled up, then his warning. Vivian gave a soft whimper. She didn’t want to test him. It took all she had to swallow his load, turning her stomach. Gasping and coughing she pulled back from him. Falling back, sitting on her feet at the foot on his bed. Vivian's body trembled as she looked over to Neagan's face. Almost in disbelief of what just took place.


Maggie retuned his kiss, touching Jakes face with her finger tips. " I'll talk to him, he cant do anything about it. Anyways like you said last night, I'm yours. " She smiled pulling her hand from his, walking to the door. As she put her hand on the door knob she looked back at him. " And if by chance he tries to 'kidnap me' you have my permission to knock him on his ass." She laughed as she walked out. The worse Rick could do was cry, and she had seen him do that a lot. Rick was no threat, in fact, Maggie cared for him deeply. Not in the same way she cared for Jake.

Maggie walked out side in view from the window thy first spotted him. Rick was talking to Jesus when she approached. Nodding to him, he walked away leaving her to speak to Rick. It seemed if was touch and go. Rick making jesters to where Jake's office was, Maggie pointing her finger to him. Then Rick nodding, running his hand over his beard. Maggie smiling, and nodding. Lastly, a friendly hug between the two. Rick kissing her forehead before walking off. And her going back to the man she loved. She opened the door and looked to Jake. " Well, that pretty much went the way I thought it would." She said colliding in to his chest, wrapping her arms around him. "Though Rick said he wanted to talk to Gregory about something while he was here."​
So far, Negan had never grown tired of one of his wives. His cravings hit him in spurts, but he had never thought about disposing one of his women. Now that he has found Vivian and brought her into his life, the male did not think he would ever want to touch one of his other wives ever again. They might like Vivian because she would have his attention for a while. Not only was she new, but she was interesting, sexy, and just had something that the other women did not. Negan could not quite place his finger on it.

She did swallow him but not without coughing. That could be something she would improve on with practice. “That was so fucking good, Vivian. Good job. You’ll get better with practice. I’ll give you a break, but after a few minutes, I will consummate our marriage properly.” He grinned, pulling her back into his arms. He knew this made her sick but he did not care. “Go ahead, Vivian. Cuddle with me. Hold me. Kiss my neck. Be a good wife. Help me relax. I’ve had a long day, baby. Don’t you want to make me feel better?”


Jake watched calmly. A smile was on his face when Maggie returned. His arms wrapped around the brunette and he kissed her lips, satisfied that she was staying. He was also thankful that Rick did not cause a problem. After Maggie told him this, he saw as Rick led the group towards Gregory’s mansion. A couple of them glanced towards the medical trailer but nobody made a move. They looked happy that Maggie was happy even if she was not still in Alexandria. He smiled at the female and leaned down to give her a sweet kiss on the lips, holding it for a few seconds.

“Thank you, Maggie. You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. We don’t have to get you started on anything right now. You can take today just to rest and we’ll get you some work tomorrow. We can just wait out here until Rick and everyone leaves so you can tell them goodbye.” Besides, it was not like they could not see each other. Jake liked the idea of visiting Alexandria from time to time. It was not a close trip and gas was scarce but if they were in the area, Jake did see not see why not.
The way Negan spoke to her made her feel dirty, despite showering only hours earlier. This was who she was for now, this mans personal slave to talk down to and belittle. There was no doubt that the first chance she got she was going to have to escape, get as far away as possible as she could. Just like that she was pulled back in to his arms. If he was younger, this would have been comforting. Negan is a strong, powerful man, but he was evil in her eyes. Vivian was surprised to find out that it wasn’t over. She couldn’t understand how that after he got off, he would be able to continue. Or was he trying to mess with her head. Granted it had been sometime since she said anything to Negan, that was only because she didn’t want to say anything that would piss him off. There were things she wanted to say, like for this moment now 'Why the hell would I care about your long day and making you feel better?!' Because she didn’t, not even a little.

Knowing that, she took a moment as she laid in Negan's arms to think about Noah, and how much she missed him and being in his arms. It broke her heart knowing he was gone, and that she was in Negan bed, as his 'wife' about to let him have his way with her. " Of curse I do." Vivian whispered, placing her hand on his chest, leaning in to his neck, lighting pressing her lips on to his skin. The only way Vivian knew how to get through tonight was to act like she gave a crap. Slowly she ran her hand lightly up his chest to his neck. Pushing her body closer to his. Vivian's action seemed timid as she kept kissing his neck. The one good thing she could gain from this was Negan honestly smelled rather nice, making it easier for her to continue giving the affection he requested. " I have only gone all the way with a man one time." Vivian whispered into his neck. She had been debating on saying anything om this subject. She only hope that maybe with this in mind, he would be gentle with her. On the other end of that, he might not. That was a chance she felt she needed to take.


Maggie smile hearing the relief in Jake's voice. It was almost amusing, as if he doubted her. Though she knew he would never say it, or even purposely mean it. Even she had her concerns about the situation. But everyone has gone through so much hardship that it was something that couldn’t be helped. " I know, but for not I'm just going to head back home to change. I can be prancing around in your clothes all day like this." She laughed before giving him a kiss. "Plus, I'm not worried about them leaving without saying anything to me. Unless the talk goes bad and they get kicked out." She was only half joking. She knew what Rick wanted to talk to Gregory about. He wanted to work on building a army to take out the saviors. Everyone knew Gregory was a coward and standing up to Negan wasn’t anything he had the balls to do.

"Maggie…?" A young boys voice came from behind them. Maggie looked over her shoulder to she Carl standing there, his head hung sadly. "Carl? What wrong? " She asked pulling from Jake to walk to Carl. " Are you really staying?" Carl asked with out looking up. "Yes, I have a chance to do some good here, and help." She said glancing back to Jake. " But what about us?" He said looking up to her. " What about your friends?" Maggie sighed, Carl was pulling her heart stings. " Carl, Your all still my friends and I will see you guys again. This isnt goodbye." She said putting her hand on his shoulders. Carl looked at Jake, there was a hint of jealousy on his face. " Then I'm going to stay too!" Maggie didn’t see that coming, "Carl…I really don’t think.." He cut her off " Please Maggie! I can't go back! I have a feeling dad is about to do something dumb, and I would be safer with you." Again, Maggie was shocked, she looked back to Jake for some back up, thinking maybe he could talk to Carl. A man to man with the boy.​
It was almost laughable that Vivian thought telling Negan would make him go easier on her, to be gentle with her. If anything, it had the opposite impact. Smirking down at the redhead, he cupped her face gently. “I am truly disappointed that I am not your first. It sickens me that you have been unfaithful to me.” Yes, he knew how crazy he sounded. But in Negan’s mind, she belonged to him as soon as she was born, even before. “I will forgive you this time, but you won’t be so lucky next time.” He whispered, kissing her in the most detestable way possible.

His hands started fondling her breasts again, squeezing the mounds of flesh before sliding a hand in between her legs. “Well, I need time to recharge so I guess we’ll play with you for a while.” Winking, he started kissing her neck gently, sliding his tongue across her skin. “I want you to lie on your back. Spread your legs open for me. Give me a little show.” Negan hoped this would make her feel uncomfortable and further remind her that she belonged to him and there was nothing that she could do about it.


Just as shocked as Maggie, Jake listened to Carl speak. They all knew there was no chance in hell that Rick would allow his son to stay anywhere but in Alexandria. Jake approached the teenager and looked deep into his eyes. It took a few minutes but he talked it out with Carl. Carl was simply scared because he knew what Negan did and what he could do. After talking to Jake, Carl felt better and was not wanting to stay in the Hilltop colony any longer. Honestly, nobody was safe from Negan, not even the Hilltop.

When Carl left the trailer, Jake smiled at Maggie softly and was happy to be along with her again. Wrapping his arms around the brunette, he kissed her lips again, sliding his tongue against her lips. “I’m so happy you’re mine and that you’re staying.” He murmured softly against her mouth, his hands reaching down to squeeze her butt playfully. “Would you like me to show you where the gardening area is so you know where to go tomorrow?”
There was a short moment of relief as Negan gently touched Vivian's face. That was until he started talking about her being 'unfaithful' to him. Before she had the chance to rebuttal, his lips pressed against her with such force she almost lost her breath. Although it might have been for the best for her not to say anything, seeing what she said a moment ago all but backfired. Negan didn't seem angry, but that would have changed if she tried to argue his logic. As he kissed her, Vivian pulled all she could to play along. Reaching up and lightly placing a hand to the back of his head, returning the kiss the best she could.

Suddenly she felt his large hand on her chest, taking hold of her breast. Then a hand between her legs. Her knee jerk reaction was to close them, preventing access. Knowing that would just piss him off she stopped herself from closing herself from him. A small whimper came from her, trying not to cry as he did this. She watched him for a moment, his winking to her before nuzzling into her neck. His warm tongue running across her flesh sending a shiver though her body. Biting her lip Vivian nodded, slowly rolling from her side to her back. Keeping her knees bent she opened her leg for him. Vivian kept her dark green eyes closed, not wanting to see him or what he was going to do.


Maggie smiled softly as she watched Jake and Carl talk. She knew that Jake would have had better luck with talking to the boy than she did. She cared for the teen, and would have loved to have him around. Rick had been a roller coaster since the day they met, and she had no idea how Rick was handling him self lately with the loss of their dear friends. So she worried about Carl and the other who looked to him for answers. She wasn’t sure if Carl was going to be safe with his father. But, from the short talk she had with Rick, he seemed alright for the moment. Though now that he lost Maggie, it could push him back over the edge.

Maggie sighed happily in to jakes kiss, pushing her tongue against his. There was no way she could put to words how happy she was to be staying at Hilltop. She felt like she was turning back to herself before the fallout. She nodded to him and held his had as the walked out. She could still see that Ricks car was there, and Carl was leaded back sitting on the hood. He gave then a smile and a small wave. " Thanks for talking to him, I think it did him some good to have a 'man to man' with someone that hasn’t pretty much watched him grow up." She smiled up to Jake, nudging him with her shoulder.​
Not being stupid, Negan knew the kiss was half-hearted, maybe even less than that. Even so, the male just felt happy that she was playing with him at all. Things could have been going much differently but she had finally taken on the role. The whimpering told Negan everything he needed to know. “Don’t be stupid. Open your eyes. I don’t want you to even blink, girl. You better remember my face and take all of this in. If you keep your eyes closed, you will be punished. Besides, the wife will always look at her husband when they have sex. It’s illogical for the wife to keep her eyes closed.”

Negan sound offended by what she did and the anger was bubbling back up. Even so, he remained calm enough to look into her eyes and wait until they were opened before the male finally hovered on top of her properly and forced another kiss onto her lips. From there as her legs were still open, he suddenly shoved that thick, long cock of his inside the redheaded woman, making him groan out in pleasure and desire, loving how tight she clamped down on his length even though they just started.


“No thanks needed. I enjoy helping out.” Jake assured Maggie with a bright smile, nuzzling their noses together. The couple just sat together on the porch and he held his girlfriend’s hand. Of course, he was ecstatic that she felt so strongly about him that she was staying her. When Rick exited, he seemed pretty upset at Gregory and that did not surprise Jake. Not many people liked Gregory. How was he even referred to as the leader of Hilltop? It was beyond Jake’s knowledge for certain. Nonetheless, he kept focus on Maggie and watched as Rick and the others waved goodbye one more time to Maggie.

Most of them looked sad, some looked furious, and a few looked like they wanted to kill Jake. Nonetheless, the decision was made and the vehicles finally drove off from the gates of Hilltop and headed back to Alexandria. When they left, Jake pulled Maggie to sit in his lap and began kissing all down her neck and her shoulder. “So, how about that tour now? You can see where everything in our great community is.” The male offered before stealing another kiss from her lips, holding it for a few seconds, his eyes closing for a moment.
As Negan spoke to her eyes slowly opened, her dark green eyes meeting his. One thing she found strange about this man was if you looked at each individual feature, you could have sworn he was a kind man. His eye almost gentle, his smile wide a kind. Even sometimes his voice could have been soothing if his words weren't so cruel. But all together, he was twisted and terrifying. And if Vivian was so scared she would have laughed as he spoke about something being 'illogical'. After he was done speaking to her she nodded slowly. " I'm sorry…" she whispered to him.

She kept her eyes on him as he crawled on top of her. Thinking in her head ' this is really happening.' The thought almost broke her to tears. Again, his lips roughly pressed against hers. Without warning, she was suddenly over come with pain, as if she was being ripped in half. Vivian gave a hard gasp, holding her breath for a moment trying not to scream. Hearing him groan against her mouth she could hold it in. Pulling her lips away she let out a soft cry. Her body shuttered in pain, causing her to tighten more on his cock. " N-negan! Please! It h-hurts!" She cried out as tears fell from her eyes. Vivian badly want to push him away, but she was so scared that if he moved it would hurt more. Now one thing Negan might have felt a small pop, then some warmth. Seems Vivian was a virgin.


Maggie couldn’t help but laugh. " Of course you do. You're good guy Jake." She sighed sitting next to him, resting her head on his shoulder as they waited. Maggie wish she could have been in the room with Rick and Gregory. She wanted to know what Rick was planning. But as the group went through the door, she knew that whatever if was, didn’t go well at all. Jumping to her feet, none of them said a word to her. It broke her heart that they walked past her with not so much a glance. She tired to stop one of them, but they moved so fast that she couldn’t get a word in.

Standing there, watching them pile in to the cars. All she was left with was sad and cold looks, and waves. If she was so afraid of looking weak she could have cried. 'So that’s it, not a word or a hug?' Just when she felt herself about to shatter, she was pulled down on to Jakes lap. His lips lightly kissing at her skin. Maggie slowly closed her eye, losing herself in the moment. She tilted her head, letting out a soft moan. How badly she wanted more. "You keep this up, I'm going to want a different type of tour." She laughed as she kissed him. 'Maggie, pulled yourself together!' Pulling away she stood, hold a hand out to him. "C'mon. lets go." She said with a small laugh.​
Negan could hardly believe it. This bitch was really a virgin. It was nice knowing that he was the first man to fuck her, but damn she was wailing like a damn animal. “Would you just shut the hell up, please? I’m trying to enjoy myself. What kind of wife makes her husband stop during sex? What kind of wife complains during sex? See, I can talk to you while I do this because it fucking sucks so much. You better try harder. We’ll clean up this mess after. Now, pretend like you give a damn and stop crying. I don’t like to see tears when I’m horny.”

Negan was blunt and he was rude: as always. The male growled these words to her and suddenly kissed her lips. Instead of fucking her rough, though, he was actually gentle now. His hips did continue thrusting into her, sliding his cock as deep inside the woman as he could as he pressed against her cervix with each thrust. It made him moan and he was finally enjoying himself as he blocked out the annoyances that was her complaining. If she kept this up, he might actually reach his orgasm and feel satisfied with her.


Before they left, he pulled her back into his lap. “I just saw what happened. I’m going to make sure I take your mind off it. Don’t’ worry. You are mine. I am yours. Everything is alright.” He whispered, hoping to cheer up Maggie. So he kissed her again and playfully rolled his hips against hers. He did not mind her flirting with him or even being sexual out on the porch. It helped maintain a healthy relationship anyways. “Now, about that tour. Let’s go. Maybe when we finish for the night, we’ll come back and take that other tour you wanted.” He whispered with a wink.

Lacing their hands together and meshing their fingers, Jake walked towards the garden first. “The garden is just about 20 yards from my trailer. It’s all fenced and roped off. We grow everything we can here. Gosh, I don’t even know what we grow. Most of the women and older men deal with the gardening but they can always use the extra hand. From what you told me, it seemed like you know quite a bit about gardening. With that being said, I know you’re more than just a helpless woman that can only do dishes and work in the garden. I often go out on supply runs for medical supplies. You can come with me when I go, if you want.”
Vivian was taken back by what Negan said to her. His cruel words felt like a knife cutting deep in her chest. The fact that he truly did care made her feel worthless. Although he was getting angry with her, the point that he only talked down to Vivian could have been seen as a blessing. She took a deep breath and nodded to him. Trying her best to stop crying before things got worse. Wishing she could just close her eye again, maybe even try to make believe that he was someone else, or somewhere other than here. Her eyes stayed on his despite this only made her feel worse about her situation.

Watching him lean back to kiss her again she readied herself to return his kiss. Feeling Negan slowly pull out then reenter her tight sex, she couldn't believe that this was happening. His first few thrusts into her seemed to feel like daggers. But after a while, the pain became a dull ache, something she could block and start ' pretending like she gave a damn'. Soon, she started to moan softly onto his lips, her body not as tense. Taking it a step further, she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. She hated acting like she was enjoying this. But she had to survive, and right now this was the only way.


Maggie gave a sweet giggle as Jake pulled her back down to his lap. Listening to him she smile, with out saying a word she let him know that knew everything would be alright, as long as she had him. Tilting her head she leaned in to his kiss, a small moan passed her lips as he teased her. Bringing back memories of the night before. As much as she wished he would scoop her up and make love to her like last night. She knew that work needed to be done, for once she felt she had time to enjoy life. Maggie laughed again, as Jake talked about the tour, and the tour he would give later. " Mmm, you spoil me." She said kissing the corner of his lips before standing again.

As they walked she looked down at their hands, smiling as she though how perfectly they fit together. Surveying the garden she was somewhat impressed. Maggie only saw a few things that needed tweaking, but for the most part everything looked pretty good. "Well lucky for you, you have me to know what's being grown." She smirked at him " And trust me, I don’t mind or do I find it insulting to work here. It might seem minor, but just as important as any other job. Plus, I could use some rest from running for my life for a while" She joked, nudging him with her shoulder. " I'll tag a long with you one some runs though, you'll need me to keep you safe."​
It felt like the ultimate power and source of control over Vivian. Forcing her to pretend that she liked him fucking her when she hated it. Now, she actually started kissing him and even wrapping her arms around his neck. “See? That wasn’t so fucking tough, was it?” Negan growled as he knew it was self-explanatory. Even virgins could understand some of what to do during sex so she should have at least known to kiss him and touch him and not cry. Thankfully, she seemed past that stage and Negan was excited to get into the role as well.

In the most twisted way, Negan viewed this as making love. His hips slowly pulled back and thrust forward in a gentle manner with a constant pace. He was so well-endowed and pushed the tip of his cock as deep inside of Vivian. His eyes remained wide open while looking at Vivian. Her moans were hot even if they were not real and he just focused on them. “You’re making me horny as hell, Vivian. I might just cum inside of you soon at this rate.” He smirked, loving to plant that seed in her mind that soon she would be full of his semen.


“You make me happy, do you realize that?” Jake smiled, leaning down to give her another kiss. Agriculture was the main source of supplies for the Hilltop. “As you know, we do not have any guns. Negan controls us as well and we are not allowed to have them. We do have things like swords, bows, knives, and other things. I do have a stash that I keep outside the walls. I know it is dangerous but I refuse to let everyone be unprotected.” The male added and he had taken on a leadership role. Gregory might look like he was the leader, but that was not true.

Jake was more of a leader than he would ever be and it showed that people loved him. As they walked together, he continued to explain other locations. The main location was the Barrington House. It was basically a mansion. It was where Gregory lived and where most supplies were located. Everything else was essentially residential trailers. Walls were everywhere for protection and there were a few posts to keep watch around all the corners of the colony. They just walked together for an hour or so before it was over. “So, do you have any questions, Princess?” He asked, trying out the nickname with her.
Vivian wished he would just stop talking. He has yet say anything to make her feel better about the situation. Although, she was pretty sure that was the point. His talking down to her, belittling and almost humiliating was his way of showing his power over Vivian. On the up side, she felt that as far as sex went, the worst was over. The pain no longer feeling as if he was tearing her tightness apart. His shear mass, now just causing discomfort. Vivian shook her head to him in reply. Even though, she disagreed. This was the worst. Just thinking about all she had to endure since meeting this man, she wondered how she was still sane.

At this point the only real pain she felt what when he was completely filling her. It felt as if he was in her stomach, but he was being gentle, and Vivian was thankful for that. She kept with her soft moans, holding on to him tightly. Her finger slightly dug into Negan's back as he mentioned cumming inside her. Surely he was joking, this was the point she desperately wish she had the nerve to tell him to stop. Negan's smirk told her that he wasn’t. The thought of him filling her with his seed stressed her, and her faced showed it.


Maggie smile and lean into Jakes kiss. Laughing softly " Happy for now. Just as long as you keep me on a short leash." Taking his hand again as the walked about Hilltop.. Hearing Jake say that mans name made her frown. Thinking back to what he did to her friends and the dream she just had the night before. Her chest tighten for a moment. Maggie didn’t have time to mourn, she planned to do that once Negan was dead. Shaking her head she looked at him. " No, its dangerous to allow a man like that to have this much control. Jake, the risks you are willing to take to help these people, and myself." She sighed looking back to the Barrington house, then back him. " We need more people like you to take charge."

As they walked Maggie thought about how much Hilltop looked like an old medieval village. One good thing about the break out what it brought people bac to a more simple life. Sure she missed phones, shopping, and all the things before. But this was nice, she never gets the chance to enjoy the little good left in the world. She smirked and raised and eye brow at him when her called her 'Princess' She didn’t hate it, Jake could have called her anything as long as it was out of love. " Yeah, I have to ask. And sorry if this is too forward or out of line. But if everyone hates Gregory so much, why not strip him of his power here? Someone who is willing to fight and not hide in his walls, I mean…Look, Jake. I just have a bad feeling about that man." She whispered the last part. "I don't think he should be trusted."​
Well, Negan thought he had tormented her quite enough. He could have continued growing angry when she looked almost disgusted when the male suggested having an orgasm inside her. Instead of doing that, he just focused on making it happen. The male continued kissing his new wife while his hips still maintained a slow pace. Any bystander that did not know their story could have thought this was truly a man and his wife making love. There was nothing rough or harmful about what Negan was doing right now in his actions. Finally, he did feel his orgasm growing near thanks to how aroused Vivian made him.

After a few more pumps inside of her, he did not even give her a warning other than moaning her name right against her ear, Negan reached his orgasm. Four spurts of his thick, sticky semen burst from the tip of his cock in ropes as it filled Vivian to the brim. While reaching this natural high, Negan moaned again as he rode out the feeling of this orgasm, even kissing her harder while he was coming down from the high, cuddling and making out with her just like they were a real married couple, again. Negan had no care for how she felt.


“Don’t apologize. You hit the nail right on the head. I don’t like Gregory. Not many people do. He was the leader because when the outbreak started, this place was a safe zone ran by FEMA and the military. Well, like all safe zones, the military deserted the place and Gregory was here first. He technically allowed everyone else here now a chance to be in the Colony and people think they owe him. Plus, nobody has been wiling to step up and be THE leader not just A leader, but the head person of Hilltop, nobody else wants that.”

Jake looked to Maggie and sighed. “Well, I thought about it. I know I could do better than Gregory but he has allowed some of Negan’s henchmen that come to collect every two weeks the chance to kill anyone who was out of line. Once, there was this nice man, a few years older than me that had expressed how he hated Gregory and thought they should change. Gregory got wind of it and when the Saviors arrived the next time, well, I just haven’t seen him since. I know what happened even if Gregory denies it. It’s a huge risk… but I don’t like having to worry about the Saviors all the time. I want to keep these people safe, especially you now that you’re in my life. This just might be what I need for that extra motivation to ensure Gregory never endangers someone again.
Vivian didn't mean to react the way she did. She honestly trying to control her emotions now around Negan, learning out easily set off he can get. The only way she knew to make it better was to act as if she was enjoying this. Even she knew he didn’t care if she really did. Her moans sounded more genuine. Vivian even ran her hand softly down his back as he gently thrust into her. There was a brief moment that even she got lost in the moment. Her body betraying her as she felt pure pleasure, even Negan could tell that her moans changed into soft pleasing sighs. She almost closed her eyes, not because of the reason before, but because for the first time it felt nice.

Her eyes snapped open before closing all the way when she felt something hot filling her. Negan cock now throbbing as he released his sperm deep inside her. The sound of him moaning her name sent a chill down her spine, as if felt like his cum was never going to stop. Vivian recalled not to long ago that she for a few seconds was enjoying herself. Embarrassed, her face grew hot as her cheek grew a light shade of pink. Maybe Negan didn’t notice, he was more about himself than her. As he kissed her, Vivian knew she had to get her head back in the game. Her arms now wrapping around his neck, tighter this time feeling his chest firmly against hers as he came down from his high. Negan's breathing just slightly heavier than before. 'Why hasn’t he pulled out?' she thought, now feeling his seed seep out of her sex.


Maggie gave an 'I know' smirk when Jake said she was right. She nodded as he explained how things came to be at Hilltop. None of it right, normally people fallow those who is strong, not the person who was there first. It was sad that all this could have been stopped if someone more able lead. Yes Jake would have been great at the job. But that also meant he would have a target on his back at all times. Maggie wasn’t sure if she could handle that. Then again, she was just one person. What about the rest here that could gain from him, who already has. He was a great man that she with she could keep all to herself. No matter what Jake chose to do, she would stand by him.

It was like Jake read her mind and she laughed. " I have a few idea I would like to cross by you on that matter. But not here, not now. Just incase." She smiled and looked at him, using her hand to block the midmorning sun. " Though, I would like t know when we should be expecting them." Her gaze when over the garden, watching the people work for a moment." Also, how many people live here? If Negan takes half of the food, I would like to start planning out better ways to grow here to make sure there is enough food for everyone." Her green eyes meeting his again. " I want to help to make sure we are doing more than just surviving."​
When Negan felt his orgasm reach, he kept his eyes open on Vivian’s face. He wanted to know how she would react to this and he wondered how she might act since he had filled her with his semen. He saw that she was blushing and he could tell that she was enjoying herself at one point. Negan could do that to a woman. Even if she was not fully consenting and did not actually want him, he knew how to make a woman feel good. He knew that he could make Vivian cum if he tried enough but he did not care about that at the moment.

Instead, he kept inside of her and let his hands rest around her waist. He suddenly kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth. “Usually I make my wives sleep in their own room. However, I think you might get the privilege of sleeping with me in here tonight, sweetheart. Would you like that?” He cooed softly, obviously looking for her to act like a good wife. This continued her psychological torment and the male enjoyed bothering her like he was. This was perfect. Negan was having so much fun right now.


Jake appreciated the interest Maggie was taking with the colony. He thought about how many days they had before the Saviors entered and he responded. “Five days. They come every 14 days. No earlier. No Later. If they don’t have a certain amount of supplies, they will be angry. For our colony capacity, we currently have 38 people, including yourself now.” Jake added, enjoying that he could include Maggie in the count of how many people lived in the Hilltop now. After telling this to Maggie, he wrapped an arm around her waist while looking around the Hilltop.

“Not all 38 are abled bodies, though. There are many elders and children here. I honestly don’t know how many people we have that can fight if needed. I think I’m probably the strongest here physically. Most other adults are closer to their 40s if not teenagers.” It was a tough spot to be in if they were attacked and it was tough for anyone else to do supply runs. “I think that covers it. Do you have any other questions?” He asked, tilting his head towards the sexy brunette, keeping an arm wrapped tight around her waist. While waiting for his answer, Jake started kissing Maggie’s neck, slowly at first, just loving how soft her skin felt against his lips.
Negan's eye stayed on her face as if her was reading her like a book. Vivian didn’t know out to react to him, his eye locked on her made her very uncomfortable. She knew that’s he couldn’t show that. In his sick twisted mind she was his wife. Vivian barely knew how to be a decent girlfriend before all this. Thinking back to her own mother, and how she loved her father. That might be a good way to start. It would still be difficult, but now know what to expect from Negan in bed, Vivian felt she could deal with him for the time, till she was able to make her escape.

It felt like his eyes were on her face for hours till he leaned down, kissing her roughly. His tongue invading her mouth, Vivian allowed it, not fighting against him. She honestly did have the energy to do so. She just tilting her head, taking in his kiss. Negan's velvet voice rang in her ears once again. She nodded to him. "Yes, I would." One thing she gained from his words was that she would have her own room and bed, and that this was just for one night. Although, she also knew that she was fresh to Negan, she would have his attention for a while longer till her newness wore off. Till then, she was playing by his rules.


Maggie looked off into the distance, taking in what Jake said. Even if Hilltop teamed up with Rick, that didn’t leave them with a lot of people to fight back. She shook her head, hanging it as she thought ' This is all so wrong.' Looking though her hair at the elder men and women that tended the garden. There was no chance to fight back and win. Not with out putting so many people at risk. If they were to fight back, if couldn’t be a head on war. They would need to find away to take them out stealthily. Right now she couldn’t think of how to even start with such a plan. Rick did try to talk to Gregory, but knowing him, he fucked it up. Maggie laughed at the though of what Rick said to him.

Maggie leaning her elbows on to the fence, staring at the ground. "then we cant fight…" She paused, looking over her shoulder to him before setting back up. " For now, I would like to get a chance to talk to Gregory, not now. Not for a while, till We can think of way to properly deal with the situation." She sighed closing her eyes as she felt Jake lips kiss her neck, tilting her head to give him better access. " Though, a man his age shouldn’t be in a position that could cause him too much stress. Its not good for the heart." She said in a way that would be an idea on how to deal with him, without making it look like he was dealt with. She smirked turning to face Jake. Pressing her lips to his.​
“Good answer, Vivian. I knew you were a fast learner.” Negan mused before finally removing his cock from inside of her. The male did not care about any consequences having an orgasm inside this woman meant. Whatever happened, happened. He did not care much about anyone else other than himself. Finally, Negan slumped down beside of Vivian in the bed and rolled onto his side, facing the redheaded woman. Tonight, they were cuddling like they were two lovers. He was not worried about what might happen in the middle of the night. Negan was a light sleeper. If she so much as shifted in his arms, he would know.

“Good night, my wife. Sleep well. I cannot wait to see what adventures await for us in a new day.” The captor smirked and even pressed a kiss to her cheek again before his eyes closed and he pulled the covers over their bodies. His arms tightly wrapped around her body and pulled her against his chest into a proper cuddling positon. He did not even offer her the dignity of having a chance to clean herself before they went to sleep. Unfortuantely for her, she would be soaked with his seed until the morning.


Jake smirked right back against Maggie’s lips. They could talk to Gregory, but not right now. “You know, he does not like that you’re staying here. Don’t worry, though. I will not let anything happen. Besides, he could not physically pick you up and throw you out even if he was twenty years younger. Plus, he does not have the balls to come tell you that he wants you gone himself. If he tries anything, though, tell me. I have kept my mouth shut so far about how I feel. The second he comes after you, I will stop my silence.”

Sighing, Jake pulled back as he looked at Maggie leaning over the gate with her elbows propped onto it. “Might I add, this is a fine view.” He teased, loving to see her thick, firm ass in her jeans. “I’ll be taking watch in a few minutes. Would you like to join me? There’s a chair. You can sit on my lap while I watch.” Jake added with a little wink, placing one hand onto her shoulder. This must be what love felt like. Jake felt like he could be himself around Maggie and never have to pretend to be anything else. It was a glorious feeling, something he adored already.
Vivian gave a soft sigh as Negan pulled his length out of her. It was finally over, and she was relieved that after this night she would have her own place away from this man. He pulled her tightly to him, she didn’t fight back. As he held her close to his chest, Vivian laid there, eyes wide open unsure that after all that if she could even fall asleep herself. Many thing filling her mind, she fact that she was full of his semen, and what that could mean for her. She could still feel him invading her. Vivian did her best to lay as still as she could while in his arms. Wondering what sort of adventures he had in mind before feeling his lips on her cheek.

Laying there Vivian mind never stopped, thinking more about what if she didn’t take his offer, would she be dead now and would she be better off. Soon, she could hear Negan's breathing, he was asleep. As much as she would hate to admit it, it was soothing in a way. Her eyes started to become heavy, as much as she fought it, she didn’t want to sleep this close to Negan like this, she didn’t trust him. Before she knew it, she was fast asleep. This was the deepest sleep she has had in a long time. If she did move, it was just to make herself more comfortable. At some point she rolled over facing him. Her face nuzzling into Negan's chest curling up next to him in an almost child like manner where she stayed for the rest of the night till morning.


Maggie smiled to him and shrugged. " I'm not surprised. He doesn't seem to like anyone who could threaten his posh life here. And I sure he knows the longer I'm here and the more Rick and the other come and talk to his people. Right now I think he knows his time in power is coming to an end. And I would count on the fact that he doesn’t have the balls to try anything. You back anyone in a corner they will lash out. But trust me, I'm not worried about him or what he thinks he can do. I know You'll have my back, and if you do, so does your people." She looked back at him, seeing his eyes glace to her rear.

She smirked and gave her butt a little wiggle for him before laughing. Wrapping her arms around him laying her head onto his chest. Feeling his close would never get old, Jake was truly and amazing man. " You know I do, but you realize that being on watch means to watch something other than me?" She leaned up, kissing his neck. " I would hate to distract you." Looking over his shoulders she caught Gregory looking at them through a window. "Looks like your not the only one watching." She said in an annoyed tone. That was something she was going to have to get used to. Gregory was going to watch her like a hawk.​
When Negan awoke the following morning, the first thing he noticed was how close Vivian rolled into his chest during the night. It brought a smirk on his face. She seemed to be resting peacefully and he did not dare disturb her. Instead, he allowed his newest plaything and wife to sleep and rest because she would need it for today. Even though there were many things on Negan’s agenda today, he was not worried about anything. He simply was going to take today slow and just enjoy himself. Sure, it meant he would probably leave Vivian for a while, but he would make time for her.

He kept silent and still as a corpse until he saw that Vivian was waking up. Whenever the woman opened her eyes, he greeted her with a smile and even kissed her on the lips. “Good morning to you. It looks like someone had a nice night of sleep.” The captor teased his captive, immediately harassing her as soon as she woke up this morning. He was not giving her any breaks or any amount of freedom. It was constant bombardment and Negan kept their eyes locked, a wide smirk on his face.


Jake just ignored Gregory. “I know, babe. Let’s not allow him to ruin our happiness today, though.” He whispered softly and suddenly scooped the brunette into his arms. One arm was underneath her neck. The other arm was underneath her knees. He carried her like a bride towards the tower where he would watch from. After sitting her down, he allowed her to climb up first before he followed her. There were a couple chairs for people to sit in but Jake pulled up one for himself and then pulled his girlfriend down onto his lap. His arms wrapped gently around her waist as he looked out over the wall, the rifle close beside him.

“I love this.” He admitted, his head rested just beneath her breasts as he could feel her arm rub against his head. “I’m only on watch for a couple hours. After that, I’m free for the day.” Jake mused so Maggie would know how long he would be here if she wished to leave at any point during his watch. Until then, he just kept Maggie in his lap but he did pay close attention to the area he was watching, understanding how important his job was.
Vivian may have seemed like she was sleeping peacefully, but her dreams were dark and full of heartache. Strangely, it had nothing to do with Negan. She was back at school, in her dorm room on the first day things went to hell. She was looking for her friend and roommate Sydney, hung over from the night before. Vivian was alone, unlike what really happened. But in her dream, this was how things played out. " Sydney?" She was looking down the hall when she saw the tall blond staggering around. Before, she thought Sydney was still drunk. In the back of her mind she knew something was wrong. As she approached her Sydney turned around, half her face was eaten off. Vivian overcome with fear couldn’t scream or say anything. She backed herself against a wall as Sydney came at her.

It was at this point Vivian started stir against Negan, her body trying to wake up. She felt his lips on hers, her eyes snapping open. Vivian didn’t even catch what he said before she squealed, trying to jump up away from him. He mind still on the dream, thinking her face was about to bitten. Getting caught up in the blanket she tumbled out of his bed landing hard on the floor. At this point all he could hear was her cussing at herself. Her red hair and face peeking over the side of the bed almost child like, realizing what just happened. " Sorry- I didn’t- I thought- And I- Sorry! " She fumbled over her words knowing that there was a good chance Negan was going to be pissed, no matter how she explained herself.


Maggie giggled as Jake scooped her up in his arms. Giving a glance back to the window where Gregory stood, though gone now. She smiled, feeling amused that her being there annoyed him. Resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her off. Once at the watch tower she started to climb up, after a few steps she looked down at him. "Is this just another way for you to stare at my butt again." She laughed before climbing the rest of the way. Stepping on the platform she looked at the chairs, the over Hilltop watching the people move about. Maggie had a feeling she was going to enjoy it here, but like always she didn’t know how long it would last. The past placed she lived all seem great, till disaster struck. But there were different people, so she hope the bad luck was just with Rick.

Sitting in Jakes lap she was able to now see the view over the wall. It was all so calm and peaceful. Sighing she rested her cheek on top of Jake's head. " Well the day is still young, anything could happen." She said letting a minute pass before speaking again. " You know, if you need more people to take watching shifts, I can do it." Pulling away to see his face to see what he thought of the idea. Maggie wouldn’t mind taking time from the crops to help watch over Hilltop. Remembering what Jake said about the able bodies that could fight if needed. She just wanted to do her part, and show Jake that she wasn’t just a pretty face. She has done enough killing to know that she had what it took to take care of him and the people there.​
“Ow. Damn. What the fuck?!” Negan roared because Vivian smacked her face against his when she tumbled out of the bed. Just then, she started explaining herself. Being the rational human being that Negan was, he put a few things together: this woman just had a horrific experience of being kidnapped and raped by him, she was still in his bed, she probably was startled because she had a bad dream. It would be asinine to punish her for this. She could not help it. Negan knew that… but did he care? Nope! Sliding off from the bed, he looked down at her.

“Stay down there, girl. Don’t you move.” Soon, Negan was standing in front of her, making her do whatever he wanted. “Now, get on your knees. Beg for forgiveness. Tell me who you are and make me believe that you’re sorry. Otherwise, I will put you out in the fucking yard and let you play games with my pet walkers. Don’t test me. I am angry early in the morning. I’m sure you can understand I don’t like dealing with bullshit this early, not at all really but I prefer it in the evening, not the morning.”


“Of course. I usually schedule the watch times. I’ll make sure to work you into the rotation.” Jake added. “Just don’t sit on anyone else’s lap when you’re on watch, though.” He teased, knowing good and well he had nothing to worry about. The next couple hours passed quickly. Not much happened beyond the wall of their colony. In fact, he dare say it was relaxing. Jake told Maggie more about himself. He loved sports and played college football. He had always wanted to be a doctor because his parents were both doctors themselves. Plus, he loves helping people.

Then, he talked about two brothers that he has. Unfortunately, they were far away from him when the outbreak started. Basically, he was alone except for his wife and children when this all went to hell. He did not talk about them much, though. They did die at the start of everything and he had been alone for the past three years. Maggie’s company was not something he jumped too because of a dead wife. Clearly if he waited that long, this was special to him. They were finally done on watch and were relieved. He held Maggie’s hand, lacing their fingers together as they walked back towards his trailer. “If there’s nothing else you want to see or do right now, we could head back to my place. I’ll see if anyone needs any help at the medical trailer. If not, I will join you immediately.”
Vivian knew as soon as Negan got out of his bed and walked over to her, that this wasn’t a good thing. She looked up at him not daring to stand. Her green eyes looking over his body, her face flushed as she realized he was still naked. This was the first time she really got to see him like this, in the light, and not hovering over her. It was a surprise to see just how fit he was. Though if she wasn’t so traumatized last night, she might have taken a moment to admire this about him. Under his jacket, he almost seemed he would have been a bit more heavy set. Catching her self looking at him almost in awe she looked down to his feet, swallowing hard as he spoke to her. The more he when on she more fearful she became, she couldn’t help but tremble before him.

Her head hanging, struggling to find the right words to not piss him off further, or even speak at all. " I'm so sorry…" Her voice trembled as she looked up to his face that glared down at her. " I'm Negan! I Swear! I didn’t mean to do that. I’m-I'm your wife." Calling herself his wife put a lump in her throat " It wont happed again, I wasn’t trying to run! I want to-to stay with you!" The lump felt bigger as she fought back tears " Please forgive me, please!" Her eyes stayed on his face as she plead. She didn’t want to stay with him, but she didn’t want to die. "Please, Negan. I'm sorry." Her voice was desperate, fighting back tears.


Maggie looked down at him and smirked. " Is there anything you don’t do? And maybe when I'm on watch, you can come and sit on my lap." She wicked at him, kissing his forehead. As the sat looking over the wall, she took in the peace and quite. It was so nice to not have yelling or drama. Sadly that’s all that seemed to happen with Rick and his group. She was sure that would happen as soon as he got back and told everyone about her and Gregory. Though apart of her wished she was there to help figure out what to do. She felt idle, and she wasn’t used to that. Her mind raced about what they could be planning, only stopping when Jake started his tale, giving only him her attention.

The next person showed up as soon as he was done telling her his story. She knew all about losing her family, she was all that was left of hers, so she understood his pain. As they walked he gave her the choice of going back home, she shook her head sweetly, there was still daylight. " You don’t mind if I walked around for a while and meet you later. I think I like to meet some more people" She was sure that he wouldn’t mind, " I'll meet you back here." After that she wondered about, chit-chatting with some of the elder people before heading back. Poking her head in she saw that she was there first. Instead of waiting inside she sat on the stairs of the trailer.​
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